Ejemplo n.º 1
 public bool ConfigureContactManifold(int workerIndex, CollidablePair pair, ContactManifold *manifold, out PairMaterialProperties pairMaterial)
     pairMaterial.FrictionCoefficient             = 1;
     pairMaterial.MaximumRecoveryVelocity         = float.MaxValue;
     pairMaterial.SpringSettings.NaturalFrequency = MathHelper.Pi * 30;
     pairMaterial.SpringSettings.DampingRatio     = 100f;// 100000;
            unsafe static void ResolveSubstepManifold(ref SubstepManifolds substeps, ContactManifold *outManifold)
                //Scan the substeps looking for the first substep that contains any contacts.
                //TODO: There are situations involving very high angular velocity where the first contacts are not the best choice.
                //If this turns out to be a problem in practice, you may want to change the heuristic to prefer *approaching* contacts over merely existing contacts.
                //However, determining whether a contact is approaching requires computing the relative velocity at its position, which isn't free. (Not super expensive, but not free.)
                //For the sake of simplicity, just use 'first contact' for now.

                //TODO: If the first manifold is not full, you could also pull contacts from later substeps. They might help post-collision rotate-through-the-ground type penetration.

                float inverseCount = 1f / substeps.Manifolds.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < substeps.Manifolds.Count; ++i)
                    ref var manifold     = ref substeps.Manifolds[i];
                    var     contactCount = manifold.ContactCount;
                    if (contactCount > 0)
                        *outManifold = manifold;
                        //Once the best substep is selected, transform the contact positions and depths to be relative to the poses at t=0.
                        //Since the contact position offsets are not rotated, all we have to do is add the offset from t=0 to the current time to each contact position
                        //and modify the penetration depths according to that offset along the normal.
                        var offset  = substeps.RelativeOffsetChange * (i * inverseCount);
                        var offsets = &outManifold->Offset0;
                        var depths  = &outManifold->Depth0;
                        //TODO: these two TransformY's could be optimized with knowledge that it's unit length.
                        //That would be pretty useful generally- I'm not sure we've ever used those functions without it being unit length.
                        //Pretty micro-optimizey, though.
                        if (outManifold->Convex)
                            var penetrationOffset = Vector3.Dot(offset, outManifold->ConvexNormal);
                            for (int j = 0; j < contactCount; ++j)
                                offsets[j] += offset;
                                depths[j]  += penetrationOffset;
                            var normals = &outManifold->Normal0;
                            for (int j = 0; j < contactCount; ++j)
                                var penetrationOffset = Vector3.Dot(offset, normals[j]);
                                offsets[j] += offset;
                                depths[j]  += penetrationOffset;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void ConvexFastRemoveAt(ContactManifold *manifold, int index)
            var count = manifold->ContactCount;

            var lastIndex = count - 1;

            if (index < lastIndex)
                var offsets    = &manifold->Offset0;
                var depths     = &manifold->Depth0;
                var featureIds = &manifold->FeatureId0;
                offsets[index]    = offsets[lastIndex];
                depths[index]     = depths[lastIndex];
                featureIds[index] = featureIds[lastIndex];
            manifold->SetConvexityAndCount(lastIndex, true);
            public unsafe void Notify(ContinuationIndex continuationId, ContactManifold *manifold)
                var todoTestCollisionCache = default(EmptyCollisionCache);

                var continuationIndex = continuationId.Index;

                switch ((ConstraintGeneratorType)continuationId.Type)
                case ConstraintGeneratorType.Discrete:
                    //Direct has no need for accumulating multiple reports; we can immediately dispatch.
                    ref var continuation = ref discrete.Caches[continuationIndex];
                    //Discrete manifolds should obey the speculative margin limitation on speculative contacts.
                    //Note that we cannot modify the manifold provided to this function; we generate our own version.
                    ContactManifold reducedManifold;
                    ReduceDistantContacts(manifold, continuation.SpeculativeMargin, &reducedManifold);
                    narrowPhase.UpdateConstraintsForPair(workerIndex, ref continuation.Pair, &reducedManifold, ref todoTestCollisionCache);
                    discrete.Return(continuationIndex, pool);
            public unsafe void Notify(ContinuationIndex continuationId, ContactManifold *manifold)
                //Console.WriteLine($"Completed {continuationId}:");
                //var normals = &manifold->Normal0;
                //var offsets = &manifold->Offset0;
                //var depths = &manifold->Depth0;
                //if (manifold->Convex)
                //    for (int i = 0; i < manifold->ContactCount; ++i)
                //    {
                //        Console.WriteLine($"{i}: P: {offsets[i]}, N: {manifold->ConvexNormal}, D: {depths[i]}");
                //    }
                //    for (int i = 0; i < manifold->ContactCount; ++i)
                //    {
                //        Console.WriteLine($"{i}: P: {offsets[i]}, N: {normals[i]}, D: {depths[i]}");
                //    }
                var extra = 1e-16 * (manifold->Depth0 + manifold->Offset0.X + manifold->Normal0.X);

                Count += 1 + (int)extra;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public bool ConfigureContactManifold(int workerIndex, CollidablePair pair, int childIndexA, int childIndexB, ContactManifold *manifold)
 public unsafe void Configure(CollidablePair parent, int childA, int childB, ContactManifold *manifold)
 private unsafe void RedistributeImpulses <TContactImpulses>(int oldContactCount, float *oldImpulses, int *oldFeatureIds, ContactManifold *manifold, ref TContactImpulses newImpulsesContainer)
     //Map the new contacts to the old contacts.
     var     newFeatureIds   = &manifold->FeatureId0;
     var     newContactCount = manifold->ContactCount;
     ref var newImpulses     = ref Unsafe.As <TContactImpulses, float>(ref newImpulsesContainer);
            private unsafe void ReduceDistantContacts(ContactManifold *manifold, float speculativeMargin, ContactManifold *outputManifold)
                var contactCount = manifold->ContactCount;
                var sourceDepths = &manifold->Depth0;

                //Negative depths correspond to separation.
                Debug.Assert(speculativeMargin >= 0, "Negative speculative margins are nonsensical. Is something busted?");
                speculativeMargin = -speculativeMargin;
                if (manifold->Convex)
                    int count         = 0;
                    var sourceOffsets = &manifold->Offset0;
                    var sourceIds     = &manifold->FeatureId0;
                    var targetOffsets = &outputManifold->Offset0;
                    var targetDepths  = &outputManifold->Depth0;
                    var targetIds     = &outputManifold->FeatureId0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < contactCount; ++i)
                        if (sourceDepths[i] >= speculativeMargin)
                            var index = count++;
                            targetOffsets[index] = sourceOffsets[i];
                            targetDepths[index]  = sourceDepths[i];
                            targetIds[index]     = sourceIds[i];
                    if (count > 0)
                        outputManifold->ConvexNormal = manifold->ConvexNormal;
                        outputManifold->OffsetB      = manifold->OffsetB;
                    outputManifold->SetConvexityAndCount(count, true);
                    int count         = 0;
                    var sourceOffsets = &manifold->Offset0;
                    var sourceIds     = &manifold->FeatureId0;
                    var sourceNormals = &manifold->Normal0;
                    var targetOffsets = &outputManifold->Offset0;
                    var targetDepths  = &outputManifold->Depth0;
                    var targetIds     = &outputManifold->FeatureId0;
                    var targetNormals = &outputManifold->Normal0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < contactCount; ++i)
                        if (sourceDepths[i] >= speculativeMargin)
                            var index = count++;
                            targetOffsets[index] = sourceOffsets[i];
                            targetDepths[index]  = sourceDepths[i];
                            targetIds[index]     = sourceIds[i];
                            targetNormals[index] = sourceNormals[i];
                    if (count > 0)
                        outputManifold->OffsetB = manifold->OffsetB;
                    outputManifold->SetConvexityAndCount(count, false);
 private unsafe void FillLinearManifoldSlotB(ref ContactManifold linearManifold, ContactManifold *manifold)
     Debug.Assert(manifold->ContactCount == 1);
     linearManifold.Offset1    = manifold->Offset0;
     linearManifold.Depth1     = manifold->Depth0;
     linearManifold.FeatureId1 = CCDFeatureIdOffsets.LinearB;
     linearManifold.Normal1    = manifold->Normal0;
 private unsafe void FillLinearManifoldSlotA(ref ContactManifold linearManifold, ContactManifold *manifold)
     //Note that linear A is always in slot 0, and linear B is always in slot 1.
     //This is allowed because a linear pair is guaranteed to have two contacts generated from CCD.
     //There is no separation limit on inner sphere pairs, and you never just create one sphere-collidable pair- it's always bilateral.
     //Also note that offsetB is only used from linear A, not linear B. They should be identical.
     Debug.Assert(manifold->ContactCount == 1);
     linearManifold.OffsetB    = manifold->OffsetB;
     linearManifold.Offset0    = manifold->Offset0;
     linearManifold.Depth0     = manifold->Depth0;
     linearManifold.FeatureId0 = CCDFeatureIdOffsets.LinearA;
     linearManifold.Normal0    = manifold->Normal0;
            unsafe static void ResolveLinearManifold(ContactManifold *mainManifold, ContactManifold *linearManifold, ContactManifold *outManifold)
                var linearCount = linearManifold->ContactCount;

                if (linearCount > 0)
                    Debug.Assert(linearCount <= 2, "Inner sphere derived contacts should only ever contribute one contact per involved body.");

                    var mainCount = mainManifold->ContactCount;
                    if (mainCount > 0)
                        var totalCount = mainCount + linearCount;
                        var contactsToPotentiallyReplaceCount = totalCount - 4;
                        if (contactsToPotentiallyReplaceCount > 0)
                            //There are more contacts than slots. A subset must be prioritized.
                            //We want the deepest set of contacts from all available manifolds.
                            //(This isn't necessarily an ideal heuristic- consider a bunch of deep  contacts all in the same place,
                            //causing the removal of a distant but less redundant contact. In practice, though, it works okay.)

                            //To find the deepest contacts, simply sort both sets and pop the minimums.
                            //Rather than shuffling the contact manifold memory around, just sort indices.

                            //TODO: This entire hardcoded sort is a bit gross and silly. You could do better.
                            //TODO: It's not clear that this is actually even useful. It may be that just picking the deepest of the linear contacts and filling any open space
                            //is the best and simplest option in the end.
                            var linearIndices = stackalloc int[linearCount];
                            var mainIndices   = stackalloc int[mainCount];
                            if (linearCount == 2)
                                if (linearManifold->Depth0 < linearManifold->Depth1)
                                    linearIndices[0] = 0;
                                    linearIndices[1] = 1;
                                    linearIndices[0] = 0;
                                    linearIndices[1] = 1;
                                linearIndices[0] = 0;

                            for (int i = 0; i < mainCount; ++i)
                                mainIndices[i] = i;

                            outManifold->SetConvexityAndCount(totalCount, false);
                            var mainDepths = &mainManifold->Depth0;
                            for (int i = 1; i <= mainCount; ++i)
                                var originalIndex = mainIndices[i];
                                var depth         = mainDepths[originalIndex];
                                int compareIndex;
                                for (compareIndex = i - 1; compareIndex >= 0; --compareIndex)
                                    var compareDepth = mainDepths[compareIndex];
                                    if (compareDepth < depth)
                                        //Move the element up one slot.
                                        var upperSlotIndex = compareIndex + 1;
                                        mainIndices[upperSlotIndex] = mainIndices[compareIndex];
                                var targetIndex = compareIndex + 1;
                                if (targetIndex != i)
                                    //Move the original index down.
                                    mainIndices[targetIndex] = originalIndex;

                            var outIndex      = 0;
                            var mainIndex     = 0;
                            var linearIndex   = 0;
                            var outOffsets    = &outManifold->Offset0;
                            var outDepths     = &outManifold->Depth0;
                            var outBases      = &outManifold->Normal0;
                            var outIds        = &outManifold->FeatureId0;
                            var linearOffsets = &linearManifold->Offset0;
                            var linearDepths  = &linearManifold->Depth0;
                            var linearBases   = &linearManifold->Normal0;
                            var linearIds     = &linearManifold->FeatureId0;
                            var mainOffsets   = &mainManifold->Offset0;
                            var mainIds       = &mainManifold->FeatureId0;
                            if (mainManifold->Convex)
                                //While the linear and output manifolds are nonconvex, the main one is convex.
                                while (outIndex < 4)
                                    if (linearIndex == linearCount ||
                                        (mainIndex < mainCount &&
                                         mainDepths[mainIndex] > linearDepths[linearIndex]))
                                        outOffsets[outIndex] = mainOffsets[mainIndex];
                                        outDepths[outIndex]  = mainDepths[mainIndex];
                                        outBases[outIndex]   = mainManifold->ConvexNormal;
                                        outIds[outIndex]     = mainIds[mainIndex];
                                        outOffsets[outIndex] = linearOffsets[linearIndex];
                                        outDepths[outIndex]  = linearDepths[linearIndex];
                                        outBases[outIndex]   = linearBases[linearIndex];
                                        outIds[outIndex]     = linearIds[linearIndex];
                                //Both manifolds are nonconvex.
                                var mainBases = &mainManifold->Normal0;
                                while (outIndex < 4)
                                    if (linearIndex == linearCount ||
                                        (mainIndex < mainCount &&
                                         mainDepths[mainIndex] > linearDepths[linearIndex]))
                                        outOffsets[outIndex] = mainOffsets[mainIndex];
                                        outDepths[outIndex]  = mainDepths[mainIndex];
                                        outBases[outIndex]   = mainBases[mainIndex];
                                        outIds[outIndex]     = mainIds[mainIndex];
                                        outOffsets[outIndex] = linearOffsets[linearIndex];
                                        outDepths[outIndex]  = linearDepths[linearIndex];
                                        outBases[outIndex]   = linearBases[linearIndex];
                                        outIds[outIndex]     = linearIds[linearIndex];
                            //There is sufficient room in the manifold to include all the new contacts, so there is no need for prioritization.
                            outManifold->SetConvexityAndCount(totalCount, false);
                            //Add all existing contacts. Note that the use of inner sphere contacts forces the manifold to be nonconvex unconditionally.
                            //While there are cases in which the normals could actually be planar, we don't spend the time figuring that out-
                            //this state will be extremely brief regardless, and there isn't much value in trying to tease out convexity for one or two frames.
                            var outOffsets  = &outManifold->Offset0;
                            var outDepths   = &outManifold->Depth0;
                            var outBases    = &outManifold->Normal0;
                            var outIds      = &outManifold->FeatureId0;
                            var mainOffsets = &mainManifold->Offset0;
                            var mainDepths  = &mainManifold->Depth0;
                            var mainIds     = &mainManifold->FeatureId0;
                            if (mainManifold->Convex)
                                for (int i = 0; i < mainCount; ++i)
                                    outOffsets[i] = mainOffsets[i];
                                    outDepths[i]  = mainDepths[i];
                                    outBases[i]   = mainManifold->ConvexNormal;
                                    outIds[i]     = mainIds[i];
                                var mainBases = &mainManifold->Normal0;
                                for (int i = 0; i < mainCount; ++i)
                                    outOffsets[i] = mainOffsets[i];
                                    outDepths[i]  = mainDepths[i];
                                    outBases[i]   = mainBases[i];
                                    outIds[i]     = mainIds[i];
                            //Now add the linear contacts. Both manifolds are known to be nonconvex.
                            var linearOffsets = &linearManifold->Offset0;
                            var linearDepths  = &linearManifold->Depth0;
                            var linearBases   = &linearManifold->Normal0;
                            var linearIds     = &linearManifold->FeatureId0;
                            for (int linearIndex = 0; linearIndex < linearCount; ++linearIndex)
                                var outIndex = mainCount + linearIndex;
                                outOffsets[outIndex] = linearOffsets[linearIndex];
                                outDepths[outIndex]  = linearDepths[linearIndex];
                                outBases[outIndex]   = linearBases[linearIndex];
                                outIds[outIndex]     = linearIds[linearIndex];
                        outManifold = linearManifold;
                    outManifold = mainManifold;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public unsafe void Configure(CollidablePair parent, int childA, int childB, ContactManifold *manifold)
     narrowPhase.Callbacks.ConfigureContactManifold(workerIndex, parent, childA, childB, manifold);