Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Task <Either <ActionResult, ContentSectionViewModel> > AddContentSection(
            Guid methodologyVersionId,
            ContentSectionAddRequest request,
            ContentListType contentType)
                   .CheckEntityExists <MethodologyVersion>(methodologyVersionId)
                   .OnSuccess(async methodology =>
                var content = ContentListSelector[contentType](methodology);

                var orderForNewSection = request?.Order ??
                                         content.Max(contentSection => contentSection.Order) + 1;

                .FindAll(contentSection => contentSection.Order >= orderForNewSection)
                .ForEach(contentSection => contentSection.Order++);

                var newContentSection = new ContentSection
                    Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Heading = "New section",
                    Order = orderForNewSection


                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                return _mapper.Map <ContentSectionViewModel>(newContentSection);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void OnLoaded(object sender, NodeEventArgs e)
            base.OnLoaded(sender, e);

            _contentListType = (ContentListType)base.GetCachedData(CONTENTLISTTYPEKEY);

            if (_contentListType != null)
                _fieldSettings = (List <FieldSetting>)base.GetCachedData(FIELDSETTINGSKEY);

                // check if fields need to be rebuilt. if the content type manager was restarted, fieldsettings come from cache,
                // but indexinginfos are not yet present in the lazy-filled ContentTypeManager.IndexingInfo dictionary -> call Build() to include them
                bool fieldsIncluded = true;
                foreach (var fieldSetting in _fieldSettings)
                    if (fieldSetting.IndexingInfo == null)
                        fieldsIncluded = false;
                if (fieldsIncluded)

            base.SetCachedData(FIELDSETTINGSKEY, _fieldSettings);
            base.SetCachedData(CONTENTLISTTYPEKEY, _contentListType);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // when create new
        internal static NodeData CreateNewNodeData(Node parent, NodeType nodeType, ContentListType listType, int listId)
            var listTypeId    = listType == null ? 0 : listType.Id;
            var parentId      = parent == null ? 0 : parent.Id;
            var userId        = AccessProvider.Current.GetOriginalUser().Id;
            var now           = DataProvider.Current.RoundDateTime(DateTime.UtcNow);
            var name          = String.Concat(nodeType.Name, "-", now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            var path          = (parent == null) ? "/" + name : RepositoryPath.Combine(parent.Path, name);
            var versionNumber = new VersionNumber(1, 0, VersionStatus.Approved);

            var privateData = new NodeData(nodeType, listType)
                IsShared   = false,
                SharedData = null,

                Id                = 0,
                NodeTypeId        = nodeType.Id,
                ContentListTypeId = listTypeId,
                ContentListId     = listId,

                ParentId  = parentId,
                Name      = name,
                Path      = path,
                Index     = 0,
                IsDeleted = false,

                CreationDate     = now,
                ModificationDate = now,
                CreatedById      = userId,
                ModifiedById     = userId,
                OwnerId          = userId,

                VersionId               = 0,
                Version                 = versionNumber,
                VersionCreationDate     = now,
                VersionModificationDate = now,
                VersionCreatedById      = userId,
                VersionModifiedById     = userId,

                Locked         = false,
                LockedById     = 0,
                ETag           = null,
                LockType       = 0,
                LockTimeout    = 0,
                LockDate       = DataProvider.Current.DateTimeMinValue,
                LockToken      = null,
                LastLockUpdate = DataProvider.Current.DateTimeMinValue,

                //TODO: IsSystem

                SavingState = default(ContentSavingState),
                ChangedData = null

            privateData.VersionModificationDateChanged = false;
            privateData.VersionModifiedByIdChanged     = false;
            privateData.ModificationDateChanged        = false;
            privateData.ModifiedByIdChanged            = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void DeleteContentListType(ContentListType contentListType)
            var ct = _schema.ContentListTypes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == contentListType.Name);

            if (ct != null)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public NodeData(NodeType nodeType, ContentListType contentListType)
            staticDataIsModified = new bool[StaticDataSlotCount];
            staticData           = new object[StaticDataSlotCount];

            PropertyTypes = NodeTypeManager.GetDynamicSignature(nodeType.Id, contentListType == null ? 0 : contentListType.Id);

            dynamicData = new Dictionary <int, object>();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public NodeData(NodeType nodeType, ContentListType contentListType)
            staticDataIsModified = new bool[StaticDataSlotCount];
            staticData           = new object[StaticDataSlotCount];

            PropertyTypes   = NodeTypeManager.GetDynamicSignature(nodeType.Id, contentListType == null ? 0 : contentListType.Id);
            TextPropertyIds = PropertyTypes.Where(p => p.DataType == DataType.Text).Select(p => p.Id).ToArray();

            dynamicData = new Dictionary <int, object>();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        //---- when create new
        internal static NodeData CreateNewNodeData(Node parent, NodeType nodeType, ContentListType listType, int listId)
            var listTypeId    = listType == null ? 0 : listType.Id;
            var parentId      = parent == null ? 0 : parent.Id;
            var userId        = AccessProvider.Current.GetOriginalUser().Id;
            var name          = String.Concat(nodeType.Name, "-", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")); //Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var path          = (parent == null) ? "/" + name : RepositoryPath.Combine(parent.Path, name);
            var now           = DateTime.Now;
            var versionNumber = new VersionNumber(1, 0, VersionStatus.Approved);
            //---- when create new
            var privateData = new NodeData(nodeType, listType)
                IsShared   = false,
                SharedData = null,

                Id                = 0,
                NodeTypeId        = nodeType.Id,
                ContentListTypeId = listTypeId,
                ContentListId     = listId,

                ParentId    = parentId,
                Name        = name,
                Path        = path,
                Index       = 0,
                IsDeleted   = false,
                IsInherited = true,

                NodeCreationDate     = now,
                NodeModificationDate = now,
                NodeCreatedById      = userId,
                NodeModifiedById     = userId,

                VersionId        = 0,
                Version          = versionNumber,
                CreationDate     = now,
                ModificationDate = now,
                CreatedById      = userId,
                ModifiedById     = userId,

                Locked         = false,
                LockedById     = 0,
                ETag           = null,
                LockType       = 0,
                LockTimeout    = 0,
                LockDate       = DataProvider.Current.DateTimeMinValue,
                LockToken      = null,
                LastLockUpdate = DataProvider.Current.DateTimeMinValue,

            privateData.ModificationDateChanged     = false;
            privateData.ModifiedByIdChanged         = false;
            privateData.NodeModificationDateChanged = false;
            privateData.NodeModifiedByIdChanged     = false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override void DeleteContentListType(ContentListType contentListType)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (contentListType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("contentListType");
            sb.Append(CreateCommentLine("Delete ContentListType '", contentListType.Name, "'"));
            sb.Append("DELETE FROM [dbo].[SchemaPropertySetsPropertyTypes] WHERE PropertySetId = ").Append(contentListType.Id).AppendLine();
            sb.Append("DELETE FROM [dbo].[SchemaPropertySets] WHERE PropertySetId = ").Append(contentListType.Id).AppendLine();
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public Task <Either <ActionResult, List <ContentSectionViewModel> > > GetContentSectionsAsync(
     Guid methodologyId, ContentListType contentType)
            .CheckEntityExists <Methodology>(methodologyId)
            .OnSuccess(methodology =>
         var content = ContentListSelector[contentType](methodology);
         return OrderedContentSections(content);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        protected override void OnLoaded(object sender, NodeEventArgs e)
            base.OnLoaded(sender, e);

            _contentListType = (ContentListType)base.GetCachedData(CONTENTLISTTYPEKEY);
            if (_contentListType != null)
                _fieldSettings = (List <FieldSetting>)base.GetCachedData(FIELDSETTINGSKEY);

            base.SetCachedData(FIELDSETTINGSKEY, _fieldSettings);
            base.SetCachedData(CONTENTLISTTYPEKEY, _contentListType);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void Build(IXPathNavigable definitionXml, Dictionary <string, List <string> > bindings, bool modify)
            XPathNavigator      nav   = definitionXml.CreateNavigator();
            XmlNamespaceManager nsres = new XmlNamespaceManager(nav.NameTable);
            XPathNavigator      root  = nav.SelectSingleNode("/*[1]", nsres);

            nsres.AddNamespace("x", root.NamespaceURI);
            List <FieldSetting> fieldSettings;

            Dictionary <string, FieldDescriptor> fieldDescriptorList = ParseContentTypeElement(root, nsres);

            _contentListType = ManageContentListType(fieldDescriptorList, bindings, modify, out fieldSettings);

            _fieldSettings = fieldSettings;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private bool RemoveUnusedFields(Dictionary <string, FieldDescriptor> fieldInfoList, Dictionary <string, List <string> > oldBindings, ContentListType listType, SchemaEditor editor)
            bool hasChanges = false;

            for (int i = _fieldSettings.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                FieldSetting oldType      = _fieldSettings[i];
                bool         needtoDelete = !fieldInfoList.ContainsKey(oldType.Name);
                if (!needtoDelete)
                    FieldDescriptor newType = fieldInfoList[oldType.Name];
                    if (oldType.DataTypes.Length != newType.DataTypes.Length)
                        needtoDelete = true;
                        for (int j = 0; j < oldType.DataTypes.Length; j++)
                            if (oldType.DataTypes[j] != newType.DataTypes[j])
                                needtoDelete = true;
                if (needtoDelete)
                    hasChanges = true;
                    foreach (string binding in oldType.Bindings)
                        PropertyType oldPropertyType = editor.PropertyTypes[binding];
                        editor.RemovePropertyTypeFromPropertySet(oldPropertyType, listType);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private FieldSetting CreateNewFieldType(FieldDescriptor fieldInfo, Dictionary <string, List <string> > newBindings, ContentListType listType, SlotTable slotTable, SchemaEditor editor)
            List <string> bindList = new List <string>();

            foreach (RepositoryDataType slotType in FieldManager.GetDataTypes(fieldInfo.FieldTypeShortName))
                if (slotType == RepositoryDataType.NotDefined)
                int    slotNumber = slotTable.ReserveSlot((DataType)slotType);
                string binding    = EncodeBinding(slotType, slotNumber);

                PropertyType pt = editor.PropertyTypes[binding];
                if (pt == null)
                    pt = editor.CreateContentListPropertyType((DataType)slotType, slotNumber);
                editor.AddPropertyTypeToPropertySet(pt, listType);
            newBindings.Add(fieldInfo.FieldName, bindList);

            return(FieldSetting.Create(fieldInfo, bindList, null));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public override void DeleteContentListType(ContentListType contentListType)
     WriteLog(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod(), contentListType.Name);
 public void DeleteContentListType(ContentListType contentListType)
     _target.GetType().GetMethod("DeleteContentListType").Invoke(_target, new object[] { contentListType });
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public override void DeleteContentListType(ContentListType contentListType)
     throw new NotSupportedException();