Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static double GetVariationEclipticLongitude(double julianDate)
            var    millenniasCount = Tools.GetMillenniasCount(julianDate);
            double deltaLambda     = 3548.193
                                     + 118.568 * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(87.5287 + 359993.7286 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 2.476 * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(85.0561 + 719987.4571 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 1.376 * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(27.8502 + 4452671.1152 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.119 * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(73.1375 + 450368.8564 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.114 * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(337.2264 + 329644.6718 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.086 * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(222.5400 + 659289.3436 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.078 * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(162.8136 + 9224659.7915 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.054 * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(82.5823 + 1079981.1857 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.052 * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(171.5189 + 225184.4282 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.034 * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(30.3214 + 4092677.3866 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.033 * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(119.8105 + 337181.4711 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.023 * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(247.5418 + 299295.6151 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.023 * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(325.1526 + 315559.5560 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.021 * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(155.1241 + 675553.2846 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 7.311 * millenniasCount * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(333.4515 + 359993.7286 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.305 * millenniasCount * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(330.9814 + 719987.4571 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.010 * millenniasCount * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(328.5170 + 1079981.1857 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.309 * Tools.GetRaisedValue(millenniasCount, Power.Square) * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(241.4518 + 359993.7286 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.021 * Tools.GetRaisedValue(millenniasCount, Power.Square) * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(205.0482 + 719987.4571 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.004 * Tools.GetRaisedValue(millenniasCount, Power.Square) * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(297.8610 + 4452671.1152 * millenniasCount))
                                     + 0.010 * Tools.GetRaisedValue(millenniasCount, Power.Cube) * Math.Sin(CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(154.7066 + 359993.7286 * millenniasCount));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        //A lot of magic number. The subject to determine all of coefficients
        public static double NutationInLongitude(double julianDate)
            const int epoch         = 2451545; // In Julian 1/1/2000
            const int daysInCentury = 36525;

            var meanSiderealTime = (julianDate - epoch) / daysInCentury;
            var squaredTime      = meanSiderealTime * meanSiderealTime;
            var cubedTime        = squaredTime * meanSiderealTime;

            var    nutations = NutationValueArray.GetArray();
            int    length    = nutations.Length;
            double value     = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                double argument =
                    nutations[i].ElongationOfMoon * GetElongationOfMoon()
                    + nutations[i].AnomalyOfSun * GetAnomalyOfSun()
                    + nutations[i].AnomalyOfMoon * GetAnomalyOfMoon()
                    + nutations[i].LatitudeOfMoon * GetLatitudeOfMoon()
                    + nutations[i].LongitudeOfAscendingNode * GetLongitudeOfAscendingNode();

                double radargument = CoordinateTransformation.SetDegreesToRadians(argument);
                value += (nutations[i].SinusOfMoon + nutations[i].SinusOfSun * meanSiderealTime)
                         * Math.Sin(radargument) * 0.0001;


            double GetElongationOfMoon()
                var meanElongationOfMoon = 297.85036 + 445267.111480 * meanSiderealTime - 0.0019142 * squaredTime + cubedTime / 189474;


            double GetAnomalyOfSun()
                double anomalyOfSun = 357.52772 + 35999.050340 * meanSiderealTime - 0.0001603 * squaredTime - cubedTime / 300000;


            double GetAnomalyOfMoon()
                double anomalyOfMoon = 134.96298 + 477198.867398 * meanSiderealTime + 0.0086972 * squaredTime + cubedTime / 56250;


            double GetLatitudeOfMoon()
                double latitudeOfMoon = 93.27191 + 483202.017538 * meanSiderealTime - 0.0036825 * squaredTime + cubedTime / 327270; //F is ?


            double GetLongitudeOfAscendingNode()
                double longitudeOfAscendingNode = 125.04452 - 1934.136261 * meanSiderealTime + 0.0020708 * squaredTime + cubedTime / 450000; //omega is ?
