public static Task Nav_General_Settings_Main(SocketReaction reaction, MenuIdStructure menuSession)
            if (reaction.Emote.Name == "↩️")
                // Stop the timeout timer associated with the menu.

                // Go to a new menu.
                _ = Settings_Menu.Settings_Main_Menu(menuSession.User, menuSession.MenuMessage);

            // Keycap One
            else if (reaction.Emote.Name == "\u0031\ufe0f\u20e3")
                // Stop the timeout timer associated with the menu.

                // Go to a new menu.
                _ = Time_Weather_Menu.Time_Weather_Main(menuSession.User, menuSession.MenuMessage);

            // Keycap Two
            else if (reaction.Emote.Name == "\u0032\ufe0f\u20e3")
                // Stop the timeout timer associated with the menu.

                // Go to a new menu.
                _ = Level_Up_Notifications_Menu.Level_Up_Notifications_Main(menuSession.User, menuSession.MenuMessage);

            // Keycap Three
            else if (reaction.Emote.Name == "\u0033\ufe0f\u20e3")
                // Stop the timeout timer associated with the menu.

                // Go to a new menu.
                _ = Rank_Up_Notifications_Menu.Rank_Up_Notifications_Main(menuSession.User, menuSession.MenuMessage);

            // Keycap Four
            else if (reaction.Emote.Name == "\u0034\ufe0f\u20e3")
                // Stop the timeout timer associated with the menu.

                // Go to a new menu.
                _ = Content_Filter_Menu.Content_Filter_Main(menuSession.User, menuSession.MenuMessage);

        // Methods that suppliment the functionality of the menus.
        public static Task VersionControlMenuDirectory(SocketReaction reaction, MenuIdStructure menuSession)
            // Search for a content filter list that corresponds to the user's ID.
            var filterSession = Global.ContentFilterList.SingleOrDefault(x => x.User.Id == reaction.UserId);

            // Get the account information of the command's user.
            var account = UserInfoClasses.GetAccount(menuSession.User);

            //Check each field of titles with alternate versions to see if they have been chosen.
            // Persona
            if (filterSession.P1_Select == true && (filterSession.P1_VC_PSX_Select == false && filterSession.P1_VC_PSP_Select == false))
                // Go to a new menu.
                _ = Content_Filter_Menu.Content_Filter_VC_P1_Main(menuSession.User, menuSession.MenuMessage);
            // Persona 2: Innocent Sin
            else if (filterSession.P2IS_Select == true && (filterSession.P2IS_VC_PSX_Select == false && filterSession.P2IS_VC_PSP_Select == false))
                // Go to a new menu.
                _ = Content_Filter_Menu.Content_Filter_VC_P2IS_Main(menuSession.User, menuSession.MenuMessage);
            // Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
            else if (filterSession.P2EP_Select == true && (filterSession.P2EP_VC_PSX_Select == false && filterSession.P2EP_VC_PSP_Select == false))
                // Go to a new menu.
                _ = Content_Filter_Menu.Content_Filter_VC_P2EP_Main(menuSession.User, menuSession.MenuMessage);
            // Persona 3
            else if (filterSession.P3_Select == true && (filterSession.P3_VC_P3F_Select == false && filterSession.P3_VC_P3P_Select == false))
                // Go to a new menu.
                _ = Content_Filter_Menu.Content_Filter_VC_P3_Main(menuSession.User, menuSession.MenuMessage);
            // Persona 4
            else if (filterSession.P4_Select == true && (filterSession.P4_VC_PS2_Select == false && filterSession.P4_VC_P4G_Select == false))
                // Go to a new menu.
                _ = Content_Filter_Menu.Content_Filter_VC_P4_Main(menuSession.User, menuSession.MenuMessage);
            // Persona 5
            else if (filterSession.P5_Select == true && (filterSession.P5_VC_PS4_Select == false && filterSession.P5_VC_P5R_Select == false))
                // Go to a new menu.
                _ = Content_Filter_Menu.Content_Filter_VC_P5_Main(menuSession.User, menuSession.MenuMessage);

            // Now, assemble the user's content filter string.
            // Create an empty string variable that will represent the user's content filter string.
            string user_filter = "";

            // Based on the titles the user selected, construct a content filter string for them.
            // Revelations: Persona
            if (filterSession.P1_VC_PSX_Select == true)
                user_filter += "P1-PS1;";

            // Persona (Remake)
            if (filterSession.P1_VC_PSP_Select == true)
                user_filter += "P1-PSP;";

            // Persona 2: Innocent Sin (PlayStation)
            if (filterSession.P2IS_VC_PSX_Select == true)
                user_filter += "P2IS-PS1;";

            // Persona 2: Innocent Sin (Remake)
            if (filterSession.P2IS_VC_PSP_Select == true)
                user_filter += "P2IS-PSP;";

            // Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (PlayStation)
            if (filterSession.P2EP_VC_PSX_Select == true)
                user_filter += "P2EP-PS1;";

            // Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (Remake)
            if (filterSession.P2EP_VC_PSP_Select == true)
                user_filter += "P2EP-PSP;";

            // Persona 3 FES
            if (filterSession.P3_VC_P3F_Select == true)
                user_filter += "P3F;";

            // Persona 3 Portable
            if (filterSession.P3_VC_P3P_Select == true)
                user_filter += "P3P;";

            // Persona 4 (PlayStation 2)
            if (filterSession.P4_VC_PS2_Select == true)
                user_filter += "P4-PS2;";

            // Persona 4 Golden
            if (filterSession.P4_VC_P4G_Select == true)
                user_filter += "P4G;";

            // Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
            if (filterSession.P4AU_Select == true)
                user_filter += "P4AU;";

            // Persona 4: Dancing All Night
            if (filterSession.P4D_Select == true)
                user_filter += "P4D;";

            // Persona 5 (PlayStation 4)
            if (filterSession.P5_VC_PS4_Select == true)
                user_filter += "P5-PS4;";

            // Persona 5 Royal
            if (filterSession.P5_VC_P5R_Select == true)
                user_filter += "P5R;";

            // BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle
            if (filterSession.BBTAG_Select == true)
                user_filter += "BBTAG;";

            // Assign the created content filter list to the user's account.
            account.Content_Filter = user_filter;

            // Next, check if the user completely filtered out any titles that match with their currently set profile theme. If so, set their profile theme to none.
            if ((account.Profile_Theme == "P3" && filterSession.P3_VC_P3F_Select == true && filterSession.P3_VC_P3P_Select == true) ||
                (account.Profile_Theme == "P4" && filterSession.P4_VC_PS2_Select == true && filterSession.P4_VC_P4G_Select == true) ||
                (account.Profile_Theme == "P5" && filterSession.P5_VC_PS4_Select == true && filterSession.P5_VC_P5R_Select == true))
                account.Profile_Theme = "";

            // Update the user's account with new data.

            // Go to the confirmation menu.
            _ = Content_Filter_Menu.Content_Filter_Confirm(menuSession.User, menuSession.MenuMessage);
