Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void playerClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var button = (Button)sender;                  // check which button was clicked

            currentPlayer    = Player.X;                  // set currentPLayer to x
            button.Text      = currentPlayer.ToString();  // change button to x's
            button.Enabled   = false;                     // make it so they cant click it again
            button.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Cyan; // change background color of the button
            buttons.Remove(button);                       // remove button from our list so computer knows not to use it
            Check();                                      // check for a winning move
            Computermoves.Start();                        // starts times for computer
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void Computermove(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (buttons.Count > 0)                                          // only try to click something if there are buttons to click!
         int index = rand.Next(buttons.Count);                       // create rand number between the available buttons
         buttons[index].Enabled   = false;
         currentPlayer            = Player.O;                        // set player to O
         buttons[index].Text      = currentPlayer.ToString();        // set the text to O on button
         buttons[index].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkSalmon; // change background color
         buttons.RemoveAt(index);                                    // remove this button from list
         Check();                                                    // check for a winning move
         Computermoves.Stop();                                       // stops computer timer
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void Check()
            //if player wins
            if (button1.Text == "X" && button2.Text == "X" && button3.Text == "X" ||
                button4.Text == "X" && button5.Text == "X" && button6.Text == "X" ||
                button7.Text == "X" && button9.Text == "X" && button8.Text == "X" ||
                button1.Text == "X" && button4.Text == "X" && button7.Text == "X" ||
                button2.Text == "X" && button5.Text == "X" && button8.Text == "X" ||
                button3.Text == "X" && button6.Text == "X" && button9.Text == "X" ||
                button1.Text == "X" && button5.Text == "X" && button9.Text == "X" ||
                button3.Text == "X" && button5.Text == "X" && button7.Text == "X")
                MessageBox.Show("You won!");
                PlayerWins1.Text = "Player Wins: " + playerWins;

            //if comp wins
            if (button1.Text == "O" && button2.Text == "O" && button3.Text == "O" ||
                button4.Text == "O" && button5.Text == "O" && button6.Text == "O" ||
                button7.Text == "O" && button9.Text == "O" && button8.Text == "O" ||
                button1.Text == "O" && button4.Text == "O" && button7.Text == "O" ||
                button2.Text == "O" && button5.Text == "O" && button8.Text == "O" ||
                button3.Text == "O" && button6.Text == "O" && button9.Text == "O" ||
                button1.Text == "O" && button5.Text == "O" && button9.Text == "O" ||
                button3.Text == "O" && button5.Text == "O" && button7.Text == "O")
                MessageBox.Show("Computer won!");
                Computerwins1.Text = "Computer Wins: " + computerWins;