Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds pip static fingerprint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pip">Pip.</param>
        /// <param name="fingerprint">Static fingerprint.</param>
        public void AddFingerprint(Pip pip, ContentFingerprint fingerprint)
            Contract.Requires(pip != null);

            m_staticFingerprintsToPips[fingerprint] = pip.PipId;
            m_pipsToStaticFingerprints.Add(pip.PipId, fingerprint);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new binary logger to write to the given stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logStream">the stream to write events to</param>
        /// <param name="context">the context containing the path table</param>
        /// <param name="logId">the log id to place in the header of execution used to verify with other data structures on load.</param>
        /// <param name="lastStaticAbsolutePathIndex">the last absolute path guaranteed to be in the serialized form of the corresponding path table</param>
        /// <param name="closeStreamOnDispose">specifies whether the stream is closed on disposal of the logger</param>
        /// <param name="onEventWritten">optional callback after each event is written to underlying stream</param>
        public BinaryLogger(Stream logStream, PipExecutionContext context, Guid logId, int lastStaticAbsolutePathIndex = int.MinValue, bool closeStreamOnDispose = true, Action onEventWritten = null)
            m_context = context;
            LogId     = logId;
            m_lastStaticAbsolutePathIndex = lastStaticAbsolutePathIndex;
            m_logStreamWriter             = new BuildXLWriter(debug: false, stream: logStream, leaveOpen: !closeStreamOnDispose, logStats: false);
            m_watch           = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            m_capturedPaths   = new ConcurrentBigMap <AbsolutePath, bool>();
            m_capturedStrings = new ConcurrentBigMap <StringId, bool>();
            m_capturedStrings.Add(StringId.Invalid, true);
            m_writerPool = new ObjectPool <EventWriter>(
                () => new EventWriter(this),
                writer => { writer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return(writer); });

            var logIdBytes = logId.ToByteArray();

            Contract.Assert(logIdBytes.Length == LogIdByteLength);
            logStream.Write(logIdBytes, 0, logIdBytes.Length);

            m_pendingEventsDrainingThread = new Thread(
                () =>
                foreach (PooledObjectWrapper <EventWriter> wrapper in m_pendingEvents.GetConsumingEnumerable())
                    var eventWriter = wrapper.Instance;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Override event to capture its data and store it in the protobuf
        /// </summary>
        public override void PipExecutionDirectoryOutputs(PipExecutionDirectoryOutputs data)
            foreach (var(directoryArtifact, fileArtifactArray) in data.DirectoryOutputs)
                foreach (var file in fileArtifactArray)
                    m_dynamicFileProducerMap.Add(file, data.PipId.Value);

                var value = new PipExecutionDirectoryOutputsEvent
                    WorkerID          = WorkerID.Value,
                    PipID             = data.PipId.Value,
                    DirectoryArtifact = directoryArtifact.ToDirectoryArtifact(PathTable, m_nameExpander),

                                                     file => file.ToFileArtifact(PathTable, m_nameExpander)));

                var key = new EventKey
                    EventTypeID = Xldb.Proto.ExecutionEventId.PipExecutionDirectoryOutputs,
                    PipId       = data.PipId.Value,
                    PipExecutionDirectoryOutputKey = AbsolutePathToXldbString(directoryArtifact.Path)

                var keyArr   = key.ToByteArray();
                var valueArr = value.ToByteArray();
                WriteToDb(keyArr, valueArr, XldbDataStore.EventColumnFamilyName);
                AddToDbStorageDictionary(DBStoredTypes.PipExecutionDirectoryOutputs, keyArr.Length + valueArr.Length);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a writer
        /// </summary>
        public InliningWriter(Stream stream, PathTable pathTable, bool debug = false, bool leaveOpen = true, bool logStats = false)
            : base(debug, stream, leaveOpen, logStats)
            m_pathTable = pathTable;

            // Reserve invalid as 0-th index
            m_pathToParentIndexMap.Add(AbsolutePath.Invalid, 0);
            m_stringSet.Add(new StringId(int.MaxValue));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new binary logger to write to the given stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logStream">the stream to write events to</param>
        /// <param name="context">the context containing the path table</param>
        /// <param name="logId">the log id to place in the header of execution used to verify with other data structures on load.</param>
        /// <param name="lastStaticAbsolutePathIndex">the last absolute path guaranteed to be in the serialized form of the corresponding path table</param>
        /// <param name="closeStreamOnDispose">specifies whether the stream is closed on disposal of the logger</param>
        /// <param name="onEventWritten">optional callback after each event is written to underlying stream</param>
        public BinaryLogger(Stream logStream, PipExecutionContext context, Guid logId, int lastStaticAbsolutePathIndex = int.MinValue, bool closeStreamOnDispose = true, Action onEventWritten = null)
            m_context = context;
            LogId     = logId;
            m_lastStaticAbsolutePathIndex = lastStaticAbsolutePathIndex;
            m_logStreamWriter             = new BuildXLWriter(debug: false, stream: logStream, leaveOpen: !closeStreamOnDispose, logStats: false);
            m_watch           = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            m_capturedPaths   = new ConcurrentBigMap <AbsolutePath, bool>();
            m_capturedStrings = new ConcurrentBigMap <StringId, bool>();
            m_capturedStrings.Add(StringId.Invalid, true);
            m_writerPool = new ObjectPool <EventWriter>(
                () => new EventWriter(this),
                writer => { writer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return(writer); });
            m_onEventWritten = onEventWritten;

            var logIdBytes = logId.ToByteArray();

            Contract.Assert(logIdBytes.Length == LogIdByteLength);
            logStream.Write(logIdBytes, 0, logIdBytes.Length);

            m_pendingEventsDrainingThread = new Thread(
                () =>
                // Keeps trying to drain the event queue as long as new events can be added
                // Adding events and completing the queue are properly synchronized already (a write lock
                // is taken before completing), but there is the slim chance we finish draining the queue
                // and before we check for m_completeAdding here again, an Add + CompleteAdding happen, which
                // could leave unprocessed events in the queue. So we also check here whether the queue is not empty
                while (!m_completeAdding || !m_pendingEvents.IsEmpty)
                    // Wait until at least one event is available for consumption

                    // If new events can still be added, let's give writers the chance to add more events.
                    // This allows for more efficient draining, since therefore the thread synchronization tax is only paid
                    // once for many events. A 100ms lag is acceptable for events to be sitting in the queue. Profiler shows a 10x
                    // aggregated time gain by doing this. Some consideration for why picking this time:
                    // - A greater didn't seem to make a difference (e.g. 500ms was tried with equivalent perf results)
                    // - There are temporal constraints that need events (in particular, the build manifest one) to get serialized
                    // and sent to workers before the pip completion event (which does not go through the binary logger) happens. So
                    // we don't want xlg events to sit in the queue for too long.
                    if (!m_completeAdding)

                    // Drain all events available on the queue
                    while (m_pendingEvents.TryDequeue(out var action))

Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new binary logger to write to the given stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logStream">the stream to write events to</param>
        /// <param name="context">the context containing the path table</param>
        /// <param name="logId">the log id to place in the header of execution used to verify with other data structures on load.</param>
        /// <param name="lastStaticAbsolutePathIndex">the last absolute path guaranteed to be in the serialized form of the corresponding path table</param>
        /// <param name="closeStreamOnDispose">specifies whether the stream is closed on disposal of the logger</param>
        /// <param name="onEventWritten">optional callback after each event is written to underlying stream</param>
        public BinaryLogger(Stream logStream, PipExecutionContext context, Guid logId, int lastStaticAbsolutePathIndex = int.MinValue, bool closeStreamOnDispose = true, Action onEventWritten = null)
            m_context = context;
            LogId     = logId;
            m_lastStaticAbsolutePathIndex = lastStaticAbsolutePathIndex;
            m_logStreamWriter             = new BuildXLWriter(debug: false, stream: logStream, leaveOpen: !closeStreamOnDispose, logStats: false);
            m_watch           = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            m_capturedPaths   = new ConcurrentBigMap <AbsolutePath, bool>();
            m_capturedStrings = new ConcurrentBigMap <StringId, bool>();
            m_capturedStrings.Add(StringId.Invalid, true);
            m_writerPool = new ObjectPool <EventWriter>(
                () => new EventWriter(this),
                writer => { writer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return(writer); });

            var logIdBytes = logId.ToByteArray();

            Contract.Assert(logIdBytes.Length == LogIdByteLength);
            logStream.Write(logIdBytes, 0, logIdBytes.Length);

            m_pendingEventsDrainingThread = new Thread(
                () =>
                    foreach (PooledObjectWrapper <EventWriter> wrapper in m_pendingEvents.GetConsumingEnumerable())
                        var eventWriter = wrapper.Instance;
                catch (InvalidOperationException)
                    // InvalidOperationException is thrown when calling Take() for a marked-as-completed blocking collection.
                    // However, GetConsumingEnumerable throws an InvalidOperationException here, which is unusual.
                    // In further investigations, we discovered that it might throw one if the collection in BlockingCollection
                    // is passed in the constructor and we externally modify that collection outside of BlockingCollection.
                    // Even we do not do that, we rarely have InvalidOperationException here, which is a NetCore bug.
                    // We reported the bug; but for now, we swallow that exception and we treat it as a signal for completion.
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public int DuplicateFile(File file, string newRoot)
            string newLocation = DuplicatePath(file.Location, newRoot);
            int    existing;

            if (FilesByPath.TryGetValue(newLocation, out existing))
                File newFile = new File(newLocation)
                    Hash = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), IsOutputFile = file.IsOutputFile
                int newFileId = ++m_maxFile;
                Files[newFileId] = newFile;
                FilesByPath.Add(newLocation, newFileId);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void TestConcurrentBigMapOperations()
            var map = new ConcurrentBigMap <int, string>();

            XAssert.IsTrue(map.TryAdd(0, "value"));
            XAssert.IsFalse(map.TryAdd(0, "not added value"));
            XAssert.AreEqual("value", map[0]);
            map[0] = "newValue";
            map[1] = "value1";

            var value0 = "newValue";

            XAssert.AreEqual(value0, map[0]);

            XAssert.AreEqual(2, map.Count);

            // Test TryGetValue
            string value1;

            XAssert.IsTrue(map.TryGetValue(1, out value1));
            XAssert.AreEqual("value1", value1);
            string value31;

            XAssert.IsFalse(map.TryGetValue(31, out value31));

            // Test update
            XAssert.IsFalse(map.TryUpdate(1, "notUpdatedValue1", "notActualValue1"));
            XAssert.AreEqual("value1", map[1]);
            XAssert.IsTrue(map.TryUpdate(1, "updatedValue1", "value1"));
            value1 = map[1];
            XAssert.AreEqual("updatedValue1", value1);

            // Test remove
            int    beforeFailedRemoveCount = map.Count;
            string value23;

            XAssert.IsFalse(map.TryRemove(23, out value23));
            XAssert.AreEqual(beforeFailedRemoveCount, map.Count);
            map.Add(23, "value23");
            XAssert.AreEqual(beforeFailedRemoveCount + 1, map.Count);
            XAssert.IsTrue(map.TryRemove(23, out value23));
            XAssert.AreEqual("value23", value23);
            XAssert.AreEqual(beforeFailedRemoveCount, map.Count);

            Assert.Equal(new int[] { 0, 1 }, map.Keys.ToArray());
            Assert.Equal(new string[] { value0, value1 }, map.Values.ToArray());

            XAssert.AreEqual(2, map.Count);

            string addedData    = "added data";
            string notAddedData = "not added data";
            var    result       = map.GetOrAdd(2, addedData, (key, data0) => data0);

            XAssert.AreEqual(addedData, result.Item.Value);
            XAssert.AreEqual(addedData, map[2]);

            // Ensure entry is not updated for get or add
            result = map.GetOrAdd(2, notAddedData, (key, data0) => data0);
            XAssert.AreEqual(addedData, result.Item.Value);
            XAssert.AreEqual(addedData, map[2]);

            Func <int, string, string, string> updateFunction =
                (key, data0, currentValue) => "updated " + currentValue;

            var updatedData = updateFunction(2, notAddedData, addedData);

            result = map.AddOrUpdate(2, notAddedData, (key, data0) => data0, updateFunction);
            XAssert.AreEqual(addedData, result.OldItem.Value);
            XAssert.AreEqual(updatedData, result.Item.Value);
            XAssert.AreEqual(updatedData, map[2]);

            result = map.AddOrUpdate(3, addedData, (key, data0) => data0, updateFunction);
            XAssert.AreEqual(addedData, result.Item.Value);
            XAssert.AreEqual(addedData, map[3]);

            TestOperationsHelper(parallel: false);