Ejemplo n.º 1
        public AnalyticsPage()
            this.Title = "App Analytics";

            var lst = new CoreListView()
                ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(AnalyticsPageCell))

            lst.SetBinding(CoreListView.ItemsSourceProperty, "AnalyticLogs");

            var btnClear = new CoreButton()
                Text         = "Clear",
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                AutomationId = "btnClear"

            btnClear.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "ClearAnalyticEntries");

            Content = new CompressedStackLayout()
                Padding  = 20,
                Spacing  = 10,
                Children = { lst, btnClear }
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public AuthenticationMain()
            this.Title = "Authentications";

            var googleAuth = new CoreButton()
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Text         = "Google Authentication",
                AutomationId = "googleAuth"

            googleAuth.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "GoogleAuth");

            var facebookAuth = new CoreButton()
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Text         = "FaceBook Authentication",
                AutomationId = "facebookAuth"

            facebookAuth.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "FaceBookAuth");

            var msAuth = new CoreButton()
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Text         = "Microsoft Authentication",
                AutomationId = "msAuth"

            msAuth.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "MicrosoftAuth");

            var lblToken = new Label();

            lblToken.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "AccessToken");

            var stack = new StackContainer(true)
                Padding  = 20,
                Spacing  = 10,
                Children = { googleAuth, facebookAuth, msAuth, lblToken, new StackLayout()
                                 HeightRequest = 5
                             } }

            Content = new ScrollView()
                Content = stack
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public SomePage()
            this.Title = "Some Page";

            var header = new Label()
                Text   = "Enter Text:",
                Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 0)
            var entry = new CoreMaskedEntry()
                Margin = 5

            entry.SetBinding(CoreMaskedEntry.TextProperty, "SomeText");

            var lbl = new Label()
                Margin = 5

            lbl.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, new Binding(path: "SomeText", converter: CoreSettings.UpperText));

            var btn = new CoreButton()
                Text   = "Some Action",
                Style  = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Margin = 5

            btn.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, "SomeAction");

            var lstCount = new Label()
                Margin = 5

            lstCount.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, new Binding(path: "TotalItems", stringFormat: "Total count is {0}"));

            Content = new StackLayout()
                Padding  = 20,
                Children = { header, entry, lbl, btn, lstCount }
        public ErrorsPage()
            this.Title = "App Errors";

            var lst = new CoreListView()
                ItemTemplate     = new DataTemplate(typeof(ErrorsPageCell)),
                ItemClickCommand = new Command((obj) => {
                    var log = (ErrorLog)obj;
                    VM.DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt()
                        Title   = "Error",
                        Message = log.ErrorMessage

            lst.SetBinding(CoreListView.ItemsSourceProperty, "ErrorLogs");

            var btnAdd = new CoreButton()
                Text         = "Add",
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                AutomationId = "btnAdd",

            btnAdd.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "CreateErrorEntry");

            var btnClear = new CoreButton()
                Text         = "Clear",
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                AutomationId = "btnClear"

            btnClear.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "ClearErrorEntries");

            Content = new StackContainer(true)
                Padding  = 20,
                Spacing  = 10,
                Children = { lst, btnAdd, btnClear }
        public LocalizationMain()
            this.Title = "Localization";

            var lblGreeting = new Label()
                FontSize = 50,
                HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,

            lblGreeting.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "GreetingText");

            var lblUserName = new Label();

            lblUserName.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "UserNameText");

            var txtUserName = new CoreMaskedEntry();
            var lblPassword = new Label();

            lblPassword.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "PasswordText");

            var txtPassword = new CoreMaskedEntry()
                IsPassword = true

            var btnLogin = new CoreButton()
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                AutomationId = "errors",

            btnLogin.SetBinding(CoreButton.TextProperty, "LoginText");

            Content = new CoreStackLayout()
                StartColor = Color.White,
                EndColor   = Color.Black,
                Padding    = 20,
                Spacing    = 15,
                Children   = { lblGreeting, lblUserName, txtUserName, lblPassword, txtPassword, btnLogin }
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public AddPerson()
            this.Title = "Add Person";

            var lblFirstName = new Label()
                Text   = "First Name:",
                Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 0)
            var txtFirstName = new CoreMaskedEntry()
                Margin = 5

            txtFirstName.SetBinding(CoreMaskedEntry.TextProperty, "FirstName");

            var lblLastName = new Label()
                Text   = "Last Name",
                Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 0)
            var txtLastName = new CoreMaskedEntry()
                Margin = 5

            txtLastName.SetBinding(CoreMaskedEntry.TextProperty, "LastName");

            var btnAddPerson = new CoreButton()
                Text   = "Add Person",
                Style  = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Margin = 5

            btnAddPerson.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, "AddPerson");

            Content = new StackLayout()
                Padding  = 20,
                Children = { lblFirstName, txtFirstName, lblLastName, txtLastName, btnAddPerson }
        public CompressedGrid CreateDataTrigger()
            var box = new BoxView()
                HeightRequest   = 28,
                WidthRequest    = 28,
                BackgroundColor = Color.Crimson

            var fadeAnimation = new CoreTriggerAction()
                Animation = new CoreFadeToAnimation()
                    Target   = box,
                    Duration = "300",
                    Opacity  = 0

            var trigger = new DataTrigger(typeof(Button))
                Binding      = new Binding(path: "ClickCount", mode: BindingMode.TwoWay),
                Value        = 3,
                EnterActions = { fadeAnimation }

            var btn = new CoreButton()
                Text     = "Data Trigger (3)",
                Style    = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Triggers = { trigger }

            btn.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "ClickEvent");

            var grid = new CompressedGrid();

            grid.AddChild(box, 0, 0);
            grid.AddChild(btn, 0, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public ProfilePage()
            this.Title = "Profile";
            var marginEdge = 20;
            var img        = new CachedImage()
                Source = "featherimage.png",
                Margin = 5
            var txtTitle = new Label()
                Text      = "Update your profile to include your image on the left.",
                FontSize  = 22,
                Margin    = 5,
                TextColor = Color.DarkGray

            var topPanel = new StackLayout()
                Margin      = new Thickness(20, 25, 20, 25),
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                Children    = { img, txtTitle }

            var lblFName = new Label()
                Text  = "First Name",
                Style = CoreStyles.LabelHeader,
            var txtFName = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Style = CoreStyles.TodoEntryStyle

            txtFName.SetBinding(CoreUnderlineEntry.TextProperty, "CurrentUser.FirstName");

            var lblLName = new Label()
                Text  = "Last Name",
                Style = CoreStyles.LabelHeader,
            var txtLName = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Style = CoreStyles.TodoEntryStyle

            txtLName.SetBinding(CoreUnderlineEntry.TextProperty, "CurrentUser.LastName");

            var lblPassword = new Label()
                Text  = "Password",
                Style = CoreStyles.LabelHeader
            var txtPassword = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Style      = CoreStyles.TodoEntryStyle,
                IsPassword = true

            txtPassword.SetBinding(CoreUnderlineEntry.TextProperty, "Password");

            var lblConfirmPassword = new Label()
                Text  = "Confirm Password",
                Style = CoreStyles.LabelHeader,
            var txtConfirmPassword = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Style = CoreStyles.TodoEntryStyle

            txtConfirmPassword.SetBinding(CoreUnderlineEntry.TextProperty, "ConfirmPassword");

            var btnSave = new CoreButton()
                Text   = "SAVE",
                Style  = CoreStyles.LightOrangeButton,
                Margin = new Thickness(marginEdge, 10, marginEdge, 25),

            btnSave.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "SaveProfile");

            var content = new StackLayout()
                Children =

            Content = new ScrollView {
                Content = content
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public ServicesMain()
            this.Title = "Services";

            var http = new CoreButton()
                Text         = "Http Services",
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                AutomationId = "http",
                Command      = new Command(async(obj) =>
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new HttpServicesPage());

            var httpPost = new CoreButton()
                Text         = "Http Post",
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                AutomationId = "httpPost",

            httpPost.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "HttpPost");

            var httpDownload = new CoreButton()
                Text         = "Http Download",
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                AutomationId = "httpDownload",

            httpDownload.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "LongDownload");

            var sqlite = new CoreButton()
                Text         = "Sqlite",
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                AutomationId = "sqlite",
                Command      = new Command(async(obj) =>
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new SqlitePage());

            var encrypt = new CoreButton()
                Text         = "Encryption",
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                AutomationId = "encrypt",
                Command      = new Command(async(obj) =>
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new EncryptionPage());

            var analytics = new CoreButton()
                Text         = "Analytics",
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                AutomationId = "analytics",
                Command      = new Command(async(obj) =>
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new AnalyticsPage());

            var errors = new CoreButton()
                Text         = "Errors",
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                AutomationId = "errors",
                Command      = new Command(async(obj) =>
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new ErrorsPage());

            var timerSrv = new CoreButton()
                Text         = "Background Timer",
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                AutomationId = "timerSrv",

            timerSrv.SetBinding(CoreButton.TextProperty, "BackgroundButtonTitle");
            timerSrv.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "StartBackgrounding");

            var stack = new CompressedStackLayout()
                Padding  = 20,
                Spacing  = 10,
                Children = { http, httpPost, httpDownload, sqlite, encrypt, analytics, errors, timerSrv, new StackLayout()
                                 HeightRequest = 5
                             } }

            Content = new ScrollView()
                Content = stack
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public AddTodoPage()
            this.Title = "Add Todo Item";
            var marginEdge = 20;

            var img = new CachedImage()
                Source = "featherimage.png",
                Margin = 5
            var txtTitle = new Label()
                Text      = "Create a new item and specify the date for completion.",
                FontSize  = 22,
                Margin    = 5,
                TextColor = Color.DarkGray

            var topPanel = new StackLayout()
                Margin      = new Thickness(20, 25, 20, 25),
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                Children    = { img, txtTitle }

            var lblDescription = new Label()
                Text  = "Description",
                Style = CoreStyles.LabelHeader,
            var txtDescription = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Style = CoreStyles.TodoEntryStyle

            txtDescription.SetBinding(CoreUnderlineEntry.TextProperty, "CurrentItem.Description");

            var lblDueDate = new Label()
                Text  = "Due Date",
                Style = CoreStyles.LabelHeader,
            var pickerDueDate = new CoreDatePicker()
                Style = CoreStyles.TodoPickerStyle

            pickerDueDate.SetBinding(CoreDatePicker.DateProperty, new Binding(path: "CurrentItem.CompleteByDate", mode: BindingMode.TwoWay, converter: AppConverters.DateLong));

            var spacer = new StackLayout()
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

            var btnSave = new CoreButton()
                Text   = "SAVE",
                Style  = CoreStyles.LightOrangeButton,
                Margin = new Thickness(marginEdge, 10, marginEdge, 25),

            btnSave.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "SaveCurrentItem");

            Content = new StackLayout()
                Children =
        public CommunicationPage()
            this.Title = "Communication";

            var lbl = new Label()
                TextColor = Color.Gray,
                Text      = "Phone Number",
                FontSize  = 14,
                Margin    = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 1)

            phoneNum = new CoreMaskedEntry()
                MaskPattern = "(###) ###-####",
                Margin      = new Thickness(5, 1, 5, 1),
                Keyboard    = Keyboard.Telephone,
                Placeholder = "(000) 000-0000",
            phoneNum.SetBinding(Entry.TextProperty, "CommunicationNumber");

            var lblMsg = new Label()
                TextColor = Color.Gray,
                Text      = "Message",
                FontSize  = 14,
                Margin    = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 1)

            message = new Entry()
                Margin      = new Thickness(5, 1, 5, 1),
                Placeholder = "Text",
            message.SetBinding(Entry.TextProperty, "CommunicationMessage");

            var lblEmail = new Label()
                TextColor = Color.Gray,
                Text      = "Email Address",
                FontSize  = 14,
                Margin    = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 1)

            emailAddr = new Entry()
                Margin      = new Thickness(5, 1, 5, 10),
                Keyboard    = Keyboard.Email,
                Placeholder = "*****@*****.**",
            emailAddr.SetBinding(Entry.TextProperty, "CommunicationEmail");

            btnSMS = new CoreButton()
                Text   = "Send SMS",
                Style  = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Margin = 5,
            btnSMS.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "SendSMS");

            btnEmail = new CoreButton()
                Text   = "Send Email",
                Style  = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Margin = 5,
            btnEmail.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "SendEmail");

            btnCall = new CoreButton()
                Text   = "Call",
                Style  = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Margin = 5,
            btnCall.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "MakeCall");

            btnCallEvent = new CoreButton()
                Text   = "Call With Event",
                Style  = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Margin = 5,
            btnCallEvent.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "MakeCallEvent");

            Content = new StackContainer(true)
                Padding  = 15,
                Children = { lbl, phoneNum, lblEmail, emailAddr, lblMsg, message, btnSMS, btnEmail, btnCall, btnCallEvent }
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public DependeciesMain()
            this.Title = "Dependencies";

            var dlg = new CoreButton()
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Text         = "Dialog",
                AutomationId = "dialogButton",
                Command      = new Command(async() => {
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new DialogExample());
            //dlg.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, "DialogClick");

            var not = new CoreButton()
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Text         = "Notification",
                AutomationId = "notifyButton"

            not.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, "NotificationClick");

            var overlay = new CoreButton()
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Text         = "Overlay",
                AutomationId = "overlayButton"

            overlay.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, "OverlayClick");

            var blur = new CoreButton()
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Text         = "Create Blur",
                AutomationId = "blurButton"

            blur.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, "Blur");

            var snack = new CoreButton()
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Text         = "SnackBar",
                AutomationId = "snack"

            snack.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, "ShowSnack");

            var playSound = new CoreButton()
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Text         = "Play Sound",
                AutomationId = "playSound"

            playSound.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, "PlaySound");

            var commTest = new CoreButton()
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Text         = "Communication Dependencies",
                AutomationId = "commTest"

            commTest.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, "CommTest");

            var cal = new CoreButton()
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Text         = "Create Calendar Event",
                AutomationId = "calendarbutton"

            cal.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, "CreateCalendar");

            var ctxMnu = new CoreButton()
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Text         = "Native Context Menu",
                AutomationId = "contextMenu"

            ctxMnu.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, "ContextMenu");

            var pnRegister = new CoreButton()
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                AutomationId = "pnRegister"

            pnRegister.SetBinding(Button.TextProperty, "PushButtonLabel");
            pnRegister.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, "PushRegister");

            var btnNav = new CoreButton()
                Text         = "Navigation Example",
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                AutomationId = "btnNav",
                Command      = new Command((obj) =>
                    Navigation.PushNonAwaited <Nav1>();

            var stack = new CompressedStackLayout()
                Padding  = 20,
                Spacing  = 10,
                Children = { dlg, not, overlay, blur, snack, playSound, commTest, ctxMnu, cal, pnRegister, btnNav, new StackLayout()
                                 HeightRequest = 5
                             } }

            Content = new ScrollView()
                Content = stack
        public BehaviorsMain()
            this.Title = "Behaviors";

            var explanation = new Label()
                AutomationId = "explanation",
                Margin       = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 15),
                Text         = "Enter and remove content in the fields below to see behaviors work.  Enter the name 'Jack Sparrow' to see custom behavior."

            var lbl = new Label()
                TextColor = Color.Gray,
                Text      = "First Name",
                FontSize  = 14,
                Margin    = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 1)

            var fNameEntry = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                AutomationId = "fNameEntry",
                Margin       = new Thickness(5, 1, 5, 1),
                EntryColor   = Color.DarkGray

            fNameEntry.SetBinding(Entry.TextProperty, "FirstName");
            fNameEntry.Behaviors.Add(new RegExBehavior()
                ErrorMessage = "Requred Field",
                RegexExp     = @"^[\s\t\r\n]*\S+"

            var errorLabel = new Label()
                FontSize     = 14,
                TextColor    = Color.Red,
                Margin       = new Thickness(5, 1, 5, 1),
                AutomationId = "errorLabel"

            errorLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, new Binding(
                                      source: fNameEntry.Behaviors[0],
                                      path: "ErrorMessage",
                                      mode: BindingMode.OneWay));
            errorLabel.SetBinding(Label.IsVisibleProperty, new Binding(
                                      source: fNameEntry.Behaviors[0],
                                      path: "HasError",
                                      mode: BindingMode.OneWay));

            var lblPhone = new Label()
                TextColor    = Color.Gray,
                Text         = "Phone Number",
                FontSize     = 14,
                Margin       = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 1),
                AutomationId = "lblPhone"
            var phoneEntry = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Margin       = new Thickness(5, 1, 5, 1),
                AutomationId = "phoneEntry",
                EntryColor   = Color.DarkGray

            phoneEntry.Behaviors.Add(new PhoneMaskBehavior());
            phoneEntry.Behaviors.Add(new RegExBehavior()
                ErrorMessage = "Requred Field",
                RegexExp     = @"^[\s\t\r\n]*\S+"

            var phoneErrorLabel = new Label()
                FontSize     = 14,
                TextColor    = Color.Red,
                Margin       = new Thickness(5, 1, 5, 1),
                AutomationId = "phoneErrorLabel"

            phoneErrorLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, new Binding(source: phoneEntry.Behaviors[1], path: "ErrorMessage", mode: BindingMode.OneWay));
            phoneErrorLabel.SetBinding(Label.IsVisibleProperty, new Binding(source: phoneEntry.Behaviors[1], path: "HasError", mode: BindingMode.OneWay));

            var lblBindingEvent = new Label()
                TextColor = Color.Gray,
                Text      = "Event To Command Binding - (numbers only)",
                FontSize  = 14,
                Margin    = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 1)
            var bindingEntry = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Margin       = new Thickness(5, 1, 5, 1),
                AutomationId = "bindingEntry",
                EntryColor   = Color.DarkGray

            bindingEntry.Behaviors.Add(new EventToCommandBehavior()
                EventName = "TextChanged"
            bindingEntry.Behaviors[0].SetBinding(EventToCommandBehavior.CommandProperty, "BindingTextChanged");
            bindingEntry.SetBinding(CoreUnderlineEntry.TextProperty, "BindingTextValue");

            var customLabel = new Label()
                Margin = 5, AutomationId = "customLabel"

            customLabel.Behaviors.Add(new PropertyChangedBehavior(VM, (prop, ctrl) =>
                if (prop == "FirstName")
                    if (VM.FirstName == "Jack Sparrow")
                        var ctrlLabel       = (Label)ctrl;
                        ctrlLabel.IsVisible = true;
                        ctrlLabel.TextColor = Color.Green;
                        ctrlLabel.Text      = "You like a pirate that has a bird for a friend!";
                        ctrl.IsVisible = false;

            var btnCanExecute = new CoreButton()
                Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 1),
                Text   = "Can Execute",
                Style  = CoreStyles.LightOrange

            btnCanExecute.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "CanExecute");

            Content = new StackContainer(true)
                Padding  = 15,
                Children = { explanation, lbl, fNameEntry, errorLabel, lblPhone, phoneEntry, phoneErrorLabel, customLabel, lblBindingEvent, bindingEntry, btnCanExecute }
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public LoginPage()
            this.Title = "Login";
            var marginEdge = 30;

            NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, false);
            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);
            this.BackgroundColor = CoreStyles.LightOrangeBackground;

            var img = new Image()
                Source = "loginheader.png",
                Aspect = Aspect.AspectFill

            this.Padding = new Thickness(-9, -6, -9, -6);

            var lblHeader = new Label()
                FontSize          = 32,
                Text              = "Task Manager",
                Margin            = new Thickness(marginEdge, 5, marginEdge, 20),
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
            var txtUserName = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Placeholder = "User Name",
                Style       = CoreStyles.LoginEntryStyle,

            txtUserName.SetBinding(CoreUnderlineEntry.TextProperty, "UserName");

            var txtPassword = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Placeholder = "Password",
                IsPassword  = true,
                Style       = CoreStyles.LoginEntryStyle,

            txtPassword.SetBinding(CoreUnderlineEntry.TextProperty, "Password");

            var spacer = new StackLayout()
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

            var btnLogin = new CoreButton()
                Text   = "LOGIN",
                Style  = CoreStyles.LightOrangeButton,
                Margin = new Thickness(marginEdge, 10, marginEdge, 10)

            btnLogin.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "LoginUser");

            var btnRegister = new CoreButton()
                Text    = "REGISTER",
                Style   = CoreStyles.LightOrangeButton,
                Margin  = new Thickness(marginEdge, 10, marginEdge, 25),
                Command = new Command(async(obj) => {
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new RegisterPage());

            Content = new StackLayout()
                Padding  = 0,
                Spacing  = 0,
                Children =
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public RegisterPage()
            this.Title = "Login";
            var marginEdge = 30;

            NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, false);
            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);
            this.BackgroundColor = CoreStyles.LightOrangeBackground;

            var img = new Image()
                Source = "registerheader.png",
                Aspect = Aspect.AspectFill

            this.Padding = new Thickness(-9, -6, -9, -6);

            var lblHeader = new Label()
                FontSize          = 32,
                Text              = "Create Account",
                Margin            = new Thickness(marginEdge, 5, marginEdge, 20),
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center

            var txtUserName = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Placeholder = "User Name",
                Style       = CoreStyles.LoginEntryStyle,

            txtUserName.SetBinding(CoreUnderlineEntry.TextProperty, "UserName");

            var txtPassword = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Placeholder = "Password",
                IsPassword  = true,
                Style       = CoreStyles.LoginEntryStyle,

            txtPassword.SetBinding(CoreUnderlineEntry.TextProperty, "Password");

            var txtConfirmPassword = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Placeholder = "Confirm Password",
                IsPassword  = true,
                Style       = CoreStyles.LoginEntryStyle,

            txtConfirmPassword.SetBinding(CoreUnderlineEntry.TextProperty, "ConfirmPassword");

            var spacer = new StackLayout()
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

            var btnCreate = new CoreButton()
                Text   = "CREATE",
                Style  = CoreStyles.LightOrangeButton,
                Margin = new Thickness(marginEdge, 10, marginEdge, 25)

            btnCreate.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "RegisterUser");

            var pageContent = new StackLayout()
                Children =

            Content = new ScrollView()
                Padding = 0,
                Margin  = 0,
                Content = pageContent
        public CalendarEventPage()
            this.Title = "Calendar Wizard";

            var lblExplain = new Label()
                Text = "Please enter the required fields to create a calendar event."

            var evtName = new Label()
                TextColor = Color.Gray,
                Text      = "Event Name",
                FontSize  = 14,
                Margin    = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 1)

            evtNameEntry = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Margin     = new Thickness(5, 1, 5, 1),
                EntryColor = Color.DarkGray,
            evtNameEntry.SetBinding(Entry.TextProperty, new Binding(path: "Appt.Title", mode: BindingMode.TwoWay));

            var evtDescription = new Label()
                TextColor    = Color.Gray,
                Text         = "Description",
                FontSize     = 14,
                Margin       = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 1),
                AutomationId = "evtDescription"

            var evtDescriptionEntry = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Margin       = new Thickness(5, 1, 5, 1),
                EntryColor   = Color.DarkGray,
                AutomationId = "evtDescriptionEntry"

            evtDescriptionEntry.SetBinding(Entry.TextProperty, "Appt.Description");

            var calendarSelect = CreateCalendarSelectionPanel();
            var startTime      = CreateStartDateTimePanel();
            var endTime        = CreateEndDateTimePanel();

            var evtHasReminder = new Label()
                TextColor = Color.Gray,
                Text      = "Has Reminder",
                FontSize  = 14,
                Margin    = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 1)
            var swReminder = new Switch()
                Margin       = 5,
                AutomationId = "swReminder"

            swReminder.SetBinding(Switch.IsToggledProperty, "Appt.HasReminder");

            var btnCreate = new CoreButton()
                Text         = "Create Event",
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Margin       = 5,
                AutomationId = "btnCreate"

            btnCreate.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "CreateEvent");

            Content = new CompressedStackLayout()
                Padding  = 15,
                Children =

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public EncryptionPage()
            this.Title = "Encryption";

            var lbl = new Label()
                TextColor = Color.Gray,
                Text      = "Clear Text",
                FontSize  = 14,
                Margin    = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 1)

            var clearEntry = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Margin       = new Thickness(5, 1, 5, 1),
                AutomationId = "clearEntry"

            clearEntry.SetBinding(CoreUnderlineEntry.TextProperty, "ClearText");

            var encryptedLabel = new Label()
                FontSize     = 14,
                Margin       = new Thickness(5, 1, 5, 1),
                AutomationId = "encryptedLabel"

            encryptedLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "EncryptedText");

            var btnEncrypt = new CoreButton()
                Text         = "Encryption",
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Margin       = 5,
                AutomationId = "btnEncrypt"

            btnEncrypt.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, "EncryptText");

            var md5Label1 = new Label()
                TextColor    = Color.Gray,
                Text         = "Hash 1",
                FontSize     = 14,
                Margin       = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 1),
                AutomationId = "md5Label1"
            var clearHash1 = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Margin       = new Thickness(5, 1, 5, 1),
                AutomationId = "clearHash1"

            clearHash1.SetBinding(CoreUnderlineEntry.TextProperty, "ClearHash1");

            var md5Label2 = new Label()
                TextColor    = Color.Gray,
                Text         = "Hash 2",
                FontSize     = 14,
                Margin       = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 1),
                AutomationId = "md5Label2"
            var clearHash2 = new CoreUnderlineEntry()
                Margin       = new Thickness(5, 1, 5, 1),
                AutomationId = "clearHash2"

            clearHash2.SetBinding(CoreUnderlineEntry.TextProperty, "ClearHash2");

            var btnHash = new CoreButton()
                Text         = "Compare Clear Hash",
                Style        = CoreStyles.LightOrange,
                Margin       = 5,
                AutomationId = "btnHash"

            btnHash.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, "HashText");

            var hashMatch = new Label()
                TextColor    = Color.Red,
                AutomationId = "hashMatch"

            hashMatch.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "HashMatchMessage");

            Content = new CompressedStackLayout()
                Padding  = 15,
                Children = { lbl, clearEntry, encryptedLabel, btnEncrypt, md5Label1, clearHash1, md5Label2, clearHash2, btnHash, hashMatch }