Ejemplo n.º 1
 private static void HandleFlagGUI(ref ContourBuildFlags flags
                                   , string label
                                   , ContourBuildFlags flag
                                   , bool isInspector)
     if (isInspector)
         flags = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(label, (flags & flag) != 0)
             ? (flags | flag)
             : (flags & ~flag);
         flags = GUILayout.Toggle((flags & flag) != 0, label)
             ? (flags | flag)
             : (flags & ~flag);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a contour set from the region outlines in the provided <see cref="CompactHeightfield"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// The raw contours will match the region outlines exactly.  The edgeMaxDeviation
        /// and maxEdgeLength parameters control how closely the simplified contours will match
        /// the raw contours.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Simplified contours are generated such that the vertices for portals between areas
        /// match up.  (They are considered mandatory vertices.)
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Setting maxEdgeLength to zero will disabled the feature.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="context">The context to use for the build.</param>
        /// <param name="field">The field to use for the build.(Must have region data.)</param>
        /// <param name="edgeMaxDeviation">
        /// The maximum distance a simplified edge may deviate from the raw contour's vertices.
        /// [Limit: >= 0]
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="maxEdgeLength">
        /// The maximum allowed length of a simplified edge. [Limit: >= 0]
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="flags">The build flags.</param>
        /// <returns>The contour set, or null on failure.</returns>
        public static ContourSet Build(BuildContext context, CompactHeightfield field
                                       , float edgeMaxDeviation, int maxEdgeLength, ContourBuildFlags flags)
            if (context == null || field == null || field.IsDisposed ||
                edgeMaxDeviation < 0 ||
                maxEdgeLength < 0)

            ContourSetEx root = new ContourSetEx();

            if (ContourSetEx.nmcsBuildSet(context.root, field
                                          , edgeMaxDeviation, maxEdgeLength
                                          , root
                                          , flags))
                return(new ContourSet(root));

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Simplify the contours by reducing the number of edges
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawVerts">Initial vertices</param>
        /// <param name="simplified">New and simplified vertices</param>
        /// <param name="maxError">Maximum error allowed</param>
        /// <param name="maxEdgeLen">The maximum edge length allowed</param>
        /// <param name="buildFlags">Flags determines how to split the long edges</param>
        public static void Simplify(List <ContourVertex> rawVerts, List <ContourVertex> simplified, float maxError, int maxEdgeLen, ContourBuildFlags buildFlags)
            bool tesselateWallEdges = (buildFlags & ContourBuildFlags.TessellateWallEdges) == ContourBuildFlags.TessellateWallEdges;
            bool tesselateAreaEdges = (buildFlags & ContourBuildFlags.TessellateAreaEdges) == ContourBuildFlags.TessellateAreaEdges;

            //add initial points
            bool hasConnections = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < rawVerts.Count; i++)
                if (rawVerts[i].RegionId.Id != 0)
                    hasConnections = true;

            if (hasConnections)
                //contour has some portals to other regions
                //add new point to every location where region changes
                for (int i = 0, end = rawVerts.Count; i < end; i++)
                    int  ii = (i + 1) % end;
                    bool differentRegions = rawVerts[i].RegionId.Id != rawVerts[ii].RegionId.Id;
                    bool areaBorders      = RegionId.HasFlags(rawVerts[i].RegionId, RegionFlags.AreaBorder) != RegionId.HasFlags(rawVerts[ii].RegionId, RegionFlags.AreaBorder);

                    if (differentRegions || areaBorders)
                        simplified.Add(new ContourVertex(rawVerts[i], i));

            //add some points if thhere are no connections
            if (simplified.Count == 0)
                //find lower-left and upper-right vertices of contour
                int      lowerLeftX = rawVerts[0].X;
                int      lowerLeftY = rawVerts[0].Y;
                int      lowerLeftZ = rawVerts[0].Z;
                RegionId lowerLeftI = RegionId.Null;

                int      upperRightX = rawVerts[0].X;
                int      upperRightY = rawVerts[0].Y;
                int      upperRightZ = rawVerts[0].Z;
                RegionId upperRightI = RegionId.Null;

                //iterate through points
                for (int i = 0; i < rawVerts.Count; i++)
                    int x = rawVerts[i].X;
                    int y = rawVerts[i].Y;
                    int z = rawVerts[i].Z;

                    if (x < lowerLeftX || (x == lowerLeftX && z < lowerLeftZ))
                        lowerLeftX = x;
                        lowerLeftY = y;
                        lowerLeftZ = z;
                        lowerLeftI = new RegionId(i);

                    if (x > upperRightX || (x == upperRightX && z > upperRightZ))
                        upperRightX = x;
                        upperRightY = y;
                        upperRightZ = z;
                        upperRightI = new RegionId(i);

                //save the points
                simplified.Add(new ContourVertex(lowerLeftX, lowerLeftY, lowerLeftZ, lowerLeftI));
                simplified.Add(new ContourVertex(upperRightX, upperRightY, upperRightZ, upperRightI));

            //add points until all points are within error tolerance of simplified slope
            int numPoints = rawVerts.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < simplified.Count;)
                int ii = (i + 1) % simplified.Count;

                //obtain (x, z) coordinates, along with region id
                int ax = simplified[i].X;
                int az = simplified[i].Z;
                int ai = (int)simplified[i].RegionId;

                int bx = simplified[ii].X;
                int bz = simplified[ii].Z;
                int bi = (int)simplified[ii].RegionId;

                float maxDeviation = 0;
                int   maxi = -1;
                int   ci, countIncrement, endi;

                //traverse segment in lexilogical order (try to go from smallest to largest coordinates?)
                if (bx > ax || (bx == ax && bz > az))
                    countIncrement = 1;
                    ci             = (int)(ai + countIncrement) % numPoints;
                    endi           = (int)bi;
                    countIncrement = numPoints - 1;
                    ci             = (int)(bi + countIncrement) % numPoints;
                    endi           = (int)ai;

                //tessellate only outer edges or edges between areas
                if (rawVerts[ci].RegionId.Id == 0 || RegionId.HasFlags(rawVerts[ci].RegionId, RegionFlags.AreaBorder))
                    //find the maximum deviation
                    while (ci != endi)
                        float deviation = Distance.PointToSegment2DSquared(rawVerts[ci].X, rawVerts[ci].Z, ax, az, bx, bz);

                        if (deviation > maxDeviation)
                            maxDeviation = deviation;
                            maxi         = ci;

                        ci = (ci + countIncrement) % numPoints;

                //If max deviation is larger than accepted error, add new point
                if (maxi != -1 && maxDeviation > (maxError * maxError))
                    simplified.Insert(i + 1, new ContourVertex(rawVerts[maxi], maxi));

            //split too long edges
            if (maxEdgeLen > 0 && (tesselateAreaEdges || tesselateWallEdges))
                for (int i = 0; i < simplified.Count;)
                    int ii = (i + 1) % simplified.Count;

                    //get (x, z) coordinates along with region id
                    int ax = simplified[i].X;
                    int az = simplified[i].Z;
                    int ai = (int)simplified[i].RegionId;

                    int bx = simplified[ii].X;
                    int bz = simplified[ii].Z;
                    int bi = (int)simplified[ii].RegionId;

                    //find maximum deviation from segment
                    int maxi = -1;
                    int ci   = (int)(ai + 1) % numPoints;

                    //tessellate only outer edges or edges between areas
                    bool tess = false;

                    //wall edges
                    if (tesselateWallEdges && rawVerts[ci].RegionId.Id == 0)
                        tess = true;

                    //edges between areas
                    if (tesselateAreaEdges && RegionId.HasFlags(rawVerts[ci].RegionId, RegionFlags.AreaBorder))
                        tess = true;

                    if (tess)
                        int dx = bx - ax;
                        int dz = bz - az;
                        if (dx * dx + dz * dz > maxEdgeLen * maxEdgeLen)
                            //round based on lexilogical direction (smallest to largest cooridinates, first by x.
                            //if x coordinates are equal, then compare z coordinates)
                            int n = bi < ai ? (bi + numPoints - ai) : (bi - ai);

                            if (n > 1)
                                if (bx > ax || (bx == ax && bz > az))
                                    maxi = (int)(ai + n / 2) % numPoints;
                                    maxi = (int)(ai + (n + 1) / 2) % numPoints;

                    //add new point
                    if (maxi != -1)
                        simplified.Insert(i + 1, new ContourVertex(rawVerts[maxi], maxi));

            for (int i = 0; i < simplified.Count; i++)
                ContourVertex sv = simplified[i];

                //take edge vertex flag from current raw point and neighbor region from next raw point
                int      ai = ((int)sv.RegionId + 1) % numPoints;
                RegionId bi = sv.RegionId;

                //save new region id
                sv.RegionId = RegionId.FromRawBits(((int)rawVerts[ai].RegionId & (RegionId.MaskId | (int)RegionFlags.AreaBorder)) | ((int)rawVerts[(int)bi].RegionId & (int)RegionFlags.VertexBorder));

                simplified[i] = sv;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a set of <see cref="Contour"/>s around the generated regions. Must be called after regions are generated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maxError">The maximum allowed deviation in a simplified contour from a raw one.</param>
        /// <param name="maxEdgeLength">The maximum edge length.</param>
        /// <param name="buildFlags">Flags that change settings for the build process.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="ContourSet"/> containing one contour per region.</returns>
        public ContourSet BuildContourSet(float maxError, int maxEdgeLength, ContourBuildFlags buildFlags)
            BBox3 contourSetBounds = bounds;
            if (borderSize > 0)
                //remove offset
                float pad = borderSize * cellSize;
                contourSetBounds.Min.X += pad;
                contourSetBounds.Min.Z += pad;
                contourSetBounds.Max.X -= pad;
                contourSetBounds.Max.Z -= pad;

            int contourSetWidth = width - borderSize * 2;
            int contourSetLength = length - borderSize * 2;

            int maxContours = Math.Max(maxRegions, 8);
            var contours = new List<Contour>(maxContours);

            EdgeFlags[] flags = new EdgeFlags[spans.Length];

            //Modify flags array by using the CompactHeightfield data
            //mark boundaries
            for (int z = 0; z < length; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    //loop through all the spans in the cell
                    CompactCell c = cells[x + z * width];
                    for (int i = c.StartIndex, end = c.StartIndex + c.Count; i < end; i++)
                        CompactSpan s = spans[i];

                        //set the flag to 0 if the region is a border region or null.
                        if (s.Region.IsNull || RegionId.HasFlags(s.Region, RegionFlags.Border))
                            flags[i] = 0;

                        //go through all the neighboring cells
                        for (var dir = Direction.West; dir <= Direction.South; dir++)
                            //obtain region id
                            RegionId r = RegionId.Null;
                            if (s.IsConnected(dir))
                                int dx = x + dir.GetHorizontalOffset();
                                int dz = z + dir.GetVerticalOffset();
                                int di = cells[dx + dz * width].StartIndex + CompactSpan.GetConnection(ref s, dir);
                                r = spans[di].Region;

                            //region ids are equal
                            if (r == s.Region)
                                //res marks all the internal edges
                                EdgeFlagsHelper.AddEdge(ref flags[i], dir);

                        //flags represents all the nonconnected edges, edges that are only internal
                        //the edges need to be between different regions
                        EdgeFlagsHelper.FlipEdges(ref flags[i]);

            var verts = new List<ContourVertex>();
            var simplified = new List<ContourVertex>();

            for (int z = 0; z < length; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    CompactCell c = cells[x + z * width];
                    for (int i = c.StartIndex, end = c.StartIndex + c.Count; i < end; i++)
                        //flags is either 0000 or 1111
                        //in other words, not connected at all
                        //or has all connections, which means span is in the middle and thus not an edge.
                        if (flags[i] == EdgeFlags.None || flags[i] == EdgeFlags.All)
                            flags[i] = EdgeFlags.None;

                        var spanRef = new CompactSpanReference(x, z, i);
                        RegionId reg = this[spanRef].Region;
                        if (reg.IsNull || RegionId.HasFlags(reg, RegionFlags.Border))

                        //reset each iteration

                        //Walk along a contour, then build it
                        WalkContour(spanRef, flags, verts);
                        Contour.Simplify(verts, simplified, maxError, maxEdgeLength, buildFlags);
                        Contour contour = new Contour(simplified, reg, areas[i], borderSize);

                        if (!contour.IsNull)

            //Check and merge bad contours
            for (int i = 0; i < contours.Count; i++)
                Contour cont = contours[i];

                //Check if contour is backwards
                if (cont.Area2D < 0)
                    //Find another contour to merge with
                    int mergeIndex = -1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < contours.Count; j++)
                        if (i == j)

                        //Must have at least one vertex, the same region ID, and be going forwards.
                        Contour contj = contours[j];
                        if (contj.Vertices.Length != 0 && contj.RegionId == cont.RegionId && contj.Area2D > 0)
                            mergeIndex = j;

                    //Merge if found.
                    if (mergeIndex != -1)

            return new ContourSet(contours, contourSetBounds, contourSetWidth, contourSetLength);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a contour set from the region outlines in the provided <see cref="CompactHeightfield"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// The raw contours will match the region outlines exactly.  The edgeMaxDeviation 
        /// and maxEdgeLength parameters control how closely the simplified contours will match 
        /// the raw contours.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Simplified contours are generated such that the vertices for portals between areas 
        /// match up.  (They are considered mandatory vertices.)
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Setting maxEdgeLength to zero will disabled the feature.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="context">The context to use for the build.</param>
        /// <param name="field">The field to use for the build.(Must have region data.)</param>
        /// <param name="edgeMaxDeviation">
        /// The maximum distance a simplified edge may deviate from the raw contour's vertices.
        /// [Limit: >= 0]
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="maxEdgeLength">
        /// The maximum allowed length of a simplified edge. [Limit: >= 0]
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="flags">The build flags.</param>
        /// <returns>The contour set, or null on failure.</returns>
        public static ContourSet Build(BuildContext context, CompactHeightfield field
            , float edgeMaxDeviation, int maxEdgeLength, ContourBuildFlags flags)
            if (context == null || field == null || field.IsDisposed
                || edgeMaxDeviation < 0
                || maxEdgeLength < 0)
                return null;

            ContourSetEx root = new ContourSetEx();

            if (ContourSetEx.nmcsBuildSet(context.root, field
                , edgeMaxDeviation, maxEdgeLength
                , root
                , flags))
                return new ContourSet(root);

            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
		/// <summary>
		/// Simplify the contours by reducing the number of edges
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="rawVerts">Initial vertices</param>
		/// <param name="simplified">New and simplified vertices</param>
		/// <param name="maxError">Maximum error allowed</param>
		/// <param name="maxEdgeLen">The maximum edge length allowed</param>
		/// <param name="buildFlags">Flags determines how to split the long edges</param>
		public static void Simplify(List<ContourVertex> rawVerts, List<ContourVertex> simplified, float maxError, int maxEdgeLen, ContourBuildFlags buildFlags)
			bool tesselateWallEdges = (buildFlags & ContourBuildFlags.TessellateWallEdges) == ContourBuildFlags.TessellateWallEdges;
			bool tesselateAreaEdges = (buildFlags & ContourBuildFlags.TessellateAreaEdges) == ContourBuildFlags.TessellateAreaEdges;

			//add initial points
			bool hasConnections = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < rawVerts.Count; i++)
				if (rawVerts[i].RegionId.Id != 0)
					hasConnections = true;

			if (hasConnections)
				//contour has some portals to other regions
				//add new point to every location where region changes
				for (int i = 0, end = rawVerts.Count; i < end; i++)
					int ii = (i + 1) % end;
					bool differentRegions = rawVerts[i].RegionId.Id != rawVerts[ii].RegionId.Id;
					bool areaBorders = RegionId.HasFlags(rawVerts[i].RegionId, RegionFlags.AreaBorder) != RegionId.HasFlags(rawVerts[ii].RegionId, RegionFlags.AreaBorder);

					if (differentRegions || areaBorders)
						simplified.Add(new ContourVertex(rawVerts[i], i));

			//add some points if thhere are no connections
			if (simplified.Count == 0)
				//find lower-left and upper-right vertices of contour
				int lowerLeftX = rawVerts[0].X;
				int lowerLeftY = rawVerts[0].Y;
				int lowerLeftZ = rawVerts[0].Z;
				RegionId lowerLeftI = RegionId.Null;

				int upperRightX = rawVerts[0].X;
				int upperRightY = rawVerts[0].Y;
				int upperRightZ = rawVerts[0].Z;
				RegionId upperRightI = RegionId.Null;

				//iterate through points
				for (int i = 0; i < rawVerts.Count; i++)
					int x = rawVerts[i].X;
					int y = rawVerts[i].Y;
					int z = rawVerts[i].Z;

					if (x < lowerLeftX || (x == lowerLeftX && z < lowerLeftZ))
						lowerLeftX = x;
						lowerLeftY = y;
						lowerLeftZ = z;
						lowerLeftI = new RegionId(i);

					if (x > upperRightX || (x == upperRightX && z > upperRightZ))
						upperRightX = x;
						upperRightY = y;
						upperRightZ = z;
						upperRightI = new RegionId(i);

				//save the points
				simplified.Add(new ContourVertex(lowerLeftX, lowerLeftY, lowerLeftZ, lowerLeftI));
				simplified.Add(new ContourVertex(upperRightX, upperRightY, upperRightZ, upperRightI));

			//add points until all points are within error tolerance of simplified slope
			int numPoints = rawVerts.Count;
			for (int i = 0; i < simplified.Count;)
				int ii = (i + 1) % simplified.Count;

				//obtain (x, z) coordinates, along with region id
				int ax = simplified[i].X;
				int az = simplified[i].Z;
				int ai = (int)simplified[i].RegionId;

				int bx = simplified[ii].X;
				int bz = simplified[ii].Z;
				int bi = (int)simplified[ii].RegionId;

				float maxDeviation = 0;
				int maxi = -1;
				int ci, countIncrement, endi;

				//traverse segment in lexilogical order (try to go from smallest to largest coordinates?)
				if (bx > ax || (bx == ax && bz > az))
					countIncrement = 1;
					ci = (int)(ai + countIncrement) % numPoints;
					endi = (int)bi;
					countIncrement = numPoints - 1;
					ci = (int)(bi + countIncrement) % numPoints;
					endi = (int)ai;

				//tessellate only outer edges or edges between areas
				if (rawVerts[ci].RegionId.Id == 0 || RegionId.HasFlags(rawVerts[ci].RegionId, RegionFlags.AreaBorder))
					//find the maximum deviation
					while (ci != endi)
						float deviation = Distance.PointToSegment2DSquared(rawVerts[ci].X, rawVerts[ci].Z, ax, az, bx, bz);

						if (deviation > maxDeviation)
							maxDeviation = deviation;
							maxi = ci;

						ci = (ci + countIncrement) % numPoints;

				//If max deviation is larger than accepted error, add new point
				if (maxi != -1 && maxDeviation > (maxError * maxError))
					simplified.Insert(i + 1, new ContourVertex(rawVerts[maxi], maxi));

			//split too long edges
			if (maxEdgeLen > 0 && (tesselateAreaEdges || tesselateWallEdges))
				for (int i = 0; i < simplified.Count;)
					int ii = (i + 1) % simplified.Count;

					//get (x, z) coordinates along with region id
					int ax = simplified[i].X;
					int az = simplified[i].Z;
					int ai = (int)simplified[i].RegionId;

					int bx = simplified[ii].X;
					int bz = simplified[ii].Z;
					int bi = (int)simplified[ii].RegionId;

					//find maximum deviation from segment
					int maxi = -1;
					int ci = (int)(ai + 1) % numPoints;

					//tessellate only outer edges or edges between areas
					bool tess = false;

					//wall edges
					if (tesselateWallEdges && rawVerts[ci].RegionId.Id == 0)
						tess = true;

					//edges between areas
					if (tesselateAreaEdges && RegionId.HasFlags(rawVerts[ci].RegionId, RegionFlags.AreaBorder))
						tess = true;

					if (tess)
						int dx = bx - ax;
						int dz = bz - az;
						if (dx * dx + dz * dz > maxEdgeLen * maxEdgeLen)
							//round based on lexilogical direction (smallest to largest cooridinates, first by x.
							//if x coordinates are equal, then compare z coordinates)
							int n = bi < ai ? (bi + numPoints - ai) : (bi - ai);

							if (n > 1)
								if (bx > ax || (bx == ax && bz > az))
									maxi = (int)(ai + n / 2) % numPoints;
									maxi = (int)(ai + (n + 1) / 2) % numPoints;

					//add new point
					if (maxi != -1)
						simplified.Insert(i + 1, new ContourVertex(rawVerts[maxi], maxi));

			for (int i = 0; i < simplified.Count; i++)
				ContourVertex sv = simplified[i];

				//take edge vertex flag from current raw point and neighbor region from next raw point
				int ai = ((int)sv.RegionId + 1) % numPoints;
				RegionId bi = sv.RegionId;

				//save new region id
				sv.RegionId = RegionId.FromRawBits(((int)rawVerts[ai].RegionId & (RegionId.MaskId | (int)RegionFlags.AreaBorder)) | ((int)rawVerts[(int)bi].RegionId & (int)RegionFlags.VertexBorder));

				simplified[i] = sv;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private static void HandleFlagGUI(ref ContourBuildFlags flags
     , string label
     , ContourBuildFlags flag
     , bool isInspector)
     if (isInspector)
         flags = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(label, (flags & flag) != 0)
             ? (flags | flag)
             : (flags & ~flag);
         flags = GUILayout.Toggle((flags & flag) != 0, label)
             ? (flags | flag)
             : (flags & ~flag);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static extern bool nmcsBuildSet(IntPtr context
     , [In] CompactHeightfield chf
     , float maxError
     , int maxEdgeLen
     , [In, Out] ContourSetEx cset
     , ContourBuildFlags flags);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static extern bool nmcsBuildSet(IntPtr context
                                        , [In] CompactHeightfield chf
                                        , float maxError
                                        , int maxEdgeLen
                                        , [In, Out] ContourSetEx cset
                                        , ContourBuildFlags flags);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static void OnGUIAdvanced(NMGenConfig config
                                         , bool isInspector)
            GUILayout.Label("Advanced Settings");


            float xz = config.XZCellSize;

            float a = xz * xz;
            float effective;



            effective = Mathf.Ceil(config.MaxEdgeLength / xz) * xz;

            config.MaxEdgeLength = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(
                NMGenConfig.EdgeLenLabel + Effective(effective)
                , config.MaxEdgeLength);

            config.EdgeMaxDeviation = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(
                , config.EdgeMaxDeviation);

            config.MaxVertsPerPoly = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(
                , config.MaxVertsPerPoly
                , 3
                , NMGen.MaxAllowedVertsPerPoly);

            effective = Mathf.Ceil(config.MergeRegionArea / a) * a;

            config.MergeRegionArea = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(
                NMGenConfig.MergeSizeLabel + Effective(effective)
                , config.MergeRegionArea);

            GUILayout.Space(MarginSize * 2);

            NMGenBuildFlag flags = config.BuildFlags;

            HandleFlagGUI(ref flags
                          , NMGenConfig.LedgeSpansLabel
                          , NMGenBuildFlag.LedgeSpansNotWalkable
                          , isInspector);

            HandleFlagGUI(ref flags
                          , NMGenConfig.LowHeightLabel
                          , NMGenBuildFlag.LowHeightSpansNotWalkable
                          , isInspector);

            HandleFlagGUI(ref flags
                          , NMGenConfig.LowObstacleLabel
                          , NMGenBuildFlag.LowObstaclesWalkable
                          , isInspector);

            ContourBuildFlags cflags = config.ContourOptions;

            HandleFlagGUI(ref cflags
                          , NMGenConfig.TessWallsLabel
                          , ContourBuildFlags.TessellateWallEdges
                          , isInspector);

            HandleFlagGUI(ref cflags
                          , NMGenConfig.TessAreasLabel
                          , ContourBuildFlags.TessellateAreaEdges
                          , isInspector);

            config.ContourOptions = cflags;

            if (isInspector)
                config.UseMonotone = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(NMGenConfig.UseMonoLabel
                                                            , config.UseMonotone);
                config.UseMonotone = GUILayout.Toggle(config.UseMonotone
                                                      , NMGenConfig.UseMonoLabel);

            HandleFlagGUI(ref flags
                          , NMGenConfig.FlagPolysLabel
                          , NMGenBuildFlag.ApplyPolyFlags
                          , isInspector);

            bool includeDetail;

            if (isInspector)
                includeDetail = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Include Detail Mesh"
                                                       , (config.ResultOptions & NMGenAssetFlag.DetailMesh) != 0);
                includeDetail = GUILayout.Toggle(
                    (config.ResultOptions & NMGenAssetFlag.DetailMesh) != 0
                    , "Include Detail Mesh");

            if (includeDetail)
                config.ResultOptions |= NMGenAssetFlag.DetailMesh;
                config.ResultOptions &= ~NMGenAssetFlag.DetailMesh;

            HandleFlagGUI(ref flags
                          , NMGenConfig.BVTreeLabel
                          , NMGenBuildFlag.BVTreeEnabled
                          , isInspector);

            config.BuildFlags = flags;