Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void BootstrapNodeTest()
            var policy      = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(500);
            var builder     = Cluster.Builder().WithReconnectionPolicy(policy);
            var clusterInfo = TestUtils.CcmSetup(1, builder);

                var session = clusterInfo.Session;
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    if (i == 50)
                        TestUtils.CcmBootstrapNode(clusterInfo, 2);
                        TestUtils.CcmStart(clusterInfo, 2);
                    session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies").Count();
                //Wait for the join to be online
                var list = new List <IPEndPoint>();
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies");
                Assert.True(list.Any(ip => ip.ToString().StartsWith(IpPrefix + "2")), "The new node should be queried");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void BootstrapNodeTest()
     var policy = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(500);
     var builder = Cluster.Builder().WithReconnectionPolicy(policy);
     var clusterInfo = TestUtils.CcmSetup(1, builder);
         var session = clusterInfo.Session;
         for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
             if (i == 50)
                 TestUtils.CcmBootstrapNode(clusterInfo, 2);
                 TestUtils.CcmStart(clusterInfo, 2);
             session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies").Count();
         //Wait for the join to be online
         var list = new List<IPAddress>();
         for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
             var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies");
         Assert.True(list.Any(ip => ip.ToString() == IpPrefix + "2"), "The new node should be queried");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ReconnectionRecyclesPool()
            var policy = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(5000);

            var nonShareableTestCluster = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(2, 1, true, false);
            nonShareableTestCluster.Builder = new Builder().WithReconnectionPolicy(policy);
            nonShareableTestCluster.InitClient(); // this will replace the existing session using the newly assigned Builder instance
            var session = (Session)nonShareableTestCluster.Session;

            var hosts = new List<IPEndPoint>();
            for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.local");
                if (i == 20)
                else if (i == 30)

            var pool = session.GetOrCreateConnectionPool(TestHelper.CreateHost(nonShareableTestCluster.InitialContactPoint), HostDistance.Local);
            var connections = pool.OpenConnections.ToArray();
            var expectedCoreConnections = nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster.Configuration
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCoreConnections, connections.Length);
            Assert.True(connections.All(c => !c.IsClosed));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void FailoverTest()
            var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions();

            parallelOptions.TaskScheduler          = new ThreadPerTaskScheduler();
            parallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 100;

            var          policy = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(Int32.MaxValue);
            ITestCluster nonShareableTestCluster = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(4);

            nonShareableTestCluster.Builder = new Builder().WithReconnectionPolicy(policy);
            nonShareableTestCluster.InitClient(); // this will replace the existing session using the newly assigned Builder instance
            var session = nonShareableTestCluster.Session;

            // Check query to host distribution before killing nodes
            var      queriedHosts   = new List <string>();
            DateTime futureDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(120);

            while ((from singleHost in queriedHosts select singleHost).Distinct().Count() < 4 && DateTime.Now < futureDateTime)
                var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies");
            Assert.AreEqual(4, (from singleHost in queriedHosts select singleHost).Distinct().Count(), "All hosts should have been queried!");

            // Create List of actions
            Action selectAction = () =>
                var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies");
                Assert.Greater(rs.Count(), 0);
            var actions = new List <Action>();

            for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)

            //kill some nodes.
            actions.Insert(20, () => nonShareableTestCluster.StopForce(1));
            actions.Insert(20, () => nonShareableTestCluster.StopForce(2));
            actions.Insert(80, () => nonShareableTestCluster.StopForce(3));

            //Execute in parallel more than 100 actions
            Parallel.Invoke(parallelOptions, actions.ToArray());

            // Wait for the nodes to be killed
            TestUtils.WaitForDown(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster, 20);
            TestUtils.WaitForDown(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster, 20);
            TestUtils.WaitForDown(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster, 20);

            // Execute some more SELECTs
            for (var i = 0; i < 250; i++)
                var rowSet2 = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies");
                Assert.Greater(rowSet2.Count(), 0);
                StringAssert.StartsWith(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "4", rowSet2.Info.QueriedHost.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TokenMapSimpleStrategyWithKeyspaceTest()
            var rp    = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(1);
            var hosts = new List <Host>
                { TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1", "rack", new HashSet <string> {
                    }) },
                { TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1", "rack", new HashSet <string> {
                    }) },
                { TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1", "rack", new HashSet <string> {
                    }) }
            const string strategy  = ReplicationStrategies.SimpleStrategy;
            var          keyspaces = new List <KeyspaceMetadata>
                new KeyspaceMetadata(null, "ks1", true, strategy, new Dictionary <string, int> {
                    { "replication_factor", 2 }
                new KeyspaceMetadata(null, "ks2", true, strategy, new Dictionary <string, int> {
                    { "replication_factor", 10 }
            var tokenMap = TokenMap.Build("Murmur3Partitioner", hosts, keyspaces);

            //the primary replica and the next
            var replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas("ks1", new M3PToken(0));

            Assert.AreEqual("0,1", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));
            replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas("ks1", new M3PToken(-100));
            Assert.AreEqual("0,1", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));
            //Greater than the greatest token
            replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas("ks1", new M3PToken(500000));
            Assert.AreEqual("0,1", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));

            //The next replica should be the first
            replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas("ks1", new M3PToken(20));
            Assert.AreEqual("2,0", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));

            //The closest replica and the next
            replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas("ks1", new M3PToken(19));
            Assert.AreEqual("2,0", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));

            //Even if the replication factor is greater than the ring, it should return only ring size
            replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas("ks2", new M3PToken(5));
            Assert.AreEqual("1,2,0", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));

            //The primary replica only as the keyspace was not found
            replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas(null, new M3PToken(0));
            Assert.AreEqual("0", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));
            replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas(null, new M3PToken(10));
            Assert.AreEqual("1", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));
            replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas("ks_does_not_exist", new M3PToken(20));
            Assert.AreEqual("2", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));
            replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas(null, new M3PToken(19));
            Assert.AreEqual("2", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void FailoverReconnectTest()
            var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions
                TaskScheduler          = new ThreadPerTaskScheduler(),
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1000

            var policy      = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(1000);
            var builder     = Cluster.Builder().WithReconnectionPolicy(policy);
            var clusterInfo = TestUtils.CcmSetup(4, builder);

                var    session      = clusterInfo.Session;
                Action selectAction = () =>
                    var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies");
                    Assert.Greater(rs.Count(), 0);

                var actions = new List <Action>();
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)

                //kill some nodes.
                actions.Insert(20, () => TestUtils.CcmStopForce(clusterInfo, 1));
                actions.Insert(20, () => TestUtils.CcmStopForce(clusterInfo, 2));
                actions.Insert(80, () => TestUtils.CcmStopForce(clusterInfo, 3));

                //Execute in parallel more than 100 actions
                Parallel.Invoke(parallelOptions, actions.ToArray());

                actions = new List <Action>();
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)

                //bring back some nodes
                actions.Insert(3, () => TestUtils.CcmStart(clusterInfo, 3));
                actions.Insert(50, () => TestUtils.CcmStart(clusterInfo, 2));
                actions.Insert(50, () => TestUtils.CcmStart(clusterInfo, 1));

                //Execute in parallel more than 100 actions
                Parallel.Invoke(parallelOptions, actions.ToArray());
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void FailoverTest()
            var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions();

            parallelOptions.TaskScheduler          = new ThreadPerTaskScheduler();
            parallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1000;

            var policy      = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(Int32.MaxValue);
            var builder     = Cluster.Builder().WithReconnectionPolicy(policy);
            var clusterInfo = TestUtils.CcmSetup(4, builder);

                var    session      = clusterInfo.Session;
                Action selectAction = () =>
                    var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies");
                    Assert.Greater(rs.Count(), 0);

                var actions = new List <Action>();
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)

                //kill some nodes.
                actions.Insert(20, () => TestUtils.CcmStopForce(clusterInfo, 1));
                actions.Insert(20, () => TestUtils.CcmStopForce(clusterInfo, 2));
                actions.Insert(80, () => TestUtils.CcmStopForce(clusterInfo, 3));

                //Execute in parallel more than 100 actions
                Parallel.Invoke(parallelOptions, actions.ToArray());

                //Wait for it to be killed

                //Execute serially selects
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies");
                    Assert.Greater(rs.Count(), 0);
                    Assert.AreEqual(IpPrefix + "4", rs.Info.QueriedHost.ToString());
                //The control connection should be using the available node
                StringAssert.StartsWith(IpPrefix + "4", clusterInfo.Cluster.Metadata.ControlConnection.BindAddress.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void BootstrappedNode()
            var          policy      = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(500);
            ITestCluster testCluster = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(1);

            testCluster.Builder = new Builder().WithReconnectionPolicy(policy);
            testCluster.InitClient(); // this will replace the existing session using the newly assigned Builder instance
            TestUtils.WaitForUp(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2", DefaultCassandraPort, 60);

            //Wait for the join to be online
            string newlyBootstrappedHost = testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + 2;

            TestUtils.ValidateBootStrappedNodeIsQueried(testCluster, 2, newlyBootstrappedHost);
        public void UpdateLocalNodeInfoModifiesHost()
            var rp       = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(1000);
            var metadata = new Metadata(rp);
            var config   = new Configuration();
            var cc       = new ControlConnection(GetCluster(), metadata);

            cc.Host = TestHelper.CreateHost("");
            var row = TestHelper.CreateRow(new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "cluster_name", "ut-cluster" }, { "data_center", "ut-dc" }, { "rack", "ut-rack" }, { "tokens", null }

            Assert.AreEqual("ut-cluster", metadata.ClusterName);
            Assert.AreEqual("ut-dc", cc.Host.Datacenter);
            Assert.AreEqual("ut-rack", cc.Host.Rack);
        public void UpdatePeersInfoWithNullRpcIgnores()
            var rp       = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(1000);
            var metadata = new Metadata(rp);
            var cc       = new ControlConnection(GetCluster(), metadata);

            cc.Host = TestHelper.CreateHost("");
            var rows = TestHelper.CreateRows(new List <Dictionary <string, object> >
                new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "rpc_address", null }, { "peer", null }, { "data_center", "ut-dc2" }, { "rack", "ut-rack" }, { "tokens", null }

            //Only local host present
            Assert.AreEqual(1, metadata.AllHosts().Count);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void ConstantReconnectionPolicyTest()
            Builder builder = Cluster.Builder().WithReconnectionPolicy(new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(25 * 1000));

            // Ensure that ConstantReconnectionPolicy is what we should be testing
            if (!(builder.GetConfiguration().Policies.ReconnectionPolicy is ConstantReconnectionPolicy))
                Assert.Fail("Set policy does not match retrieved policy.");

            // Test basic getters
            ConstantReconnectionPolicy reconnectionPolicy = (ConstantReconnectionPolicy)builder.GetConfiguration().Policies.ReconnectionPolicy;

            Assert.True(reconnectionPolicy.ConstantDelayMs == 25 * 1000);

            // Test erroneous instantiations
                new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(-1);
            catch (ArgumentException)

            // Test nextDelays()
            var schedule = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(10 * 1000).NewSchedule();

            Assert.True(schedule.NextDelayMs() == 10000);
            Assert.True(schedule.NextDelayMs() == 10000);
            Assert.True(schedule.NextDelayMs() == 10000);
            Assert.True(schedule.NextDelayMs() == 10000);
            Assert.True(schedule.NextDelayMs() == 10000);

            //// Run integration test
            //int restartTime = 32;
            //int retryTime = 50;
            //int breakTime = 10;        // time until next reconnection attempt
            //reconnectionPolicyTest(builder, restartTime, retryTime, breakTime);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void ReconnectionRecyclesPool()
            var policy      = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(5000);
            var builder     = Cluster.Builder().WithReconnectionPolicy(policy);
            var clusterInfo = TestUtils.CcmSetup(2, builder);

                var session = (Session)clusterInfo.Session;
                var hosts   = new List <IPEndPoint>();
                for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                    var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies");
                    if (i == 20)
                        TestUtils.CcmStopForce(clusterInfo, 2);
                    else if (i == 30)
                        TestUtils.CcmStart(clusterInfo, 2);

                var endpoint                = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(IpPrefix + "1"), ProtocolOptions.DefaultPort);
                var pool                    = session.GetConnectionPool(new Host(endpoint, policy), HostDistance.Local);
                var connections             = pool.OpenConnections.ToArray();
                var expectedCoreConnections = clusterInfo.Cluster.Configuration
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedCoreConnections, connections.Length);
                Assert.True(connections.All(c => !c.IsClosed));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void ReconnectionRecyclesPool()
            var policy = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(5000);

            var nonShareableTestCluster = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(2, 1, true, false);

            nonShareableTestCluster.Builder = new Builder().WithReconnectionPolicy(policy);
            nonShareableTestCluster.InitClient(); // this will replace the existing session using the newly assigned Builder instance
            var session = (Session)nonShareableTestCluster.Session;

            var hosts = new List <IPEndPoint>();

            for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.local");
                if (i == 20)
                else if (i == 30)

            var pool                    = session.GetOrCreateConnectionPool(TestHelper.CreateHost(nonShareableTestCluster.InitialContactPoint), HostDistance.Local);
            var connections             = pool.OpenConnections.ToArray();
            var expectedCoreConnections = nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster.Configuration

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCoreConnections, connections.Length);
            Assert.True(connections.All(c => !c.IsClosed));
        public void UpdatePeersInfoModifiesPool()
            var rp       = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(1000);
            var metadata = new Metadata(rp);
            var config   = new Configuration();
            var cc       = new ControlConnection(GetCluster(), metadata);

            cc.Host = TestHelper.CreateHost("");
            var hostAddress2 = IPAddress.Parse("");
            var hostAddress3 = IPAddress.Parse("");
            var rows         = TestHelper.CreateRows(new List <Dictionary <string, object> >
                new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "rpc_address", hostAddress2 }, { "peer", null }, { "data_center", "ut-dc2" }, { "rack", "ut-rack2" }, { "tokens", null }
                new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "rpc_address", IPAddress.Parse("") }, { "peer", hostAddress3 }, { "data_center", "ut-dc3" }, { "rack", "ut-rack3" }, { "tokens", null }

            Assert.AreEqual(3, metadata.AllHosts().Count);
            //using rpc_address
            var host2 = metadata.GetHost(new IPEndPoint(hostAddress2, ProtocolOptions.DefaultPort));

            Assert.AreEqual("ut-dc2", host2.Datacenter);
            Assert.AreEqual("ut-rack2", host2.Rack);
            //with rpc_address =, use peer
            var host3 = metadata.GetHost(new IPEndPoint(hostAddress3, ProtocolOptions.DefaultPort));

            Assert.AreEqual("ut-dc3", host3.Datacenter);
            Assert.AreEqual("ut-rack3", host3.Rack);
        public void constantReconnectionPolicyTest()
            Builder builder = Cluster.Builder().WithReconnectionPolicy(new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(25 * 1000));

            // Ensure that ConstantReconnectionPolicy is what we should be testing
            if (!(builder.GetConfiguration().Policies.ReconnectionPolicy is ConstantReconnectionPolicy))
                Assert.Fail("Set policy does not match retrieved policy.");

            // Test basic getters
            ConstantReconnectionPolicy reconnectionPolicy = (ConstantReconnectionPolicy)builder.GetConfiguration().Policies.ReconnectionPolicy;
            Assert.True(reconnectionPolicy.ConstantDelayMs == 25 * 1000);

            // Test erroneous instantiations
                new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(-1);
            catch (ArgumentException e) { }

            // Test nextDelays()
            var schedule = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(10 * 1000).NewSchedule();
            Assert.True(schedule.NextDelayMs() == 10000);
            Assert.True(schedule.NextDelayMs() == 10000);
            Assert.True(schedule.NextDelayMs() == 10000);
            Assert.True(schedule.NextDelayMs() == 10000);
            Assert.True(schedule.NextDelayMs() == 10000);

            // Run integration test
            int restartTime = 32;
            int retryTime = 50;
            int breakTime = 10;        // time until next reconnection attempt
            reconnectionPolicyTest(builder, restartTime, retryTime, breakTime);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void FailoverThenReconnect()
            var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions
                TaskScheduler          = new ThreadPerTaskScheduler(),
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 100

            var policy = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(500);
            var nonShareableTestCluster = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(4, 1, true, false);

            using (var cluster = Cluster.Builder().AddContactPoint(nonShareableTestCluster.InitialContactPoint).WithReconnectionPolicy(policy).Build())
                var session = cluster.Connect();
                // Check query to host distribution before killing nodes
                var      queriedHosts   = new List <string>();
                DateTime futureDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(120);
                while ((from singleHost in queriedHosts select singleHost).Distinct().Count() < 4 && DateTime.Now < futureDateTime)
                    var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.local");
                Assert.AreEqual(4, (from singleHost in queriedHosts select singleHost).Distinct().Count(), "All hosts should have been queried!");

                // Create list of actions
                Action selectAction = () =>
                    var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.local");
                    Assert.Greater(rs.Count(), 0);
                var actions = new List <Action>();
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    //Check that the control connection is using first host
                    StringAssert.StartsWith(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster.Metadata.ControlConnection.Address.ToString());

                    //Kill some nodes
                    //Including the one used by the control connection
                    actions.Insert(20, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Stop(1));
                    actions.Insert(20, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Stop(2));
                    actions.Insert(80, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Stop(3));

                    //Execute in parallel more than 100 actions
                    Parallel.Invoke(parallelOptions, actions.ToArray());

                    //Wait for the nodes to be killed
                    TestUtils.WaitForDown(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster, 20);
                    TestUtils.WaitForDown(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster, 20);
                    TestUtils.WaitForDown(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster, 20);

                    actions = new List <Action>();
                    for (var j = 0; j < 100; j++)

                    //Check that the control connection is using first host
                    //bring back some nodes
                    actions.Insert(3, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Start(3));
                    actions.Insert(50, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Start(2));
                    actions.Insert(50, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Start(1));

                    //Execute in parallel more than 100 actions
                    Trace.TraceInformation("Start invoking with restart nodes");
                    Parallel.Invoke(parallelOptions, actions.ToArray());

                    //Wait for the nodes to be restarted
                    TestUtils.WaitForUp(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1", DefaultCassandraPort, 30);
                    TestUtils.WaitForUp(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2", DefaultCassandraPort, 30);
                    TestUtils.WaitForUp(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3", DefaultCassandraPort, 30);

                    // keep querying hosts until they are all queried, or time runs out
                    futureDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(120);
                    while ((from singleHost in queriedHosts select singleHost).Distinct().Count() < 4 && DateTime.Now < futureDateTime)
                        var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.local");
                    //Check that one of the restarted nodes were queried
                    Assert.Contains(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, queriedHosts);
                    Assert.Contains(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, queriedHosts);
                    Assert.Contains(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3:" + DefaultCassandraPort, queriedHosts);
                    Assert.Contains(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "4:" + DefaultCassandraPort, queriedHosts);
                    //Check that the control connection is still using last host
                    StringAssert.StartsWith(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "4", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster.Metadata.ControlConnection.Address.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void FailoverTest()
            var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions();
            parallelOptions.TaskScheduler = new ThreadPerTaskScheduler();
            parallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 100;

            var policy = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(int.MaxValue);
            var nonShareableTestCluster = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(4, 1, true, false);
            using (var cluster = Cluster.Builder().AddContactPoint(nonShareableTestCluster.InitialContactPoint).WithReconnectionPolicy(policy).Build())
                var session = cluster.Connect();
                // Check query to host distribution before killing nodes
                var queriedHosts = new List<string>();
                DateTime futureDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(120);
                while ((from singleHost in queriedHosts select singleHost).Distinct().Count() < 4 && DateTime.Now < futureDateTime)
                    var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.local");
                Assert.AreEqual(4, (from singleHost in queriedHosts select singleHost).Distinct().Count(), "All hosts should have been queried!");

                // Create List of actions
                Action selectAction = () =>
                    var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.local");
                    Assert.Greater(rs.Count(), 0);
                var actions = new List<Action>();
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)

                //kill some nodes.
                actions.Insert(20, () => nonShareableTestCluster.StopForce(1));
                actions.Insert(20, () => nonShareableTestCluster.StopForce(2));
                actions.Insert(80, () => nonShareableTestCluster.StopForce(3));

                //Execute in parallel more than 100 actions
                Parallel.Invoke(parallelOptions, actions.ToArray());

                // Wait for the nodes to be killed
                TestUtils.WaitForDown(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster, 20);
                TestUtils.WaitForDown(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster, 20);
                TestUtils.WaitForDown(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster, 20);

                // Execute some more SELECTs
                for (var i = 0; i < 250; i++)
                    var rowSet2 = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.local");
                    Assert.Greater(rowSet2.Count(), 0);
                    StringAssert.StartsWith(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "4", rowSet2.Info.QueriedHost.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void FailoverTest()
            var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions();
            parallelOptions.TaskScheduler = new ThreadPerTaskScheduler();
            parallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1000;

            var policy = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(300);
            var builder = Cluster.Builder().WithReconnectionPolicy(policy);
            var clusterInfo = TestUtils.CcmSetup(4, builder);
                var session = clusterInfo.Session;
                Action selectAction = () =>
                    var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies");
                    Assert.Greater(rs.Count(), 0);

                var actions = new List<Action>();
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++ )

                //kill some nodes.
                actions.Insert(20, () => TestUtils.CcmStopForce(clusterInfo, 1));
                actions.Insert(20, () => TestUtils.CcmStopForce(clusterInfo, 2));
                actions.Insert(80, () => TestUtils.CcmStopForce(clusterInfo, 3));

                //Execute in parallel more than 100 actions
                Parallel.Invoke(parallelOptions, actions.ToArray());

                actions = new List<Action>();
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void FailoverThenReconnect()
            var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions
                TaskScheduler = new ThreadPerTaskScheduler(),
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 100

            var policy = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(500);
            var nonShareableTestCluster = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(4, 1, true, false);
            using (var cluster = Cluster.Builder().AddContactPoint(nonShareableTestCluster.InitialContactPoint).WithReconnectionPolicy(policy).Build())
                var session = cluster.Connect();
                // Check query to host distribution before killing nodes
                var queriedHosts = new List<string>();
                DateTime futureDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(120);
                while ((from singleHost in queriedHosts select singleHost).Distinct().Count() < 4 && DateTime.Now < futureDateTime)
                    var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.local");
                Assert.AreEqual(4, (from singleHost in queriedHosts select singleHost).Distinct().Count(), "All hosts should have been queried!");

                // Create list of actions
                Action selectAction = () =>
                    var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.local");
                    Assert.Greater(rs.Count(), 0);
                var actions = new List<Action>();
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    //Check that the control connection is using first host
                    StringAssert.StartsWith(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster.Metadata.ControlConnection.Address.ToString());

                    //Kill some nodes
                    //Including the one used by the control connection
                    actions.Insert(20, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Stop(1));
                    actions.Insert(20, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Stop(2));
                    actions.Insert(80, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Stop(3));

                    //Execute in parallel more than 100 actions
                    Parallel.Invoke(parallelOptions, actions.ToArray());

                    //Wait for the nodes to be killed
                    TestUtils.WaitForDown(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster, 20);
                    TestUtils.WaitForDown(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster, 20);
                    TestUtils.WaitForDown(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster, 20);

                    actions = new List<Action>();
                    for (var j = 0; j < 100; j++)

                    //Check that the control connection is using first host
                    //bring back some nodes
                    actions.Insert(3, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Start(3));
                    actions.Insert(50, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Start(2));
                    actions.Insert(50, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Start(1));

                    //Execute in parallel more than 100 actions
                    Trace.TraceInformation("Start invoking with restart nodes");
                    Parallel.Invoke(parallelOptions, actions.ToArray());

                    //Wait for the nodes to be restarted
                    TestUtils.WaitForUp(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1", DefaultCassandraPort, 30);
                    TestUtils.WaitForUp(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2", DefaultCassandraPort, 30);
                    TestUtils.WaitForUp(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3", DefaultCassandraPort, 30);

                    // keep querying hosts until they are all queried, or time runs out
                    futureDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(120);
                    while ((from singleHost in queriedHosts select singleHost).Distinct().Count() < 4 && DateTime.Now < futureDateTime)
                        var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.local");
                    //Check that one of the restarted nodes were queried
                    Assert.Contains(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, queriedHosts);
                    Assert.Contains(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, queriedHosts);
                    Assert.Contains(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3:" + DefaultCassandraPort, queriedHosts);
                    Assert.Contains(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "4:" + DefaultCassandraPort, queriedHosts);
                    //Check that the control connection is still using last host
                    StringAssert.StartsWith(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "4", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster.Metadata.ControlConnection.Address.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void ReconnectionRecyclesPool()
            var policy = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(5000);
            var builder = Cluster.Builder().WithReconnectionPolicy(policy);
            var clusterInfo = TestUtils.CcmSetup(2, builder);
                var session = (Session)clusterInfo.Session;
                var hosts = new List<IPAddress>();
                for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                    var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies");
                    if (i == 20)
                        TestUtils.CcmStopForce(clusterInfo, 2);
                    else if (i == 30)
                        TestUtils.CcmStart(clusterInfo, 2);

                var pool = session.GetConnectionPool(new Host(IPAddress.Parse(IpPrefix + "1"), policy), HostDistance.Local);
                var connections = pool.OpenConnections.ToArray();
                var expectedCoreConnections = clusterInfo.Cluster.Configuration
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedCoreConnections, connections.Length);
                Assert.True(connections.All(c => !c.IsClosed));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void BootstrappedNode()
            var policy = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(500);
            ITestCluster testCluster = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(1);
            testCluster.Builder = new Builder().WithReconnectionPolicy(policy);
            testCluster.InitClient(); // this will replace the existing session using the newly assigned Builder instance
            TestUtils.WaitForUp(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2", DefaultCassandraPort, 60);

            //Wait for the join to be online
            string newlyBootstrappedHost = testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + 2;
            TestUtils.ValidateBootStrappedNodeIsQueried(testCluster, 2, newlyBootstrappedHost);
 internal ConstantSchedule(ConstantReconnectionPolicy owner)
     this._owner = owner;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void TokenMapNetworkTopologyStrategyWithKeyspaceTest()
            var rp    = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(1);
            var hosts = new List <Host>
                { TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1", "rack1", new HashSet <string> {
                    }) },
                { TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1", "rack1", new HashSet <string> {
                    }) },
                { TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1", "rack1", new HashSet <string> {
                    }) },
                { TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc2", "rack1", new HashSet <string> {
                    }) },
                { TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc2", "rack1", new HashSet <string> {
                    }) },
                { TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc2", "rack1", new HashSet <string> {
                    }) }
            const string strategy  = ReplicationStrategies.NetworkTopologyStrategy;
            var          keyspaces = new List <KeyspaceMetadata>
                //network strategy with rf 2 per dc
                new KeyspaceMetadata(null, "ks1", true, strategy, new Dictionary <string, int> {
                    { "dc1", 2 }, { "dc2", 2 }
                //Testing simple (even it is not supposed to be)
                new KeyspaceMetadata(null, "ks2", true, ReplicationStrategies.SimpleStrategy, new Dictionary <string, int> {
                    { "replication_factor", 3 }
                //network strategy with rf 3 dc1 and 1 dc2
                new KeyspaceMetadata(null, "ks3", true, strategy, new Dictionary <string, int> {
                    { "dc1", 3 }, { "dc2", 1 }, { "dc3", 5 }
                //network strategy with rf 4 dc1
                new KeyspaceMetadata(null, "ks4", true, strategy, new Dictionary <string, int> {
                    { "dc1", 5 }
            var tokenMap = TokenMap.Build("Murmur3Partitioner", hosts, keyspaces);

            //the primary replica and the next
            var replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas("ks1", new M3PToken(0));

            Assert.AreEqual("0,100,1,101", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));
            //The next replica should be the first
            replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas("ks1", new M3PToken(200));
            Assert.AreEqual("2,102,0,100", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));
            //The closest replica and the next
            replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas("ks1", new M3PToken(190));
            Assert.AreEqual("2,102,0,100", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));

            //Simple strategy: 3 tokens no matter which dc
            replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas("ks2", new M3PToken(5000));
            Assert.AreEqual("0,100,1", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));

            replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas("ks3", new M3PToken(0));
            Assert.AreEqual("0,100,1,2", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));
            replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas("ks3", new M3PToken(201));
            Assert.AreEqual("102,0,1,2", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));

            replicas = tokenMap.GetReplicas("ks4", new M3PToken(0));
            Assert.AreEqual("0,1,2", String.Join(",", replicas.Select(TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte)));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void FailoverReconnectTest()
            var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions
                TaskScheduler          = new ThreadPerTaskScheduler(),
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1000

            var policy      = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(5000);
            var builder     = Cluster.Builder().WithReconnectionPolicy(policy);
            var clusterInfo = TestUtils.CcmSetup(4, builder);

                var    session      = clusterInfo.Session;
                Action selectAction = () =>
                    var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies");
                    Assert.Greater(rs.Count(), 0);

                var actions = new List <Action>();
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)

                //Check that the control connection is using first host
                StringAssert.StartsWith(IpPrefix + "1", clusterInfo.Cluster.Metadata.ControlConnection.BindAddress.ToString());

                //Kill some nodes
                //Including the one used by the control connection
                actions.Insert(20, () => TestUtils.CcmStopForce(clusterInfo, 1));
                actions.Insert(20, () => TestUtils.CcmStopForce(clusterInfo, 2));
                actions.Insert(80, () => TestUtils.CcmStopForce(clusterInfo, 3));

                //Execute in parallel more than 100 actions
                Trace.TraceInformation("Start invoking with kill nodes");
                Parallel.Invoke(parallelOptions, actions.ToArray());

                //Wait for the nodes to be killed

                actions = new List <Action>();
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)

                //Check that the control connection is using first host
                //bring back some nodes
                actions.Insert(3, () => TestUtils.CcmStart(clusterInfo, 3));
                actions.Insert(50, () => TestUtils.CcmStart(clusterInfo, 2));
                actions.Insert(50, () => TestUtils.CcmStart(clusterInfo, 1));

                //Execute in parallel more than 100 actions
                Trace.TraceInformation("Start invoking with restart nodes");
                Parallel.Invoke(parallelOptions, actions.ToArray());

                //Wait for the nodes to be restarted

                var queriedHosts = new List <IPEndPoint>();
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.schema_columnfamilies");
                //Check that one of the restarted nodes were queried
                Assert.True(queriedHosts.Any(address => address.ToString().StartsWith(IpPrefix + "3")));
                //Check that the control connection is still using last host
                StringAssert.StartsWith(IpPrefix + "4", clusterInfo.Cluster.Metadata.ControlConnection.BindAddress.ToString());