public async void GetAsync_Response_Count_MoreThen_0()
            User user = new User()
                ClientUserId = "123"
            Response <User> item = new Response <User>()
                Count = 1,
                Data  = new List <User>()
            string              json     = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item);
            HttpContent         content  = new StringContent(json);
            HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage
                Content = content
            ContentFromHttpResponseGetter <Response <User> > getter = new ContentFromHttpResponseGetter <Response <User> >(response);

            Response <User> data = await getter.GetAsync();

            Assert.True(data.Count > 0);
        public virtual async Task <T> PutAsync(string token, T item)
            Response = await Sender.PutAsync(Address, item);

            if (!Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                throw new HttpRequestException("Request is not success. The code of error: " + Response.StatusCode);
            IGetterFromHttpResponseMessage <T> getter = new ContentFromHttpResponseGetter <T>(Response);

            return(await getter.GetAsync());
        public virtual async Task <Response <T> > GetAsync()
            Response = await Sender.GetAsync(Address);

            if (!Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                throw new HttpRequestException("Request is not success. The code of error: " + Response.StatusCode);
            IGetterFromHttpResponseMessage <Response <T> > getter = new ContentFromHttpResponseGetter <Response <T> >(Response);
            Response <T> result = await getter.GetAsync();

            if (result.Count > 10)
                result = await GetAll(result);
        public async void GetAsync_ClientUserId_123()
            User item = new User()
                ClientUserId = "123"
            string              json     = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item);
            HttpContent         content  = new StringContent(json);
            HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage
                Content = content
            ContentFromHttpResponseGetter <User> getter = new ContentFromHttpResponseGetter <User>(response);

            User data = await getter.GetAsync();

            Assert.True(data.ClientUserId == "123");
        private async Task <Response <T> > GetAll(Response <T> result)
            for (int i = 10; i < result.Count; i += 10)
                string address = string.Format("{0}?offset={1}", Address, i);
                Response = await Sender.GetAsync(address);

                IGetterFromHttpResponseMessage <Response <T> > getter = new ContentFromHttpResponseGetter <Response <T> >(Response);
                Response <T> get = await getter.GetAsync();

                if (get?.Data == null)
                foreach (T t in get.Data)
