private static void Main(string[] args)
            string location = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            Console.WriteLine("Starting in " + location);

            //// Set up the static Logger from XML ...
            string   loggingFileLocation = Path.Combine(location, "log4net.config");
            FileInfo loggingFileInfo     = new FileInfo(loggingFileLocation);

            if (!loggingFileInfo.Exists)
                throw new ApplicationException("Cannot start without our log4net file");

            var log = LogManager.GetLogger("Global");

            log.Info("                                                 *** STARTING ***\r\n\r\n");
            log.Info(" Please wait while the dictionaries and rules are loaded.");
            log.Info(" Since WordNet is included in this demo that may take up to a minute.");

            // ----------------------

            // The Wordnet add-on now builds its dictionary in RAM on load and contains interface definitions for
            // all possible Synsets in Wordnet.

            // The Abodit NLP Engine can use any dependency injection container but for the moment
            // the only adapter implemented is for Autofac. I can provide details on how to implement
            // IDependencyScope and IDependencyResolver if you need to use a different container.
            // You should create your container with the registrations needed by your rule classes,
            // token factories and lexeme generators.

            // Although not required (you can inject any classes you like) it's typical to inject
            // two objects into your rules. Here we inject just one (a collector) that contains
            // the other one (a remembered history). Interfaces are provided for these two common
            // objects.

            // A history object allowed rules to look back on a conversation to find things of a given
            // type (interface) in order to respond to apply responses to questions, clatifications, ...

            var rh = new RememberedHistory();

            // A collector object can be either synchronous or asynchronous. A synchronous collector
            // collects all the responses from the call to nlp.Execute and then returns them, you might
            // use this approach for an email-based collector. An asynchronous collector provides a way
            // for rules to continue executing even after the call to nlp.Execute() has completed, you
            // should use this approach for any chat-like connections. Rules can thus fire off tasks that
            // keep running and provide messages back to the user about progress on a long task, or updates
            // when something changes.

            var collector = new ConsoleCollector(rh);

            // Create the Dependency Injection container and get an instance of the NLP engine
            var nlp = Initialization.NLPInstance;

            collector.Say("Starting... please wait...");

            // Use the async call so loading tokens and rules happens in the background
            // and the UI isn't blocked.

            // Create a logger for NLP (calls through to log4net in this case)
            var logger = new LogFacade();

            nlp.InitializeAsync(logger).ContinueWith((t) =>
                collector.Say("OK, I'm ready now");
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
                Console.Write("> ");

            // You can pass additional state objects into the Execute method and they will find
            // their way into your rule classes by way of constructor injection or you can
            // just rely on your dependency injection framework to supply them.
            // Using an object like this passed into the Execute method is useful when you have
            // dependencies that vary on a per-user or a per-request basis, e.g. an IUser object
            var extraState = new ExtraStateInformation();

            // Turn off all debugging
            NLP.Debugging = false;

            var conversationSequence = extraState.ConversationSequence().GetEnumerator();

            while (extraState.Running)
                // Rather simplistic approach to telling you stuff one line at a time
                string line    = Console.ReadLine();
                bool   success = nlp.Execute(line, collector, extraState);

                if (!success)
                    collector.Say("Sorry, didn't understand that");

                    // Implement a very simple state machine to push the conversation along
                    // each time the user doesn't enter a valid sentence
                    if (conversationSequence.MoveNext())
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
                Console.Write("> ");

Ejemplo n.º 2
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        var    trace           = false;
        string output_filename = null;
        var    show_help       = false;
        var    use_precompiled = true;
        var    options         = new OptionSet {
            { "o=|output", "Write output to file instead of standard output.", v => output_filename = v },
            { "t|trace-parsing", "Produce a trace of the parse process.", v => trace = v != null },
            { "p|no-precomp", "do not use precompiled libraries", v => use_precompiled = v == null },
            { "h|help", "show this message and exit", v => show_help = v != null }

        List <string> files;

        try {
            files = options.Parse(args);
        } catch (OptionException e) {
            Console.Error.Write(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName + ": ");
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Try “" + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName + " --help” for more information.");

        if (show_help)
            Console.WriteLine("Usage: " + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName + " input.o_0");
            Console.WriteLine("Run a Flabbergast file and display the “value” attribute.");

        if (files.Count != 1)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Exactly one Flabbergast script must be given.");

        var assembly_builder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName("Print"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);

        var module_builder  = assembly_builder.DefineDynamicModule("PrintModule", true);
        var unit            = new CompilationUnit(module_builder, true);
        var collector       = new ConsoleCollector();
        var task_master     = new ConsoleTaskMaster();
        var resource_finder = new ResourcePathFinder();

        resource_finder.PrependPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(files[0])), "lib"));
        task_master.AddUriHandler(new CurrentInformation(false));
        var db_handler = new DbUriHandler();

        db_handler.Finder = resource_finder;
        var resource_handler = new ResourceHandler();

        resource_handler.Finder = resource_finder;
        if (use_precompiled)
            var precomp = new LoadPrecompiledLibraries();
            precomp.Finder = resource_finder;
        var dyncomp = new DynamicallyCompiledLibraries(collector);

        dyncomp.Finder = resource_finder;
        var parser = Parser.Open(files[0]);

        parser.Trace = trace;
        var run_type = parser.ParseFile(collector, unit, "Printer");

        if (run_type != null)
            var computation = (Computation)Activator.CreateInstance(run_type, task_master);
            var filewriter  = new PrintResult(task_master, computation, output_filename);
            return(filewriter.Success ? 0 : 1);