Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulator"></param>
        public void CompleteAgentMovement(Simulator simulator)
            CompleteAgentMovementPacket move = new CompleteAgentMovementPacket();

            move.AgentData.AgentID     = Client.Network.AgentID;
            move.AgentData.SessionID   = Client.Network.SessionID;
            move.AgentData.CircuitCode = simulator.CircuitCode;

            Client.Network.SendPacket(move, simulator);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Move an agent in to a simulator. This packet is the last packet
        /// needed to complete the transition in to a new simulator
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulator"><seealso cref="T:OpenMetaverse.Simulator"/> Object</param>
        public void CompleteAgentMovement(Simulator simulator)
            CompleteAgentMovementPacket move = new CompleteAgentMovementPacket();

            move.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Self.AgentID;
            move.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Self.SessionID;
            move.AgentData.CircuitCode = Client.Network.CircuitCode;

            Client.Network.SendPacket(move, simulator);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packet"></param>
        /// <param name="simulator"></param>
        private void TeleportHandler(Packet packet, Simulator simulator)
            if (packet.Type == PacketType.TeleportStart)
                TeleportMessage = "Teleport started";
                TeleportStat    = TeleportStatus.Start;

                if (OnBeginTeleport != null)
                    OnBeginTeleport(TeleportMessage, TeleportStat);
            else if (packet.Type == PacketType.TeleportProgress)
                TeleportMessage = Helpers.FieldToString(((TeleportProgressPacket)packet).Info.Message);
                TeleportStat    = TeleportStatus.Progress;

                if (OnBeginTeleport != null)
                    OnBeginTeleport(TeleportMessage, TeleportStat);
            else if (packet.Type == PacketType.TeleportFailed)
                TeleportMessage = Helpers.FieldToString(((TeleportFailedPacket)packet).Info.Reason);
                TeleportStat    = TeleportStatus.Failed;

                if (OnBeginTeleport != null)
                    OnBeginTeleport(TeleportMessage, TeleportStat);

                OnBeginTeleport = null;
            else if (packet.Type == PacketType.TeleportFinish)
                TeleportFinishPacket finish = (TeleportFinishPacket)packet;

                // Connect to the new sim
                Simulator sim = Client.Network.Connect(new IPAddress((long)finish.Info.SimIP), finish.Info.SimPort,
                                                       simulator.CircuitCode, true);

                if (sim != null)
                    TeleportMessage = "Teleport finished";
                    TeleportStat    = TeleportStatus.Finished;

                    // Move the avatar in to the new sim
                    CompleteAgentMovementPacket move = new CompleteAgentMovementPacket();

                    move.AgentData.AgentID     = Client.Network.AgentID;
                    move.AgentData.SessionID   = Client.Network.SessionID;
                    move.AgentData.CircuitCode = simulator.CircuitCode;



                    Client.Log("Moved to new sim " + Client.Network.CurrentSim.Region.Name + "(" +
                               Client.Network.CurrentSim.IPEndPoint.ToString() + ")",

                    if (OnBeginTeleport != null)
                        OnBeginTeleport(TeleportMessage, TeleportStat);
                        // Sleep a little while so we can collect parcel information
                    TeleportMessage = "Failed to connect to the new sim after a teleport";
                    TeleportStat    = TeleportStatus.Failed;

                    Client.Log(TeleportMessage, Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);

                    if (OnBeginTeleport != null)
                        OnBeginTeleport(TeleportMessage, TeleportStat);

                OnBeginTeleport = null;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packet"></param>
        /// <param name="simulator"></param>
        private void TeleportHandler(Packet packet, Simulator simulator)
            if (packet.Type == PacketType.TeleportStart)
                TeleportMessage = "Teleport started";
                TeleportStat = TeleportStatus.Start;

                if (OnBeginTeleport != null)
                    OnBeginTeleport(TeleportMessage, TeleportStat);
            else if (packet.Type == PacketType.TeleportProgress)
                TeleportMessage = Helpers.FieldToString(((TeleportProgressPacket)packet).Info.Message);
                TeleportStat = TeleportStatus.Progress;

                if (OnBeginTeleport != null)
                    OnBeginTeleport(TeleportMessage, TeleportStat);
            else if (packet.Type == PacketType.TeleportFailed)
                TeleportMessage = Helpers.FieldToString(((TeleportFailedPacket)packet).Info.Reason);
                TeleportStat = TeleportStatus.Failed;

                if (OnBeginTeleport != null)
                    OnBeginTeleport(TeleportMessage, TeleportStat);

                OnBeginTeleport = null;
            else if (packet.Type == PacketType.TeleportFinish)
                TeleportFinishPacket finish = (TeleportFinishPacket)packet;

                // Connect to the new sim
                Simulator sim = Client.Network.Connect(new IPAddress((long)finish.Info.SimIP), finish.Info.SimPort,
                    simulator.CircuitCode, true);

                if ( sim != null)
                    TeleportMessage = "Teleport finished";
                    TeleportStat = TeleportStatus.Finished;

                    // Move the avatar in to the new sim
                    CompleteAgentMovementPacket move = new CompleteAgentMovementPacket();

                    move.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Network.AgentID;
                    move.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Network.SessionID;
                    move.AgentData.CircuitCode = simulator.CircuitCode;



                    Client.Log("Moved to new sim " + Client.Network.CurrentSim.Region.Name + "(" +
                        Client.Network.CurrentSim.IPEndPoint.ToString() + ")",

                    if (OnBeginTeleport != null)
                        OnBeginTeleport(TeleportMessage, TeleportStat);
                        // Sleep a little while so we can collect parcel information
                    TeleportMessage = "Failed to connect to the new sim after a teleport";
                    TeleportStat = TeleportStatus.Failed;

                    Client.Log(TeleportMessage, Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);

                    if (OnBeginTeleport != null)
                        OnBeginTeleport(TeleportMessage, TeleportStat);

                OnBeginTeleport = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for teleport Requests
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packet">Incoming TeleportHandler packet</param>
        /// <param name="simulator">Simulator sending teleport information</param>
        private void TeleportHandler(Packet packet, Simulator simulator)
            if (packet.Type == PacketType.TeleportStart)
                Client.DebugLog("TeleportStart received from " + simulator.ToString());

                teleportMessage = "Teleport started";
                TeleportStat = TeleportStatus.Start;

                if (OnBeginTeleport != null)
                    OnBeginTeleport(Client.Network.CurrentSim, teleportMessage, TeleportStat);
            else if (packet.Type == PacketType.TeleportProgress)
                Client.DebugLog("TeleportProgress received from " + simulator.ToString());

                teleportMessage = Helpers.FieldToString(((TeleportProgressPacket)packet).Info.Message);
                TeleportStat = TeleportStatus.Progress;

                if (OnBeginTeleport != null)
                    OnBeginTeleport(Client.Network.CurrentSim, teleportMessage, TeleportStat);
            else if (packet.Type == PacketType.TeleportFailed)
                Client.DebugLog("TeleportFailed received from " + simulator.ToString());

                teleportMessage = Helpers.FieldToString(((TeleportFailedPacket)packet).Info.Reason);
                TeleportStat = TeleportStatus.Failed;

                if (OnBeginTeleport != null)
                    OnBeginTeleport(Client.Network.CurrentSim, teleportMessage, TeleportStat);

                OnBeginTeleport = null;
            else if (packet.Type == PacketType.TeleportFinish)
                Client.DebugLog("TeleportFinish received from " + simulator.ToString());

                TeleportFinishPacket finish = (TeleportFinishPacket)packet;
                Simulator previousSim = Client.Network.CurrentSim;

                // Connect to the new sim
            String seedcaps = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(finish.Info.SeedCapability).Replace("\x00","");
                Simulator sim = Client.Network.Connect(new IPAddress((long)finish.Info.SimIP), finish.Info.SimPort,
                    simulator.CircuitCode, true, seedcaps);

                if (sim != null)
                    teleportMessage = "Teleport finished";
                    TeleportStat = TeleportStatus.Finished;

                    // Move the avatar in to the new sim
                    CompleteAgentMovementPacket move = new CompleteAgentMovementPacket();
                    move.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Network.AgentID;
                    move.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Network.SessionID;
                    move.AgentData.CircuitCode = simulator.CircuitCode;
                    Client.Network.SendPacket(move, sim);

                    // Disconnect from the previous sim

                    Client.Log("Moved to new sim " + sim.ToString(), Helpers.LogLevel.Info);

                    if (OnBeginTeleport != null)
                        OnBeginTeleport(sim, teleportMessage, TeleportStat);
                        // Sleep a little while so we can collect parcel information
                        // NOTE: This doesn't belong in libsecondlife
                        // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000);
                    teleportMessage = "Failed to connect to the new sim after a teleport";
                    TeleportStat = TeleportStatus.Failed;

                    // FIXME: Set the previous CurrentSim to the current simulator again

                    Client.Log(teleportMessage, Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);

                    if (OnBeginTeleport != null)
                        OnBeginTeleport(Client.Network.CurrentSim, teleportMessage, TeleportStat);

                OnBeginTeleport = null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Move an agent in to a simulator. This packet is the last packet
        /// needed to complete the transition in to a new simulator
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulator"><seealso cref="T:OpenMetaverse.Simulator"/> Object</param>
        public void CompleteAgentMovement(Simulator simulator)
            CompleteAgentMovementPacket move = new CompleteAgentMovementPacket();

            move.AgentData.AgentID = AgentID;
            move.AgentData.SessionID = SessionID;
            move.AgentData.CircuitCode = CircuitCode;

            SendPacket(move, simulator);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        void CompleteAgentMovementHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            CompleteAgentMovementPacket request = (CompleteAgentMovementPacket)packet;

            // Create a representation for this agent
            Avatar avatar = new Avatar();

            avatar.ID                = agent.AgentID;
            avatar.LocalID           = (uint)Interlocked.Increment(ref currentLocalID);
            avatar.Position          = new Vector3(128f, 128f, 25f);
            avatar.Rotation          = Quaternion.Identity;
            avatar.Scale             = new Vector3(0.45f, 0.6f, 1.9f);
            avatar.PrimData.Material = Material.Flesh;
            avatar.PrimData.PCode    = PCode.Avatar;

            // Create a default outfit for the avatar
            Primitive.TextureEntry te = new Primitive.TextureEntry(new UUID("c228d1cf-4b5d-4ba8-84f4-899a0796aa97"));
            avatar.Textures = te;

            // Set the avatar name
            NameValue[] name = new NameValue[2];
            name[0] = new NameValue("FirstName", NameValue.ValueType.String, NameValue.ClassType.ReadWrite,
                                    NameValue.SendtoType.SimViewer, agent.FirstName);
            name[1] = new NameValue("LastName", NameValue.ValueType.String, NameValue.ClassType.ReadWrite,
                                    NameValue.SendtoType.SimViewer, agent.LastName);
            avatar.NameValues = name;

            // Link this avatar up with the corresponding agent
            agent.Avatar = avatar;

            // Give testers a provisionary balance of 1000L
            agent.Balance = 1000;

            // Add this avatar as an object in the scene
            if (ObjectAdd(this, agent, new SimulationObject(agent.Avatar, server), PrimFlags.None))
                // Send a response back to the client
                AgentMovementCompletePacket complete = new AgentMovementCompletePacket();
                complete.AgentData.AgentID      = agent.AgentID;
                complete.AgentData.SessionID    = agent.SessionID;
                complete.Data.LookAt            = Vector3.UnitX;
                complete.Data.Position          = avatar.Position;
                complete.Data.RegionHandle      = server.RegionHandle;
                complete.Data.Timestamp         = Utils.DateTimeToUnixTime(DateTime.Now);
                complete.SimData.ChannelVersion = Utils.StringToBytes("Simian");

                server.UDP.SendPacket(agent.AgentID, complete, PacketCategory.Transaction);

                // Send updates and appearances for every avatar to this new avatar

                //HACK: Notify everyone when someone logs on to the simulator
                OnlineNotificationPacket online = new OnlineNotificationPacket();
                online.AgentBlock            = new OnlineNotificationPacket.AgentBlockBlock[1];
                online.AgentBlock[0]         = new OnlineNotificationPacket.AgentBlockBlock();
                online.AgentBlock[0].AgentID = agent.AgentID;
                server.UDP.BroadcastPacket(online, PacketCategory.State);
                Logger.Log("Received a CompleteAgentMovement from an avatar already in the scene, " +
                           agent.FullName, Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);