Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected void Application_Start()
            var map = new MediaTypeFormatMap();

            map.Add(MediaType.PlainText, "text");
            map.Add(MediaType.Xml, "xml");
            var connegHandler = new ContentNegotiationRouteProxy(new MvcRouteHandler(), map);

            RouteTable.Routes.MapAssembly(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), connegHandler);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ShouldUseDefaultFormatIfNullAcceptTypesProvided()
            var map = new MediaTypeFormatMap();

            map.Add("application/xml", "xml");
            var router = new ContentNegotiationRouteProxy(null, map);
            var route  = new RouteData();

            router.AddFormat(route, null);

            Assert.That(route.Values["format"], Is.EqualTo("xml"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ShouldMapMediaTypeToFormat()
            var map = new MediaTypeFormatMap();

            map.Add("application/xml", "xml");
            var router = new ContentNegotiationRouteProxy(null, map);
            var route  = new RouteData();

            router.AddFormat(route, new[] { "*/*" });

            Assert.That(route.Values["format"], Is.EqualTo("xml"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void UnsupportedAcceptTypeMapsToDefaultFormat()
            var map = new MediaTypeFormatMap();

            map.Add("application/xml", "xml");
            var router = new ContentNegotiationRouteProxy(null, map);
            var route  = new RouteData();

            router.AddFormat(route, new[] { "audio/*" });

            Assert.That(route.Values["format"], Is.EqualTo("xml"));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void ShouldIgnoreUnsupportedMediaTypes()
            var map = new MediaTypeFormatMap();

            map.Add("text/plain", "text");
            map.Add("application/xml", "xml");
            var router = new ContentNegotiationRouteProxy(null, map);
            var route  = new RouteData();

            router.AddFormat(route, new[] { "text/html", "application/xml" });

            Assert.That(route.Values["format"], Is.EqualTo("xml"));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void ShouldPrioritizeFormatSelectionByAcceptTypeOrderingByDefault()
            var map = new MediaTypeFormatMap();

            map.Add("application/xml", "xml");
            map.Add("text/html", "html");
            var router = new ContentNegotiationRouteProxy(null, map);
            var route  = new RouteData();

            router.AddFormat(route, new[] { "text/html", "application/xml" });

            Assert.That(route.Values["format"], Is.EqualTo("html"));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void GetHandlerProxiesToPassedInHandler()
            var proxiedHandler = new Mock <IRouteHandler>();
            var httpContext    = new Mock <HttpContextBase>();

            httpContext.Setup(ctx => ctx.Request.AcceptTypes).Returns(new string[0]);
            var request = new RequestContext(httpContext.Object, new RouteData());
            var router  = new ContentNegotiationRouteProxy(proxiedHandler.Object, new MediaTypeFormatMap());


            proxiedHandler.Verify(h => h.GetHttpHandler(request));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void ShouldPrioritizeFormatSelectionByMapEntriesIfAskedTo()
            var map = new MediaTypeFormatMap();

            map.Add("text/html", "html");
            map.Add("application/xml", "xml");
            var router = new ContentNegotiationRouteProxy(null, map, ConnegPriorityGivenTo.Server);
            var route  = new RouteData();

            router.AddFormat(route, new[] { "application/xml", "text/html" });

            Assert.That(route.Values["format"], Is.EqualTo("html"));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void ShouldNotSetFormatIfRoutingSystemAlreadyDetectedIt()
            var map = new MediaTypeFormatMap();

            map.Add("application/xml", "xml");
            var router = new ContentNegotiationRouteProxy(null, map);
            var route  = new RouteData();

            route.Values["format"] = "html";

            router.AddFormat(route, new[] { "*/*" });

            Assert.That(route.Values["format"], Is.EqualTo("html"));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

            //    name: "Default",
            //    url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            //    defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

            // Routes are generated by RestMvc using reflection to inspect controller attributes.
            // Other routes could also be added here manually.

            var map = new MediaTypeFormatMap();

            map.Add(MediaType.PlainText, "text");
            map.Add(MediaType.Xml, "xml");
            var connegHandler = new ContentNegotiationRouteProxy(new MvcRouteHandler(), map);

            routes.MapAssembly(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), connegHandler);