public static List <Comun> ObtenerUsuarios() { OracleCommand cmd = null; ExeProcedimiento exeProc = new ExeProcedimiento(); try { OracleDataReader dr = null; cmd = exeProc.GenerarOracleCommandCursor("PKG_PLANEACION.Obt_Combo_Usuarios", ref dr); List <Comun> listarComun = new List <Comun>(); while (dr.Read()) { Comun objComun = new Comun(); objComun.Usuario = Convert.ToString(dr[0]); listarComun.Add(objComun); } return(listarComun); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { exeProc.LimpiarOracleCommand(ref cmd); } }
public static List <Comun> ObtenerComboBasicos(string Tipo, string SubTipo) { //IND OracleCommand cmd = null; ExeProcedimiento exeProc = new ExeProcedimiento(); try { string[] Parametros = { "P_TIPO", "P_SUBTIPO" }; object[] Valores = { Tipo, SubTipo }; OracleDataReader dr = null; cmd = exeProc.GenerarOracleCommandCursor("PKG_PLANEACION.Obt_Combo_Basicos", ref dr, Parametros, Valores); List <Comun> listarComun = new List <Comun>(); while (dr.Read()) { Comun objComun = new Comun(); objComun.Id = Convert.ToString(dr[0]); objComun.Descripcion = Convert.ToString(dr[1]); objComun.EtiquetaDos = Convert.ToString(dr[2]); listarComun.Add(objComun); } return(listarComun); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { exeProc.LimpiarOracleCommand(ref cmd); } }
public static List <Comun> GridUnidadesDisponibles(string Usuario) { OracleCommand cmd = null; ExeProcedimiento exeProc = new ExeProcedimiento(); try { string[] Parametros = { "P_USUARIO" }; object[] Valores = { Usuario }; OracleDataReader dr = null; cmd = exeProc.GenerarOracleCommandCursor("PKG_PLANEACION.Obt_Grid_Unidades_Dispobibles", ref dr, Parametros, Valores); List <Comun> list = new List <Comun>(); while (dr.Read()) { Comun objIndicador = new Comun(); objIndicador.Id = Convert.ToString(dr[0]); objIndicador.Descripcion = Convert.ToString(dr[1]); list.Add(objIndicador); } return(list); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { exeProc.LimpiarOracleCommand(ref cmd); } }
public static List <Comun> ObtenerCarreras(string Dependencia) { OracleCommand cmd = null; ExeProcedimiento exeProc = new ExeProcedimiento(); try { string[] Parametros = { "P_Dependencia" }; object[] Valores = { Dependencia }; OracleDataReader dr = null; cmd = exeProc.GenerarOracleCommandCursor("PKG_PLANEACION.Obt_Combo_Carreras", ref dr, Parametros, Valores); List <Comun> listarComun = new List <Comun>(); while (dr.Read()) { Comun objComun = new Comun(); objComun.Id = Convert.ToString(dr[0]); objComun.Descripcion = Convert.ToString(dr[1]); listarComun.Add(objComun); } return(listarComun); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { exeProc.LimpiarOracleCommand(ref cmd); } }
public void Monitor_EstadisticaPP(string Color, int Rango, ref List <Comun> List) { CD_Datos CDDatos = new CD_Datos(); OracleCommand cmm = null; try { OracleDataReader dr = null; String[] Parametros = { "p_color", "p_rango" }; String[] Valores = { Convert.ToString(Color), Convert.ToString(Rango) }; cmm = CDDatos.GenerarOracleCommandCursor("pkg_presupuesto.Obt_Grid_Monitor_Estadisticas", ref dr, Parametros, Valores); while (dr.Read()) { Comun objMonitor = new Comun(); objMonitor.Descripcion = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(1)); objMonitor.Etiqueta = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(3)); objMonitor.EtiquetaTres = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(2)); objMonitor.EtiquetaDos = "images/" + Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(4)) + ".png"; List.Add(objMonitor); } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { CDDatos.LimpiarOracleCommand(ref cmm); } }
public void Setup() { comun = new Comun(2); red = new Red(10); bomb = new Bomb(3); chuck = new Chuck(4); terence = new Terence(3, 2); matilda = new Matilda(4, new List <Huevo>() { new Huevo(2), new Huevo(3), new Huevo(1), new Huevo(4) }); madera = new Madera(3); vidrio = new Vidrio(1); piedra = new Piedra(2); obrero = new Obrero(); armadoEscudo = new Armado(new Escudo(2)); armadoCasco = new Armado(new Casco(4)); isla = new Isla(new List <Pajaro>() { comun, red, bomb, chuck, terence, matilda }); islaCerditos = new Isla_Cerdo(new List <Obstaculo>() { madera, vidrio, piedra, obrero, armadoCasco, armadoEscudo }); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.anclaCarrito.ServerClick += new EventHandler(anclaCarrito_Click); if (Session["IdCarrito"] != null) { ImageButtonCarro.Visible = true; } else { ImageButtonCarro.Visible = false; } txtUser.Text = (string)Session[Constantes.Session.Usuario]; if (Session["TiendaCamper"] == null) { Session["TiendaCamper"] = Comun.checkTiendaCamper(); } if (Session["TiendaCamper"].ToString() == "1") { this.ImageButtonC9.Visible = false; } else { ImageButtonC9.Visible = true; } }
private void CargarGenero() { ddlGenero.DataSource = Comun.CargarGenero(); ddlGenero.DataValueField = "Value"; ddlGenero.DataTextField = "Text"; ddlGenero.DataBind(); }
public void LlenaComboStr(Int32 Id1, string SP, string Conexion, ref System.Collections.Generic.List <Comun> list) { try { SqlDataReader dr = null; CapaDatos.CD_Datos CapaDatos = new CapaDatos.CD_Datos(Conexion); string[] Parametros = { "@Id1" }; object[] Valores = { Id1 }; SqlCommand sqlcmd = CapaDatos.GenerarSqlCommand(SP, ref dr, Parametros, Valores); Comun Comun = default(Comun); while (dr.Read()) { Comun = new Comun(); Comun.IdStr = dr.GetString(dr.GetOrdinal("IdStr")); Comun.Descripcion = dr.GetString(dr.GetOrdinal("Descripcion")); list.Add(Comun); } dr.Close(); CapaDatos.LimpiarSqlcommand(ref sqlcmd); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public ActionResult ReenviarNotificacion(string id) { try { NotificacionesGeneralesModels NotificacionGeneral = new NotificacionesGeneralesModels(); _NotificacionesGenerales_Datos NotificacionGeneralDatos = new _NotificacionesGenerales_Datos(); NotificacionGeneral.conexion = Conexion; NotificacionGeneral.IDNotificacionGeneral = id; NotificacionGeneralDatos.ReenviarNotificacion(NotificacionGeneral); if (NotificacionGeneral.Resultado == 1) { foreach (DataRow notificacion in NotificacionGeneral.TablaAlumnos.Rows) { int Bagde = 0, IDTipoCelular = 0; Bagde = Convert.ToInt32(notificacion["Badge"].ToString()); IDTipoCelular = Convert.ToInt32(notificacion["idTipoCelular"].ToString()); Comun.EnviarMensaje(notificacion["token"].ToString(), notificacion["titulo"].ToString(), notificacion["descripcion"].ToString(), Bagde, IDTipoCelular); } } TempData["message"] = "El Evento se elimino correctamente"; return(Json("")); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Message.ToString(); return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public static List <Comun> ObtenerComboPlanTrabajo() { //s OracleCommand cmd = null; ExeProcedimiento exeProc = new ExeProcedimiento(); try { OracleDataReader dr = null; cmd = exeProc.GenerarOracleCommandCursor("PKG_PLANEACION.Obt_Combo_Plan", ref dr); List <Comun> listarPlanes = new List <Comun>(); while (dr.Read()) { Comun objPlan = new Comun(); objPlan.Id = Convert.ToString(dr[0]); objPlan.Descripcion = Convert.ToString(dr[1]); listarPlanes.Add(objPlan); } return(listarPlanes); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { exeProc.LimpiarOracleCommand(ref cmd); } }
public void Setup() { abuelo = new Abuelo(); necio = new Necio(); comun = new Comun(); maqui = new Maquillaje(); tierno = new Traje_Tierno(); terror = new Traje_Terrorifico(); mary = new Niño(maqui, tierno, 16); jony = new Niño(maqui, terror, 0); romo = new Niño(maqui, terror, 5); flor = new Niño(maqui, terror, 100); niños = new List <Asustador>() { mary, jony, romo }; legion = new Legion(niños); legionDeLegiones = new Legion(new List <Asustador>() { legion, flor }); niños.Add(flor); }
public USUARIO RecuperarContrasenia(string email) { USUARIO obj = null; obj = oDAO.Obtener(email); if (obj == null) { throw new FaultException <ExceptionBase>( new ExceptionBase() { Codigo = "103", Descripcion = "El Usuario no existe", }, new FaultReason("Error al intentar recuperar contraseña")); } Email oEmail = new Email() { EmailTo = obj.EMAIL, Cuerpo = "Su contraseña de la app es " + obj.PASSWORD, Asunto = "Recuperar contraseña" }; Comun comun = new Comun(); comun.Enviar(oEmail); return(obj); }
private void CopiarComboAsig(ref List <Comun> LBXPasa) { try { SesionUsu.ListDetConceptoAsig.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < LBXPasa.Count; i++) { ObjComun = new Comun(); ObjComun.Id = LBXPasa[i].Id; ObjComun.IdStr = LBXPasa[i].IdStr; ObjComun.Descripcion = LBXPasa[i].Descripcion; ObjComun.EtiquetaDos = LBXPasa[i].EtiquetaDos; ObjComun.EtiquetaTres = LBXPasa[i].EtiquetaTres; ObjComun.EtiquetaCuatro = LBXPasa[i].EtiquetaCuatro; ObjComun.EtiquetaCinco = LBXPasa[i].EtiquetaCinco; SesionUsu.ListDetConceptoAsig.Add(ObjComun); } // Sorting(ref LBXRecibe); LBXPasa.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
//Metodo de Iserción de Datos public bool Insertar(Comun.Vars p) { bool Resultado = false; //Realizar metodo de conexión System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection cn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(); //Activa o Desactivar String de Conexion cn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:\\Wayvas\\Task\\Presentacion\\App_Data\\Task.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; //cn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Task;Integrated Security=True"; cn.Open();//Iniciamos la Conexion System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cm =new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(); cm.Connection=cn; cm.CommandType=System.Data.CommandType.Text; cm.CommandText = "Insert into Task(TaskName,StartDate,DueDate,CompDate,TaskComs) Values(@P_TaskName,@P_StartDate,@P_DueDate,@P_CompDate,@P_TaskComs)"; cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@P_TaskName", p.TaskName); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@P_StartDate", p.StartDate); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@P_DueDate", p.DueDate); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@P_CompDate", p.CompDate); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@P_TaskComs", p.TaskComs); int ra = cm.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (ra==1) { Resultado=true;} cn.Close(); cn.Dispose(); return Resultado; }
private void Abrir() { try { Comun cds; CentrosSeleccionados = new List <Comun>(); foreach (RadListBoxItem item in RadListBox1.Items) { if (item.Checked) { cds = new Comun(); cds.Id = Convert.ToInt32(item.Value); cds.Descripcion = item.Text; CentrosSeleccionados.Add(cds); } } RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("AbrirConf();"); //var oWnd = radopen(dir, "AbrirRelacionGestor"); //; //oWnd.Maximize(); //args.set_cancel(true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void Setup() { carlos = new Comun(); mabel = new Abuelo(50); juana = new Necios(); maquillaje = new Maquillaje(); tiernos = new Tiernos(); terrorificos = new Terrorificos(); maria = new Niños(maquillaje, tiernos, 4, 16); juan = new Niños(maquillaje, tiernos, 6, 3); tomas = new Niños(maquillaje, terrorificos, 2, 14); camila = new Niños(maquillaje, terrorificos, 4, 5); niños = new List <Niños>(); niños.Add(maria); niños.Add(juan); niños.Add(tomas); niños.Add(camila); miembros = new List <LegionDeTerror> { maria, juan, camila }; legion = new Legion(niños); legiones = new LegionesDeLegiones(new List <LegionDeTerror>() { legion, tomas }); miembros.Add(tomas); }
protected void SalvarFornecedor() { if (_Fornecedor.Id == 0) { _Fornecedor.Nome = txtNome.Text; _Fornecedor.Servico = txtDescricao.Text; _Fornecedor.Telefone = Comun.ApenasNumeros(txtTelefone.Text); _Fornecedor.Status = 0; SvcFornecedor.AlteraSalvaFornecedor(_Fornecedor); Response.Redirect("ListaFornecedor.aspx"); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('Cadastrado com sucesso');", true); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('Cadastrado com sucesso');", false); } else { _Fornecedor.Nome = txtNome.Text; _Fornecedor.Servico = txtDescricao.Text; _Fornecedor.Telefone = Comun.ApenasNumeros(txtTelefone.Text); _Fornecedor.Status = 0; SvcFornecedor.AlteraSalvaFornecedor(_Fornecedor); Response.Redirect("ListaFornecedor.aspx"); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('Cadastrado com sucesso');", true); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('Cadastrado com sucesso');", false); } }
public List <Comun> ObetenerFechasAtendidosRegion() { List <Comun> lstComun = null; using (SqlConnection cn = AccesoBD.getConnnection()) { cn.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UspObetenerFechasAtendidosRegion", cn)) { cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandTimeout = 0; using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader != null) { lstComun = new List <Comun>(); Comun obeComun; while (reader.Read()) { obeComun = new Comun(); obeComun.Codigo = reader["Anio"]; obeComun.Descripcion = reader["Anio"]; lstComun.Add(obeComun); } } } } } return(lstComun); }
private static void BorrarPruebas(Crm crm, Comun co) { #region BORRAR PRODUCTOS //var queprod = new QueryExpression("product"); ////quece.TopCount = 5000; //var prods = new EntityCollection(); //while (true) //{ // var res1 = crm.GetIOS().RetrieveMultiple(queprod); // prods.Entities.AddRange(res1.Entities); // if (res1.MoreRecords) // { // queprod.PageInfo.PageNumber++; // queprod.PageInfo.PagingCookie = res1.PagingCookie; // } // else // break; //} //foreach (var ce in prods.Entities) //{ // crm.AnadirElementoEmr(new DeleteRequest() // { // Target = new EntityReference("product", ce.Id) // }); //} //crm.ProcesarUltimosEmr(); #endregion BORRAR PRODuCTOS co.LogText("\n=============================== PRODUCTOS BORRADOS ===================================\n"); }
public void GraficaRotacion(ref List <Comun> list, Usuario usu, string Conexion) { try { CapaDatos.CD_Datos CapaDatos = new CapaDatos.CD_Datos(Conexion); SqlDataReader dr = null; string[] Parametros = { "@Db", "@Id_Emp", "@Id_Cd", "@Id_U", "@Id_Cd_Ver", "@Id_TCd" }; object[] Valores = { usu.DbName, usu.Id_Emp, usu.Id_Cd, usu.Id_U, usu.Id_Cd_Ver, usu.Id_TCd }; SqlCommand sqlcmd = CapaDatos.GenerarSqlCommand("spGraficaRotacion", ref dr, Parametros, Valores); Comun comun; while (dr.Read()) { comun = new Comun(); comun.ValorDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dr.GetValue(dr.GetOrdinal("Fecha"))); comun.ValorDoble = Convert.ToDouble(dr.GetValue(dr.GetOrdinal("Valor"))); list.Add(comun); } CapaDatos.LimpiarSqlcommand(ref sqlcmd); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public Oracle(Comun com) { ConnStringOracle = com.OracleConnString; SchemaStringOracle = com.OracleEsquema; OraConn = new OracleConnection(ConnStringOracle); OraConn.Open(); }
private void Inicializar() { try { List <Comun> List = new List <Comun>(); Comun c = new Comun(); c.Id = -1; c.Descripcion = "--Todos--"; List.Add(c); CmbCdi.DataSource = List; CmbCdi.DataValueField = "Id"; CmbCdi.DataTextField = "Descripcion"; CmbCdi.DataBind(); CmbRepresentante.DataSource = List; CmbRepresentante.DataValueField = "Id"; CmbRepresentante.DataTextField = "Descripcion"; CmbRepresentante.DataBind(); this.CmbCdi.Enabled = false; this.CmbRepresentante.Enabled = false; this.CmbTipo.SelectedValue = "-1"; this.rdFechaIni.SelectedDate = (DateTime?)null; this.rdFechaFin.SelectedDate = (DateTime?)null; this.TxtDF_Comentario.Text = string.Empty; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void Monitor_Patrimonio(string Usuario, string Sistema, string Centro_Contable, ref List <Comun> List) { CD_Datos CDDatos = new CD_Datos(); OracleCommand cmm = null; try { OracleDataReader dr = null; String[] Parametros = { "p_usuario", "p_id_sistema", "p_centro_contable" }; String[] Valores = { Usuario, Sistema, Centro_Contable }; cmm = CDDatos.GenerarOracleCommandCursor("pkg_patrimonio.Obt_Grid_Monitor_Patrimonio", ref dr, Parametros, Valores); while (dr.Read()) { Comun objMonitor = new Comun(); objMonitor.Descripcion = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(1)); List.Add(objMonitor); } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { CDDatos.LimpiarOracleCommand(ref cmm); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { comunGlobal = new Comun(); crmGlobal = new Crm(comunGlobal); oracleGlobal = new Oracle(crmGlobal, comunGlobal); } catch (Exception e) { comunGlobal.LogText("ERROR en MAIN ::: " + e.ToString()); if (oracleGlobal != null && oracleGlobal.OraConnParaLog.State == ConnectionState.Open) { oracleGlobal.OraConnParaLog.Dispose(); } return; } //Estas dos lineas, para borrar (PRUEBAS SOLO) //crmGlobal.InicializarPFE(oracleGlobal); //BorrarPruebas(crmGlobal, comunGlobal); comunGlobal.LogText("|_________ Iniciando CARGA INICIAL _________|"); sW_todo = new Stopwatch(); sW_todo.Start(); new LanzadorPublicaciones().Iniciar(oracleGlobal, comunGlobal, crmGlobal); sW_todo.Stop(); comunGlobal.LogText("|_________/====> TIEMPO DE CARGA: " + sW_todo.Elapsed.ToString()); }
public testadoasignado(Comun.TEstandar estado) { this.Id = 0; this.Estado = estado; this.Fecha = DateTime.MinValue; this.Descripcion = string.Empty; }
/*prueba*/ public void LlenaCombo(string SP, string Conexion, ref System.Collections.Generic.List <Comun> list) { try { SqlDataReader dr = null; CapaDatos.CD_Datos CapaDatos = new CapaDatos.CD_Datos(Conexion); SqlCommand sqlcmd = CapaDatos.GenerarSqlCommand(SP, ref dr); Comun Comun = default(Comun); while (dr.Read()) { Comun = new Comun(); Comun.Id = dr.GetInt32(dr.GetOrdinal("Id")); Comun.Descripcion = dr.GetString(dr.GetOrdinal("Descripcion")); try { Comun.Relacion = dr.IsDBNull(dr.GetOrdinal("Relacion")) ? "" : dr.GetValue(dr.GetOrdinal("Relacion")).ToString(); } catch { Comun.Relacion = "sin_relacion"; } list.Add(Comun); } dr.Close(); CapaDatos.LimpiarSqlcommand(ref sqlcmd); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void Bind(Comun.TypeMr typemr, short idelement) { Init(); this.Properties.DataSource = new ModMaterialReference().GetBy_TypeMr_And_Element(typemr, idelement); this.Properties.ValueMember = "Idmr_detail"; this.Properties.DisplayMember = "Cod_mr"; }
public void LlenaCombo(string SP, ref List <Comun> list, string[] Parametros, string[] Valores) { CD_Datos CDDatos = new CD_Datos(); OracleCommand Cmm = null; try { OracleDataReader dr = null; Cmm = CDDatos.GenerarOracleCommandCursor(SP, ref dr, Parametros, Valores); Comun Comun = default(Comun); while (dr.Read()) { Comun = new Comun(); Comun.IdStr = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(0)); Comun.Descripcion = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(1)); if (dr.FieldCount == 3) { Comun.EtiquetaDos = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(2)); } else if (dr.FieldCount == 4) { Comun.EtiquetaDos = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(2)); Comun.EtiquetaTres = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(3)); } else if (dr.FieldCount == 5) { Comun.EtiquetaDos = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(2)); Comun.EtiquetaTres = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(3)); Comun.EtiquetaCuatro = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(4)); } else if (dr.FieldCount == 6) { Comun.EtiquetaDos = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(2)); Comun.EtiquetaTres = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(3)); Comun.EtiquetaCuatro = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(4)); Comun.EtiquetaCinco = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(5)); } else if (dr.FieldCount == 7) { Comun.EtiquetaDos = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(2)); Comun.EtiquetaTres = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(3)); Comun.EtiquetaCuatro = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(4)); Comun.EtiquetaCinco = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(5)); Comun.EtiquetaSeis = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(6)); } list.Add(Comun); } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { CDDatos.LimpiarOracleCommand(ref Cmm); } }
public Oracle(Crm crm, Comun comun) { Crm = crm; Comun = comun; OraConnParaLog = new OracleConnection(Comun.ConnStringOracle); OraConnParaLog.Open(); }
public void SaveControlSample(int idtemplate_method_aa, long idbatch) { CTemplate_method template_method = new CTemplate_methodFactory().GetByPrimaryKey(new CTemplate_methodKeys(idtemplate_method_aa)); CCorrelative correlative = new CCorrelativeFactory().GetByPrimaryKey(new CCorrelativeKeys(template_method.Cod_type_sample)); CTemplate_method_aa templaate_method_aa = new CTemplate_method_aaFactory().GetByPrimaryKey(new CTemplate_method_aaKeys(idtemplate_method_aa)); control_sample.Idtemplate_method = templaate_method_aa.Idtemplate_method; //control_sample.Idrecep_sample = idrecep_sample; //control_sample.Idrecep_sample_detail = idrecep_sample_detail; //control_sample.Idrecep_sample_detail_elem = idrecep_sample_detail_elem; control_sample.Weight1 = templaate_method_aa.Weight; control_sample.Weight2 = templaate_method_aa.Weight; control_sample.Volumen1 = templaate_method_aa.Volumen; control_sample.Volumen2 = templaate_method_aa.Volumen; control_sample.Dilu2 = templaate_method_aa.Dilution2; control_sample.Dilu3 = templaate_method_aa.Dilution3; control_sample.Flag_dilu2 = false; control_sample.Flag_dilu3 = false; control_sample.Flag_mri = 1; control_sample.Fum = methods.GetFactorConvertionUM(templaate_method_aa.Idtemplate_method); control_sample.Qaqc_blk = 3; control_sample.Qaqc_par = 3; control_sample.Qaqc_mr = 3; control_sample.Qaqc_error = 0; control_sample.Qaqc_approve = false; control_sample.Qaqc_review = false; control_sample.Qaqc_has_retest = 0; control_sample.Qaqc_tmp_retest = 0; control_sample.Qaqc_tmp_retest_idmethod = 0; control_sample.Qaqc_approve_text = ""; control_sample.Qaqc_review_text = ""; // --- insert mri CBatch oBatch = new CBatchFactory().GetByPrimaryKey(new CBatchKeys(idbatch)); int num_free_places = GetNumFreePlacesInBatch(idbatch, templaate_method_aa.Idtemplate_method); if (num_free_places >= 1) { if (!Convert.ToBoolean(oBatch.Has_sample_control)) // batch no tiene mri { long index_mri = GetIndexMriPosition(idbatch); if (index_mri > 0) { // --- insert mri control_sample.Cod_interno = index_mri; control_sample.Idbatch = idbatch; control_sample.Cod_sample = Comun.FormatCorrelativeCode(correlative.Prefix + correlative.Cod_serie, index_mri, Convert.ToInt32(correlative.Num_digits)); if (faBatch_detail_aa_twofold.Insert(control_sample)) { oBatch.Has_sample_control = true; new CBatchFactory().Update(oBatch); } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblLeyenda.Text = "PORTAL MÉDICO / BANDEJA DE PACIENTES"; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Comun.CambiarIdiomaFilterGridTelerik(radGridPaciente); CargarIdentificaciones(); } }
protected void CarregarDropDown() { SortedList sl = Comun.GetEnumForBind(typeof(Enuns.tipos)); txtTipo.DataSource = sl; txtTipo.DataTextField = "value"; txtTipo.DataValueField = "key"; txtTipo.DataBind(); }
public void BindConcen(Comun.TypeMr typemr, short idelement) { this.Properties.Columns.Clear(); this.Properties.Columns.Add(new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.LookUpColumnInfo() { FieldName = "Nominal_value", Visible = true }); this.Properties.ShowHeader = false; this.Properties.ShowFooter = false; this.Properties.DataSource = new ModMaterialReference().GetConcentration_By_TypeMr(typemr, idelement); this.Properties.ValueMember = "Nominal_value"; this.Properties.DisplayMember = "Nominal_value"; }
Comun.MethodSaveProperty RequireNewVersionOrMethod(Comun.TypeAnalysis type_analysis) { Comun.MethodSaveProperty result = Comun.MethodSaveProperty.Nothing; switch (type_analysis) { case Comun.TypeAnalysis.AbsorcionAtomica: result = GetResultTestHeader(); break; } return result; }
public TEmpresa(string nombre, string rnc,string telefono,string telefono1,string fax, string web, string email, string email1, Comun.TDireccion direccion, object logo,string descripcion) { this.Nombre = nombre; this.Rnc = rnc; this.Telefono = telefono; this.Telefono1 = telefono1; this.Fax = fax; this.Web = web; this.Email1 = email1; this.Email = email; this.Direccion = direccion; this.Logo = logo; this.Descripcion = descripcion; this.Director = new RHH.tpersonal(); }
public CDataBatch(long p_idbatch, int p_idtemplate_method, Comun.StatusWork statusWork, Comun.CriteriaSort criteriaSort) { Idtemplate_method = p_idtemplate_method; Idbatch = p_idbatch; TypeBatch = statusWork; CriteriaSort = criteriaSort; CBatch_detail_aa_twofoldFactory faBatch_detail_aa_twofold = new CBatch_detail_aa_twofoldFactory(); dtPivotBatch = new BindingList<CBatch_detail_aa_twofold>( faBatch_detail_aa_twofold .GetAll() .Where(c => c.Idbatch == p_idbatch && c.Idtemplate_method == p_idtemplate_method).ToList()); ExecuteQaqc(statusWork); }
public bool insertar(Comun.Vars p) { bool Resultado = false; if (p != null) { if (p.StartDate != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.TaskName)) { if (p.DueDate != null) { AccesoADatos.Conn o = new AccesoADatos.Conn(); Resultado = o.Insertar(p); } } } } return Resultado; }
private System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult OpenShowPopup(Comun.TypeSample type_sample) { CBatch_detail_aa_twofold current_row = oDataBatch.ListSamples[bgvBatchCalc2.FocusedRowHandle]; System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel; FormCheckContent ofmPopupContent = new FormCheckContent(); if (tabTreeQaqc.SelectedTabPageIndex == 0) { ofmPopupContent.Text = "Aprobar"; ofmPopupContent.Windows_current = Comun.WindowsTray.PendingApprove; } else { ofmPopupContent.Text = "Revisar"; ofmPopupContent.Windows_current = Comun.WindowsTray.PendingReview; } // --- retrieve observation and method ofmPopupContent.Idtemplate_method = Idtemplate_method; ofmPopupContent.Text_obs = bgvBatchCalc2.GetFocusedRowCellValue("Qaqc_approve_text").ToString(); ofmPopupContent.Idretest = Convert.ToInt32(bgvBatchCalc2.GetFocusedRowCellValue("Qaqc_tmp_retest_idmethod")); ofmPopupContent.Idrecep_sample_detail_elem = Convert.ToInt64(bgvBatchCalc2.GetFocusedRowCellValue("Idrecep_sample_detail_elem")); ofmPopupContent.Idbatch = Idbatch; ofmPopupContent.TypeSample = type_sample; if (ofmPopupContent.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { if (tabTreeQaqc.SelectedTabPageIndex == 0) // approved samples { // --- save observation and change of method if (ofmPopupContent.Text_obs.Trim().Length > 0) { current_row.Qaqc_approve_text = ofmPopupContent.Text_obs; current_row.Qaqc_tmp_retest_idmethod = 0; current_row.Qaqc_tmp_retest = 0; DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CellValueChangedEventArgs e = new CellValueChangedEventArgs(bgvBatchCalc2.FocusedRowHandle, gv2col_Qaqc_approve_text, ofmPopupContent.Idtemplate_method); ModifyWhenCellChanged(e); } if (ofmPopupContent.EnableRetest) { current_row.Qaqc_approve_text = ofmPopupContent.Text_obs; current_row.Qaqc_tmp_retest_idmethod = ofmPopupContent.Idtemplate_method; current_row.Qaqc_tmp_retest = 1; current_row.Qaqc_has_retest = 1; DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CellValueChangedEventArgs e = new CellValueChangedEventArgs(bgvBatchCalc2.FocusedRowHandle, gv2col_Qaqc_tmp_retest_idmethod, ofmPopupContent.Idtemplate_method); ModifyWhenCellChanged(e); } //oPivotDataBatch.ListSamples[bgvBatchCalc2.FocusedRowHandle].Qaqc_approve = true; result = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; } else // review samples { // --- save observation and change of method if (ofmPopupContent.Text_obs.Trim().Length > 0) { current_row.Qaqc_review_text = ofmPopupContent.Text_obs; current_row.Qaqc_tmp_retest_idmethod = 0; current_row.Qaqc_tmp_retest = 0; DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CellValueChangedEventArgs e = new CellValueChangedEventArgs(bgvBatchCalc2.FocusedRowHandle, gv2col_Qaqc_review_text, ofmPopupContent.Idtemplate_method); ModifyWhenCellChanged(e); } if (ofmPopupContent.EnableRetest) { current_row.Qaqc_review_text = ofmPopupContent.Text_obs; current_row.Qaqc_tmp_retest_idmethod = ofmPopupContent.Idtemplate_method; current_row.Qaqc_tmp_retest = 1; current_row.Qaqc_has_retest = 1; DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CellValueChangedEventArgs e = new CellValueChangedEventArgs(bgvBatchCalc2.FocusedRowHandle, gv2col_Qaqc_tmp_retest_idmethod, ofmPopupContent.Idtemplate_method); ModifyWhenCellChanged(e); } bgvBatchCalc2.UpdateCurrentRow(); result = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; } } else { if (tabTreeQaqc.SelectedTabPageIndex == 0) // approved samples bgvBatchCalc2.SetRowCellValue(bgvBatchCalc2.FocusedRowHandle, "Qaqc_approve", false); } // --- OPTIMIZAR A USER CONTROL if (AllSamplesApproveSelected()) paAuthorization.Visible = true; else paAuthorization.Visible = false; return result; }
void InitTreeBatch(Comun.StatusWork statusWork) { if (statusWork == Comun.StatusWork.Waiting) { treeTrayWaiting.DataSource = new ModQaQc().GetAllTree(cbAuthorizationWait.EditValue.ToString(), "M002", false, deFrom.DateTime, deUntil.DateTime, 0, 0); if (treeTrayWaiting.Nodes.Count > 0) { treeTrayWaiting.FocusedNode = treeTrayWaiting.Nodes.FirstNode; } else { gcBachCalc.DataSource = null; } treeTrayWaiting.BestFitColumns(); treeTrayWaiting.Columns["Date_result"].SortOrder = SortOrder.Ascending; treeTrayWaiting.Columns["Hour_result"].SortOrder = SortOrder.Ascending; } else if (statusWork == Comun.StatusWork.Management) { bool enabled_history = false; if (cbAuthorizationApproved.EditValue.ToString() == "0000") enabled_history = true; long? idrecep_sample_detail = null; if (ckSample.Checked) idrecep_sample_detail = Convert.ToInt64(txSample.EditValue); long? idcompany = null; if (ckCompany.Checked) idcompany = Convert.ToInt64(cbCompany.EditValue); treeTrayFinished.DataSource = new ModQaQc().GetAllTree(cbAuthorizationApproved.EditValue.ToString(), "M003", enabled_history, deFrom.DateTime, deUntil.DateTime, idrecep_sample_detail, idcompany); if (treeTrayFinished.Nodes.Count > 0) { //treeTrayFinished.FocusedNode = treeTrayFinished.Nodes[0].ParentNode; treeTrayFinished.FocusedNode = treeTrayFinished.Nodes.FirstNode; } else { gcBachCalc.DataSource = null; } treeTrayFinished.BestFitColumns(); treeTrayWaiting.Columns["Date_result"].SortOrder = SortOrder.Ascending; treeTrayWaiting.Columns["Hour_result"].SortOrder = SortOrder.Ascending; } }
public void Show_controls(Comun.WindowsTray window) { if (window == Comun.WindowsTray.PendingApprove) { this.Text = "Aprobar"; gvListRetest.OptionsBehavior.Editable = false; btOkLstRetest.Enabled = false; } else { this.Text = "Revisar"; if (Has_wait_samples()) { gvListRetest.OptionsBehavior.Editable = false; btOkLstRetest.Enabled = false; } else { gvListRetest.OptionsBehavior.Editable = true; btOkLstRetest.Enabled = true; } } }
void ShowColumnsByTypeAnalysis(Comun.TypeAnalysis type_analysis) { switch (type_analysis) { case Comun.TypeAnalysis.AbsorcionAtomica: ShowColumnsAA(); break; case Comun.TypeAnalysis.Volumetria: ShowColumnsVC(); break; case Comun.TypeAnalysis.Gravimetria: ShowColumnsGR(); break; case Comun.TypeAnalysis.NewmontAA: ShowColumnsNewmontAA(); break; case Comun.TypeAnalysis.NewmontGr: ShowColumnsNewmontGR(); break; } }
public void ExecuteQaqc(Comun.StatusWork statusWork) { if (statusWork == Comun.StatusWork.Waiting) { oQualitycontrol = new CQualityControl(ListSamples, Idtemplate_method); RefreshQaqcSummary(); } else RefreshQaqcSummary(); }
public tpersonaRelacionada(RHH.tpersonal persona, Comun.TEstandar parentesco, bool esnuevo) { this.Parentesco = parentesco; this.EsNuevo = esnuevo; this.Persona = persona; }