Ejemplo n.º 1
        public KeyControl(float size)
            array = new ConvexShape(8);
            array.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(0, -size));
            array.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f(.3f * size, -.3f * size));
            array.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f(size, 0));
            array.SetPoint(3, new Vector2f(.3f * size, .3f * size));
            array.SetPoint(4, new Vector2f(0, size));
            array.SetPoint(5, new Vector2f(-.3f * size, .3f * size));
            array.SetPoint(6, new Vector2f(-size, 0));
            array.SetPoint(7, new Vector2f(-.3f * size, -.3f * size));
            array.OutlineColor     = Color.Black;
            array.OutlineThickness = -1f;

            var tmp = new CustomHitbox();

            for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            HitBox = tmp;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns information on what a cuboid-shaped line trace would collide with, if anything.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">The start of the line.</param>
        /// <param name="end">The end of the line.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">The collision filter, input a BEPU BroadPhaseEntry and output whether collision should be allowed.</param>
        /// <returns>The collision details.</returns>
        public CollisionResult CuboidLineTrace(ConvexShape shape, Location start, Location end, Func <BroadPhaseEntry, bool> filter = null)
            Vector3        e  = new Vector3((double)(end.X - start.X), (double)(end.Y - start.Y), (double)(end.Z - start.Z));
            RigidTransform rt = new RigidTransform(new Vector3((double)start.X, (double)start.Y, (double)start.Z));
            RayCastResult  rcr;
            bool           hit;

            if (filter == null)
                hit = World.ConvexCast(shape, ref rt, ref e, out rcr);
                hit = World.ConvexCast(shape, ref rt, ref e, filter, out rcr);
            CollisionResult cr = new CollisionResult();

            cr.Hit = hit;
            if (hit)
                cr.Normal   = new Location(rcr.HitData.Normal);
                cr.Position = new Location(rcr.HitData.Location);
                if (rcr.HitObject is EntityCollidable)
                    cr.HitEnt = ((EntityCollidable)rcr.HitObject).Entity;
                    cr.HitEnt = null; // Impacted static world
                cr.Normal   = Location.Zero;
                cr.Position = end;
                cr.HitEnt   = null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override void OnInitializePhysics()
            CollisionConf = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();
            Dispatcher    = new CollisionDispatcher(CollisionConf);

            Broadphase = new DbvtBroadphase();

            World         = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(Dispatcher, Broadphase, null, CollisionConf);
            World.Gravity = new Vector3(0, -10, 0);

            // ground
            CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(50, 1, 50);

            CollisionObject ground = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Identity, groundShape);

            ground.UserObject = "Ground";

            // Objects
            //colShape = new BoxShape(1);
            Vector3[] points0 =
                new Vector3(1, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 1)
            Vector3[] points1 =
                new Vector3(1, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 1), new Vector3(0, 0, -1), new Vector3(-1, -1, 0)
            colShape0 = new ConvexHullShape(points0);
            colShape1 = new ConvexHullShape(points1);

            /*body2 =*/ LocalCreateRigidBody(0, body2Position, colShape1);

            rotBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, rotBodyPosition, colShape0);
            rotBody.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.KinematicObject;
            rotBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static bool GetClosestPoints(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ref RigidTransform localTransformB,
                                             ref CachedSimplex cachedSimplex, out Vector3 localClosestPointA, out Vector3 localClosestPointB)
            var simplex = new PairSimplex(ref cachedSimplex, ref localTransformB);

            Vector3 closestPoint;
            int     count = 0;

            while (true)
                if (simplex.GetPointClosestToOrigin(out closestPoint) || //Also reduces the simplex and computes barycentric coordinates if necessary.
                    closestPoint.LengthSquared() <= Toolbox.Epsilon * simplex.errorTolerance)
                    localClosestPointA = Toolbox.ZeroVector;
                    localClosestPointB = Toolbox.ZeroVector;

                    simplex.UpdateCachedSimplex(ref cachedSimplex);

                if (++count > MaximumGJKIterations)
                    break; //Must break BEFORE a new vertex is added if we're over the iteration limit.  This guarantees final simplex is not a tetrahedron.
                if (simplex.GetNewSimplexPoint(shapeA, shapeB, count, ref closestPoint))
                    //No progress towards origin, not intersecting.
            //Compute closest points from the contributing simplexes and barycentric coordinates
            simplex.GetClosestPoints(out localClosestPointA, out localClosestPointB);
            //if (Vector3.Distance(localClosestPointA - localClosestPointB, closestPoint) > .00001f)
            //    Debug.WriteLine("break.");
            simplex.UpdateCachedSimplex(ref cachedSimplex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the character controller.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        protected override void OnStart(GameTime time)
            if (this.Node.Scene.PhysicsEnabled)
                this.shape = new CapsuleShape(characterWidth, characterHeight);

                this.ghostObject = new PairCachingGhostObject();
                this.ghostObject.WorldTransform = this.Node.Transform.WorldTransform.ToBullet();
                this.ghostObject.CollisionShape = this.shape;
                this.ghostObject.CollisionFlags = CollisionFlags.CharacterObject;

                this.kcc = new KinematicCharacterController(this.ghostObject, this.shape, stepHeight);

                    CollisionFilterGroups.StaticFilter | CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static CollisionInfo MultiColCheck(ConvexShape single, List <ConvexShape> multi)
            CollisionInfo myInfo = new CollisionInfo();

            myInfo.isCollide = false;
            myInfo.shapes    = new List <ConvexShape>();
            int intervalAmount = 0;

            foreach (ConvexShape s in multi)
                CollisionInfo myInfo2 = CheckCol(single, s);
                if (myInfo2.isCollide)
                    myInfo.minIntervalDist += myInfo2.minIntervalDist;
                    intervalAmount         += 1;
                    myInfo.isCollide        = true;
            //if (myInfo.isCollide) { myInfo.minIntervalDist = myInfo.minIntervalDist / intervalAmount; }
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static void ProjectPolygon(Vector2f axis, ConvexShape polygon,
                                          ref float min, ref float max)
            // To project a point on an axis use the dot product
            float dotProduct = Trig.DotProduct(axis, polygon.Transform.TransformPoint(polygon.GetPoint(0)));

            min = dotProduct;
            max = dotProduct;
            for (uint i = 0; i < polygon.GetPointCount(); i++)
                dotProduct = Trig.DotProduct(polygon.Transform.TransformPoint(polygon.GetPoint(i)), axis);
                if (dotProduct < min)
                    min = dotProduct;
                    if (dotProduct > max)
                        max = dotProduct;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a convex cast to determine if a step of a given height is valid.
        /// This means that stepping up onto the new support wouldn't shove the character's head into a ceiling or other obstacle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hitDistance">Vertical distance from the convex cast start to the hit location.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the step is safe.</returns>
        private bool IsStepSafe(float hitDistance)
            float   stepHeight       = maximumStepHeight - hitDistance;
            var     sweep            = new Vector3(0, stepHeight + Body.CollisionInformation.Shape.CollisionMargin, 0);
            Vector3 startingLocation = headBlockageFinderOffset + Body.Position;

            foreach (Entity candidate in headCollisionPairCollector.CollisionInformation.OverlappedEntities)
                //foreach (CollisionPair pair in headCollisionPairCollector.CollisionPairs)
                //    //Determine which member of the collision pair is the possible blockage.
                //    //The comparisons are all kept on a "parent" as opposed to "collider" level so that interaction with compound shapes is simpler.

                //    Entity candidate = pair.ParentA == headCollisionPairCollector ? pair.ParentB : pair.ParentA;
                //Ensure that the candidate is a valid blocking entity.
                if (candidate.CollisionInformation.CollisionRules.Personal > CollisionRule.Normal)
                    continue; //It is invalid!
                //Fire a convex cast at the candidate and determine some details!
                ConvexShape targetShape = candidate.CollisionInformation.Shape as ConvexShape;
                if (targetShape != null)
                    RigidTransform sweepTransform  = new RigidTransform(startingLocation);
                    RigidTransform targetTransform = new RigidTransform(candidate.Position, candidate.Orientation);
                    RayHit         rayHit;
                    if (GJKToolbox.ConvexCast(castingShape, targetShape, ref sweep,
                                              ref sweepTransform, ref targetTransform,
                                              out rayHit))
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// Casts a fat (sphere expanded) ray against the shape.
        ///<param name="ray">Ray to test against the shape.</param>
        ///<param name="radius">Radius of the ray.</param>
        ///<param name="shape">Shape to test against.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeTransform">Transform to apply to the shape for the test.</param>
        ///<param name="maximumLength">Maximum length of the ray in units of the ray direction's length.</param>
        ///<param name="hit">Hit data of the sphere cast, if any.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the sphere cast hit the shape.</returns>
        public static bool SphereCast(Ray ray, float radius, ConvexShape shape, ref RigidTransform shapeTransform,
                                      float maximumLength,
                                      out RayHit hit)
            //Transform the ray into the object's local space.
            Vector3.Subtract(ref ray.Position, ref shapeTransform.Position, out ray.Position);
            Quaternion conjugate;

            Quaternion.Conjugate(ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out conjugate);
            Quaternion.Transform(ref ray.Position, ref conjugate, out ray.Position);
            Quaternion.Transform(ref ray.Direction, ref conjugate, out ray.Direction);

            Vector3 w, p;

            hit.T        = 0;
            hit.Location = ray.Position;
            hit.Normal   = Toolbox.ZeroVector;
            Vector3 v = hit.Location;

            RaySimplex simplex = new RaySimplex();

            float vw, vdir;
            int   count = 0;

            //This epsilon has a significant impact on performance and accuracy.  Changing it to use BigEpsilon instead increases speed by around 30-40% usually, but jigging is more evident.
            while (v.LengthSquared() >= Toolbox.Epsilon * simplex.GetErrorTolerance(ref ray.Position))
                if (++count > MaximumGJKIterations)
                    //It's taken too long to find a hit.  Numerical problems are probable; quit.
                    hit = new RayHit();

                shape.GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref v, out p);
                Vector3 contribution;
                MinkowskiToolbox.ExpandMinkowskiSum(shape.collisionMargin, radius, ref v, out contribution);
                Vector3.Add(ref p, ref contribution, out p);

                Vector3.Subtract(ref hit.Location, ref p, out w);
                Vector3.Dot(ref v, ref w, out vw);
                if (vw > 0)
                    Vector3.Dot(ref v, ref ray.Direction, out vdir);
                    hit.T = hit.T - vw / vdir;
                    if (vdir >= 0)
                    //We would have to back up!

                    if (hit.T > maximumLength)
                    //If we've gone beyond where the ray can reach, there's obviously no hit.

                    //Shift the ray up.
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, hit.T, out hit.Location);
                    Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref ray.Position, out hit.Location);
                    hit.Normal = v;

                RaySimplex shiftedSimplex;
                simplex.AddNewSimplexPoint(ref p, ref hit.Location, out shiftedSimplex);

                shiftedSimplex.GetPointClosestToOrigin(ref simplex, out v);

            //Transform the hit data into world space.
            Quaternion.Transform(ref hit.Normal, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out hit.Normal);
            Quaternion.Transform(ref hit.Location, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out hit.Location);
            Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref shapeTransform.Position, out hit.Location);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        //TODO: Consider changing the termination epsilons on these casts.  Epsilon * Modifier is okay, but there might be better options.

        /// Tests a ray against a convex shape.
        ///<param name="ray">Ray to test against the shape.</param>
        ///<param name="shape">Shape to test.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeTransform">Transform to apply to the shape for the test.</param>
        ///<param name="maximumLength">Maximum length of the ray in units of the ray direction's length.</param>
        ///<param name="hit">Hit data of the ray cast, if any.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the ray hit the shape.</returns>
        public static bool RayCast(Ray ray, ConvexShape shape, ref RigidTransform shapeTransform, float maximumLength,
                                   out RayHit hit)
            //Transform the ray into the object's local space.
            Vector3.Subtract(ref ray.Position, ref shapeTransform.Position, out ray.Position);
            Quaternion conjugate;

            Quaternion.Conjugate(ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out conjugate);
            Quaternion.Transform(ref ray.Position, ref conjugate, out ray.Position);
            Quaternion.Transform(ref ray.Direction, ref conjugate, out ray.Direction);

            Vector3 extremePointToRayOrigin, extremePoint;

            hit.T        = 0;
            hit.Location = ray.Position;
            hit.Normal   = Toolbox.ZeroVector;
            Vector3 closestOffset = hit.Location;

            RaySimplex simplex = new RaySimplex();

            float vw, closestPointDotDirection;
            int   count = 0;

            //This epsilon has a significant impact on performance and accuracy.  Changing it to use BigEpsilon instead increases speed by around 30-40% usually, but jigging is more evident.
            while (closestOffset.LengthSquared() >= Toolbox.Epsilon * simplex.GetErrorTolerance(ref ray.Position))
                if (++count > MaximumGJKIterations)
                    //It's taken too long to find a hit.  Numerical problems are probable; quit.
                    hit = new RayHit();

                shape.GetLocalExtremePoint(closestOffset, out extremePoint);

                Vector3.Subtract(ref hit.Location, ref extremePoint, out extremePointToRayOrigin);
                Vector3.Dot(ref closestOffset, ref extremePointToRayOrigin, out vw);
                //If the closest offset and the extreme point->ray origin direction point the same way,
                //then we might be able to conservatively advance the point towards the surface.
                if (vw > 0)
                    Vector3.Dot(ref closestOffset, ref ray.Direction, out closestPointDotDirection);
                    if (closestPointDotDirection >= 0)
                        hit = new RayHit();

                    hit.T = hit.T - vw / closestPointDotDirection;
                    if (hit.T > maximumLength)
                        //If we've gone beyond where the ray can reach, there's obviously no hit.
                        hit = new RayHit();

                    //Shift the ray up.
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, hit.T, out hit.Location);
                    Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref ray.Position, out hit.Location);
                    hit.Normal = closestOffset;

                RaySimplex shiftedSimplex;
                simplex.AddNewSimplexPoint(ref extremePoint, ref hit.Location, out shiftedSimplex);

                //Compute the offset from the simplex surface to the origin.
                shiftedSimplex.GetPointClosestToOrigin(ref simplex, out closestOffset);

            //Transform the hit data into world space.
            Quaternion.Transform(ref hit.Normal, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out hit.Normal);
            Quaternion.Transform(ref hit.Location, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out hit.Location);
            Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref shapeTransform.Position, out hit.Location);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // Note: When comparing this implementation with the GJK (see Gjk.cs), be aware that the
            // GJK implementation computes the CSO as the Minkowski difference A-B whereas the MPR uses
            // B-A. Both representations of the CSO are equivalent, we just have to invert the vectors
            // here and there. (B-A was chosen because the original description of the MPR used B-A.)

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                throw new GeometryException("MPR cannot handle closest-point queries. Use GJK instead.");

            CollisionObject  collisionObjectA = contactSet.ObjectA;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectA = collisionObjectA.GeometricObject;
            ConvexShape      shapeA           = geometricObjectA.Shape as ConvexShape;
            Vector3          scaleA           = geometricObjectA.Scale;
            Pose             poseA            = geometricObjectA.Pose;

            CollisionObject  collisionObjectB = contactSet.ObjectB;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectB = collisionObjectB.GeometricObject;
            ConvexShape      shapeB           = geometricObjectB.Shape as ConvexShape;
            Vector3          scaleB           = geometricObjectB.Scale;
            Pose             poseB            = geometricObjectB.Pose;

            if (shapeA == null || shapeB == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain convex shapes.", "contactSet");

            // Assume no contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = false;

            Vector3 v0;

            if (contactSet.IsPreferredNormalAvailable && type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts)
                // Set v0, so to shoot into preferred direction.
                v0 = contactSet.PreferredNormal;

                // Perform only 1 MPR iteration.
                DoMpr(type, contactSet, v0);

            // Find first point v0 (which determines the ray direction).
            // Inner point in CSO (Minkowski difference B-A).
            Vector3 v0A = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.InnerPoint * scaleA);
            Vector3 v0B = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.InnerPoint * scaleB);

            v0 = v0B - v0A;

            // If v0 == origin then we have contact.
            if (v0.IsNumericallyZero)
                // The inner points overlap. Probably there are two objects centered on the same point.
                contactSet.HaveContact = true;
                if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                // Choose a v0 different from Zero. Any direction is ok.
                // The point should still be in the Minkowski difference.
                v0.X = CollisionDetection.Epsilon / 10;

            // Call MPR in iteration until the MPR ray has converged.
            int       iterationCount = 0;
            const int iterationLimit = 10;
            Vector3   oldMprRay;

            // Use a temporary contact set.
            var testContactSet = ContactSet.Create(collisionObjectA, collisionObjectB);

            testContactSet.IsPerturbationTestAllowed = contactSet.IsPerturbationTestAllowed;
            testContactSet.PreferredNormal           = contactSet.PreferredNormal;

            Contact oldContact = null;

                oldMprRay = v0;
                if (iterationCount == 0)

                // Call MPR. v0 of the next iteration is simply -returned portal normal.

                Debug.Assert(testContactSet.Count == 0 || testContactSet.Count == 1, "testContactSet in MPR should have 0 or 1 contacts.");
                Debug.Assert(testContactSet.Count == 0 || testContactSet[0] == oldContact);

                // Because of numerical problems (for example with long thin ellipse vs. capsule)
                // it is possible that the last iteration was a contact but in this iteration
                // no contact is found. Therefore we also reset the HaveContact flag to avoid
                // an end result where HaveContact is set but no Contact is in the ContactSet.
                testContactSet.HaveContact = false;
                v0 = -DoMpr(type, testContactSet, v0);

                if (testContactSet.Count > 0)
                    var newContact = testContactSet[0];
                    if (oldContact != null)
                        if (oldContact.PenetrationDepth < newContact.PenetrationDepth)
                            // The new penetration depth is larger then the old penetration depth.
                            // In this case we keep the old contact.
                            // This can happen for nearly parallel boxes. First we get a good contact.
                            // Then we get a contact another side. Normal has changed 90�. The new
                            // penetration depth can be nearly the whole box side length :-(.
                            testContactSet[0] = oldContact;

                    if (newContact != oldContact)
                        if (oldContact != null)

                        oldContact = newContact;

            } while (testContactSet.HaveContact && // Separation? - No contact which we could refine.
                     iterationCount < iterationLimit && // Iteration limit reached?
                     v0 != Vector3.Zero &&         // Is normal useful to go on?
                     !Vector3.AreNumericallyEqual(-v0, oldMprRay, CollisionDetection.Epsilon));
            // Normal hasn't converged yet?

            if (testContactSet.Count > 0)
                // Recycle oldContact if not used.
                if (testContactSet[0] != oldContact)
                    if (oldContact != null)
                        oldContact = null;

            if (CollisionDetection.FullContactSetPerFrame &&
                type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts &&
                testContactSet.Count > 0 &&
                contactSet.Count < 3)
                // Try to find full contact set.
                var wrapper = TestMethodWrappers.Obtain();
                wrapper.OriginalMethod = _doMprMethod;
                wrapper.V0             = testContactSet[0].Normal; // The MPR ray will point along the normal of the first contact.



            contactSet.HaveContact = testContactSet.HaveContact;
            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, testContactSet, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);

            // Recycle temporary objects.
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// Gets the extreme point of the minkowski difference of shapeA and shapeB in the local space of shapeA, without a margin.
        ///<param name="shapeA">First shape.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeB">Second shape.</param>
        ///<param name="direction">Extreme point direction in local space.</param>
        ///<param name="localTransformB">Transform of shapeB in the local space of A.</param>
        ///<param name="extremePoint">The extreme point in the local space of A.</param>
        public static void GetLocalMinkowskiExtremePointWithoutMargin(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ref Vector3 direction, ref RigidTransform localTransformB, out Vector3 extremePoint)
            //Extreme point of A-B along D = (extreme point of A along D) - (extreme point of B along -D)
            shapeA.GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref direction, out extremePoint);
            Vector3 extremePointB;
            Vector3 negativeN;

            Vector3.Negate(ref direction, out negativeN);
            shapeB.GetExtremePointWithoutMargin(negativeN, ref localTransformB, out extremePointB);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref extremePoint, ref extremePointB, out extremePoint);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 protected ConvexCollidable(ConvexShape shape)
     : base(shape)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// Initializes the pair tester.
 ///<param name="convex">Convex shape to use.</param>
 public abstract void Initialize(ConvexShape convex);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /// Initializes the pair tester.
 ///<param name="convex">Convex shape to use.</param>
 ///<param name="triangle">Triangle shape to use.</param>
 public override void Initialize(ConvexShape convex, TriangleShape triangle)
     this.convex   = convex;
     this.triangle = triangle;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private List <ICollisionShape> BuildBaseAndCarShapes()
            List <ICollisionShape> objects = new List <ICollisionShape>();

            #region Terrain Base


            GeometryProperties geom0 = GetObjectGeometry(ShapeFilename[0], ShapeScale[0]);
            var objects0             = new ConvexShape(geom0.VertexPoint, geom0.TriagleIdx, new Vector3d(0.0, -4.0, 0.0), 0.0, true);
            objects0.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0));
            objects0.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
            objects0.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));



            #region Dynamic Objects

            Vector3d position = new Vector3d(0.0, 5.6, 0.0);


            GeometryProperties geom1 = GetObjectGeometry("cube2.obj", 1);
            var objects_0            = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx, position, 100.0, false);

            objects_0.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0));
            objects_0.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
            objects_0.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));

            position = new Vector3d(-1.1, 5.1, -1.5);


            geom1 = GetObjectGeometry("wheel.obj", 0.5f);
            var objects1 = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx, position, 1.0);

            objects1.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0));
            objects1.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
            objects1.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));

            position = new Vector3d(1.1, 5.1, -1.5);


            geom1    = GetObjectGeometry("wheel.obj", 0.5f);
            objects1 = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx, position, 1.0);
            objects1.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0));
            objects1.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
            objects1.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));


            position = new Vector3d(1.1, 5.1, 1.5);


            geom1    = GetObjectGeometry("wheel.obj", 0.5f);
            objects1 = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx, position, 1.0);
            objects1.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0));
            objects1.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
            objects1.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));


            position = new Vector3d(-1.1, 5.1, 1.5);


            geom1    = GetObjectGeometry("wheel.obj", 0.5f);
            objects1 = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx, position, 1.0);
            objects1.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0));
            objects1.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
            objects1.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));



Ejemplo n.º 17
        private List <ICollisionShape> BuildBridge()
            List <ICollisionShape> objects = new List <ICollisionShape>();

            Vector3d position = new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 12.5);


            GeometryProperties geom1 = GetObjectGeometry("cube.obj", 1.5f);
            var objects_0            = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx, position, 0.0, true);

            objects_0.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0));
            objects_0.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
            objects_0.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));

            position = new Vector3d(0.0, 1.2, 9.5);

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)

                var geom      = GetObjectGeometry("cube1.obj", 1);
                var objects_1 = new ConvexShape(geom.VertexPoint, geom.TriagleIdx, position, 1.0, false);

                objects_1.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0));
                objects_1.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                objects_1.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));

                position = position - new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 2.5);

            position = new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, -13.5);

            geom1     = GetObjectGeometry("cube.obj", 1.5f);
            objects_0 = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx, position, 0.0, true);

            objects_0.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0));
            objects_0.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
            objects_0.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));

Ejemplo n.º 18
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts)
                throw new GeometryException("GJK cannot handle contact queries. Use MPR instead.");

            IGeometricObject objectA = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            ConvexShape      shapeA  = objectA.Shape as ConvexShape;
            Vector3F         scaleA  = objectA.Scale;
            Pose             poseA   = objectA.Pose;

            IGeometricObject objectB = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;
            ConvexShape      shapeB  = objectB.Shape as ConvexShape;
            Vector3F         scaleB  = objectB.Scale;
            Pose             poseB   = objectB.Pose;

            if (shapeA == null || shapeB == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain two convex shapes.", "contactSet");

            // GJK builds a simplex of the CSO (A-B). This simplex is managed in a GjkSimplexSolver.
            var  simplex             = GjkSimplexSolver.Create();
            bool foundSeparatingAxis = false;

                // v is the separating axis or the CSO point nearest to the origin.
                // We start with last known separating axis or with an arbitrary CSO point.
                Vector3F v;
                if (contactSet.Count > 0)
                    // Use last separating axis.
                    // The contact normal points from A to B. This is the direction we want to sample first.
                    // If the frame-to-frame coherence is high we should get a point close to the origin.
                    // Note: To sample in the normal direction, we need to initialize the CSO point v with
                    // -normal.
                    v = -contactSet[0].Normal;
                    // Use difference of inner points.
                    Vector3F vA = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.InnerPoint * scaleA);
                    Vector3F vB = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.InnerPoint * scaleB);
                    v = vA - vB;

                // If the inner points overlap, then we have already found a contact.
                // We don't expect this case to happen often, so we simply choose an arbitrary separating
                // axis to continue with the normal GJK code.
                if (v.IsNumericallyZero)
                    v = Vector3F.UnitZ;

                // Cache inverted rotations.
                var orientationAInverse = poseA.Orientation.Transposed;
                var orientationBInverse = poseB.Orientation.Transposed;

                int   iterationCount  = 0;
                float distanceSquared = float.MaxValue;
                float distanceEpsilon;

                // Assume we have no contact.
                contactSet.HaveContact = false;

                    // TODO: Translate A and B close to the origin to avoid numerical problems.
                    // This optimization is done in Bullet: The offset (a.Pose.Position + b.Pose.Position) / 2
                    // is subtracted from a.Pose and b.Pose. This offset is added when the Contact info is
                    // computed (also in EPA if the poses are still translated).

                    // Compute a new point w on the simplex. We seek for the point that is closest to the origin.
                    // Therefore, we get the support points on the current separating axis v.
                    Vector3F p = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.GetSupportPoint(orientationAInverse * -v, scaleA));
                    Vector3F q = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.GetSupportPoint(orientationBInverse * v, scaleB));
                    Vector3F w = p - q;

                    // w projected onto the separating axis.
                    float delta = Vector3F.Dot(w, v);

                    // If v∙w > 0 then the objects do not overlap.
                    if (delta > 0)
                        // We have found a separating axis.
                        foundSeparatingAxis = true;

                        // Early exit for boolean and contact queries.
                        if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts)
                            // TODO: We could cache the separating axis n in ContactSet for future collision checks.

                        // We continue for closest point queries because we don't know if there are other
                        // points closer than p and q.

                    // If the new w is already part of the simplex. We cannot improve any further.
                    if (simplex.Contains(w))

                    // If the new w is not closer to the origin (within numerical tolerance), we stop.
                    if (distanceSquared - delta <= distanceSquared * Numeric.EpsilonF) // SOLID uses Epsilon = 10^-6

                    // Add the new point to the simplex.
                    simplex.Add(w, p, q);

                    // Update the simplex. (Unneeded simplex points are removed).

                    // Get new point of simplex closest to the origin.
                    v = simplex.ClosestPoint;

                    float previousDistanceSquared = distanceSquared;
                    distanceSquared = v.LengthSquared;

                    if (previousDistanceSquared < distanceSquared)
                        // If the result got worse, we use the previous result. This happens for
                        // degenerate cases for example when the simplex is a tetrahedron with all
                        // 4 vertices in a plane.
                        distanceSquared = previousDistanceSquared;

                    // If the new simplex is invalid, we stop.
                    // Example: A simplex gets invalid if a fourth vertex is added to create a tetrahedron
                    // simplex but all vertices are in a plane. This can happen if a box corner nearly touches a
                    // face of another box.
                    if (!simplex.IsValid)

                    // Compare the distance of v to the origin with the distance of the last iteration.
                    // We stop if the improvement is less than the numerical tolerance.
                    if (previousDistanceSquared - distanceSquared <= previousDistanceSquared * Numeric.EpsilonF)

                    // If we reach the iteration limit, we stop.
                    if (iterationCount > MaxNumberOfIterations)
                        Debug.Assert(false, "GJK reached the iteration limit.");

                    // Compute a scaled epsilon.
                    distanceEpsilon = Numeric.EpsilonFSquared * Math.Max(1, simplex.MaxVertexDistanceSquared);

                    // Loop until the simplex is full (i.e. it contains the origin) or we have come
                    // sufficiently close to the origin.
                } while (!simplex.IsFull && distanceSquared > distanceEpsilon);

                Debug.Assert(simplex.IsEmpty == false, "The GJK simplex must contain at least 1 point.");

                // Compute contact normal and separation.
                Vector3F normal = -simplex.ClosestPoint; // simplex.ClosestPoint = ClosestPointA-ClosestPointB
                float    distance;
                distanceEpsilon = Numeric.EpsilonFSquared * Math.Max(1, simplex.MaxVertexDistanceSquared);
                if (distanceSquared <= distanceEpsilon)
                    // Distance is approximately 0.
                    // --> Objects are in contact.
                    if (simplex.IsValid && normal.TryNormalize())
                        // Normal can be used but we have to invert it because for contact we
                        // have to compute normal as pointOnA - pointOnB.
                        normal = -normal;
                        // No useful normal. Use direction between inner points as a fallback.
                        Vector3F innerA = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.InnerPoint * scaleA);
                        normal = simplex.ClosestPointOnA - innerA;
                        if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                            Vector3F innerB = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.InnerPoint * scaleB);
                            normal = innerB - innerA;
                            if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                                normal = Vector3F.UnitY;
                                // TODO: We could use better normal: e.g. normal of old contact or PreferredNormal?

                    distance = 0;
                    contactSet.HaveContact = true;
                    // Distance is greater than 0.
                    distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(distanceSquared);
                    normal  /= distance;

                    // If the simplex is valid and full, then we have a contact.
                    if (simplex.IsFull && simplex.IsValid)
                        // Let's use the current result as an estimated contact info for
                        // shallow contacts.

                        // TODO: The following IF was added because this can occur for valid
                        // triangle vs. triangle separation. Check this.
                        if (!foundSeparatingAxis)
                            contactSet.HaveContact = true;
                            // Distance is a penetration depth
                            distance = -distance;

                            // Since the simplex tetrahedron can have any position in the Minkowsky difference,
                            // we do not know the real normal. Let's use the current normal and make
                            // sure that it points away from A. - This is only a heuristic...
                            Vector3F innerA = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.InnerPoint * scaleA);
                            if (Vector3F.Dot(simplex.ClosestPointOnA - innerA, normal) < 0)
                                normal = -normal;

                Debug.Assert(normal.IsNumericallyZero == false);

                if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                    Vector3F position = (simplex.ClosestPointOnA + simplex.ClosestPointOnB) / 2;
                    Contact  contact  = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, -distance, false);
                    ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 protected ConvexCollidable(ConvexShape shape)
     : base(shape)
     Events = new ContactEventManager <EntityCollidable>();
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// Sweeps a shape against another shape using a given sweep vector.
 ///<param name="sweptShape">Shape to sweep.</param>
 ///<param name="target">Shape being swept against.</param>
 ///<param name="sweep">Sweep vector for the sweptShape.</param>
 ///<param name="startingSweptTransform">Starting transform of the sweptShape.</param>
 ///<param name="targetTransform">Transform to apply to the target shape.</param>
 ///<param name="hit">Hit data of the sweep test, if any.</param>
 ///<returns>Whether or not the swept shape hit the other shape.</returns>
 public static bool ConvexCast(ConvexShape sweptShape, ConvexShape target, ref Vector3 sweep, ref RigidTransform startingSweptTransform, ref RigidTransform targetTransform,
                               out RayHit hit)
     return(ConvexCast(sweptShape, target, ref sweep, ref Toolbox.ZeroVector, ref startingSweptTransform, ref targetTransform, out hit));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public override bool ConvexCast(ConvexShape castShape, ref MathExtensions.RigidTransform startingTransform, ref Vector3 sweep, out RayHit hit)
     return(MPRToolbox.Sweep(castShape, Shape, ref sweep, ref Toolbox.ZeroVector, ref startingTransform, ref worldTransform, out hit));
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public override bool ConvexCast(ConvexShape castShape, ref RigidTransform startingTransform, ref Vector3 sweep, out RayHit hit)
     return(ConvexCast(castShape, ref startingTransform, ref sweep, null, out hit));
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // Object A should be the plane.
            // Object B should be the other object.
            IGeometricObject planeObject  = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject convexObject = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Swap objects if necessary.
            bool swapped = (convexObject.Shape is PlaneShape);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref planeObject, ref convexObject);

            PlaneShape  planeShape  = planeObject.Shape as PlaneShape;
            ConvexShape convexShape = convexObject.Shape as ConvexShape;

            // Check if shapes are correct.
            if (planeShape == null || convexShape == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a plane and a convex shape.", "contactSet");

            // Get transformations.
            Vector3F scalePlane = planeObject.Scale;
            Vector3F scaleB     = convexObject.Scale;
            Pose     planePose  = planeObject.Pose;
            Pose     poseB      = convexObject.Pose;

            // Apply scale to plane and transform plane into world space.
            Plane planeWorld = new Plane(planeShape);

            planeWorld.Scale(ref scalePlane);   // Scale plane.
            planeWorld.ToWorld(ref planePose);  // Transform plane to world space.

            // Transform plane normal to local space of convex.
            Vector3F planeNormalLocalB = poseB.ToLocalDirection(planeWorld.Normal);

            // Get support vertex nearest to the plane.
            Vector3F supportVertexBLocal = convexShape.GetSupportPoint(-planeNormalLocalB, scaleB);

            // Transform support vertex into world space.
            Vector3F supportVertexBWorld = poseB.ToWorldPosition(supportVertexBLocal);

            // Project vertex onto separating axis (given by plane normal).
            float distance = Vector3F.Dot(supportVertexBWorld, planeWorld.Normal);

            // Check for collision.
            float penetrationDepth = planeWorld.DistanceFromOrigin - distance;

            contactSet.HaveContact = (penetrationDepth >= 0);

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts && !contactSet.HaveContact))
                // HaveContact queries can exit here.
                // GetContacts queries can exit here if we don't have a contact.

            // Position is between support vertex and plane.
            Vector3F position = supportVertexBWorld + planeWorld.Normal * (penetrationDepth / 2);
            Vector3F normal   = (swapped) ? -planeWorld.Normal : planeWorld.Normal;

            // Update contact set.
            Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);

            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);

            if (CollisionDetection.FullContactSetPerFrame &&
                type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts &&
                contactSet.Count > 0 &&
                contactSet.Count < 4)
                // Special treatment for tetrahedra: Test all vertices against plane.
                IList <Vector3F> vertices = null;
                if (convexShape is ConvexHullOfPoints)
                    var convexHullOfPoints = (ConvexHullOfPoints)convexShape;
                    vertices = convexHullOfPoints.Points;
                else if (convexShape is ConvexPolyhedron)
                    var convexPolyhedron = (ConvexPolyhedron)convexShape;
                    vertices = convexPolyhedron.Vertices;

                if (vertices != null && vertices.Count <= 8)
                    // Convex has 8 or less vertices. Explicitly test all vertices against the plane.
                    int numberOfVertices = vertices.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices; i++)
                        // Test is the same as above.
                        var      vertex       = vertices[i];
                        Vector3F scaledVertex = vertex * scaleB;
                        if (scaledVertex != supportVertexBLocal) // supportVertexBLocal has already been added.
                            Vector3F vertexWorld = poseB.ToWorldPosition(scaledVertex);
                            distance         = Vector3F.Dot(vertexWorld, planeWorld.Normal);
                            penetrationDepth = planeWorld.DistanceFromOrigin - distance;
                            if (penetrationDepth >= 0)
                                position = vertexWorld + planeWorld.Normal * (penetrationDepth / 2);
                                normal   = (swapped) ? -planeWorld.Normal : planeWorld.Normal;
                                contact  = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);
                                ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
                    // Convex is a complex shape with more than 4 vertices.
                        !swapped, // Perturb the convex object, not the plane.
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // Ray vs. convex has at max 1 contact.
            Debug.Assert(contactSet.Count <= 1);

            // Object A should be the ray.
            // Object B should be the convex.
            IGeometricObject rayObject    = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject convexObject = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Swap object if necessary.
            bool swapped = (convexObject.Shape is RayShape);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref rayObject, ref convexObject);

            RayShape    rayShape    = rayObject.Shape as RayShape;
            ConvexShape convexShape = convexObject.Shape as ConvexShape;

            // Check if shapes are correct.
            if (rayShape == null || convexShape == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a ray and a convex shape.", "contactSet");

            // Call line segment vs. convex for closest points queries.
            if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                // Find point on ray closest to the convex shape.

                // Call GJK.
                _gjk.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);
                if (contactSet.HaveContact == false)

                // Otherwise compute 1 contact ...
                // GJK result is invalid for penetration.
                foreach (var contact in contactSet)


            // Assume no contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = false;

            // Get transformations.
            Vector3 rayScale    = rayObject.Scale;
            Vector3 convexScale = convexObject.Scale;
            Pose    convexPose  = convexObject.Pose;
            Pose    rayPose     = rayObject.Pose;

            // See Raycasting paper of van den Bergen or Bullet.
            // Note: Compute in local space of convex (object B).

            // Scale ray and transform ray to local space of convex.
            Ray rayWorld = new Ray(rayShape);

            rayWorld.Scale(ref rayScale);  // Scale ray.
            rayWorld.ToWorld(ref rayPose); // Transform ray to world space.
            Ray ray = rayWorld;

            ray.ToLocal(ref convexPose); // Transform ray to local space of convex.

            var simplex = GjkSimplexSolver.Create();

                Vector3 s = ray.Origin;                 // source
                Vector3 r = ray.Direction * ray.Length; // ray
                float   λ = 0;                          // ray parameter
                Vector3 x = s;                          // hit spot (on ray)
                Vector3 n = new Vector3();              // normal
                Vector3 v = x - convexShape.GetSupportPoint(ray.Direction, convexScale);
                // v = x - arbitrary point. Vector used for support mapping.
                float distanceSquared = v.LengthSquared(); // ||v||²
                int   iterationCount  = 0;

                while (distanceSquared > Numeric.EpsilonF && iterationCount < MaxNumberOfIterations)
                    Vector3 p = convexShape.GetSupportPoint(v, convexScale); // point on convex
                    Vector3 w = x - p;                                       // simplex/Minkowski difference point

                    float vDotW = Vector3.Dot(v, w);                         // v∙w
                    if (vDotW > 0)
                        float vDotR = Vector3.Dot(v, r); // v∙r
                        if (vDotR >= 0)                  // TODO: vDotR >= - Epsilon^2 ?
                            return;                      // No Hit.
                        λ = λ - vDotW / vDotR;
                        x = s + λ * r;
                        simplex.Clear(); // Configuration space obstacle (CSO) is translated whenever x is updated.
                        w = x - p;
                        n = v;

                    simplex.Add(w, x, p);
                    v = simplex.ClosestPoint;
                    distanceSquared = (simplex.IsValid && !simplex.IsFull) ? v.LengthSquared() : 0;

                // We have a contact if the hit is inside the ray length.
                contactSet.HaveContact = (0 <= λ && λ <= 1);

                if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts && !contactSet.HaveContact))
                    // HaveContact queries can exit here.
                    // GetContacts queries can exit here if we don't have a contact.

                float penetrationDepth = λ * ray.Length;

                Debug.Assert(contactSet.HaveContact, "Separation was not detected by GJK above.");

                // Convert back to world space.
                Vector3 position = rayWorld.Origin + rayWorld.Direction * penetrationDepth;
                n = convexPose.ToWorldDirection(n);
                if (!n.TryNormalize())
                    n = Vector3.UnitY;

                if (swapped)
                    n = -n;

                // Update contact set.
                Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, -n, penetrationDepth, true);
                ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private Vector3 DoMpr(CollisionQueryType type, ContactSet contactSet, Vector3 v0)
            int       iterationCount = 0;
            const int iterationLimit = 100;

            CollisionObject  collisionObjectA = contactSet.ObjectA;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectA = collisionObjectA.GeometricObject;
            ConvexShape      shapeA           = (ConvexShape)geometricObjectA.Shape;
            Vector3          scaleA           = geometricObjectA.Scale;
            Pose             poseA            = geometricObjectA.Pose;

            CollisionObject  collisionObjectB = contactSet.ObjectB;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectB = collisionObjectB.GeometricObject;
            ConvexShape      shapeB           = (ConvexShape)geometricObjectB.Shape;
            Vector3          scaleB           = geometricObjectB.Scale;
            Pose             poseB            = geometricObjectB.Pose;

            // Cache inverted rotations.
            var orientationAInverse = poseA.Orientation.Transposed;
            var orientationBInverse = poseB.Orientation.Transposed;

            Vector3 n   = -v0; // Shoot from v0 to the origin.
            Vector3 v1A = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.GetSupportPoint(orientationAInverse * -n, scaleA));
            Vector3 v1B = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.GetSupportPoint(orientationBInverse * n, scaleB));
            Vector3 v1  = v1B - v1A;

            // Separating axis test:
            if (Vector3.Dot(v1, n) < 0)
                // TODO: We could cache the separating axis n in ContactSet for future collision checks.
                //       Also in the separating axis tests below.

            // Second support direction = perpendicular to plane of origin, v0 and v1.
            n = Vector3.Cross(v1, v0);

            // If n is a zero vector, then origin, v0 and v1 are on a line with the origin inside the support plane.
            if (n.IsNumericallyZero)
                // Contact found.
                contactSet.HaveContact = true;
                if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                // Compute contact information.
                // (v0 is an inner point. v1 is a support point on the CSO. => The contact normal is -v1.
                // However, v1 could be close to the origin. To avoid numerical
                // problems we use v0 - v1, which is the same direction.)
                Vector3 normal = v0 - v1;
                if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                    // This happens for Point vs. flat object when they are on the same position.
                    // Maybe we could even find a better normal.
                    normal = Vector3.UnitY;

                Vector3 position         = (v1A + v1B) / 2;
                float   penetrationDepth = v1.Length;
                Contact contact          = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);
                ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);


            Vector3 v2A = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.GetSupportPoint(orientationAInverse * -n, scaleA));
            Vector3 v2B = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.GetSupportPoint(orientationBInverse * n, scaleB));
            Vector3 v2  = v2B - v2A;

            // Separating axis test:
            if (Vector3.Dot(v2, n) < 0)

            // Third support direction = perpendicular to plane of v0, v1 and v2.
            n = Vector3.Cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0);

            // If the origin is on the negative side of the plane, then reverse the plane direction.
            // n must point into the origin direction and not away...
            if (Vector3.Dot(n, v0) > 0)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref v1, ref v2);
                MathHelper.Swap(ref v1A, ref v2A);
                MathHelper.Swap(ref v1B, ref v2B);
                n = -n;

            if (n.IsNumericallyZero)
                // Degenerate case:
                // Interpretation (HelmutG): v2 is on the line with v0 and v1. I think this can only happen
                // if the CSO is flat and in the plane of (origin, v0, v1).
                // This happens for example in Point vs. Line Segment, or triangle vs. triangle when both
                // triangles are in the same plane.
                // Simply ignore this case (Infinite small/flat objects do not touch).

            // Search for a valid portal.
            Vector3 v3, v3A, v3B;

            while (true)

                // Abort if we cannot find a valid portal.
                if (iterationCount > iterationLimit)

                // Get next support point.
                //v3A = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.GetSupportPoint(orientationAInverse * -n, scaleA));
                //v3B = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.GetSupportPoint(orientationBInverse * n, scaleB));
                //v3 = v3B - v3A;

                // ----- Optimized version:
                Vector3 supportDirectionA;
                supportDirectionA.X = -(orientationAInverse.M00 * n.X + orientationAInverse.M01 * n.Y + orientationAInverse.M02 * n.Z);
                supportDirectionA.Y = -(orientationAInverse.M10 * n.X + orientationAInverse.M11 * n.Y + orientationAInverse.M12 * n.Z);
                supportDirectionA.Z = -(orientationAInverse.M20 * n.X + orientationAInverse.M21 * n.Y + orientationAInverse.M22 * n.Z);
                Vector3 supportPointA = shapeA.GetSupportPoint(supportDirectionA, scaleA);
                v3A.X = poseA.Orientation.M00 * supportPointA.X + poseA.Orientation.M01 * supportPointA.Y + poseA.Orientation.M02 * supportPointA.Z + poseA.Position.X;
                v3A.Y = poseA.Orientation.M10 * supportPointA.X + poseA.Orientation.M11 * supportPointA.Y + poseA.Orientation.M12 * supportPointA.Z + poseA.Position.Y;
                v3A.Z = poseA.Orientation.M20 * supportPointA.X + poseA.Orientation.M21 * supportPointA.Y + poseA.Orientation.M22 * supportPointA.Z + poseA.Position.Z;
                Vector3 supportDirectionB;
                supportDirectionB.X = orientationBInverse.M00 * n.X + orientationBInverse.M01 * n.Y + orientationBInverse.M02 * n.Z;
                supportDirectionB.Y = orientationBInverse.M10 * n.X + orientationBInverse.M11 * n.Y + orientationBInverse.M12 * n.Z;
                supportDirectionB.Z = orientationBInverse.M20 * n.X + orientationBInverse.M21 * n.Y + orientationBInverse.M22 * n.Z;
                Vector3 supportPointB = shapeB.GetSupportPoint(supportDirectionB, scaleB);
                v3B.X = poseB.Orientation.M00 * supportPointB.X + poseB.Orientation.M01 * supportPointB.Y + poseB.Orientation.M02 * supportPointB.Z + poseB.Position.X;
                v3B.Y = poseB.Orientation.M10 * supportPointB.X + poseB.Orientation.M11 * supportPointB.Y + poseB.Orientation.M12 * supportPointB.Z + poseB.Position.Y;
                v3B.Z = poseB.Orientation.M20 * supportPointB.X + poseB.Orientation.M21 * supportPointB.Y + poseB.Orientation.M22 * supportPointB.Z + poseB.Position.Z;
                v3    = v3B - v3A;

                // Separating axis test:
                //if (Vector3.Dot(v3, n) < 0)
                if (v3.X * n.X + v3.Y * n.Y + v3.Z * n.Z < 0)

                // v0, v1, v2, v3 form a tetrahedron.
                // v0 is an inner point of the CSO and v1, v2, v3 are support points.
                // v1, v2, v3 should form a valid portal.

                // If origin is outside the plane of v0, v1, v3 then the portal is invalid and we choose a new n.
                //if (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(v1, v3), v0) < 0) // ORIENT3D test, see Ericson: "Real-Time Collision Detection"
                if ((v1.Y * v3.Z - v1.Z * v3.Y) * v0.X
                    + (v1.Z * v3.X - v1.X * v3.Z) * v0.Y
                    + (v1.X * v3.Y - v1.Y * v3.X) * v0.Z < 0)
                    v2  = v3; // Get rid of v2. A new v3 will be chosen in the next iteration.
                    v2A = v3A;
                    v2B = v3B;
                    //n = Vector3.Cross(v1 - v0, v3 - v0);
                    // ----- Optimized version:
                    Vector3 v1MinusV0;
                    v1MinusV0.X = v1.X - v0.X;
                    v1MinusV0.Y = v1.Y - v0.Y;
                    v1MinusV0.Z = v1.Z - v0.Z;
                    Vector3 v3MinusV0;
                    v3MinusV0.X = v3.X - v0.X;
                    v3MinusV0.Y = v3.Y - v0.Y;
                    v3MinusV0.Z = v3.Z - v0.Z;
                    n.X         = v1MinusV0.Y * v3MinusV0.Z - v1MinusV0.Z * v3MinusV0.Y;
                    n.Y         = v1MinusV0.Z * v3MinusV0.X - v1MinusV0.X * v3MinusV0.Z;
                    n.Z         = v1MinusV0.X * v3MinusV0.Y - v1MinusV0.Y * v3MinusV0.X;

                // If origin is outside the plane of v0, v2, v3 then the portal is invalid and we choose a new n.
                //if (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(v3, v2), v0) < 0)
                if ((v3.Y * v2.Z - v3.Z * v2.Y) * v0.X
                    + (v3.Z * v2.X - v3.X * v2.Z) * v0.Y
                    + (v3.X * v2.Y - v3.Y * v2.X) * v0.Z < 0)
                    v1  = v3; // Get rid of v1. A new v3 will be chosen in the next iteration.
                    v1A = v3A;
                    v1B = v3B;
                    //n = Vector3.Cross(v3 - v0, v2 - v0);
                    // ----- Optimized version:
                    Vector3 v3MinusV0;
                    v3MinusV0.X = v3.X - v0.X;
                    v3MinusV0.Y = v3.Y - v0.Y;
                    v3MinusV0.Z = v3.Z - v0.Z;
                    Vector3 v2MinusV0;
                    v2MinusV0.X = v2.X - v0.X;
                    v2MinusV0.Y = v2.Y - v0.Y;
                    v2MinusV0.Z = v2.Z - v0.Z;
                    n.X         = v3MinusV0.Y * v2MinusV0.Z - v3MinusV0.Z * v2MinusV0.Y;
                    n.Y         = v3MinusV0.Z * v2MinusV0.X - v3MinusV0.X * v2MinusV0.Z;
                    n.Z         = v3MinusV0.X * v2MinusV0.Y - v3MinusV0.Y * v2MinusV0.X;

                // If come to here, then we have found a valid portal to begin with.
                // (We have a tetrahedron that contains the ray (v0 to origin)).

            // Refine the portal
            while (true)

                // Store old n. Numerical inaccuracy can lead to endless loops where n is constant.
                Vector3 oldN = n;

                // Compute outward pointing normal of the portal
                //n = Vector3.Cross(v2 - v1, v3 - v1);
                Vector3 v2MinusV1;
                v2MinusV1.X = v2.X - v1.X;
                v2MinusV1.Y = v2.Y - v1.Y;
                v2MinusV1.Z = v2.Z - v1.Z;
                Vector3 v3MinusV1;
                v3MinusV1.X = v3.X - v1.X;
                v3MinusV1.Y = v3.Y - v1.Y;
                v3MinusV1.Z = v3.Z - v1.Z;
                n.X         = v2MinusV1.Y * v3MinusV1.Z - v2MinusV1.Z * v3MinusV1.Y;
                n.Y         = v2MinusV1.Z * v3MinusV1.X - v2MinusV1.X * v3MinusV1.Z;
                n.Z         = v2MinusV1.X * v3MinusV1.Y - v2MinusV1.Y * v3MinusV1.X;

                //if (!n.TryNormalize())
                // ----- Optimized version:
                float nLengthSquared = n.LengthSquared();
                if (nLengthSquared < Numeric.EpsilonFSquared)
                    // The portal is degenerate (some vertices of v1, v2, v3 are identical).
                    // This can happen for coplanar shapes, e.g. long thin triangles in the
                    // same plane. The portal (v1, v2, v3) is a line segment.
                    // This might be a contact or not. We use the GJK as a fallback to check this case.

                    if (_gjk == null)
                        _gjk = new Gjk(CollisionDetection);

                    _gjk.ComputeCollision(contactSet, CollisionQueryType.Boolean);
                    if (contactSet.HaveContact == false)

                    // GJK reports a contact - but it cannot compute contact positions.
                    // We use the best point on the current portal as the contact point.

                    // Find the point closest to the origin.
                    float u, v, w;
                    GeometryHelper.GetClosestPoint(new Triangle(v1, v2, v3), Vector3.Zero, out u, out v, out w);
                    Vector3 vClosest = u * v1 + v * v2 + w * v3;

                    // We have not found a separating axis so far. --> Contact.
                    contactSet.HaveContact = true;
                    if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                    // The points on the objects have the same barycentric coordinates.
                    Vector3 pointOnA = u * v1A + v * v2A + w * v3A;
                    Vector3 pointOnB = u * v1B + v * v2B + w * v3B;

                    Vector3 normal = pointOnA - pointOnB;
                    if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                        if (contactSet.IsPreferredNormalAvailable)
                            normal = contactSet.PreferredNormal;
                            normal = Vector3.UnitY;

                    Vector3 position         = (pointOnA + pointOnB) / 2;
                    float   penetrationDepth = vClosest.Length;
                    Contact contact          = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);
                    ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);


                // ----- Optimized version: Rest of n.TryNormalize():
                float nLength = (float)Math.Sqrt(nLengthSquared);
                float scale   = 1.0f / nLength;
                n.X *= scale;
                n.Y *= scale;
                n.Z *= scale;

                // Separating axis test:
                // Testing > instead of >= is important otherwise coplanar triangles may report false contacts
                // because the portal is in the same plane as the origin.
                if (!contactSet.HaveContact &&
                    v1.X * n.X + v1.Y * n.Y + v1.Z * n.Z > 0) // Optimized version of && Vector3.Dot(v1, n) > 0)
                    // Portal points aways from origin --> Origin is in the tetrahedron.
                    contactSet.HaveContact = true;
                    if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                // Find new support point.
                //Vector3 v4A = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.GetSupportPoint(orientationAInverse * -n, scaleA));
                //Vector3 v4B = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.GetSupportPoint(orientationBInverse * n, scaleB));
                //Vector3 v4 = v4B - v4A;

                // ----- Optimized version:
                Vector3 supportDirectionA;
                supportDirectionA.X = -(orientationAInverse.M00 * n.X + orientationAInverse.M01 * n.Y + orientationAInverse.M02 * n.Z);
                supportDirectionA.Y = -(orientationAInverse.M10 * n.X + orientationAInverse.M11 * n.Y + orientationAInverse.M12 * n.Z);
                supportDirectionA.Z = -(orientationAInverse.M20 * n.X + orientationAInverse.M21 * n.Y + orientationAInverse.M22 * n.Z);
                Vector3 supportPointA = shapeA.GetSupportPoint(supportDirectionA, scaleA);
                Vector3 v4A;
                v4A.X = poseA.Orientation.M00 * supportPointA.X + poseA.Orientation.M01 * supportPointA.Y + poseA.Orientation.M02 * supportPointA.Z + poseA.Position.X;
                v4A.Y = poseA.Orientation.M10 * supportPointA.X + poseA.Orientation.M11 * supportPointA.Y + poseA.Orientation.M12 * supportPointA.Z + poseA.Position.Y;
                v4A.Z = poseA.Orientation.M20 * supportPointA.X + poseA.Orientation.M21 * supportPointA.Y + poseA.Orientation.M22 * supportPointA.Z + poseA.Position.Z;
                Vector3 supportDirectionB;
                supportDirectionB.X = orientationBInverse.M00 * n.X + orientationBInverse.M01 * n.Y + orientationBInverse.M02 * n.Z;
                supportDirectionB.Y = orientationBInverse.M10 * n.X + orientationBInverse.M11 * n.Y + orientationBInverse.M12 * n.Z;
                supportDirectionB.Z = orientationBInverse.M20 * n.X + orientationBInverse.M21 * n.Y + orientationBInverse.M22 * n.Z;
                Vector3 supportPointB = shapeB.GetSupportPoint(supportDirectionB, scaleB);
                Vector3 v4B;
                v4B.X = poseB.Orientation.M00 * supportPointB.X + poseB.Orientation.M01 * supportPointB.Y + poseB.Orientation.M02 * supportPointB.Z + poseB.Position.X;
                v4B.Y = poseB.Orientation.M10 * supportPointB.X + poseB.Orientation.M11 * supportPointB.Y + poseB.Orientation.M12 * supportPointB.Z + poseB.Position.Y;
                v4B.Z = poseB.Orientation.M20 * supportPointB.X + poseB.Orientation.M21 * supportPointB.Y + poseB.Orientation.M22 * supportPointB.Z + poseB.Position.Z;
                Vector3 v4 = v4B - v4A;

                // Separating axis test:
                if (!contactSet.HaveContact &&                // <--- New (see below).
                    v4.X * n.X + v4.Y * n.Y + v4.Z * n.Z < 0) // Optimized version of && Vector3.Dot(v4, n) < 0)
                    // Following assert can fail. For example if the above dot product returns -0.000000001
                    // for nearly perfectly touching objects. Therefore I have added the condition
                    // hit == false to the condition.

                // Test if we have refined more than the collision epsilon.
                // Condition 1: Project the point difference v4-v3 onto normal n and check whether we have
                // improved in this direction.
                // Condition 2: If n has not changed, then we couldn't improve anymore. This is caused
                // by numerical problems, e.g. when a large object (>10000) is checked.
                //if (Vector3.Dot(v4 - v3, n) <= CollisionDetection.Epsilon
                // ----- Optimized version:
                if ((v4.X - v3.X) * n.X + (v4.Y - v3.Y) * n.Y + (v4.Z - v3.Z) * n.Z <= CollisionDetection.Epsilon ||
                    Vector3.AreNumericallyEqual(n, oldN) ||
                    iterationCount >= iterationLimit)
                    // We have the final portal.
                    if (!contactSet.HaveContact)

                    if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                    // Find the point closest to the origin.
                    float u, v, w;
                    GeometryHelper.GetClosestPoint(new Triangle(v1, v2, v3), Vector3.Zero, out u, out v, out w);

                    // Note: If u, v or w is 0 or 1, then the point was probably outside portal triangle.
                    // We can use the returned data, but re-running MPR will give us a better contact.

                    Vector3 closest = u * v1 + v * v2 + w * v3;

                    // The points on the objects have the same barycentric coordinates.
                    Vector3 pointOnA = u * v1A + v * v2A + w * v3A;
                    Vector3 pointOnB = u * v1B + v * v2B + w * v3B;

                    // Use difference between points as normal direction, only if it can be normalized.
                    Vector3 normal = pointOnA - pointOnB;
                    if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                        normal = -n; // Else use the inverted normal of the portal.
                    Vector3 position         = (pointOnA + pointOnB) / 2;
                    float   penetrationDepth = closest.Length;
                    Contact contact          = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);
                    ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);

                    // If real closest point is outside the portal triangle, then one of u, v, w will
                    // be exactly 0 or 1. In this case we should run a new MPR with the portal ray n.
                    if (u == 0 || v == 0 || w == 0 || u == 1 || v == 1 || w == 1)


                // Now we have a new point v4 and have to make a new portal by eliminating v1, v2 or v3.
                // The possible new tetrahedron faces are: (v0, v1, v4), (v0, v4, v2), (v0, v4, v3)
                // We don't know the orientation yet.
                // Test with the ORIENT3D test.
                //Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(v4, v0);
                // ----- Optimized version:
                Vector3 cross;
                cross.X = v4.Y * v0.Z - v4.Z * v0.Y;
                cross.Y = v4.Z * v0.X - v4.X * v0.Z;
                cross.Z = v4.X * v0.Y - v4.Y * v0.X;

                //if (Vector3.Dot(v1, cross) > 0)
                if (v1.X * cross.X + v1.Y * cross.Y + v1.Z * cross.Z > 0)
                    // Eliminate v3 or v1.
                    //if (Vector3.Dot(v2, cross) > 0)
                    if (v2.X * cross.X + v2.Y * cross.Y + v2.Z * cross.Z > 0)
                        v1  = v4;
                        v1A = v4A;
                        v1B = v4B;
                        v3  = v4;
                        v3A = v4A;
                        v3B = v4B;
                    // Eliminate v1 or v2.
                    //if (Vector3.Dot(v3, cross) > 0)
                    if (v3.X * cross.X + v3.Y * cross.Y + v3.Z * cross.Z > 0)
                        v2  = v4;
                        v2A = v4A;
                        v2B = v4B;
                        v1  = v4;
                        v1A = v4A;
                        v1B = v4B;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// Adds a new point to the simplex.
        ///<param name="shapeA">First shape in the pair.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeB">Second shape in the pair.</param>
        ///<param name="iterationCount">Current iteration count.</param>
        ///<param name="closestPoint">Current point on simplex closest to origin.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not GJK should exit due to a lack of progression.</returns>
        public bool GetNewSimplexPoint(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, int iterationCount, ref Vector3 closestPoint)
            Vector3 negativeDirection;

            Vector3.Negate(ref closestPoint, out negativeDirection);
            Vector3 sa, sb;

            shapeA.GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref negativeDirection, out sa);
            shapeB.GetExtremePointWithoutMargin(closestPoint, ref LocalTransformB, out sb);
            Vector3 S;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref sa, ref sb, out S);
            //If S is not further towards the origin along negativeDirection than closestPoint, then we're done.
            Fix64 dotS;

            Vector3.Dot(ref S, ref negativeDirection, out dotS); //-P * S
            Fix64 distanceToClosest = closestPoint.LengthSquared();

            Fix64 progression = dotS + distanceToClosest;

            //It's likely that the system is oscillating between two or more states, usually because of a degenerate simplex.
            //Rather than detect specific problem cases, this approach just lets it run and catches whatever falls through.
            //During oscillation, one of the states is usually just BARELY outside of the numerical tolerance.
            //After a bunch of iterations, the system lets it pick the 'better' one.
            if (iterationCount > GJKToolbox.HighGJKIterations && distanceToClosest - previousDistanceToClosest < DistanceConvergenceEpsilon * errorTolerance)
            if (distanceToClosest < previousDistanceToClosest)
                previousDistanceToClosest = distanceToClosest;

            //If "A" is the new point always, then the switch statement can be removed
            //in favor of just pushing three points up.
            switch (State)
            case SimplexState.Point:
                if (progression <= (errorTolerance = MathHelper.Max(A.LengthSquared(), S.LengthSquared())) * ProgressionEpsilon)

                State      = SimplexState.Segment;
                B          = S;
                SimplexA.B = sa;
                SimplexB.B = sb;

            case SimplexState.Segment:
                if (progression <= (errorTolerance = MathHelper.Max(MathHelper.Max(A.LengthSquared(), B.LengthSquared()), S.LengthSquared())) * ProgressionEpsilon)

                State      = SimplexState.Triangle;
                C          = S;
                SimplexA.C = sa;
                SimplexB.C = sb;

            case SimplexState.Triangle:
                if (progression <= (errorTolerance = MathHelper.Max(MathHelper.Max(A.LengthSquared(), B.LengthSquared()), MathHelper.Max(C.LengthSquared(), S.LengthSquared()))) * ProgressionEpsilon)

                State      = SimplexState.Tetrahedron;
                D          = S;
                SimplexA.D = sa;
                SimplexB.D = sb;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// Sweeps two shapes against another.
        ///<param name="shapeA">First shape being swept.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeB">Second shape being swept.</param>
        ///<param name="sweepA">Sweep vector for the first shape.</param>
        ///<param name="sweepB">Sweep vector for the second shape.</param>
        ///<param name="transformA">Transform to apply to the first shape.</param>
        ///<param name="transformB">Transform to apply to the second shape.</param>
        ///<param name="hit">Hit data of the sweep test, if any.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the swept shapes hit each other..</returns>
        public static bool ConvexCast(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ref Vector3 sweepA, ref Vector3 sweepB,
                                      ref RigidTransform transformA, ref RigidTransform transformB,
                                      out RayHit hit)
            //Put the velocity into shapeA's local space.
            Vector3 velocityWorld;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref sweepB, ref sweepA, out velocityWorld);
            Quaternion conjugateOrientationA;

            Quaternion.Conjugate(ref transformA.Orientation, out conjugateOrientationA);
            Vector3 rayDirection;

            Quaternion.Transform(ref velocityWorld, ref conjugateOrientationA, out rayDirection);
            //Transform b into a's local space.
            RigidTransform localTransformB;

            Quaternion.Concatenate(ref transformB.Orientation, ref conjugateOrientationA,
                                   out localTransformB.Orientation);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref transformB.Position, ref transformA.Position, out localTransformB.Position);
            Quaternion.Transform(ref localTransformB.Position, ref conjugateOrientationA, out localTransformB.Position);

            Vector3 w, p;

            hit.T        = 0;
            hit.Location = Vector3.Zero; //The ray starts at the origin.
            hit.Normal   = Toolbox.ZeroVector;
            Vector3 v = hit.Location;

            RaySimplex simplex = new RaySimplex();

            float vw, vdir;
            int   count = 0;

                if (++count > MaximumGJKIterations)
                    //It's taken too long to find a hit.  Numerical problems are probable; quit.
                    hit = new RayHit();

                MinkowskiToolbox.GetLocalMinkowskiExtremePoint(shapeA, shapeB, ref v, ref localTransformB, out p);

                Vector3.Subtract(ref hit.Location, ref p, out w);
                Vector3.Dot(ref v, ref w, out vw);
                if (vw > 0)
                    Vector3.Dot(ref v, ref rayDirection, out vdir);
                    if (vdir >= 0)
                        hit = new RayHit();

                    hit.T = hit.T - vw / vdir;
                    if (hit.T > 1)
                        //If we've gone beyond where the ray can reach, there's obviously no hit.
                        hit = new RayHit();

                    //Shift the ray up.
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref rayDirection, hit.T, out hit.Location);
                    //The ray origin is the origin!  Don't need to add any ray position.
                    hit.Normal = v;

                RaySimplex shiftedSimplex;
                simplex.AddNewSimplexPoint(ref p, ref hit.Location, out shiftedSimplex);

                shiftedSimplex.GetPointClosestToOrigin(ref simplex, out v);

                //Could measure the progress of the ray.  If it's too little, could early out.
                //Not used by default since it's biased towards precision over performance.
            } while (v.LengthSquared() >= Toolbox.Epsilon * simplex.GetErrorTolerance(ref Toolbox.ZeroVector));

            //This epsilon has a significant impact on performance and accuracy.  Changing it to use BigEpsilon instead increases speed by around 30-40% usually, but jigging is more evident.
            //Transform the hit data into world space.
            Quaternion.Transform(ref hit.Normal, ref transformA.Orientation, out hit.Normal);
            Vector3.Multiply(ref velocityWorld, hit.T, out hit.Location);
            Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref transformA.Position, out hit.Location);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 /// Initializes the pair tester.
 ///<param name="convex">Convex shape to use.</param>
 public override void Initialize(ConvexShape convex)
     this.convex = convex;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 /// Initializes the pair tester.
 ///<param name="convex">Convex shape to use.</param>
 public override void Initialize(ConvexShape convex)
     this.sphere = (SphereShape)convex;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        private List <ICollisionShape> BuildStack()
            List <ICollisionShape> objects = new List <ICollisionShape>();

            Vector3d shift = new Vector3d(0.0, 2.3, 0.0);

            Vector3d position = new Vector3d(8.0, 4.0, 0.0);
            string   objName  = "cube.obj";

            double[] mass = new double[] { 50, 20, 8, 3, 1 };

            GeometryProperties geom1 = GetObjectGeometry(objName, 1.0f);

            ShapeGeometry shapeGeometry = new ShapeGeometry(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx);

            //ShapeGeometry shapeGeometry = new ShapeGeometry(geom1.VertexPoint);

            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)

                //var objects1 = new ConcaveShape(shapeGeometry, position, 1.0, false);
                //var objects1 = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx, position, 1.0);
                //var objects1 = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, position, 1.0);
                var objects1 = new ConvexShape(shapeGeometry, position, 1.0, false);
                objects1.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0));
                objects1.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                objects1.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                position = position + shift;


            position = new Vector3d(11.0, 4.0, 0.0);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

                //GeometryProperties geom1 = GetObjectGeometry(objName, 1, 0.0);
                //var objects1 = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx, position, 1.0);
                var objects1 = new ConvexShape(shapeGeometry, position, 1.0, false);
                objects1.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0));
                //objects1.SetGeometry(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx);
                objects1.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                objects1.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                position = position + shift;


            position = new Vector3d(5.0, 1.7, 0.0);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

                //GeometryProperties geom1 = GetObjectGeometry(objName, 1, 0.0);
                //var objects1 = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx, position, 1.0);
                var objects1 = new ConvexShape(shapeGeometry, position, 1.0, false);
                objects1.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0));
                //objects1.SetGeometry(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx);
                objects1.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                objects1.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                position = position + shift;


            position = new Vector3d(5.0, 1.7, 3.0);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

                //GeometryProperties geom1 = GetObjectGeometry(objName, 1, 0.0);
                //var objects1 = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx, position, 1.0);
                var objects1 = new ConvexShape(shapeGeometry, position, 1.0, false);
                objects1.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0));
                //objects1.SetGeometry(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx);
                objects1.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                objects1.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                position = position + shift;


            position = new Vector3d(5.0, 1.7, -5.0);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

                //GeometryProperties geom1 = GetObjectGeometry(objName, 1, 0.0);
                //var objects1 = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx, position, 1.0);
                var objects1 = new ConvexShape(shapeGeometry, position, 1.0, false);
                objects1.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0));
                //objects1.SetGeometry(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx);
                objects1.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                objects1.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                position = position + shift;


            position = new Vector3d(5.0, 1.7, 8.0);

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

                //GeometryProperties geom1 = GetObjectGeometry(objName, 1, 0.0);
                //var objects1 = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx, position, 1.0);
                var objects1 = new ConvexShape(shapeGeometry, position, 1.0, false);
                objects1.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0));
                //objects1.SetGeometry(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx);
                objects1.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                objects1.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                position = position + shift;


            position = new Vector3d(8.0, 1.7, -3.0);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

                //GeometryProperties geom1 = GetObjectGeometry(objName, 1, 0.0);
                //var objects1 = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx, position, 1.0);
                var objects1 = new ConvexShape(shapeGeometry, position, 1.0, false);
                objects1.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0));
                //objects1.SetGeometry(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx);
                objects1.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                objects1.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                position = position + shift;


            position = new Vector3d(8.0, 1.7, 3.0);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

                //GeometryProperties geom1 = GetObjectGeometry(objName, 1, 0.0);
                //var objects1 = new ConvexShape(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx, position, 1.0);
                var objects1 = new ConvexShape(shapeGeometry, position, 1.0, false);
                objects1.SetRotationStatus(new Quaternion(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0));
                //objects1.SetGeometry(geom1.VertexPoint, geom1.TriagleIdx);
                objects1.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                objects1.SetAngularVelocity(new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                position = position + shift;

