Ejemplo n.º 1
 public EuropeanOption(double s, double k, double t, double sigma, double r, Constants.EuroOptionType optionType)
     this.S          = s;
     this.K          = k;
     this.T          = t;
     this.Sigma      = sigma;
     this.R          = r;
     this.OptionType = optionType;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Test()
            //Triple A == Arrange, Act, Assert
            int    iPrecision            = 4;
            double dStockPrice           = 50;
            double dStrikePrice          = 55;
            double dTimeToMaturity       = 1;
            double dStdDerivUnderlying   = 0.2;
            double dRiskFreeInterestRate = 0.09;

            Constants.EuroOptionType euroOptionType = Constants.EuroOptionType.Call;

            FinancialProduct product = new EuropeanOption(dStockPrice, dStrikePrice, dTimeToMaturity, dStdDerivUnderlying, dRiskFreeInterestRate, euroOptionType);
            var    pricer            = new EuropeanOptionPricer(iPrecision);
            double dResultPricing    = pricer.Price(product);

            Assert.AreEqual(dResultPricing.ToString(), "3.8617");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// The method CheckInputData represents parts that check the input data, converts them to the suitable formats
        /// and build the product to be priced later,
        /// it contains the definition of the input part, the verification of these ones and the display of the output results
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name=product>The product to be build and returned</param>
        /// <param name=iPrecision>The precision of Round of the final result, </param>
        /// <param name=strErrorMsg>The error Message that will be returned in case of issue</param>
        /// <returns>bool: the method was successfully finished or not</returns>
        private bool CheckInputData(out FinancialProduct product, ref int iPrecision, ref string strErrorMsg)
            string strStockPrice           = StockPriceTextBox.Text.ToString();
            string strStrikePrice          = strikePriceTextBox.Text.ToString();
            string strTimeToMaturity       = timeToMatTextBox.Text.ToString();
            string strStdDerivUnderlying   = StdDerivUnderlyingTextBox.Text.ToString();
            string strRiskFreeInterestRate = RiskFreeInterestRateTextBox.Text.ToString();
            string strFloatPrecision       = floatPrecisionTextBox.Text.ToString();

            double dStockPrice           = 0;
            double dStrikePrice          = 0;
            double dTimeToMaturity       = 0;
            double dStdDerivUnderlying   = 0;
            double dRiskFreeInterestRate = 0;
            bool   bDataInput            = true;

            Constants.Culture culture = 0;

            if (cultureComboBox.SelectedIndex > -1)
                if (cultureComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals(Constants.CULTURE_GB))
                    culture = Constants.Culture.GB;
                else if (cultureComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals(Constants.CULTURE_FR))
                    culture = Constants.Culture.FR;
                else if (cultureComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals(Constants.CULTURE_ES))
                    culture = Constants.Culture.ES;
                product     = null;
                strErrorMsg = "Please select a choice in the culture box";
                Console.WriteLine("Please select a choice in the culture box ");

            if (bDataInput)
                if (ConvertStringToDouble(strStockPrice, culture, out dStockPrice))
                    Console.WriteLine("StockPrice --> {0}", dStockPrice);
                    strErrorMsg = "Please insert a correct format for the field Stock price, the suitable format is float";
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to parse StockPrice '{0}'.", strStockPrice);
                    product = null;

            if (bDataInput)
                if (ConvertStringToDouble(strStrikePrice, culture, out dStrikePrice))
                    Console.WriteLine("StrikePrice --> {0}", dStrikePrice);
                    strErrorMsg = "Please insert a correct format for the field Strike price, the suitable format is float";
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to parse StrikePrice '{0}'.", strStrikePrice);
                    product = null;
            if (bDataInput)
                if (ConvertStringToDouble(strTimeToMaturity, culture, out dTimeToMaturity))
                    Console.WriteLine("TimeToMaturity --> {0}", dTimeToMaturity);
                else if (EvaluateDoubleWithSplit(strTimeToMaturity, culture, out dTimeToMaturity))
                    Console.WriteLine("TimeToMaturity --> {0}", dTimeToMaturity);
                    strErrorMsg = "Please insert a correct format for the field Time to maturity in years, the suitable format is integer";
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to parse TimeToMaturity '{0}'.", strTimeToMaturity);
                    product = null;
            if (bDataInput)
                if (ConvertStringToDouble(strStdDerivUnderlying, culture, out dStdDerivUnderlying))
                    Console.WriteLine("StdDerivUnderlying --> {0}", dStdDerivUnderlying);
                    strErrorMsg = "Please insert a correct format for the field Standard deviation of underlying stock, the suitable format is float";
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to parse StdDerivUnderlying '{0}'.", strStdDerivUnderlying);
                    product = null;
            if (bDataInput)
                if (ConvertStringToDouble(strRiskFreeInterestRate, culture, out dRiskFreeInterestRate))
                    Console.WriteLine("RiskFreeInterestRate --> {0}", dRiskFreeInterestRate);
                    strErrorMsg = "Please insert a correct format for the field Risk-free interest rate, the suitable format is float";
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to parse RiskFreeInterestRate '{0}'.", strRiskFreeInterestRate);
                    product = null;

            Constants.EuroOptionType euroOptionType = 0;
            if (bDataInput)
                if (optionTypeComboBox.SelectedIndex > -1)
                    if (optionTypeComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals(Constants.CALL))
                        euroOptionType = Constants.EuroOptionType.Call; // todo if
                    else if (optionTypeComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals(Constants.PUT))
                        euroOptionType = Constants.EuroOptionType.Put; // todo if
                    strErrorMsg = "Please select a choice in the Option type box";
                    Console.WriteLine("Please select a choice in the Option type box");
                    product = null;

            if (bDataInput)
                if (int.TryParse(strFloatPrecision, out iPrecision))
                    Console.WriteLine("RiskFreeInterestRate --> {0}", iPrecision);
                    strErrorMsg = "Please insert a correct format for the field Risk-free interest rate, the suitable format is float";
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to parse RiskFreeInterestRate '{0}'.", strFloatPrecision);
                    product = null;

            product = new EuropeanOption(dStockPrice, dStrikePrice, dTimeToMaturity, dStdDerivUnderlying, dRiskFreeInterestRate, euroOptionType);