/// <summary>
        /// Verifies that the control already exists in the Database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newControl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ControlExistsInDb(Context.Controls newControl)
            bool haveFoundControl = false;
            var  retVal           =
                from p in dbContext.Controls
                where p.Name == newControl.Name && p.Description == newControl.Description && p.Guidance == newControl.Guidance  ///   p.Name.Equals(rowData[3], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                select p;

            haveFoundControl = retVal.Any();
        /// <summary>
        /// organizes one control or spec
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">row number</param>
        /// <param name="rowData">place to put data</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ProcessNextLine(int row, out string[] rowData)
            //use none instead of blank
            rowData = ReadExcelRow(row, 10);
            if (isRowCompletelyEmpty(rowData))
            if (rowData[Constants.colDscription].StartsWith("[Withdrawn: "))

            if (rowData[Constants.colImpact] == "")
                rowData[Constants.colImpact] = "NONE";

            if (rowData[Constants.colPriority] == "")
                rowData[Constants.colPriority] = "NONE";

            string specsName   = null;
            string specsTail   = null;
            string specsPrefix = null;

            Context.Controls newControl = null;
            //replace - to ,
            rowData[Constants.colImpact] = rowData[Constants.colImpact].Replace("_", ",");

            // Process SPECS row
            if (isRow4SpecsExtension(rowData))
                specsName   = GetCleanControlName(rowData[Constants.colNumber]);
                specsTail   = GetCleanTopControlName(rowData[Constants.colNumber]);
                specsPrefix = specsName.Replace(specsTail, "");
                // Get base Control for the current Specs
                if (controlNames.Keys.Contains(specsPrefix))
                    /// Found a control in the list and the contol's name is in the specsPrefix variable
                    if (null == controlSpecs)
                        controlSpecs = new SortedList <string, SortedList <string, Context.Specs> >();
                    if (!controlSpecs.ContainsKey(specsPrefix))
                        controlSpecs.Add(specsPrefix, new SortedList <string, Context.Specs>());
                    Context.Specs newSpecs = new Context.Specs();
                    newSpecs.SpecificationlName = specsTail;
                    newSpecs.Description        = rowData[Constants.colDscription];
                    newSpecs.Guidance           = rowData[Constants.colGuidance];
                    controlSpecs[specsPrefix].Add(specsTail, newSpecs);
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(specsTail))
                    string s = "";
                    throw (new Exception("Not specs for - " + specsName));
                // Insert the details description
            /// Process a CONTROL row
            else if (isRow4Control(rowData))
                // Stash up the collection of the related controls for the later

                newControl            = new Context.Controls();
                newControl.BaselineID = FindBaselineId(rowData);
                newControl.FamilyId   = FindFamilyId(rowData);
                newControl.PriorityId = FindPriorityId(rowData);
                // Verify that Family, Baseline, Priority already exist or insert them
                if (0 == newControl.BaselineID)
                    // Baseline was not found
                    throw(new Exception("Baseline for - " + rowData[Constants.colImpact] + " does not exist!!!"));
                if (0 == newControl.FamilyId)
                    // Baseline was not found
                    throw (new Exception("Family with Name - " + GetControlsFamilyName(rowData) + " and Description - " + GetControlsFamilyDescription(rowData) + " does not exist!!!"));
                if (0 == newControl.PriorityId)
                    // Baseline was not found
                    throw (new Exception("Priority for - " + rowData[Constants.colPriority] + " does not exist!!!"));
                // TODO: Insert the Actual control with Family, Baseline, Priority verification  (Future)
                newControl.Name        = GetCleanControlName(rowData[Constants.colNumber]);
                newControl.Description = rowData[Constants.colDscription];
                newControl.Guidance    = rowData[Constants.colGuidance];
                /// >>> dbContext.Controls.GetNewBindingList().Add(newControl)
                if (!ControlExistsInDb(newControl))
                // Get the inserted control by name
                if (!controlNames.ContainsKey(newControl.Name))
                    controlNames.Add(newControl.Name, newControl);
                    throw (new Exception("Control - " + newControl.Name + " happens more than once!!!"));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rowData[Constants.colRelated]))
                if (null != newControl)
                    /// Parse out and add all Related Controls
                    string[] relateds = rowData[Constants.colRelated].Replace(" ", string.Empty).Split(new char[] { ',', ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    /// Add the related list to the collection (SAFELY)

                    if (null == controlRelated)
                        controlRelated = new SortedList <string, List <string> >();
                    if (!controlRelated.ContainsKey(newControl.Name))
                        controlRelated.Add(newControl.Name, new List <string>(relateds));

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Actual work
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateReport(string excelReport2Create, List <string> input, BackgroundWorker bw)
                if (InitNewExcelFile(excelReport2Create))
                    var families = (from fams in dbContext.Families
                                    select fams).ToList <Context.Families>().ToLookup(x => x.Id, x => x);

                    var controls = (from ctrl in dbContext.Controls
                                    select ctrl).ToList <Context.Controls>();

                    int    row = 1, col = 1;
                    int    numcontrols = input.Count;
                    double total = 0, inc = 100.0 / numcontrols;
                    palette = GetPalette();

                    //format header
                    this.activeWorksheet.SetFont(18, 1, 1, 2, 20);
                    this.activeWorksheet.wrapText(1, 1, 2, 45);
                    this.activeWorksheet.Center(1, 1, 2, 45);
                    this.activeWorksheet.SetFont(14, 1, 1, 2, 45);

                    //column widths
                    this.activeWorksheet.ColumnWidth(col++, 25);
                    this.activeWorksheet.ColumnWidth(col++, 15);
                    this.activeWorksheet.ColumnWidth(col++, 16.43);
                    this.activeWorksheet.ColumnWidth(col++, 26.71);
                    this.activeWorksheet.ColumnWidth(col++, 28.29);
                    this.activeWorksheet.ColumnWidth(col++, 21.71);
                    this.activeWorksheet.ColumnWidth(col++, 28.29);
                    this.activeWorksheet.ColumnWidth(col++, 10.47);
                    this.activeWorksheet.ColumnWidth(col++, 30);
                    col += 7;
                    this.activeWorksheet.ColumnWidth(col, 30);

                    int black = ColorExtensions.TranslateToExcelColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255));
                    int fg    = ColorExtensions.TranslateToExcelColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0));
                    int bg    = ColorExtensions.TranslateToExcelColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(217, 217, 217));

                    col = 10;
                    //this.activeWorksheet.setMergedCellTo(row,col,"Capability Structure", 5, bg, fg);
                    //col += 7;
                    this.activeWorksheet.setMergedCellTo(row, col, "Capability Implementation\nSP800-53 Rev4", 3, bg, fg);
                    col += 4;
                    this.activeWorksheet.setMergedCellTo(row, col, "Information Protection\nP800-53 Rev4", 3, bg, fg);
                    col = 1;
                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "Control Family", bg, fg, true);
                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "Control", bg, fg, true);
                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "Domain", bg, fg, true);
                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "Container", bg, fg, true);
                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "Capability (proccess or solution)", bg, fg, true);
                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "Capability (proccess or solution)", bg, fg, true);
                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "Unique ID", bg, fg, true);
                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "Scope", bg, fg, true);
                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "TIC Capabilities Mapping", bg, fg, true);
                    int start = col;
                    // Scope and Impact Levels
                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "Low", palette[0][0], palette[0][1], true);
                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "Mod.", palette[1][0], palette[1][1], true);
                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "High", palette[2][0], palette[2][1], true);
                    // PM Control
                    this.activeWorksheet.setHeaderCellTo(row, col++, "PM");
                    // Scope and Impact Levels

                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "Low", palette[0][0], palette[0][1], true);
                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "Mod.", palette[1][0], palette[1][1], true);
                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "High", palette[2][0], palette[2][1], true);
                    // Relateds
                    this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, "Related Controls", bg, fg, true);
                    this.activeWorksheet.Border(2, 1, 2, 9);
                    this.activeWorksheet.SetHeight(1, 57);
                    this.activeWorksheet.SetHeight(2, 55);

                    familyPalette = GetFamilyPalette();
                    domainPalette = GetDomainPalette();

                    foreach (string nam in input)
                        col = 1;
                        //print control info
                        if (isRow4Control(nam))
                            uint id = GetControlIdByName(nam);
                            var  x  = from p in dbContext.Controls
                                      where p.Id == id
                                      select p;
                            Context.Controls control = x.First();

                            bg = familyPalette[families[control.FamilyId].First().Name.Trim()][0];
                            fg = familyPalette[families[control.FamilyId].First().Name.Trim()][1];

                            this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, families[control.FamilyId].First().Description.Trim(), bg, fg, true);
                            this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, control.Name, bg, fg, true);
                            List <Context.Capabilities> theCaps = this.GetCapabilitiesForControlId(control.Id);
                            this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, 17, GetRelatedControlsString(control.Name));
                            if (theCaps.Count == 0)
                                total += inc;
                                double capinc = inc / theCaps.Count;

                                PrintCaps(theCaps, ref row, ref col, control.Id, true, bw, capinc, ref total);
                            //spec info
                            Context.Specs spec = GetSpecByName(nam);
                            bg = familyPalette[GetFamilyNameForSpec(spec)][0];
                            fg = familyPalette[GetFamilyNameForSpec(spec)][1];

                            this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, GetFamilyForSpec(spec.Id), bg, fg, true);
                            this.activeWorksheet.setCellTo(row, col++, GetSpecName(spec.Id), bg, fg, true);

                            List <Context.Capabilities> caps = GetCapabilitiesForSpecId(spec.Id);
                            if (caps.Count == 0)
                                total += inc;
                                double capinc = inc / caps.Count;

                                PrintCaps(caps, ref row, ref col, spec.Id, false, bw, capinc, ref total);
                    this.activeWorksheet.Border(1, start, row - 2, start + 6);
                    this.activeWorksheet.fit(3, 1, row - 1, 17);
                    this.activeWorksheet.SetFont(12, 3, 1, row - 1, 17);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = ex.Message;