/// <summary>
        /// Use prediction engine to create a series of purchase that are correlated by suggestions, not use all the users, but only a portion of them
        /// </summary>
        public void PurchaseModelInsertion()
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(conn_str))
                    var predictionengine = TrainModelAction();
                    //foreach purchase already present select productID and check with all other ID using the prediction engine
                    var purchaseList = connection.Query <CorePurchase>("SELECT * FROM CorePurchase").ToList();

                    //declare the adjunctive purchase list
                    List <CorePurchase> purchase = new List <CorePurchase>();
                    Random dayRand = new Random();
                    Random qtaRand = new Random();
                    foreach (var elem in purchaseList)
                        //modify the span to be more accurate
                        var productList = connection.Query <CoreProduct>("SELECT * FROM CoreProduct WHERE ProdID<@LastID AND ProdID>@FirstID", new { LastID = elem.ProductID + 20, FirstID = elem.ProductID - 20 }).ToList();
                        foreach (var prod in productList)
                            var prediction = predictionengine.Predict(
                                new ProductEntry()
                                ProductID           = Convert.ToUInt32(elem.ProductID),
                                CoPurchaseProductID = Convert.ToUInt32(prod.ProdID)

                            //modify the percentage to be more or less precise while inserting
                            if (prediction.Score > 0.2)
                                int qta = qtaRand.Next(0, 100);
                                int day = dayRand.Next(0, 730);
                                //create new purchase
                                CorePurchase tmp = new CorePurchase()
                                    ProductID    = elem.ProductID,
                                    UserID       = elem.UserID,
                                    PurchaseDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-day),
                                    Quantity     = qta
                                //insert inside the database the purchase

                }catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// The function creates purchase for each client inside the product list, for optimization reasons
        /// a bins of 10000 users and 10000 elements is choosen each time to avoid problems with the
        /// number of records inside the tables
        /// </summary>
        public void InsertPurchase()
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(conn_str))
                    //int prodNum = 262110;
                    //int usrNum = 20000;
                    int prodNum = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CoreProduct");
                    int usrNum  = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CoreUser");

                    //create random purchase for each user
                    Random usrRand  = new Random();
                    Random prodRand = new Random();
                    Random dayRand  = new Random();
                    Random qtaRand  = new Random();

                    //set a number of purchase -> for base purchasing
                    int purchaseNumber           = 300000;
                    List <CorePurchase> purchase = new List <CorePurchase>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < purchaseNumber; i++)
                        int ui  = usrRand.Next(0, usrNum);
                        int pi  = prodRand.Next(1, prodNum);
                        int qta = qtaRand.Next(0, 100);
                        int day = dayRand.Next(0, 730);

                        //CoreUser tmp_user = db_user.tblCoreUser.Find(ui);
                        //CoreProduct tmp_prod = db_prod.tblCoreProduct.Find(pi);

                        CoreUser    tmp_user = connection.QueryFirst <CoreUser>("SELECT * FROM CoreUser WHERE ID=@UserID", new { UserID = ui });
                        CoreProduct tmp_prod = connection.QueryFirst <CoreProduct>("SELECT * FROM CoreProduct WHERE ProdID=@ProdID", new { ProdID = pi });

                        //create the association
                        CorePurchase cp = new CorePurchase()
                            ProductID    = tmp_prod.ProdID,
                            UserID       = tmp_user.ID,
                            Quantity     = qta,
                            PurchaseDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-day)


                        //wait for 1000 and insert
                        if (i % 10000 == 0)
                            //db = new CorePurchaseContext();

                    if (purchase.Count > 0)
                        //db = new CorePurchaseContext();
                }catch (Exception ex)