Ejemplo n.º 1
    //public void DBind(string OrgID, string strname)
    //    //position.GridViewPagerBind(this.anp_oper, "SYS_Operator", "operatorID", "", "operatorID", this.gv_oper);

    //    position.GridViewPagerBindbyRowNumber(this.anp_Org, " SYS_Position as p left join SYS_Organization as o on o.orgID=p.orgID ", "PositonID", OrgID, strname, "PositonID desc", this.gdv_Org);


    public void DBind(string OrgID, string strname, string OrgName)
        if (CookieManager.GetCookieValue("uid").ToString() == "0")
            ControlBindHelper.GridViewPagerBindByRowNum(this.anp_Org, "SYS_Position", "IsForbid='0'", " PositionName ", this.gdv_Org);
            ControlBindHelper.GridViewPagerBindByRowNum(this.anp_Org, "SYS_Position", "IsForbid='0' ", " PositionName ", this.gdv_Org);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    protected void LoadData()
        string strWhere = "1=1";

        if (tv_Menu.SelectedNode != null)
            strWhere += " and menuSEQ LIKE '%" + tv_Menu.SelectedNode.Value + "%'";
        ControlBindHelper.GridViewPagerBindByRowNum(this.anp_Menu, "SYS_MENU", strWhere, "menuLevel,displayOrder", this.gdv_Menu);
        //menuBll.GridViewPagerBind(anp_Menu, strWhere, "menuLevel,displayOrder", gdv_Menu, PositionCodes);
    protected void loadData()
        string strWhere = " 1=1 and orgSEQ like '" + ViewState["SEQ"].ToString() + "%'";

        if (this.tv_Org.SelectedNode != null)
            string strSEQ = bll.GetModel(this.tv_Org.SelectedValue).OrgSeq;
            strWhere += " and orgSEQ like '" + strSEQ + "%'";
        ControlBindHelper.GridViewPagerBindByRowNum(anp_Org, "VSys_Organization", strWhere, "IsForbid asc,OrgCode desc", this.gdv_Org);
        //bll.GridViewPagerBind(anp_Org,strWhere, "orgLevel,orgName", this.gdv_Org);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    protected void findData()
        string strWhere = "1=1";

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_MenuID.Text))
            strWhere += " and MenuID LIKE '%" + txt_MenuID.Text.Trim() + "%'";
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_MenuName.Text))
            strWhere += " and MenuName LIKE '%" + txt_MenuName.Text.Trim() + "%'";
        ControlBindHelper.GridViewPagerBindByRowNum(this.anp_Menu, "SYS_MENU", strWhere, "menuLevel,displayOrder", this.gdv_Menu);
    private void findData()
        string strWhere = " 1=1";

        if (CookieManager.GetCookieValue("uid").ToString() != "0")
            strWhere += " and orgSEQ like '" + ViewState["SEQ"].ToString() + "%'";
        if (this.txt_orgCode.Text.Trim() != "")
            strWhere += " and orgCode like '%" + this.txt_orgCode.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "%'";
        if (this.ddl_orgName.SelectedIndex != 0)
            string strSEQ = bll.GetModel(this.ddl_orgName.SelectedValue).OrgSeq;
            strWhere += " and orgSEQ like '" + strSEQ + "%'";
        ControlBindHelper.GridViewPagerBindByRowNum(anp_Org, "VSys_Organization", strWhere, "IsForbid asc,OrgCode desc", this.gdv_Org);
 public void DBind()
     if (CookieManager.GetCookieValue("uid").ToString() != "0")
         string strSeq = "";
         IndustryPlatform.Model.SYS_Organization mOrg = new IndustryPlatform.BLL.SYS_Organization().GetModel(CookieManager.GetCookieValue("orgID").ToString());
         if (mOrg != null)
             strSeq = mOrg.OrgSeq;
             strSeq = "-";
         ControlBindHelper.GridViewPagerBindByRowNum(this.anp_oper, "VSYS_Operator", this.hf_where.Value.ToString(), "IsForbid asc,UserCode desc", this.gv_oper);
         ControlBindHelper.GridViewPagerBindByRowNum(this.anp_oper, "VSYS_Operator", this.hf_where.Value.ToString(), "IsForbid asc,UserCode desc", this.gv_oper);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    /// <summary>
    /// 加载数据列表
    /// </summary>
    public void DBind()
        string strWhere = " 1=1";

        if (this.ddlVillageCode.SelectedValue != "-1")
            strWhere += " and VillageCode='" + this.ddlVillageCode.SelectedValue + "'";
        if (this.ddlIsForbid.SelectedValue != "-1")
            strWhere += " and  IsForbid ='" + ddlIsForbid.SelectedValue + "'";
        if (this.txtCollCode.Text.Trim() != "")
            strWhere += " and CollCode like '%" + this.txtCollCode.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "%'";
        if (this.txtCollName.Text.Trim() != "")
            strWhere += " and CollName like '%" + this.txtCollName.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "%'";
        ControlBindHelper.GridViewPagerBindByRowNum(this.anp_Colliery, "VSYS_CollieryNet", strWhere, " IsForbid asc,CollCode desc", this.gdv_Colliery);
 public void DBind()
     ControlBindHelper.GridViewPagerBindByRowNum(this.anp_Dic, "VSYS_Dictionary", getWhere(), "status,businTypeID", this.gdv_Dic);
 /// <summary>
 /// 加载数据列表
 /// </summary>
 public void DBind()
     ControlBindHelper.GridViewPagerBindByRowNum(this.anp_OperateLog, "VSYS_OperateLog", getWhere(), " operatedate desc ", this.gdv_OperateLog);
    protected void btn_Select_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
        string strWhere = " PositionName Like '%" + CommonMethod.RepChar(this.txt_position.Text) + "%' ";

        ControlBindHelper.GridViewPagerBindByRowNum(anp_Org, "SYS_Position", strWhere, "PositionCode desc", this.gdv_Org);
    private void IndexLoadBind()
        string strWhere = " 1=1 ";

        ControlBindHelper.GridViewPagerBindByRowNum(anp_Org, "SYS_Position", strWhere, "IsForbid asc,PositionCode desc", this.gdv_Org);