Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void RenameTable(Parse parse, SrcList src, Token name)
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx;               // Database connection

            Context.FLAG savedDbFlags = ctx.Flags; // Saved value of db->flags
            //if (C._NEVER(ctx.MallocFailed)) goto exit_rename_table;
            Debug.Assert(src.Srcs == 1);

            Table table = parse.LocateTableItem(false, src.Ids[0]); // Table being renamed

            if (table == null)
                goto exit_rename_table;
            int    db     = Prepare.SchemaToIndex(ctx, table.Schema); // Database that contains the table
            string dbName = ctx.DBs[db].Name;                         // Name of database iDb

            ctx.Flags |= Context.FLAG.PreferBuiltin;

            // Get a NULL terminated version of the new table name.
            string nameAsString = Parse.NameFromToken(ctx, name); // NULL-terminated version of pName

            if (nameAsString == null)
                goto exit_rename_table;

            // Check that a table or index named 'zName' does not already exist in database iDb. If so, this is an error.
            if (Parse.FindTable(ctx, nameAsString, dbName) != null || Parse.FindIndex(ctx, nameAsString, dbName) != null)
                parse.ErrorMsg("there is already another table or index with this name: %s", nameAsString);
                goto exit_rename_table;

            // Make sure it is not a system table being altered, or a reserved name that the table is being renamed to.
            if (IsSystemTable(parse, table.Name) || parse->CheckObjectName(nameAsString) != RC.OK)
                goto exit_rename_table;

            if (table.Select != null)
                parse.ErrorMsg("view %s may not be altered", table.Name);
                goto exit_rename_table;

            // Invoke the authorization callback.
            if (Auth.Check(parse, AUTH.ALTER_TABLE, dbName, table.Name, null))
                goto exit_rename_table;

            VTable vtable = null; // Non-zero if this is a v-tab with an xRename()
            if (parse->ViewGetColumnNames(table) != 0)
                goto exit_rename_table;
            if (E.IsVirtual(table))
                vtable = VTable.GetVTable(ctx, table);
                if (vtable.IVTable.IModule.Rename == null)
                    vtable = null;

            // Begin a transaction and code the VerifyCookie for database iDb. Then modify the schema cookie (since the ALTER TABLE modifies the
            // schema). Open a statement transaction if the table is a virtual table.
            Vdbe v = parse.GetVdbe();
            if (v == null)
                goto exit_rename_table;
            parse.BeginWriteOperation((vtable != null ? 1 : 0), db);

            // If this is a virtual table, invoke the xRename() function if one is defined. The xRename() callback will modify the names
            // of any resources used by the v-table implementation (including other SQLite tables) that are identified by the name of the virtual table.
            if (vtable != null)
                int i = ++parse.Mems;
                v.AddOp4(OP.String8, 0, i, 0, nameAsString, 0);
                v.AddOp4(OP.VRename, i, 0, 0, vtable, Vdbe.P4T.VTAB);

            // figure out how many UTF-8 characters are in zName
            string tableName       = table.Name;                       // Original name of the table
            int    tableNameLength = C._utf8charlength(tableName, -1); // Number of UTF-8 characters in zTabName

            string where_ = string.Empty; // Where clause to locate temp triggers

            if ((ctx.Flags & Context.FLAG.ForeignKeys) != 0)
                // If foreign-key support is enabled, rewrite the CREATE TABLE statements corresponding to all child tables of foreign key constraints
                // for which the renamed table is the parent table.
                if ((where_ = WhereForeignKeys(parse, table)) != null)
                        "UPDATE \"%w\".%s SET " +
                        "sql = sqlite_rename_parent(sql, %Q, %Q) " +
                        "WHERE %s;", dbName, E.SCHEMA_TABLE(db), tableName, nameAsString, where_);
                    C._tagfree(ctx, ref where_);

            // Modify the sqlite_master table to use the new table name.
                "UPDATE %Q.%s SET " +
                "sql = sqlite_rename_table(sql, %Q), " +
                "sql = CASE " +
                "WHEN type = 'trigger' THEN sqlite_rename_trigger(sql, %Q)" +
                "ELSE sqlite_rename_table(sql, %Q) END, " +
                "tbl_name = %Q, " +
                "name = CASE " +
                "WHEN type='table' THEN %Q " +
                "WHEN name LIKE 'sqlite_autoindex%%' AND type='index' THEN " +
                "'sqlite_autoindex_' || %Q || substr(name,%d+18) " +
                "ELSE name END " +
                "WHERE tbl_name=%Q AND " +
                "(type='table' OR type='index' OR type='trigger');",
                dbName, SCHEMA_TABLE(db), nameAsString, nameAsString, nameAsString,
                nameAsString, tableNameLength, tableName);

            // If the sqlite_sequence table exists in this database, then update it with the new table name.
            if (Parse.FindTable(ctx, "sqlite_sequence", dbName) != null)
                    "UPDATE \"%w\".sqlite_sequence set name = %Q WHERE name = %Q",
                    dbName, nameAsString, table.Name);

            // If there are TEMP triggers on this table, modify the sqlite_temp_master table. Don't do this if the table being ALTERed is itself located in the temp database.
            if ((where_ = WhereTempTriggers(parse, table)) != "")
                    "UPDATE sqlite_temp_master SET " +
                    "sql = sqlite_rename_trigger(sql, %Q), " +
                    "tbl_name = %Q " +
                    "WHERE %s;", nameAsString, nameAsString, where_);
                C._tagfree(ctx, ref where_);

            if ((ctx.Flags & Context.FLAG.ForeignKeys) != 0)
                for (FKey p = Parse.FkReferences(table); p != null; p = p.NextTo)
                    Table from = p.From;
                    if (from != table)
                        ReloadTableSchema(parse, p.From, from.Name);

            // Drop and reload the internal table schema.
            ReloadTableSchema(parse, table, nameAsString);

            Expr.SrcListDelete(ctx, ref src);
            C._tagfree(ctx, ref nameAsString);
            ctx.Flags = savedDbFlags;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void FinishAddColumn(Parse parse, Token colDef)
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx; // The database connection

            if (parse.Errs != 0 || ctx.MallocFailed)
            Table newTable = parse.NewTable; // Copy of pParse.pNewTable

            Debug.Assert(newTable != null);
            int    db        = Prepare.SchemaToIndex(ctx, newTable.Schema); // Database number
            string dbName    = ctx.DBs[db].Name;                            // Database name
            string tableName = newTable.Name.Substring(16);                 // Table name: Skip the "sqlite_altertab_" prefix on the name
            Column col       = newTable.Cols[newTable.Cols.length - 1];     // The new column
            Expr   dflt      = col.Dflt;                                    // Default value for the new column
            Table  table     = Parse.FindTable(ctx, tableName, dbName);     // Table being altered

            Debug.Assert(table != null);

            // Invoke the authorization callback.
            if (Auth.Check(parse, AUTH.ALTER_TABLE, dbName, table.Name, null))

            // If the default value for the new column was specified with a literal NULL, then set pDflt to 0. This simplifies checking
            // for an SQL NULL default below.
            if (dflt != null && dflt.OP == TK.NULL)
                dflt = null;

            // Check that the new column is not specified as PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE. If there is a NOT NULL constraint, then the default value for the
            // column must not be NULL.
            if ((col.ColFlags & COLFLAG.PRIMKEY) != 0)
                parse.ErrorMsg("Cannot add a PRIMARY KEY column");
            if (newTable.Index != null)
                parse.ErrorMsg("Cannot add a UNIQUE column");
            if ((ctx.Flags & Context.FLAG.ForeignKeys) != 0 && newTable.FKeys != null && dflt != null)
                parse.ErrorMsg("Cannot add a REFERENCES column with non-NULL default value");
            if (col.NotNull != 0 && dflt == null)
                parse.ErrorMsg("Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL");

            // Ensure the default expression is something that sqlite3ValueFromExpr() can handle (i.e. not CURRENT_TIME etc.)
            if (dflt != null)
                Mem val = null;
                if (Mem_FromExpr(ctx, dflt, TEXTENCODE.UTF8, AFF.NONE, ref val) != 0)
                    ctx.MallocFailed = true;
                if (val == null)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("Cannot add a column with non-constant default");
                Mem_Free(ref val);

            // Modify the CREATE TABLE statement.
            string colDefAsString = colDef.data.Substring(0, (int)colDef.length).Replace(";", " ").Trim(); // Null-terminated column definition
            if (colDefAsString != null)
                Context.FLAG savedDbFlags = ctx.Flags;
                ctx.Flags |= Context.FLAG.PreferBuiltin;
                    "UPDATE \"%w\".%s SET " +
                    "sql = substr(sql,1,%d) || ', ' || %Q || substr(sql,%d) " +
                    "WHERE type = 'table' AND name = %Q",
                    dbName, E.SCHEMA_TABLE(db), newTable.AddColOffset, colDefAsString, newTable.AddColOffset + 1,
                C._tagfree(ctx, ref colDefAsString);
                ctx.Flags = savedDbFlags;

            // If the default value of the new column is NULL, then set the file format to 2. If the default value of the new column is not NULL,
            // the file format becomes 3.
            MinimumFileFormat(parse, db, (dflt != null ? 3 : 2));

            // Reload the schema of the modified table.
            ReloadTableSchema(parse, table, table.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 3
            public Context.FLAG Mask;       // Mask of the bit in sqlite3.flags to set/clear

            public FlagOp(CTXCONFIG op, Context.FLAG mask)
                OP = op;
                Mask = mask;