Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var consumergroup = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CONSUMER_GROUP");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(consumergroup))
                consumergroup = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            Console.WriteLine($"Consumer group : {consumergroup}");

            var topicName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TOPIC_NAME");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(topicName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(topicName);
            Console.WriteLine($"Topic name : {topicName}");

            var brokerList = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("KAFKA_URL");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokerList))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(brokerList);
            Console.WriteLine($"Broker list : {brokerList}");

            Offset offset;
            var    offSetEnvVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OFFSET");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(offSetEnvVar) && long.TryParse(offSetEnvVar, out long offsetValue))
                offset = new Offset(offsetValue);
                offset = Offset.End;

            // https://kafka.apache.org/0110/documentation.html#newconsumerconfigs
            var config = new ConsumerConfig
                ClientId            = "KafkaComparer.Consumer",
                GroupId             = consumergroup,
                BootstrapServers    = brokerList,
                HeartbeatIntervalMs = 3000,
                SessionTimeoutMs    = 6000,  // default 3 second
                EnableAutoCommit    = false, // false -> consumer.Commit();

                // Note: The AutoOffsetReset property determines the start offset in the event
                // there are not yet any committed offsets for the consumer group for the
                // topic/partitions of interest. By default, offsets are committed
                // automatically, so in this example, consumption will only start from the
                // eariest message in the topic 'my-topic' the first time you run the program.
                // The default is “latest,” which means that lacking a valid offset, the consumer will start reading from the newest records
                AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetResetType.Latest,

                MessageMaxBytes = 4000000,

            using (var consumer = new Consumer <string, string>(config))
                bool consuming = true;
                consumer.OnError += (_, e) => {
                    Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.Reason}");
                    consuming = !e.IsFatal;

                // You can use this event to perform actions such as retrieving offsets
                // from an external source / manually setting start offsets using
                // the Assign method.
                consumer.OnPartitionsAssigned += (obj, partitions) => {
                    Console.WriteLine($"Assigned partitions: [{string.Join(", ", partitions)}], member id: {consumer.MemberId}");
                    //var beginning = partitions.Select(p => new TopicPartitionOffset(p.Topic, p.Partition, offset)).ToList();
                    //Console.WriteLine($"Updated assignment: [{string.Join(", ", beginning)}]");

                    //consumer.Assign(new List<TopicPartitionOffset>() { new TopicPartitionOffset(topicName, partition: 0, offset: Offset.Beginning) });

                consumer.Subscribe(new string[] { topicName });
                while (consuming)
                        // Get data
                        ConsumeResult <string, string> msg = consumer.Consume();
                        // consumer.Commit(); // Commit before processing?

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.Value))

                        // Process the data
                        Console.WriteLine($"{msg.Value}{(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.Key) ?  " - " + msg.Key : "") } | Topic: {msg.Topic} Partition: {msg.Partition} Offset: {msg.Offset}"); // TopicPartitionOffset: { msg.TopicPartitionOffset}

                        if (msg.Value.Contains("crash"))
                            throw new Exception("crash");
                        if (msg.Value == "dont")

                        // Commit
                    catch (ConsumeException e)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Error occured: {e.Error.Reason}");