Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Does the real work for an IL step.
        // fStepIn - true if step in; else false for step-over.
        // fVerbose - true if we should print out verbose diagnostic information.
        public static void ILStepWorker(bool stepIn, bool isVerbose, string args)
            if ((args != null) && (args.Trim().Length > 0))
                throw new MDbgShellException("no arguments expected.");

            // Do an IL-level step by single-stepping native code until our IL IP changes.
            MDbgProcess proc     = GuiExtension.Shell.Debugger.Processes.Active;
            CorFrame    curFrame = proc.Threads.Active.CurrentFrame.CorFrame;

            uint ipNative;
            uint offsetStart;
            uint offsetNew;

            ulong oldStackStart;
            ulong oldStackEnd;
            ulong newStackStart;
            ulong newStackEnd;

            CorDebugMappingResult result;

            curFrame.GetIP(out offsetStart, out result);
            curFrame.GetStackRange(out oldStackStart, out oldStackEnd);
            curFrame.GetNativeIP(out ipNative);

            if (isVerbose)
                WriteOutput(String.Format("  IL step starting at offset IL_{0:x}, N=0x{1:x}, frame=({2:x},{3:x})",
                                          offsetStart, ipNative, oldStackStart, oldStackEnd));

            // We'll just do native single-steps until our IL ip changes.
            while (true)
                // Single step native code.
                if (stepIn)

                // Since we continued the process, our old frame becomes invalid and we need to get a new one.
                curFrame = proc.Threads.Active.CurrentFrame.CorFrame;
                curFrame.GetStackRange(out newStackStart, out newStackEnd);
                if ((newStackStart != oldStackStart) || (newStackEnd != oldStackEnd))
                    // We're in a new frame. Maybe from step-in or step-out.
                    if (isVerbose)
                        WriteOutput(String.Format("  IL step stopping at new frame =({0:x},{1:x})", newStackStart, newStackEnd));
                curFrame.GetIP(out offsetNew, out result);
                curFrame.GetNativeIP(out ipNative);
                if ((offsetNew == offsetStart) && (proc.StopReason.GetType() == typeof(StepCompleteStopReason)))
                    if (isVerbose)
                        WriteOutput(String.Format("  IL step continuing. N=0x{0:x}", ipNative));

                if (isVerbose)
                    WriteOutput(String.Format("  IL step complete at IL_{0:x}", offsetNew));