Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override int Deserialize(Core.Utility.BinaryReader reader)
            var responseBuffer = new byte[UniqueIdSize];
            var numRead        = reader.Read(responseBuffer, 0, UniqueIdSize);
            var lowPart        = System.BitConverter.ToUInt64(responseBuffer, 0);
            var highPart       = System.BitConverter.ToUInt64(responseBuffer, 8);

            UniqueId = highPart.ToString("X16") + lowPart.ToString("X16");
            var lowStatusBits  = (DeviceStatusFlagsLo)reader.ReadUInt64();
            var highStatusBits = (DeviceStatusFlagsHi)reader.ReadUInt64();

            DeviceStatusFlags = new Model.DeviceStatusFlags(lowStatusBits, highStatusBits);
            numRead          += StatusBytesSize;

            // TODO: throw here?
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(numRead == DeserializeByteCount, "Failed to deserialize correct number of bytes in DeviceStatusResponse.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override int DeserializePayload(Core.Utility.BinaryReader reader)
            // Verify we're not going to be truncated.
            if ((reader.BaseStream.Length - reader.BaseStream.Position) < Length)
                throw new System.IO.EndOfStreamException();

            // Get the clear portion of the key - the DRUID.
            var responseBuffer = new byte[UniqueIdSize];

            reader.Read(responseBuffer, 0, UniqueIdSize);
            var lowPart  = System.BitConverter.ToUInt64(responseBuffer, 0);
            var highPart = System.BitConverter.ToUInt64(responseBuffer, 8);

            UniqueId = highPart.ToString("X16") + lowPart.ToString("X16");

            // Skip past the rest of it - we've got all we care about.
            reader.BaseStream.Seek(Length - UniqueIdSize, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current);

            // NOTE: Scrambled blocks *CANNOT* be validated by a CRC check!