Ejemplo n.º 1
		static void Main ( string [ ] args )


			s_theApp = ConsoleAppStateManager.GetTheSingleInstance ( );
			s_theApp.DisplayBOJMessage ( );
			s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppExceptionLogger.OptionFlags = s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppExceptionLogger.OptionFlags
																	   | ExceptionLogger.OutputOptions.Stack
																	   | ExceptionLogger.OutputOptions.EventLog
																	   | ExceptionLogger.OutputOptions.StandardError;
			s_theApp.BaseStateManager.LoadErrorMessageTable ( s_astrErrorMessages );

				Console.WriteLine ( 
					"Namespace of Entry Point Routine {0} = {1} " ,
					System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod ( ).Name ,
					System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly ( ).EntryPoint.DeclaringType.Namespace );

				Type typeCmdArgsBasic = typeof ( CmdLneArgsBasic );
				System.Reflection.Assembly asmClassLibrary = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly ( typeCmdArgsBasic );

				Console.WriteLine (
					"Namespace of Entry Point Routine of the assembly that exports class {0} = {1} " ,
					typeCmdArgsBasic.FullName ,
					asmClassLibrary.EntryPoint == null
						? Properties.Resources.RENDERED_STRING_IS_NULL
						: asmClassLibrary.EntryPoint.DeclaringType.Namespace );

				Utl.ListInternalResourceNames ( System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ( ) );
				AppSettingsForEntryAssembly appSettingsForEntryAssembly = AppSettingsForEntryAssembly.GetTheSingleInstance ( Properties.Settings.Default.Properties);

				string strAppSettingMane = @"OperatingParameter1";

				{   // Constrain the scope of objAppSettingValue.
					object objAppSettingValue = appSettingsForEntryAssembly.GetAppSettingByName ( strAppSettingMane );
					Console.WriteLine (
						"Application Setting {0} = {1}" ,
						strAppSettingMane ,
						objAppSettingValue == null
							? Properties.Resources.RENDERED_STRING_IS_NULL
							: objAppSettingValue );
				}   // Let objAppSettingValue go out of scope.

				strAppSettingMane = @"OperatingParameter2";

				{   // Constrain the scope of objAppSettingValue.
					object objAppSettingValue = appSettingsForEntryAssembly.GetAppSettingByName ( strAppSettingMane );
					Console.WriteLine (
						"Application Setting {0} = {1}" ,
						strAppSettingMane ,
						objAppSettingValue == null
							? Properties.Resources.RENDERED_STRING_IS_NULL
							: objAppSettingValue );
				}   // Let objAppSettingValue go out of scope.

				appSettingsForEntryAssembly.ListAllAppSettings ( );
				OperatingParametersCollection<ParameterType , ParameterSource> operatingParametersColl = OperatingParametersCollection<ParameterType , ParameterSource>.GetTheSingleInstance (
					Properties.Settings.Default.Properties ,
					ParameterSource.ApplicationSettings );
				CmdLneArgsBasic cmdArgs = new CmdLneArgsBasic (
					operatingParametersColl.GetParameterNames ( ) ,
					CmdLneArgsBasic.ArgMatching.CaseInsensitive );
				operatingParametersColl.SetFromCommandLineArguments (
					cmdArgs ,
					ParameterSource.CommandLine );

				int intTotalParameters = operatingParametersColl.GetCount ( );
				Console.WriteLine (
					Properties.Resources.MSG_PARAMETER_LIST_HEADER ,            // Format Control String: The {0} application has {1} parameters.
					s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppRootAssemblyFileBaseName ,     // Format Item 0: The {0} application
					intTotalParameters ,                                        // Format Item 1: has {1} parameters.
					Environment.NewLine );                                      // Format Item 2: platform-dependent newline
				int intParameterNumber = ListInfo.LIST_IS_EMPTY;

				foreach ( string strParamName in operatingParametersColl.GetParameterNames ( ) )
					Console.WriteLine (
						Properties.Resources.MESSAGE_PARAMETER_NAME ,           // Format Control String: "    Parameter # {0}: {1}" (excluding the quotation marks, of course!)
						++intParameterNumber ,                                  // Format Item 0: Parameter # {0}:
						Utl.ListPropertiesPerDefaultToString (                  // Format Item 1: Property Details listed by its ToString method
							operatingParametersColl.GetParameterByName ( strParamName ) ,
				}   // foreach ( string strParamName in operatingParametersColl.GetParameterNames ( ) )

				Console.WriteLine (
					Properties.Resources.MSG_PARAMETER_LIST_FOOTER ,            // Format Control String: End of {0} parameter list.
					s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppRootAssemblyFileBaseName ,     // Format Item 0: End of {0} parameter
					Environment.NewLine );                                      // Format Item 1: platform-dependent newline

				Console.WriteLine (
					Properties.Resources.MSG_VALIDATION_BEGIN ,                 // Format Control String
					Environment.NewLine );                                      // Format Item 0: platform-dependent newline

				foreach ( string strParamName in operatingParametersColl.GetParameterNames ( ) )
					OperatingParameter<ParameterType , ParameterSource> operatingParameter = operatingParametersColl.GetParameterByName ( strParamName );
					bool fParamIsValid = operatingParameter.IsValueValid<ParameterType> ( );
					Console.WriteLine (
						Properties.Resources.MSG_VALIDATION_DETAIL ,            // Format Control String: Parameter {0} value of {1} is {2}.
						operatingParameter.DisplayName ,                        // Format Item 0: Parameter {0}
						Utl.RenderStringValue (
							operatingParameter.ParamValue ) ,                   // Format Item 1: value of {1}
						fParamIsValid );                                        // Format Item 2: is {2}
				}   // foreach ( string strParamName in operatingParametersColl.GetParameterNames ( ) )

				Console.WriteLine (
					Properties.Resources.MSG_VALIDATION_END ,                   // Format Control String
					Environment.NewLine );                                      // Format Item 0: platform-dependent newline
			}	// try block
			catch ( Exception exAllKinds )
			{   // Theere must be a lower-maintenance way to do this.
				if ( exAllKinds.Message.StartsWith ( INTERNAL_ERROR_OO2_PREFIX ) )
					s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppReturnCode = ERROR_INTERNAL_PROCESSING_ERROR_002;
				}   // TRUE block, if ( exAllKinds.Message.StartsWith ( INTERNAL_ERROR_OO2_PREFIX ) )
				else if ( exAllKinds.Message.StartsWith ( INTERNAL_ERROR_OO3_PREFIX ) )
					s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppReturnCode = ERROR_INTERNAL_PROCESSING_ERROR_003;
				}   // TRUE block, else if ( exAllKinds.Message.StartsWith ( INTERNAL_ERROR_OO3_PREFIX ) )
				else if ( exAllKinds.Message.StartsWith ( INTERNAL_ERROR_OO4_PREFIX ) )
					s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppReturnCode = ERROR_INTERNAL_PROCESSING_ERROR_004;
				}   // TRUE block, else if ( exAllKinds.Message.StartsWith ( INTERNAL_ERROR_OO4_PREFIX ) )
				else if ( exAllKinds.Message.StartsWith ( INTERNAL_ERROR_OO5_PREFIX ) )
					s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppReturnCode = ERROR_INTERNAL_PROCESSING_ERROR_005;
				}   // TRUE block, else if ( exAllKinds.Message.StartsWith ( INTERNAL_ERROR_OO4_PREFIX ) )
				{   // If all else fails, call it a run-of-the-mill runtime error.
					s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppReturnCode = WizardWrx.MagicNumbers.ERROR_RUNTIME;
				}   // FALSE block, if ( exAllKinds.Message.StartsWith ( INTERNAL_ERROR_OO2_PREFIX ) ) ...

				s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppExceptionLogger.ReportException ( exAllKinds );
			}   // catch ( Exception exAllKinds ) block

			if ( s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppReturnCode == WizardWrx.MagicNumbers.ERROR_SUCCESS )
				s_theApp.NormalExit ( ConsoleAppStateManager.NormalExitAction.Timed );
			}   // TRUE (anticipated outcome) block, if ( s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppReturnCode == WizardWrx.MagicNumbers.ERROR_SUCCESS )
				s_theApp.ErrorExit ( ( uint ) s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppReturnCode );
			}   // FALSE (unanticipated outcome) block, if ( s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppReturnCode == WizardWrx.MagicNumbers.ERROR_SUCCESS )
		}   // static void Main
Ejemplo n.º 2
        };  // static char [ ] s_achrValidSwitches

        static void Main ( string [ ] args )

            s_theApp = ConsoleAppStateManager.GetTheSingleInstance ( );

            CmdLneArgsBasic cmdArgs = new CmdLneArgsBasic (
                s_achrValidSwitches ,
                CmdLneArgsBasic.ArgMatching.CaseInsensitive )
                AllowEmptyStringAsDefault = CmdLneArgsBasic.BLANK_AS_DEFAULT_ALLOWED

            //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
            //  The default value of the AppSubsystem property is GUI, which
            //  disables output to the console. Since ReportException returns
            //  the message that would have been written, you still have the
            //  option of displaying or discarding it. If EventLoggingState is
            //  set to Enabled, the message is written into the Application
            //  Event log, where it is preserved until the event log record is
            //  purged by the aging rules or some other method.
            //  ----------------------------------------------------------------

            s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppExceptionLogger.OptionFlags =
                | ExceptionLogger.OutputOptions.EventLog
                | ExceptionLogger.OutputOptions.Stack
                | ExceptionLogger.OutputOptions.StandardError;
            s_theApp.BaseStateManager.LoadErrorMessageTable ( s_astrErrorMessages );

            string strDeferredMessage = null;

            OutputFormat enmOutputFormat = SetOutputFormat (
                cmdArgs ,
                ref strDeferredMessage );

            if ( enmOutputFormat != OutputFormat.None )
            {   // Unless output is suppressed, display the standard BOJ message.
                s_theApp.DisplayBOJMessage ( );
            }   // if ( enmOutputFormat != OutputFormat.None )

            if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty ( strDeferredMessage ) )
            {   // SetOutputFormat saves its error message, if any, in SetOutputFormat. 
                Console.WriteLine ( strDeferredMessage );
            }   // if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty ( s_strDeferredMessage ) )

            if ( cmdArgs.PositionalArgsInCmdLine < CmdLneArgsBasic.FIRST_POSITIONAL_ARG )
            {   // Required input is missing. Report and bug out.
                s_theApp.ErrorExit ( ERR_NEED_INPUT_FILENAME );
            }   // if ( cmdArgs.PositionalArgsInCmdLine < CmdLneArgsBasic.FIRST_POSITIONAL_ARG )

            string strTestFileName = cmdArgs.GetArgByPosition ( CmdLneArgsBasic.FIRST_POSITIONAL_ARG );
            Console.WriteLine (
                Properties.Resources.MSG_INPUT_FILENAME ,
                s_theApp.BaseStateManager.InitialWorkingDirectoryName ,
                strTestFileName ,
                Environment.NewLine );

                int intNCases = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines (
                    strTestFileName , 
                    Encoding.ASCII ).Length;
                int intCurrCase = MagicNumbers.ZERO;

                WizardWrx.AnyCSV.Parser ReusableParser = new WizardWrx.AnyCSV.Parser (
                    WizardWrx.AnyCSV.CSVParseEngine.DelimiterChar.Comma ,
                    WizardWrx.AnyCSV.CSVParseEngine.GuardChar.DoubleQuote ,
                    WizardWrx.AnyCSV.CSVParseEngine.GuardDisposition.Strip );
                Console.WriteLine (
                    Properties.Resources.MSG_TOSTRING_CONSTRUCTED_FROM_ENUMS ,          // Format control string
                    Properties.Resources.MSG_TOSTRING_JUST_CONSTRUCTED ,                // Format Item 0: {0}, the ToString method
                    nameof ( ReusableParser ) ,                                         // Format Item 1: the ToString method on {1} reports
                    ReusableParser.ToString ( ) );                                      // Format Item 2: reports as follows: {2}.

                using ( System.IO.StreamReader srTestData = new System.IO.StreamReader (
                        strTestFileName ,
                        Encoding.ASCII ,
                        IGNORE_BOM ,
                        MagicNumbers.CAPACITY_08KB ) )
                        string strTestCase = srTestData.ReadLine ( );

                        string [ ] astrInstanceTestOutput = ReusableParser.Parse ( strTestCase );

                        if ( intCurrCase == MagicNumbers.ZERO )
                        {   // On the first iteration, intCurrCase is zero.
                            Console.WriteLine (
                                Properties.Resources.MSG_TOSTRING_CONSTRUCTED_FROM_ENUMS ,          // Format control string
                                Properties.Resources.MSG_TOSTRING_POST_FIRST_USE ,                  // Format Item 0: {0}, the ToString method
                                nameof ( ReusableParser ) ,                                         // Format Item 1: the ToString method on {1} reports
                                ReusableParser.ToString ( ) );                                      // Format Item 2: reports as follows: {2}.
                        }   // if ( intCurrCase == MagicNumbers.ZERO )

                        string [ ] astrStaticTestOutput1 = WizardWrx.AnyCSV.Parser.Parse (
                            strTestCase ,                                                           // Input string
                            WizardWrx.AnyCSV.Parser.COMMA ,                                         // Field delimiter character
                            WizardWrx.AnyCSV.Parser.DOUBLE_QUOTE );                                 // Delimiter guard character

                        //  ----------------------------------------------------
                        //  Identify the case number, and show the input string.
                        //  ----------------------------------------------------

                        int intNFields = astrStaticTestOutput1.Length;
                        Console.WriteLine (
                            Properties.Resources.MSG_CASE_LABEL ,
                            new string [ ]
                                intCurrCase.ToString ( ) ,
                                intNCases.ToString ( ) ,
                                intNFields.ToString ( ) ,
                                strTestCase ,
                                Environment.NewLine } );

                        ReportScenarioOutcome (
                            Properties.Resources.INSTANCE_SCENARIO_1 ,
                            astrInstanceTestOutput ,
                            astrInstanceTestOutput.Length );
                        ReportScenarioOutcome (
                            Properties.Resources.STATIC_SCENARIO_1 ,
                            astrStaticTestOutput1 ,
                            intNFields );

                        string [ ] astrStaticTestOutput2 = WizardWrx.AnyCSV.Parser.Parse (
                            strTestCase ,                                                           // Input string
                            WizardWrx.AnyCSV.Parser.COMMA ,                                         // Field delimiter character
                            WizardWrx.AnyCSV.Parser.DOUBLE_QUOTE ,                                  // Delimiter guard character
                            WizardWrx.AnyCSV.Parser.GuardDisposition.Keep );                        // Override to keep.

                        intNFields = astrStaticTestOutput2.Length;
                        ReportScenarioOutcome (
                            Properties.Resources.STATIC_SCENARIO_2 ,
                            astrStaticTestOutput2 ,
                            intNFields );

                        string [ ] astrStaticTestOutput3 = WizardWrx.AnyCSV.Parser.Parse (
                            strTestCase ,                                                           // Input string
                            WizardWrx.AnyCSV.Parser.COMMA ,                                         // Field delimiter character
                            WizardWrx.AnyCSV.Parser.DOUBLE_QUOTE ,                                  // Delimiter guard character
                            WizardWrx.AnyCSV.Parser.GuardDisposition.Strip ,                        // Override to keep.
                            WizardWrx.AnyCSV.Parser.TrimWhiteSpace.TrimLeading );
                        intNFields = astrStaticTestOutput3.Length;
                        ReportScenarioOutcome (
                            Properties.Resources.STATIC_SCENARIO_3 ,
                            astrStaticTestOutput3 ,
                            intNFields );
                    } while ( !srTestData.EndOfStream );
                }   // using ( System.IO.StreamReader srTestData = new System.IO.StreamReader (
                CsvParser engine = new CsvParser ( );
                string [ ] [ ] astrParsedStrings = engine.Parse ( 
                    new System.IO.StreamReader (
                        strTestFileName ,
                        Encoding.ASCII ,
                        IGNORE_BOM ,
                        StandardConstants.FILE_BUFSIZE_STANDARD_08KB ) );
                int intNCases = astrParsedStrings.Length;

                for ( int intCurrCase = StandardConstants.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; intCurrCase < intNCases ; intCurrCase++ )
                    int intNFields = astrParsedStrings [ intCurrCase ].Length;
                    Console.WriteLine (
                        Properties.Resources.MSG_CASE_LABEL ,
                        new string [ ]
                            OrdinalFromSubscript ( intCurrCase ).ToString(),
                            intNCases.ToString() ,
                            intNFields.ToString() ,
                        } );
                    for ( int intCurrField = StandardConstants.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ;
                              intCurrField < astrParsedStrings [ intCurrCase ].Length ;
                              intCurrField++ )
                        Console.WriteLine (
                            Properties.Resources.MSG_CASE_DETAIL ,
                            OrdinalFromSubscript ( intCurrField ) ,
                            intNFields ,
                            astrParsedStrings [ intCurrCase ] [ intCurrField ] );
                    }   // for ( int intCurrField = StandardConstants.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; intCurrField < astrParsedStrings [ intCurrCase ].Length ; intCurrField++ )
                }   // for ( int intCurrCase = StandardConstants.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; intCurrCase < intNCases ; intNCases++ )
            catch ( Exception exAll )
            {   // The Message string is displayed, but the complete exception goes to the event log.
                s_theApp.BaseStateManager.AppExceptionLogger.ReportException ( exAll );
                Console.WriteLine ( exAll.Message );

                ExitWithError (
                    enmOutputFormat ,
                    ERR_RUNTIME );
            }   // Providing a catch block is enough to cause the program to fall through.

            if ( enmOutputFormat == OutputFormat.None )
            {   // Suppress all output.
                s_theApp.NormalExit (  ConsoleAppStateManager.NormalExitAction.Silent );
            }   // TRUE block, if ( enmOutputFormat == OutputFormat.None )
            {   // Display the standard exit banner.
                s_theApp.NormalExit ( ConsoleAppStateManager.NormalExitAction.WaitForOperator );
            }   // FALSE block, if ( enmOutputFormat == OutputFormat.None )
            if ( enmOutputFormat == OutputFormat.None )
            {   // Suppress all output.
                s_theApp.NormalExit ( ConsoleAppStateManager.NormalExitAction.Silent );
            }   // TRUE block, if ( enmOutputFormat == OutputFormat.None )
            {   // Display the standard exit banner.
            }   // FALSE block, if ( enmOutputFormat == OutputFormat.None )
        }   // static void Main