/// <summary>
        /// Applies the list type changes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="web">The web.</param>
        /// <param name="cqwp">The content query web part.</param>
        /// <param name="listType">Type of the list.</param>
        private static void ApplyListTypeChanges(SPWeb web, ContentByQueryWebPart cqwp, string listType)
            if (listType == null)

            using (SPWeb rootWeb = web.Site.RootWeb)
                SPListTemplateCollection listTemplates = rootWeb.ListTemplates;

                SPListTemplate template = listTemplates[listType];
                if (template == null)
                    throw new SPException("List template (type) not found.");

                cqwp.BaseType       = string.Empty;
                cqwp.ServerTemplate = Convert.ToString((int)template.Type, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                bool isGenericList = template.BaseType == SPBaseType.GenericList;
                bool isIssueList   = template.BaseType == SPBaseType.Issue;
                bool isLinkList    = template.Type == SPListTemplateType.Links;
                cqwp.UseCopyUtil = !isGenericList ? isIssueList : (isLinkList ? false : true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjusts the web part.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cqwp">The CQWP.</param>
        /// <param name="list">The list.</param>
        /// <param name="web">The web.</param>
        internal static void AdjustWebPart(ContentByQueryWebPart cqwp, SPList list, SPWeb web)
            if (list.ContentTypes["Listing"] != null)
                // The list is a special list - it was upgraded from v2 and corresponds
                // to the grouped listings web part so we need to set some additional
                // properties that cannot be set via the browser.

                ApplyListTypeChanges(web, cqwp, "Links");

                cqwp.AdditionalGroupAndSortFields = "Modified,Modified;Created,Created";
                cqwp.DataColumnRenames            = "SummaryTitle,Title;Comments,Description;URL,LinkUrl;SummaryImage,ImageUrl";
                cqwp.SortByFieldType  = "Number";
                cqwp.ChromeType       = PartChromeType.None;
                cqwp.CommonViewFields = "SummaryTitle,Text;Comments,Note;URL,URL;SummaryImage,URL;SummaryIcon,URL;SummaryType,Integer;_TargetItemID,Note";
                cqwp.FilterType1      = "ModStat";
                cqwp.Xsl                     = "<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:x=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns:xsl=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform\" xmlns:cmswrt=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v3/Publishing/runtime\" exclude-result-prefixes=\"xsl cmswrt x\" > <xsl:import href=\"/Style Library/XSL Style Sheets/Header.xsl\" /> <xsl:import href=\"/Style Library/XSL Style Sheets/ItemStyle.xsl\" /> <xsl:import href=\"/Style Library/XSL Style Sheets/ContentQueryMain.xsl\" /> </xsl:stylesheet>";
                cqwp.FilterValue1            = "Approved";
                cqwp.ShowUntargetedItems     = false;
                cqwp.FilterField1            = list.Fields["Approval Status"].Id.ToString();
                cqwp.Filter1ChainingOperator = ContentByQueryWebPart.FilterChainingOperator.And;
                cqwp.ItemLimit               = -1;
                cqwp.SortBy                  = list.Fields["Order"].Id.ToString();
                cqwp.SortByDirection         = ContentByQueryWebPart.SortDirection.Asc;
                cqwp.GroupByDirection        = ContentByQueryWebPart.SortDirection.Asc;
                cqwp.Description             = "Show listings in the portal.";
                cqwp.GroupBy                 = "SummaryGroup";
                cqwp.Hidden                  = false;
            using (SPWeb parentWeb = list.ParentWeb)
                cqwp.WebUrl = parentWeb.ServerRelativeUrl;
            cqwp.ListGuid = list.ID.ToString();
            cqwp.ListName = list.Title;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void ExampleOne(string siteURL)
            using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteURL))
                //Get a CbqQueryVersionInfo object from a ContentByQueryWebPart and use it to get a CrossListQueryInfo
                ContentByQueryWebPart cbq         = new ContentByQueryWebPart();
                CbqQueryVersionInfo   versionInfo = cbq.BuildCbqQueryVersionInfo();
                CrossListQueryInfo    queryInfo   = versionInfo.VersionCrossListQueryInfo;
                // Create a new CrossListQueryCache object with the queryInfo we just got
                CrossListQueryCache crossListCache = new CrossListQueryCache(queryInfo);

                SiteDataResults results = crossListCache.GetSiteDataResults(site, false);
        public static void ExampleOne(string siteURL)
            using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteURL))
                //Get a CbqQueryVersionInfo object from a ContentByQueryWebPart and use it to get a CrossListQueryInfo
                ContentByQueryWebPart cbq = new ContentByQueryWebPart();
                CbqQueryVersionInfo versionInfo = cbq.BuildCbqQueryVersionInfo();
                CrossListQueryInfo queryInfo = versionInfo.VersionCrossListQueryInfo;
                // Create a new CrossListQueryCache object with the queryInfo we just got
                CrossListQueryCache crossListCache = new CrossListQueryCache(queryInfo);

                SiteDataResults results = crossListCache.GetSiteDataResults(site, false);

        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces the content of a <see cref="ContentByQueryWebPart"/> web part.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="web">The web that the file belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The file that the web part is associated with.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The settings object containing user provided parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="wp">The web part whose content will be replaced.</param>
        /// <param name="regex">The regular expression object which contains the search pattern.</param>
        /// <param name="manager">The web part manager.  This value may get updated during this method call.</param>
        /// <param name="wasCheckedOut">if set to <c>true</c> then the was checked out prior to this method being called.</param>
        /// <param name="modified">if set to <c>true</c> then the web part was modified as a result of this method being called.</param>
        /// <returns>The modified web part.  This returned web part is what must be used when saving any changes.</returns>
        internal static WebPart ReplaceValues(SPWeb web,
           SPFile file,
           Settings settings,
           ContentByQueryWebPart wp,
           Regex regex,
           ref SPLimitedWebPartManager manager,
           ref bool wasCheckedOut,
           ref bool modified)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wp.ListGuid) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(wp.WebUrl) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(wp.GroupBy))
                return wp;

            bool isListGuidMatch = false;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wp.ListGuid))
                isListGuidMatch = regex.IsMatch(wp.ListGuid);

            bool isWebUrlMatch = false;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wp.WebUrl))
                isWebUrlMatch = regex.IsMatch(wp.WebUrl);

            bool isGroupByMatch = false;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wp.GroupBy))
                isGroupByMatch = regex.IsMatch(wp.GroupBy);

            if (!isListGuidMatch && !isWebUrlMatch && !isGroupByMatch)
                return wp;

            string listGuidContent = wp.ListGuid;
            string webUrlContent = wp.WebUrl;
            string groupByContent = wp.GroupBy;

            string listGuidResult = listGuidContent;
            string webUrlResult = webUrlContent;
            string groupByResult = groupByContent;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listGuidContent))
                listGuidResult = regex.Replace(listGuidContent, settings.ReplaceString);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(webUrlContent))
                webUrlResult = regex.Replace(webUrlContent, settings.ReplaceString);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupByContent))
                groupByResult = regex.Replace(groupByContent, settings.ReplaceString);

            if (isListGuidMatch)
                Logger.Write("Match found: File={0}, WebPart={1}, Replacement={2} => {3}",
                                  file.ServerRelativeUrl, wp.Title, listGuidContent, listGuidResult);
            if (isWebUrlMatch)
                Logger.Write("Match found: File={0}, WebPart={1}, Replacement={2} => {3}",
                                  file.ServerRelativeUrl, wp.Title, webUrlContent, webUrlResult);

            if (isGroupByMatch)
                Logger.Write("Match found: File={0}, WebPart={1}, Replacement={2} => {3}",
                                  file.ServerRelativeUrl, wp.Title, groupByContent, groupByResult);

            if (!settings.Test)
                if (file.CheckOutType == SPFile.SPCheckOutType.None)
                    wasCheckedOut = false;
                // We need to reset the manager and the web part because a checkout (now or from an earlier call)
                // could mess things up so safest to just reset every time.
                manager.Web.Dispose(); // manager.Dispose() does not dispose of the SPWeb object and results in a memory leak.
                manager = web.GetLimitedWebPartManager(file.Url, PersonalizationScope.Shared);

                wp = (ContentByQueryWebPart)manager.WebParts[wp.ID];

                if (isListGuidMatch)
                    wp.ListGuid = listGuidResult;
                if (isWebUrlMatch)
                    wp.WebUrl = webUrlResult;
                if (isGroupByMatch)
                    wp.GroupBy = groupByResult;

                modified = true;
            return wp;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjusts the web part.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="web">The web.</param>
        /// <param name="wp">The web part.</param>
        /// <param name="manager">The web part manager.</param>
        /// <param name="listUrl">The list URL.</param>
        /// <param name="listType">Type of the list (list template).</param>
        /// <param name="siteUrl">The site URL.</param>
        internal static void AdjustWebPart(SPWeb web, WebPart wp, SPLimitedWebPartManager manager, string listUrl, string listType, string siteUrl)
            ContentByQueryWebPart cqwp = wp as ContentByQueryWebPart;

            if (cqwp == null)
                throw new SPException("Web part is not a Content Query web part.");

            if (listUrl != null)
                SPList list = Utilities.GetListFromViewUrl(listUrl);
                if (list == null)
                    throw new SPException("Specified List was not found.");

                AdjustWebPart(cqwp, list, web);
            else if (siteUrl != null)
                    using (SPWeb web2 = web.Site.AllWebs[Utilities.GetServerRelUrlFromFullUrl(siteUrl)])
                        if (!web2.Exists)
                            throw new SPException(string.Format("The web {0} does not exist.", siteUrl));
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    throw new SPException(siteUrl + " either does not exist is is invalid or does not belong to the web part's container site collection.");
                catch (SPException)
                    throw new SPException(siteUrl + " either does not exist is is invalid or does not belong to the web part's container site collection.");
                catch (FileNotFoundException)
                    throw new SPException(siteUrl + " either does not exist is is invalid or does not belong to the web part's container site collection.");

                cqwp.WebUrl   = siteUrl;
                cqwp.ListGuid = string.Empty;
                cqwp.ListName = string.Empty;
                cqwp.WebUrl   = string.Empty;
                cqwp.ListGuid = string.Empty;

            if (listType != null)
                ApplyListTypeChanges(web, cqwp, listType);

        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the list type changes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="web">The web.</param>
        /// <param name="cqwp">The content query web part.</param>
        /// <param name="listType">Type of the list.</param>
        private static void ApplyListTypeChanges(SPWeb web, ContentByQueryWebPart cqwp, string listType)
            if (listType == null)

            using (SPWeb rootWeb = web.Site.RootWeb)
                SPListTemplateCollection listTemplates = rootWeb.ListTemplates;

                SPListTemplate template = listTemplates[listType];
                if (template == null)
                    throw new SPException("List template (type) not found.");

                cqwp.BaseType = string.Empty;
                cqwp.ServerTemplate = Convert.ToString((int)template.Type, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                bool isGenericList = template.BaseType == SPBaseType.GenericList;
                bool isIssueList = template.BaseType == SPBaseType.Issue;
                bool isLinkList = template.Type == SPListTemplateType.Links;
                cqwp.UseCopyUtil = !isGenericList ? isIssueList : (isLinkList ? false : true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjusts the web part.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cqwp">The CQWP.</param>
        /// <param name="list">The list.</param>
        /// <param name="web">The web.</param>
        internal static void AdjustWebPart(ContentByQueryWebPart cqwp, SPList list, SPWeb web)
            if (list.ContentTypes["Listing"] != null)
                // The list is a special list - it was upgraded from v2 and corresponds
                // to the grouped listings web part so we need to set some additional
                // properties that cannot be set via the browser.

                ApplyListTypeChanges(web, cqwp, "Links");

                cqwp.AdditionalGroupAndSortFields = "Modified,Modified;Created,Created";
                cqwp.DataColumnRenames = "SummaryTitle,Title;Comments,Description;URL,LinkUrl;SummaryImage,ImageUrl";
                cqwp.SortByFieldType = "Number";
                cqwp.ChromeType = PartChromeType.None;
                cqwp.CommonViewFields = "SummaryTitle,Text;Comments,Note;URL,URL;SummaryImage,URL;SummaryIcon,URL;SummaryType,Integer;_TargetItemID,Note";
                cqwp.FilterType1 = "ModStat";
                cqwp.Xsl = "<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:x=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns:xsl=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform\" xmlns:cmswrt=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v3/Publishing/runtime\" exclude-result-prefixes=\"xsl cmswrt x\" > <xsl:import href=\"/Style Library/XSL Style Sheets/Header.xsl\" /> <xsl:import href=\"/Style Library/XSL Style Sheets/ItemStyle.xsl\" /> <xsl:import href=\"/Style Library/XSL Style Sheets/ContentQueryMain.xsl\" /> </xsl:stylesheet>";
                cqwp.FilterValue1 = "Approved";
                cqwp.ShowUntargetedItems = false;
                cqwp.FilterField1 = list.Fields["Approval Status"].Id.ToString();
                cqwp.Filter1ChainingOperator = ContentByQueryWebPart.FilterChainingOperator.And;
                cqwp.ItemLimit = -1;
                cqwp.SortBy = list.Fields["Order"].Id.ToString();
                cqwp.SortByDirection = ContentByQueryWebPart.SortDirection.Asc;
                cqwp.GroupByDirection = ContentByQueryWebPart.SortDirection.Asc;
                cqwp.Description = "Show listings in the portal.";
                cqwp.GroupBy = "SummaryGroup";
                cqwp.Hidden = false;
            using (SPWeb parentWeb = list.ParentWeb)
                cqwp.WebUrl = parentWeb.ServerRelativeUrl;
            cqwp.ListGuid = list.ID.ToString();
            cqwp.ListName = list.Title;