Ejemplo n.º 1
 public ContactPersonService(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, IUserResolverService userResolverService)
     user       = userResolverService;
     UnitOfWork = unitOfWork;
     Repo = (ContactPersonRepository)UnitOfWork.GetRepository <MS_PIC>(hasCustomRepository: true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public DataManager()
     cont                       = new ModelContainer();
     branchRepository           = new BranchRepository(cont);
     categoryRepository         = new CategoryRepository(cont);
     checkDishRepository        = new CheckDishRepository(cont);
     checkMerchandiseRepository = new CheckMerchandiseRepository(cont);
     clientRepository           = new ClientRepository(cont);
     companyOwnerRepository     = new CompanyOwnerRepository(cont);
     companyRepository          = new CompanyRepository(cont);
     contactPersonRepository    = new ContactPersonRepository(cont);
     dishRepository             = new DishRepository(cont);
     documentRepository         = new DocumentRepository(cont);
     ejectionRepository         = new EjectionRepository(cont);
     employeeRepository         = new EmployeeRepository(cont);
     encashmentRepository       = new EncashmentRepository(cont);
     landlordRepository         = new LandlordRepository(cont);
     orderRepository            = new OrderRepository(cont);
     personRepository           = new PersonRepository(cont);
     positionRepository         = new PositionRepository(cont);
     prepackRepository          = new PrepackRepository(cont);
     productRepository          = new ProductRepository(cont);
     purchaseRepository         = new PurchaseRepository(cont);
     recipeDishIngrRepository   = new RecipeDishIngrRepository(cont);
     recipeDishPrepRepository   = new RecipeDishPrepRepository(cont);
     recipePrepIngrRepository   = new RecipePrepIngrRepository(cont);
     recipePrepPrepRepository   = new RecipePrepPrepRepository(cont);
     roomRepository             = new RoomRepository(cont);
     shiftRepository            = new ShiftRepository(cont);
     tableRepository            = new TableRepository(cont);
     warehouseRepository        = new WarehouseRepository(cont);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void GenerateFilteredPageReport(string host, string path, string reportName, Func <PageEntity, string, bool> rowFilter)
            if (!(path.StartsWith("/sv") || path.StartsWith("/en")))
                Console.WriteLine("URL '" + path + "' not valid. Must start with /sv or /en");

            using (SPSite oSite = new SPSite(host))
                using (SPWeb oWeb = oSite.OpenWeb(path))
                    reportName = reportName ?? "PageReport";
                    rowFilter  = rowFilter ?? ((p, c) => true);

                    string   langCode    = path.Substring(1, 2);
                    string   langRootUrl = string.Format("/{0}", langCode);
                    Uri      siteUri     = new Uri(oSite.Url);
                    DateTime datestamp   = DateTime.Now;
                    string   fileName    = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3:yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss}.txt", reportName, siteUri.Host, langCode, datestamp);

                    ContactPersonRepository contactRepository = new ContactPersonRepository(oWeb)
                        ServerRelativeWebUrl = langRootUrl

                    using (CsvFileWriter writer = new CsvFileWriter(fileName, ';'))
                        CsvRow headerRow = new CsvRow();
                        headerRow.Add("Page responsible");

                        using (SPWeb langRootWeb = oSite.OpenWeb(path))
                            List <SPWeb> websToProcess = new List <SPWeb>();

                            for (int i = 0; i < websToProcess.Count(); i++)
                                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Processing web {0}/{1}: {2}", i + 1, websToProcess.Count(), websToProcess[i].Name));
                                var moreWebs = GetPageReport(rowFilter, siteUri, contactRepository, writer, websToProcess[i]);
                                foreach (SPWeb w in moreWebs)

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public UnitOfWork()
            if (_context == null)
                _context = new FestiSpecEntities();

            Inspectors          = new InspectorRepository(_context);
            NawEmployee         = new NAWEmployeeRepository(_context);
            Employee            = new EmployeeRepository(_context);
            RoleEmployee        = new RoleEmployeeRepository(_context);
            NAWInspectors       = new NAWInspector_Repository(_context);
            Questionnaires      = new QuestionnaireRepository(_context);
            Inspections         = new InspectionRepository(_context);
            InspectionLocations = new LocationRepository(_context);
            Customers           = new CustomerRepository(_context);
            ContactPersons      = new ContactPersonRepository(_context);
            Certificates        = new CertificatesRepository(_context);
            NAWCustomers        = new NAWCustomerRepository(_context);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public RegisterResponseModel Register(RegisterInputModel data, RoleEnum roleEnum)
            UserRepository userRepo      = new UserRepository(DbContext);
            var            checkUserName = userRepo.FindByUserName(data.Username);

            if (checkUserName == null)
                Guid id   = Guid.NewGuid();
                User temp = new User();

                temp.ID             = id;
                temp.PasswordHash   = data.Password.ConvertToMD5();
                temp.FirstName      = data.FirstName;
                temp.LastName       = data.LastName;
                temp.UserName       = data.Username;
                temp.PhoneNumber    = data.NoTelp;
                temp.CreateDate     = DateTime.Now;
                temp.CreateByUserID = id;
                if (roleEnum == RoleEnum.MediaOwner || roleEnum == RoleEnum.MediaBuyer)
                    temp.IsActive = false;
                    temp.IsActive = true;

                userRepo = new UserRepository(DbContext);
                var response = userRepo.Insert(temp, false);

                //insert ke table userRole
                UserRole       userRole = new UserRole();
                RoleRepository roleRepo = new RoleRepository(DbContext);

                userRole.ID     = Guid.NewGuid();
                userRole.UserID = temp.ID;
                //RoleID di ambil dari table role
                userRole.RoleID         = roleRepo.GetRole((int)roleEnum).FirstOrDefault().ID;
                userRole.CreateDate     = DateTime.Now;
                userRole.CreateByUserID = id;

                UserRoleRepository userRoleRepository = new UserRoleRepository(DbContext);
                var res2 = userRoleRepository.Insert(userRole, false);

                //INSERT TO COMPANY TABLE
                Company dataComp = new Company();

                dataComp.ID             = Guid.NewGuid();
                dataComp.NPWP           = data.NPWP;
                dataComp.Website        = data.Website;
                dataComp.Alamat         = data.Alamat;
                dataComp.CompanyName    = data.NamaPerusahaan;
                dataComp.Email          = data.EmailPerusahaan;
                dataComp.UserID         = temp.ID;
                dataComp.Kategory       = data.Kategori;
                dataComp.CreateByUserID = id;
                dataComp.CreateDate     = DateTime.Now;

                CompanyRepository comRepo = new CompanyRepository(DbContext);
                comRepo.Insert(dataComp, false);

                //INSERT TO TABLE CONTACT
                ContactPerson temCon = new ContactPerson();

                temCon.ID             = Guid.NewGuid();
                temCon.CompanyID      = dataComp.ID;
                temCon.Email          = data.Username;
                temCon.Name           = data.FirstName + " " + data.LastName;
                temCon.UserID         = temp.ID;
                temCon.CreateDate     = DateTime.Now;
                temCon.CreateByUserID = id;

                ContactPersonRepository conRepo = new ContactPersonRepository(DbContext);
                conRepo.Insert(temCon, true);

                RegisterResponseModel result = new RegisterResponseModel();

                result.Message  = response.Message;
                result.Response = response.Result;

                RegisterOutputModel output = new RegisterOutputModel();
                output.FirstName = temp.FirstName;
                output.LastName  = temp.LastName;
                output.UserName  = temp.UserName;
                output.UserID    = temp.ID;

                result.data     = output;
                result.Message  = "Daftar berhasil.";
                result.Response = true;

                RegisterResponseModel result = new RegisterResponseModel();
                result.Message  = "Email sudah terdaftar!!";
                result.Response = false;

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public EditProfileOutputModel EditProfile(EditProfileInputModel data)
            DateTime?today = DateTime.Now;

            User user = new User();

            user.FirstName          = data.FirstName;
            user.LastName           = data.LastName;
            user.ID                 = data.UserID;
            user.UserName           = data.UserName;
            user.PhoneNumber        = data.NoTelp;
            user.LastUpdateByUserID = data.UserID;
            user.LastUpdateDate     = today;

            UserRepository userRepo = new UserRepository(db);

            userRepo.Update(user, false);

            Company comp = new Company();

            comp.UserID      = data.UserID;
            comp.NPWP        = data.NPWP;
            comp.Website     = data.Website;
            comp.Alamat      = data.Alamat;
            comp.CompanyName = data.NamaPerusahaan;
            comp.Email       = data.EmailPerusahaan;
            comp.Note        = data.Catatan;
            comp.Kategory    = data.Kategori;

            CompanyRepository compRepo = new CompanyRepository(db);

            compRepo.Update(comp, false);

            ContactPerson cp = new ContactPerson();

            cp.Email  = data.EmailPIC;
            cp.Name   = data.FirstName + " " + data.LastName;
            cp.UserID = data.UserID;

            ContactPersonRepository cpRepo = new ContactPersonRepository(db);

            cpRepo.Update(cp, true);

            var query = (from u in db.User
                         join c in db.Company on u.ID equals c.UserID
                         where u.ID == data.UserID
                         select new EditProfileOutputModel()
                EmailPerusahaan = c.Email,
                EmailPIC = u.UserName,
                Alamat = c.Alamat,
                Catatan = c.Note,
                FirstName = u.FirstName,
                LastName = u.LastName,
                NamaPerusahaan = c.CompanyName,
                NoTelp = u.PhoneNumber,
                NPWP = c.NPWP,
                PhotoUrl = u.PhotoUrl,
                UserID = u.ID,
                UserName = u.UserName,
                Website = c.Website,
                Kategori = c.Kategory

Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static SPWebCollection GetPageReport(Func <PageEntity, string, bool> rowFilter, Uri siteUri, ContactPersonRepository contactRepository, CsvFileWriter writer, SPWeb web)
            SingleWebPagesRepository pagesRepository = new SingleWebPagesRepository()
                Web = web
            IEnumerable <PageEntity> pages = pagesRepository.GetItems(web.Site).Cast <PageEntity>();

            int sida = 0;

            foreach (PageEntity page in pages.OrderBy(x => x.Title))
                    Console.Write(string.Format(" Processing page {0}/{1}: {2}", ++sida, pages.Count(), page.FileRef));
                    string pageRelativeUrl = page.FileRef;
                    int    indexSemicHash  = pageRelativeUrl.IndexOf(";#");

                    if (indexSemicHash >= 0 && pageRelativeUrl.Length > 2)
                        pageRelativeUrl = pageRelativeUrl.Substring(indexSemicHash + 2);

                    pageRelativeUrl = string.Format("/{0}", pageRelativeUrl.TrimStart(urlTrimChars));

                    string webRelativeUrl = webRelativeUrlRegex.Replace(pageRelativeUrl, string.Empty);
                    string contact        = contactRepository.GetContactAddressForPage(pageRelativeUrl, webRelativeUrl, web.Site);

                    if (!rowFilter(page, contact))

                    Uri    pageUri = new Uri(siteUri, pageRelativeUrl);
                    CsvRow row     = new CsvRow();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not process page. Continuing with next page.");