Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the Object with the searchItemID. This is a recursive function which looks through all levels of the tree
        /// If the treeLevel is omitted, the search will start in the root items
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchItemID"></param>
        /// <param name="treeLevel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ControlObjectModel GetController(Guid?searchItemID, TD.ObservableItemCollection <ControlObjectModel> treeLevel = null)
            // Select the root level if the treeLevel = null
            if (treeLevel == null)
                treeLevel = ControlObjects;
            foreach (var controllerItem in treeLevel)
                // return the item if found on this level
                if (controllerItem.ID == searchItemID)

                if (controllerItem.ChildControlObjects != null)
                    // Recursively call the method to find the item in the ChildControlObjects
                    ControlObjectModel childcontrollerItem = GetController(searchItemID, controllerItem.ChildControlObjects);
                    if (childcontrollerItem != null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Paste()
            foreach (var controllerItem in CopiedItems)
                ControlObjectModel copiedcontrollerItem = new ControlObjectModel();
                copiedcontrollerItem.ID                   = Guid.NewGuid();
                copiedcontrollerItem.Project_ID           = controllerItem.Project_ID;
                copiedcontrollerItem.ObjectName           = controllerItem.ObjectName + "_1";
                copiedcontrollerItem.Description          = controllerItem.Description;
                copiedcontrollerItem.ControlObjectType_ID = controllerItem.ControlObjectType_ID;
                copiedcontrollerItem.IsChanged            = false;
                copiedcontrollerItem.IsNew                = true;
                copiedcontrollerItem.ChildControlObjects  = new TD.ObservableItemCollection <ControlObjectModel>();

                if (SelectedItem == null)
                    copiedcontrollerItem.Parent_ID = null;
                // Otherwise get the parent object and add the new object as a child
                    copiedcontrollerItem.Parent_ID = SelectedItem.ID;
                //SelectedItem = copiedcontrollerItem;

            IsChanged = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void AddChild()
            ControlObjectModel controllerItem = new ControlObjectModel
                ID                  = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Project_ID          = Globals.Project_ID,
                ObjectName          = "New Object",
                Description         = "New Object Description",
                IsChanged           = false,
                IsNew               = true,
                ChildControlObjects = new TD.ObservableItemCollection <ControlObjectModel>()

            if (SelectedItem != null)
                controllerItem.Parent_ID            = SelectedItem.ID;
                controllerItem.ControlObjectType_ID = SelectedItem.ControlObjectType_ID + 1;
            IsChanged = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void AddSibling()
            // Instanciate a new object
            ControlObjectModel controllerItem = new ControlObjectModel
                ID                   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Project_ID           = Globals.Project_ID,
                ObjectName           = "New Object",
                Description          = "New Object Description",
                IsChanged            = false,
                IsNew                = true,
                ControlObjectType_ID = TypeViewModelLocator.GetTypeVM().GetTypeGroupID("Object"),
                ChildControlObjects  = new TD.ObservableItemCollection <ControlObjectModel>()

            // If no item has been selected, put the object in the root of the tree
            if (SelectedItem == null)
                controllerItem.Parent_ID = null;
            // If the selected item is in the root, put the new object in the root also
            else if (SelectedItem.Parent_ID == null)
                controllerItem.Parent_ID            = null;
                controllerItem.ControlObjectType_ID = SelectedItem.ControlObjectType_ID;
                ControlObjects.Insert(ControlObjects.IndexOf(SelectedItem) + 1, controllerItem);
            // Otherwise get the parent object and add the new object as a child
                ControlObjectModel parentItem = GetController(SelectedItem.Parent_ID);
                controllerItem.Parent_ID            = SelectedItem.Parent_ID;
                controllerItem.ControlObjectType_ID = SelectedItem.ControlObjectType_ID;
                parentItem.ChildControlObjects.Insert(parentItem.ChildControlObjects.IndexOf(SelectedItem) + 1, controllerItem);
            IsChanged = true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the records from the DbSet into the ViewModel. This function designed for recursive use
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Project_ID"></param>
        /// <param name="Parent_ID"></param>
        /// <returns>Observable collection of VMControlObject</returns>
        private TD.ObservableItemCollection <ControlObjectModel> Load(Guid?Parent_ID)
            TD.ObservableItemCollection <ControlObjectModel> ChildControlObjects = new TD.ObservableItemCollection <ControlObjectModel>();
            // TD.ObservableItemCollection<ControlObjectModel> personalLayout = new TD.ObservableItemCollection<ControlObjectModel>();

            using (EDBEntities eDB = new EDBEntities())
                foreach (tblControlObject Rec in (from o in eDB.tblControlObjects where (o.Project_ID == Globals.Project_ID && o.Parent_ID == Parent_ID) orderby o.ObjectName select o))
                    ControlObjectModel controllerItem = new ControlObjectModel
                        ID                   = Rec.ID,
                        Parent_ID            = Rec.Parent_ID,
                        Project_ID           = Rec.Project_ID,
                        ObjectName           = Rec.ObjectName,
                        Description          = Rec.Description,
                        ControlObjectType_ID = (int)Rec.ControlObjectType_ID,
                        IsChanged            = false,

                    // Load ControlObject with a parent_ID equal to the ID of this object
                    controllerItem.ChildControlObjects = Load(Rec.ID);

                    // If the parent ID is null, this is a root object and needs to be added to the collection that is the itemsource of the object tree
                    // Else it is a child object which needs to be added to the childobjectlist
                    if (Rec.Parent_ID == null)
            IsChanged = false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Method triggered by the TreeListViewDragDropBehavior Class. Takes care of moving on item in the tree, which can be from
        /// any level to any level
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destination"></param>
        public void MoveSelection(TreeListViewRow destination) // Collection<ControlObjectModel> selectedItems, ControlObjectModel destination )
            if (destination != null)
                ControlObjectModel destinationItem = (destination.DataContext) as ControlObjectModel;
                    // Setup a private collection with the selected items only. This is because the SelectedItems that are part of the view model collection
                    // will change as soon as we start removing and adding ControlObject
                    TD.ObservableItemCollection <ControlObjectModel> selectedItems = new TD.ObservableItemCollection <ControlObjectModel>();
                    foreach (ControlObjectModel item in SelectedItems)

                    foreach (ControlObjectModel item in selectedItems)
                        // find the original parent of the object that's moved
                        ControlObjectModel parentSourceItem = GetController(item.Parent_ID);

                        // If the parent is in the root level
                        if (parentSourceItem == null)
                            // Remove the item in the root level
                            // Otherwise remove the item from the child collection

                        TreeListViewDropPosition relativeDropPosition = (TreeListViewDropPosition)destination.GetValue(RadTreeListView.DropPositionProperty);
                        // If put on top of destination
                        if (relativeDropPosition == TreeListViewDropPosition.Inside)
                            // the Parent_ID of the item will become the ID of the destination
                            item.Parent_ID = destinationItem.ID;
                        // If put before or after the destination
                            // if the desitination is in the root collection
                            if (destinationItem.Parent_ID == null)
                                // The parent_ID of the item will also be null
                                item.Parent_ID = null;
                                ControlObjects.Insert(ControlObjects.IndexOf(destinationItem), item);
                                // otherwise the Parent_ID of the item will be the same as that of the destination item
                                item.Parent_ID = destinationItem.Parent_ID;
                                // find the Parent of the destination item
                                parentSourceItem = GetController(destinationItem.Parent_ID);
                                // Insert the item before or after the destination item in the ChildObject collection of the parent of the destination
                                if (relativeDropPosition == TreeListViewDropPosition.Before)
                                    parentSourceItem.ChildControlObjects.Insert(parentSourceItem.ChildControlObjects.IndexOf(destinationItem), item);
                                    parentSourceItem.ChildControlObjects.Insert(parentSourceItem.ChildControlObjects.IndexOf(destinationItem) + 1, item);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    RadWindow.Alert(new DialogParameters()
                        Header  = "Error",
                        Content = "Error while moving object\n" + ex.Message