Ejemplo n.º 1
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Using the class with delegate instances
        int            N  = 4;
        ArrayGenerator a1 = new ArrayGenerator(N, Square);
        ArrayGenerator a2 = new ArrayGenerator(N, Cube);
        ArrayGenerator a3 = new ArrayGenerator(N, ModifiedExponential);


        // Lambda calculus; write Square, Cube and ModifiedExponential
        // in lambda form
        ComputableFunction SquareII = x => x * x;
        ComputableFunction CubeII   = x => x * x * x;
        ComputableFunction ModifiedExponentialII = x => x *Math.Exp(x);

        int            M  = 3;
        ArrayGenerator A1 = new ArrayGenerator(N, SquareII);
        ArrayGenerator A2 = new ArrayGenerator(N, CubeII);
        ArrayGenerator A3 = new ArrayGenerator(N, ModifiedExponentialII);


        // Using a statement block for lambda expressions
        ComputableFunction TrickyFunc = x => { double y = x * x; return(y + 1); };

        M = 1;
        ArrayGenerator A4 = new ArrayGenerator(M, TrickyFunc);


        /*        Transformer square = x => x * x;
         *      Console.WriteLine(square(3));
         *      // Anonymous mehod
         *      Transformer s2 = delegate (int x) {return x + x;};
         *      Console.WriteLine(s2(34));
         *      int seed = 0;
         *      NumericSequence natural = () => seed++;
         *      Console.WriteLine(natural());
         *      Console.WriteLine(natural());
         *      Console.WriteLine("///////////////////////Using GENERIC Lambda calculus");
         *      // Generics
         *      // delegate T FuncOne<T>(T t);
         *      // delegate T Func<T>(T t1, T t2);
         *      // delegate void Action<T>(T t1, T t2);
         *      FuncOne<int> f1 = (int x) => x * x;
         *      Console.WriteLine(f1(3));
         *      FuncOne<double> f2 = (double x) => x * x;
         *      Console.WriteLine(f2(3.1415));
         *      Func<int> f3 = (int x, int y) => x + y;
         *      Console.WriteLine(f3(3, 4));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public ArrayGenerator(int size, ComputableFunction myFunction)
     N    = size;
     func = myFunction;