Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void ApplyScaleTransformToObject(PointF fixedPoint, float scaleX, float scaleY, LayerInfo layerItem, 
		                                                ContentPackItem.ItemSize itemSize = ContentPackItem.ItemSize.Small)
            foreach (DrawingInfo eachDrawingInfo in layerItem.DrawingItems.Values)

                switch (eachDrawingInfo.DrawingType)

                case DrawingLayerType.Drawing:

                    for (int i = 0; i < eachDrawingInfo.PathPoints.Count; i++)

                        PointF point = eachDrawingInfo.PathPoints [i];

                        point.X = scaleX * (point.X + (-fixedPoint.X)) + fixedPoint.X;
                        point.Y = scaleY * (point.Y + (-fixedPoint.Y)) + fixedPoint.Y;

                        eachDrawingInfo.PathPoints [i] = point;

                    }//end for


                case DrawingLayerType.Image:
                case DrawingLayerType.Comix:
                case DrawingLayerType.Stamp:
                case DrawingLayerType.Callout:

                    RectangleF imgFrame = eachDrawingInfo.ImageFrame;
                    imgFrame.Width *= scaleX;
                    imgFrame.Height *= scaleY;
                    imgFrame.X = scaleX * (imgFrame.X + (-fixedPoint.X)) + fixedPoint.X;
                    imgFrame.Y = scaleY * (imgFrame.Y + (-fixedPoint.Y)) + fixedPoint.Y;

                    eachDrawingInfo.ImageFrame = imgFrame;
                    eachDrawingInfo.RotatedImageBox = eachDrawingInfo.ImageFrame.Rotate(eachDrawingInfo.RotationAngle);

                    if (eachDrawingInfo.DrawingType == DrawingLayerType.Callout)

                        eachDrawingInfo.CalloutTextRect = GetCalloutTextRect(imgFrame, itemSize);

                    }//end if


                }//end switch

            }//end foreach
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void ScaleGraphicsObject(PointF touchLocation, 
		                                       PointF prevTouchLocation, 
		                                       LayerInfo layerItem, 
		                                       CanvasControlPoint controlPoint, 
		                                       bool aspectRatioLocked,
		                                       ContentPackItem.ItemSize itemSize = ContentPackItem.ItemSize.Small)
            RectangleF boundingBox = layerItem.GetBoundingBox ();

            bool scaleUpOnly = boundingBox.Width < 10f || boundingBox.Height < 10f;

            float sx = 0;
            float sy = 0;

            PointF fixedPoint = PointF.Empty;

            switch (controlPoint) {

            case CanvasControlPoint.TopLeft:

                // Fixed point is bottom-right
                fixedPoint = new PointF (boundingBox.Right, boundingBox.Bottom);
                sx = boundingBox.Width / (boundingBox.Width + (touchLocation.X - prevTouchLocation.X));
                sy = aspectRatioLocked ?
                    sx :
                        boundingBox.Height / (boundingBox.Height + (touchLocation.Y - prevTouchLocation.Y));


            case CanvasControlPoint.TopRight:

                // Fixed point is bottom-left
                fixedPoint = new PointF (boundingBox.Left, boundingBox.Bottom);

                sx = boundingBox.Width / (boundingBox.Width - (touchLocation.X - prevTouchLocation.X));
                sy = aspectRatioLocked ?
                    sx :
                        boundingBox.Height / (boundingBox.Height + (touchLocation.Y - prevTouchLocation.Y));


            case CanvasControlPoint.BottomRight:

                // Fixed point is top-left
                fixedPoint = boundingBox.Location;

                sx = boundingBox.Width / (boundingBox.Width - (touchLocation.X - prevTouchLocation.X));
                sy = aspectRatioLocked ?
                    sx :
                        boundingBox.Height / (boundingBox.Height - (touchLocation.Y - prevTouchLocation.Y));


            case CanvasControlPoint.BottomLeft:

                // Fixed point is top-right
                fixedPoint = new PointF (boundingBox.Right, boundingBox.Top);

                sx = boundingBox.Width / (boundingBox.Width + (touchLocation.X - prevTouchLocation.X));
                sy = aspectRatioLocked ?
                    sx :
                        boundingBox.Height / (boundingBox.Height - (touchLocation.Y - prevTouchLocation.Y));


            }//end switch

            if (scaleUpOnly &&
                sx < 1) {
                sx = 1;
            }//end if

            if (scaleUpOnly &&
                sy < 1) {
                sy = 1;
            }//end if

            foreach (DrawingInfo eachDrawingInfo in layerItem.DrawingItems.Values) {

                if (eachDrawingInfo.DrawingType == DrawingLayerType.Drawing) {

                    for (int i = 0; i < eachDrawingInfo.PathPoints.Count; i++) {

                        PointF point = eachDrawingInfo.PathPoints [i];
                        point.X = sx * (point.X + (-fixedPoint.X)) + fixedPoint.X;
                        point.Y = sy * (point.Y + (-fixedPoint.Y)) + fixedPoint.Y;

                        eachDrawingInfo.PathPoints [i] = point;

                    }//end for

                } else if (eachDrawingInfo.DrawingType == DrawingLayerType.Image ||
                    eachDrawingInfo.DrawingType == DrawingLayerType.Comix ||
                    eachDrawingInfo.DrawingType == DrawingLayerType.Stamp ||
                    eachDrawingInfo.DrawingType == DrawingLayerType.Callout) {

                    RectangleF imgFrame = eachDrawingInfo.ImageFrame;
                    imgFrame.Width *= sx;
                    imgFrame.Height *= sy;

                    switch (controlPoint) {

                    case CanvasControlPoint.BottomLeft:

                        imgFrame.X += touchLocation.X - prevTouchLocation.X;


                    case CanvasControlPoint.BottomRight:

                        //NOTE: Location is ok, when the only item in the layer is the image.


                    case CanvasControlPoint.TopLeft:

                        imgFrame.X += touchLocation.X - prevTouchLocation.X;
                        imgFrame.Y += touchLocation.Y - prevTouchLocation.Y;


                    case CanvasControlPoint.TopRight:

                        imgFrame.Y += touchLocation.Y - prevTouchLocation.Y;


                    }//end switch

                    eachDrawingInfo.ImageFrame = imgFrame;
                    eachDrawingInfo.RotatedImageBox = eachDrawingInfo.ImageFrame.Rotate (eachDrawingInfo.RotationAngle);

                    if (eachDrawingInfo.DrawingType == DrawingLayerType.Callout)
                        eachDrawingInfo.CalloutTextRect = GetCalloutTextRect (eachDrawingInfo.ImageFrame, itemSize);
                    }//end if

                }//end if else

            }//end foreach
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //NOTE: Ella's numbers
        //        1.
        //            1024 callouts - vertical-162px; horizontal- 82px; text-box: 800x366px;
        //        2.
        //            512 callouts - vertical-82px; horizontal- 42px; text-box: 400x182px;
        //        3.
        //            256 callouts - vertical-42px; horizontal- 22px; text-box: 200x90px;
        //        4.
        //            160 callouts - vertical-26px; horizontal- 26px; text-box: 124x56px;
        public static RectangleF GetCalloutTextRectForSize(ContentPackItem.ItemSize itemSize)
            switch (itemSize) {

            case ContentPackItem.ItemSize.Large:

                return new RectangleF (82f, 162f, 800f, 366f);

            case ContentPackItem.ItemSize.Medium:

                return new RectangleF (42f, 82f, 400f, 182f);

            case ContentPackItem.ItemSize.Small:

                return new RectangleF (22f, 42f, 200f, 90f);

            case ContentPackItem.ItemSize.Tiny:

                return new RectangleF (26f, 26f, 124f, 56f);


                throw new ArgumentException ("Item size must be any of Large, Medium, Small or Tiny!", "itemSize");

            }//end switch
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static RectangleF GetCalloutTextRect(RectangleF imgFrame, ContentPackItem.ItemSize itemSize)
            RectangleF calloutTextArea = GetCalloutTextRectForSize (itemSize);
            SizeF calloutSize = GetCalloutSizeForPackItemSize (itemSize);
            RectangleF imgRect = imgFrame;

            float sx = imgRect.Width / calloutSize.Width;
            float sy = imgRect.Height / calloutSize.Height;

            return new RectangleF (imgRect.X + (sx * calloutTextArea.X),
                                  imgRect.Y + (sy * calloutTextArea.Y),
                                  sx * calloutTextArea.Width,
                                  sy * calloutTextArea.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static SizeF GetCalloutSizeForPackItemSize(ContentPackItem.ItemSize itemSize)
            switch (itemSize) {

            case ContentPackItem.ItemSize.Large:

                return new SizeF (1024f, 1024f);

            case ContentPackItem.ItemSize.Medium:

                return new SizeF (512f, 512f);

            case ContentPackItem.ItemSize.Small:

                return new SizeF (256f, 256f);

            case ContentPackItem.ItemSize.Tiny:

                return new SizeF (160f, 160f);


                throw new ArgumentException ("Item size must be any of Large, Medium, Small or Tiny!", "itemSize");

            }//end switch
        public static ContentPackItemDB ConvertFromContentPackItem(ContentPackItem item)
            ContentPackItemDB toReturn = new ContentPackItemDB ();
            toReturn.ContentItemTitle = item.ContentItemTitle;
            toReturn.ContentPackData = item.ContentPackData;
            toReturn.ContentPackID = item.ContentPackID;
            toReturn.ContentPackItemIcon = item.ContentPackItemIcon;
            toReturn.ContentPackItemID = item.ContentPackItemID;
            toReturn.Errors = item.Errors;

            return toReturn;