Ejemplo n.º 1
        void GatherAssetData(string path, out AssetLoadInfo assetInfo, out BuildUsageTagSet buildUsage, BuildUsageTagGlobal globalUsage)
            assetInfo  = new AssetLoadInfo();
            buildUsage = new BuildUsageTagSet();

            var includedObjects   = ContentBuildInterface.GetPlayerObjectIdentifiersInSerializedFile(path, m_Parameters.Target);
            var referencedObjects = ContentBuildInterface.GetPlayerDependenciesForObjects(includedObjects, m_Parameters.Target, m_Parameters.ScriptInfo);

            assetInfo.includedObjects   = new List <ObjectIdentifier>(includedObjects);
            assetInfo.referencedObjects = new List <ObjectIdentifier>(referencedObjects);

            ContentBuildInterface.CalculateBuildUsageTags(referencedObjects, includedObjects, globalUsage, buildUsage, m_DependencyData.DependencyUsageCache);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the Object Identifiers and Types in a raw Unity Serialized File. The resulting arrays will be empty if a non-serialized file path was used.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">Path to the Unity Serialized File</param>
 /// <param name="objectIdentifiers">Object Identifiers for all the objects in the serialized file</param>
 /// <param name="types">Types for all the objects in the serialized file</param>
 public void GetObjectIdentifiersAndTypesForSerializedFile(string path, out ObjectIdentifier[] objectIdentifiers, out Type[] types)
     objectIdentifiers = ContentBuildInterface.GetPlayerObjectIdentifiersInSerializedFile(path, m_Parameters.Target);
     types             = ContentBuildInterface.GetTypeForObjects(objectIdentifiers);
        public static bool BuildAssetBundle(string manifestPath, GUID assetGuid, string cacheFilePath, BuildTarget target, HashSet <Entities.Hash128> dependencies, HashSet <System.Type> types, long fileIdent)
            using (new BuildInterfacesWrapper())

                // Used for naming
                var fixedGUID = assetGuid;
                if (fileIdent != -1)
                    GUIDHelper.PackBuiltinExtraWithFileIdent(ref fixedGUID, fileIdent);

                string assetGUIDString = fixedGUID.ToString();

                // Deterministic ID Generator
                var generator = new Unity5PackedIdentifiers();

                // Target platform settings & script information
                var settings = new BuildSettings
                    buildFlags = ContentBuildFlags.None,
                    target     = target,
                    group      = BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(target),
                    typeDB     = null

                if (assetGuid == GUIDHelper.UnityBuiltinResources)

                if (assetGuid == GUIDHelper.UnityBuiltinExtraResources)

                // Collect all the objects we need for this asset & bundle (returned array order is deterministic)
                var manifestObjects = ContentBuildInterface.GetPlayerObjectIdentifiersInSerializedFile(manifestPath, settings.target);

                // Collect all the objects we need to reference for this asset (returned array order is deterministic)
                var manifestDependencies = ContentBuildInterface.GetPlayerDependenciesForObjects(manifestObjects, settings.target, settings.typeDB);

                // Scene / Project lighting information
                var globalUsage = ContentBuildInterface.GetGlobalUsageFromGraphicsSettings();
                globalUsage = ForceKeepInstancingVariants(globalUsage);

                // Inter-asset feature usage (shader features, used mesh channels)
                var usageSet = new BuildUsageTagSet();
                ContentBuildInterface.CalculateBuildUsageTags(manifestDependencies, manifestDependencies, globalUsage, usageSet); // TODO: Cache & Append to the assets that are influenced by this usageTagSet, ideally it would be a nice api to extract just the data for a given asset or object from the result

                // Bundle all the needed write parameters
                var writeParams = new WriteParameters
                    // Target platform settings & script information
                    settings = settings,

                    // Scene / Project lighting information
                    globalUsage = globalUsage,

                    // Inter-asset feature usage (shader features, used mesh channels)
                    usageSet = usageSet,

                    // Serialized File Layout
                    writeCommand = new WriteCommand
                        fileName         = generator.GenerateInternalFileName(assetGUIDString),
                        internalName     = generator.GenerateAssetBundleInternalFileName(fixedGUID),
                        serializeObjects = new List <SerializationInfo>() // Populated Below

                    // External object references
                    referenceMap = new BuildReferenceMap(), // Populated Below

                    // Asset Bundle object layout
                    bundleInfo = new AssetBundleInfo
                        bundleName = assetGUIDString,
                        // What is loadable from this bundle
                        bundleAssets = new List <AssetLoadInfo>
                            // The manifest object and it's dependencies
                            new AssetLoadInfo
                                address           = assetGUIDString,
                                asset             = assetGuid,                // TODO: Remove this as it is unused in C++
                                includedObjects   = manifestObjects.ToList(), // TODO: In our effort to modernize the public API design we over complicated it trying to take List or return ReadOnlyLists. Should have just stuck with Arrays[] in all places
                                referencedObjects = manifestDependencies.ToList()

                // The requirement is that a single asset bundle only contains the ObjectManifest and the objects that are directly part of the asset, objects for external assets will be in their own bundles. IE: 1 asset per bundle layout
                // So this means we need to take manifestObjects & manifestDependencies and filter storing them into writeCommand.serializeObjects and/or referenceMap based on if they are this asset or other assets

                // For the Manifest Objects, we only have the ScriptableObject `AssetObjectManifest` which is not referenced outside of this bundle.
                // This creates a deterministic ID for it, regardless of the path of the manifest file
                var linearGenerator = new LinearPackedIdentifiers(2);
                foreach (var obj in manifestObjects)
                    var index = linearGenerator.SerializationIndexFromObjectIdentifier(obj);
                    writeParams.writeCommand.serializeObjects.Add(new SerializationInfo {
                        serializationObject = obj, serializationIndex = index
                    writeParams.referenceMap.AddMapping(writeParams.writeCommand.internalName, index, obj);

                foreach (var obj in manifestDependencies)
                    // MonoScripts need to live beside the MonoBehavior (in this case ScriptableObject) and loaded first. We could move it to it's own bundle, but this is safer and it's a lightweight object
                    var type = ContentBuildInterface.GetTypeForObject(obj);
                    if (obj.guid == GUIDHelper.UnityBuiltinResources)
                        // For Builtin Resources, we can reference them directly
                        // TODO: Once we switch to using GlobalObjectId for SBP, we will need a mapping for certain special cases of GUID <> FilePath for Builtin Resources
                        writeParams.referenceMap.AddMapping(obj.filePath, obj.localIdentifierInFile, obj);
                    else if (type == typeof(MonoScript))
                        writeParams.writeCommand.serializeObjects.Add(new SerializationInfo {
                            serializationObject = obj, serializationIndex = generator.SerializationIndexFromObjectIdentifier(obj)
                        writeParams.referenceMap.AddMapping(writeParams.writeCommand.internalName, generator.SerializationIndexFromObjectIdentifier(obj), obj);
                    else if (obj.guid == assetGuid)
                        // If we are a specific built-in asset, only add the built-in asset
                        if (fileIdent != -1 && obj.localIdentifierInFile != fileIdent)

                        writeParams.writeCommand.serializeObjects.Add(new SerializationInfo {
                            serializationObject = obj, serializationIndex = generator.SerializationIndexFromObjectIdentifier(obj)
                        writeParams.referenceMap.AddMapping(writeParams.writeCommand.internalName, generator.SerializationIndexFromObjectIdentifier(obj), obj);
                    else if (obj.guid == GUIDHelper.UnityBuiltinExtraResources)
                        var convGUID = obj.guid;
                        GUIDHelper.PackBuiltinExtraWithFileIdent(ref convGUID, obj.localIdentifierInFile);
                        writeParams.referenceMap.AddMapping(generator.GenerateAssetBundleInternalFileName(convGUID), generator.SerializationIndexFromObjectIdentifier(obj), obj);

                    else if (!obj.guid.Empty())
                        writeParams.referenceMap.AddMapping(generator.GenerateAssetBundleInternalFileName(obj.guid), generator.SerializationIndexFromObjectIdentifier(obj), obj);
                        throw new Exception($"Invalid dependency! GUID={obj.guid}, type={type}");

                    if (type != null)

                // Write the serialized file
                var result = ContentBuildInterface.WriteSerializedFile(k_TempBuildPath, writeParams);
                // Archive and compress the serialized & resource files for the previous operation
                var crc = ContentBuildInterface.ArchiveAndCompress(result.resourceFiles.ToArray(), cacheFilePath, UnityEngine.BuildCompression.Uncompressed);

                // Because the shader compiler progress bar hooks are absolute shit

                //Debug.Log($"Wrote '{writeParams.writeCommand.fileName}' to '{k_TempBuildPath}/{writeParams.writeCommand.internalName}' resulting in {result.serializedObjects.Count} objects in the serialized file.");
                //Debug.Log($"Archived '{k_TempBuildPath}/{writeParams.writeCommand.internalName}' to '{cacheFilePath}' resulting in {crc} CRC.");

                return(crc != 0);
        public static void BuildSubSceneBundle(string manifestPath, string bundleName, string bundlePath, BuildTarget target, HashSet <Entities.Hash128> dependencies)
            using (new BuildInterfacesWrapper())

                // Deterministic ID Generator
                var generator = new Unity5PackedIdentifiers();

                // Target platform settings & script information
                var buildSettings = new BuildSettings
                    buildFlags = ContentBuildFlags.None,
                    target     = target,
                    group      = BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(target),
                    typeDB     = null

#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
                // Collect all the objects we need for this asset & bundle (returned array order is deterministic)
                var manifestObjects =
                    ContentBuildInterface.GetPlayerObjectIdentifiersInSerializedFile(manifestPath, buildSettings.target);
                var method = typeof(ContentBuildInterface).GetMethod("GetPlayerObjectIdentifiersInSerializedFile",
                                                                     System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                // Collect all the objects we need for this asset & bundle (returned array order is deterministic)
                var manifestObjects =
                    (ObjectIdentifier[])method.Invoke(null, new object[] { manifestPath, buildSettings.target });
                // Collect all the objects we need to reference for this asset (returned array order is deterministic)
                var manifestDependencies =
                    ContentBuildInterface.GetPlayerDependenciesForObjects(manifestObjects, buildSettings.target,

                // Scene / Project lighting information
                var globalUsage = ContentBuildInterface.GetGlobalUsageFromGraphicsSettings();
                globalUsage = ForceKeepInstancingVariants(globalUsage);

                // Inter-asset feature usage (shader features, used mesh channels)
                var usageSet = new BuildUsageTagSet();
                ContentBuildInterface.CalculateBuildUsageTags(manifestDependencies, manifestDependencies, globalUsage,
                                                              usageSet); // TODO: Cache & Append to the assets that are influenced by this usageTagSet, ideally it would be a nice api to extract just the data for a given asset or object from the result

                // Bundle all the needed write parameters
                var writeParams = new WriteParameters
                    // Target platform settings & script information
                    settings = buildSettings,

                    // Scene / Project lighting information
                    globalUsage = globalUsage,

                    // Inter-asset feature usage (shader features, used mesh channels)
                    usageSet = usageSet,

                    // Serialized File Layout
                    writeCommand = new WriteCommand
                        fileName         = generator.GenerateInternalFileName(bundleName),
                        internalName     = generator.GenerateAssetBundleInternalFileName(bundleName),
                        serializeObjects = new List <SerializationInfo>() // Populated Below

                    // External object references
                    referenceMap = new BuildReferenceMap(), // Populated Below

                    // Asset Bundle object layout
                    bundleInfo = new AssetBundleInfo
                        bundleName = bundleName,
                        // What is loadable from this bundle
                        bundleAssets = new List <AssetLoadInfo>
                            // The manifest object and it's dependencies
                            new AssetLoadInfo
                                address         = bundleName,
                                asset           = new GUID(), // TODO: Remove this as it is unused in C++
                                includedObjects =
                                    .ToList(),     // TODO: In our effort to modernize the public API design we over complicated it trying to take List or return ReadOnlyLists. Should have just stuck with Arrays[] in all places
                                referencedObjects = manifestDependencies.ToList()

                // The requirement is that a single asset bundle only contains the ObjectManifest and the objects that are directly part of the asset, objects for external assets will be in their own bundles. IE: 1 asset per bundle layout
                // So this means we need to take manifestObjects & manifestDependencies and filter storing them into writeCommand.serializeObjects and/or referenceMap based on if they are this asset or other assets
                foreach (var obj in manifestObjects)
                    writeParams.writeCommand.serializeObjects.Add(new SerializationInfo
                        serializationObject = obj,
                        serializationIndex  = generator.SerializationIndexFromObjectIdentifier(obj)
                                                        generator.SerializationIndexFromObjectIdentifier(obj), obj);

                foreach (var obj in manifestDependencies)
                    // MonoScripts need to live beside the MonoBehavior (in this case ScriptableObject) and loaded first. We could move it to it's own bundle, but this is safer and it's a lightweight object
                    var type = ContentBuildInterface.GetTypeForObject(obj);
                    if (obj.guid == k_UnityBuiltinResources)
                        // For Builtin Resources, we can reference them directly
                        // TODO: Once we switch to using GlobalObjectId for SBP, we will need a mapping for certain special cases of GUID <> FilePath for Builtin Resources
                        writeParams.referenceMap.AddMapping(obj.filePath, obj.localIdentifierInFile, obj);
                    else if (type == typeof(MonoScript))
                        writeParams.writeCommand.serializeObjects.Add(new SerializationInfo {
                            serializationObject = obj, serializationIndex = generator.SerializationIndexFromObjectIdentifier(obj)
                        writeParams.referenceMap.AddMapping(writeParams.writeCommand.internalName, generator.SerializationIndexFromObjectIdentifier(obj), obj);
                    else if (!obj.guid.Empty())
                            generator.SerializationIndexFromObjectIdentifier(obj), obj);

                    // This will be solvable after we move SBP into the asset pipeline as importers.
                    if (!obj.guid.Empty() && type != typeof(MonoScript))
                        var convGUID = obj.guid;
                        if (obj.guid == k_UnityBuiltinExtraResources)
                            PackBuiltinExtraWithFileIdent(ref convGUID, obj.localIdentifierInFile);


                // Write the serialized file
                var result = ContentBuildInterface.WriteSerializedFile(k_TempBuildPath, writeParams);
                // Archive and compress the serialized & resource files for the previous operation
                var crc = ContentBuildInterface.ArchiveAndCompress(result.resourceFiles.ToArray(), bundlePath,

                // Because the shader compiler progress bar hooks are absolute shit

                //Debug.Log($"Wrote '{writeParams.writeCommand.fileName}' to '{k_TempBuildPath}/{writeParams.writeCommand.internalName}' resulting in {result.serializedObjects.Count} objects in the serialized file.");
                //Debug.Log($"Archived '{k_TempBuildPath}/{writeParams.writeCommand.internalName}' to '{cacheFilePath}' resulting in {crc} CRC.");

                Directory.Delete(k_TempBuildPath, true);