Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// For a given tour, it determines if there were any errors loading
        /// that tour.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tourData">Tour data to load - contains both pilot and tour ids.</param>
        /// <returns>true if loader errors found, false otherwise.</returns>
        private bool TourIsInError(CompleteTourData tourData)
            if (tourData.Score == null || tourData.Stats == null)

            // See if we can find a match for this tour/person combo in the errors lists
            return(_threadParam.ScoreErrorList.Any(error => error.TourId == tourData.TourId && error.PilotName == tourData.PilotId) ||
                   _threadParam.StatsErrorList.Any(error => error.TourId == tourData.TourId && error.PilotName == tourData.PilotId));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// For a given tour, it determines if there were any errors loading
        /// that tour. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tourData">Tour data to load - contains both pilot and tour ids.</param>
        /// <returns>true if loader errors found, false otherwise.</returns>
        private bool TourIsInError(CompleteTourData tourData)
            if (tourData.score == null || tourData.stats == null)
                return true;

            bool inError = false;

            // See if we can find a match for this tour/person combo in the errors lists.
            foreach (LoaderError error in _threadParam.scoreErrorList)
                if (error.tourId == tourData.tourId && error.pilotName == tourData.pilotId)
                    inError = true;
            foreach (LoaderError error in _threadParam.statsErrorList)
                if (error.tourId == tourData.tourId && error.pilotName == tourData.pilotId)
                    inError = true;

            return inError;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the post load complete processing.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessLoadCompleted()
            List<CompleteTourData> results = new List<CompleteTourData>();

            // Compile stats and scores into one logical unit.
            foreach (string pilotId in _threadParam.pilotIdList)
                foreach (TourNode tour in _threadParam.toursToLoad)
                    CompleteTourData compTourData = new CompleteTourData();

                    compTourData.pilotId = pilotId;
                    compTourData.tourId = tour.TourId;
                    compTourData.score = FindPilotTourScore(pilotId, tour.TourId);
                    compTourData.stats = FindPilotTourStats(pilotId, tour.TourId);


            // Write each complete tour data results out to disk.
            foreach(CompleteTourData tourData in results)
                if (!TourIsInError(tourData))
                    // write out as one logical whole.
                    new XMLObjectSerialiser<AcesHighPilotScore>().WriteXMLFile(tourData.score, string.Format(".\\Data\\{0}_{1}_Score_{2}.xml", tourData.pilotId, tourData.score.TourType, tourData.score.TourId));
                    new XMLObjectSerialiser<AcesHighPilotStats>().WriteXMLFile(tourData.stats, string.Format(".\\Data\\{0}_{1}_Stats_{2}.xml", tourData.pilotId, tourData.stats.TourType, tourData.stats.TourId));

            // Display any errors that the loader threads caught to the user.

            // Update the Registry and refresh the form.
            if (cmbBoxSquadSelect.SelectedItem.ToString() == _notSelectedText)

            this.progressBarLoading.Value = 0;