Ejemplo n.º 1
    public static CompiledMethod compile(string str)
        CompiledMethod compiled = null;

        Evaluator.Compile(str, out compiled);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Compiles the input string and returns a delegate that represents the compiled code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   Compiles the input string as a C# expression or
        ///   statement, unlike the Evaluate method, the
        ///   resulting delegate can be invoked multiple times
        ///   without incurring in the compilation overhead.
        ///   If the return value of this function is null,
        ///   this indicates that the parsing was complete.
        ///   If the return value is a string it indicates
        ///   that the input string was partial and that the
        ///   invoking code should provide more code before
        ///   the code can be successfully compiled.
        ///   If you know that you will always get full expressions or
        ///   statements and do not care about partial input, you can use
        ///   the other Compile overload.
        ///   On success, in addition to returning null, the
        ///   compiled parameter will be set to the delegate
        ///   that can be invoked to execute the code.
        /// </remarks>
        static public string Compile(string input, out CompiledMethod compiled)
            if (input == null || input.Length == 0)
                compiled = null;

            lock (evaluator_lock)
                if (!inited)

                //	RootContext.ToplevelTypes = new ModuleContainer (ctx);

                bool         partial_input;
                CSharpParser parser = ParseString(ParseMode.Silent, input, out partial_input);
                if (parser == null)
                    compiled = null;
                    if (partial_input)

                    ParseString(ParseMode.ReportErrors, input, out partial_input);

                object parser_result = parser.InteractiveResult;

                if (!(parser_result is Class))
                    int errors = ctx.Report.Errors;

                    if (errors == ctx.Report.Errors)
                        parser.CurrentNamespace.Extract(using_alias_list, using_list);

                throw new NotSupportedException();
                compiled = CompileBlock(parser_result as Class, parser.undo, ctx.Report);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Look-up a method implementation starting with the given class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cls">Class where to start searching for the method (unless superLookupScope) is set.</param>
        /// <param name="superLookupScope">If set, start the lookup from the superclass of this class.</param>
        /// <param name="lookupFunction">Function to perform the method lookup.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the compiled method for the given selector or null if none was found.</returns>
        public static CompiledMethod LookupMethod(ref SmalltalkClass cls, Symbol superLookupScope, Func <SmalltalkClass, CompiledMethod> lookupFunction)
            if (lookupFunction == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("lookupFunction");

            while (cls != null)
                if (superLookupScope == null)
                    CompiledMethod method = lookupFunction(cls);
                    if (method != null)
                    if (cls.Name == superLookupScope)
                        superLookupScope = null;
                cls = cls.Superclass;

            // No method ... no luck;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new entity that was embedded next in the stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The System.IO.BinaryReader to use.</param>
        public Entity(BinaryReader stream)
            X = stream.ReadInt16();
            Y = stream.ReadInt16();
            Layer = stream.ReadInt16();
            Scripts = new List<string>();
            Type = (EntityType)stream.ReadInt16();

            short len;
            if (Type == EntityType.Person)
                len = stream.ReadInt16();
                Name = new string(stream.ReadChars(len));
                len = stream.ReadInt16();
                Spriteset = new string(stream.ReadChars(len));
                int scripts = stream.ReadInt16();

                // read the person script data
                for (int i = 0; i < scripts; ++i)
                    len = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Scripts.Add(new string(stream.ReadChars(len)));

                stream.ReadBytes(16); // reserved
                len = stream.ReadInt16();
                Function = new string(stream.ReadChars(len));
                Trigger = new CompiledMethod(Program._engine, Function);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// If <paramref name="method"/> matches the pattern, the method will be disassembled
        /// to the output writer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method">The method IR.</param>
        public void DumpMethod(CompiledMethod method)
            if (!ShouldLog(method.FullName))
            Debug.Assert(Writer is object);

            // Write the full name as a comment
            Writer.Write("; ");

            // Disassemble the method
            if (method.Body is null)
                Writer.WriteLine("; (Method has no body)");
                var builder = new StringBuilder();
                MethodDisassembler.Disassemble(method, builder);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Bool_non_constant_unary_expression_compiled_successfully(string expressionString, Opcode expectedOp)
            var expressionSyntax = ParseExpression(expressionString);
            var method           = new CompiledMethod("Test::Method");
            var builder          = new BasicBlockGraphBuilder().GetInitialBlockBuilder();
            var diagnostics      = new TestingDiagnosticSink();
            var variableMap      = new ScopedVariableMap();

            variableMap.TryAddVariable("a", method.AddLocal(SimpleType.Bool, LocalFlags.None));

            var localIndex = ExpressionCompiler.TryCompileExpression(expressionSyntax,
                                                                     SimpleType.Bool, method, builder, new TestingResolver(variableMap), diagnostics);

            Assert.That(diagnostics.Diagnostics, Is.Empty);
            Assert.That(localIndex, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(method.Values[localIndex].Type, Is.EqualTo(SimpleType.Bool));
            Assert.That(builder.Instructions, Has.Exactly(1).Items);

            var instruction = builder.Instructions[0];

            Assert.That(instruction.Operation, Is.EqualTo(expectedOp));
            Assert.That(instruction.Left, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(instruction.Destination, Is.EqualTo(1));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static LowMethod <X64Register> Lower(CompiledMethod highMethod)
            Debug.Assert(highMethod.Body != null);
            Debug.Assert(highMethod.Body.BasicBlocks.Count > 0);

            var lowMethod = new LowMethod <X64Register>();

            // Create locals for SSA values
            // Additional locals may be created by instructions
            var paramCount = 0;

            foreach (var value in highMethod.Values)
                if (value.Flags.HasFlag(LocalFlags.Parameter))
                lowMethod.Locals.Add(new LowLocal <X64Register>(value.Type));

            // Convert each basic block
            var methodHasCalls = false;

            for (var i = 0; i < highMethod.Body.BasicBlocks.Count; i++)
                var highBlock = highMethod.Body.BasicBlocks[i];
                lowMethod.Blocks.Add(ConvertBlock(highBlock, highMethod, lowMethod, i == 0, paramCount, out var blockHasCalls));
                methodHasCalls |= blockHasCalls;

            lowMethod.IsLeafMethod = !methodHasCalls;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void DisassembleBody_three_basic_blocks_with_branch_2()
            var graphBuilder = new BasicBlockGraphBuilder();
            var firstBuilder = graphBuilder.GetInitialBlockBuilder();

            // In this test case, the return succeeds the initial block...
            var returnBuilder = firstBuilder.CreateBranch(1);

            returnBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.Return, 0, 0, 0);
            var loopBuilder = firstBuilder.CreateSuccessorBlock();

            loopBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.Nop, 0, 0, 0);

            var method = new CompiledMethod("Test::Method")
                Body = graphBuilder.Build()

            // ...and both successors are displayed.
            const string expected = "BB_0:\n    BranchIf #1 ==> BB_1\n    ==> BB_2\n\n" +
                                    "BB_1:\n    Return #0\n\n" +
                                    "BB_2:\n    Nop\n    ==> BB_0\n\n";

            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            MethodDisassembler.DisassembleBody(method, builder);
            Assert.That(builder.ToString().Replace("\r\n", "\n"), Is.EqualTo(expected));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void DisassembleBody_single_basic_block_with_several_instructions()
            // TODO: Add new instructions to this test

            var graphBuilder = new BasicBlockGraphBuilder();
            var blockBuilder = graphBuilder.GetInitialBlockBuilder();

            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.Load, unchecked ((ulong)-17), 0, 0);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.Load, 1, 0, 1);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.CopyValue, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.Add, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.Subtract, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.Multiply, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.Divide, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.Modulo, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.ArithmeticNegate, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.ShiftLeft, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.ShiftRight, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.BitwiseAnd, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.BitwiseNot, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.BitwiseOr, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.BitwiseXor, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.Less, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.LessOrEqual, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.Equal, 1, 0, 2);
            blockBuilder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.Return, 2, 0, 0);
            var method = new CompiledMethod("Test::Method")
                Body = graphBuilder.Build()

            method.AddLocal(SimpleType.Int32, LocalFlags.None);
            method.AddLocal(SimpleType.Bool, LocalFlags.None);

            const string expected = "BB_0:\n" +
                                    "    Load -17 -> #0\n" +
                                    "    Load true -> #1\n" +
                                    "    CopyValue #1 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    Add #1 + #0 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    Subtract #1 - #0 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    Multiply #1 * #0 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    Divide #1 / #0 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    Modulo #1 % #0 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    ArithmeticNegate #1 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    ShiftLeft #1 << #0 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    ShiftRight #1 >> #0 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    BitwiseAnd #1 & #0 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    BitwiseNot #1 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    BitwiseOr #1 | #0 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    BitwiseXor #1 ^ #0 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    Less #1 < #0 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    LessOrEqual #1 <= #0 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    Equal #1 == #0 -> #2\n" +
                                    "    Return #2\n\n";

            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            MethodDisassembler.DisassembleBody(method, builder);
            Assert.That(builder.ToString().Replace("\r\n", "\n"), Is.EqualTo(expected));
Ejemplo n.º 10
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads the script from the specified text.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="text">The code text.</param>
    /// <param name="scriptName">The script name.</param>
    public bool LoadScript(string text, string scriptName)
        evaluator = new Evaluator(new CompilerContext(new CompilerSettings(), CompilationResult));
        foreach (Assembly assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())

        var resAssembly = GetCompiledAssembly(scriptName);

        if (resAssembly == null)
            CompiledMethod cm = evaluator.Compile(text + GetConnectionPointClassDeclaration(scriptName));

            resAssembly = GetCompiledAssembly(scriptName);

        if (resAssembly == null)
            if (CompilationResult.HasErrors)
                    string.Format("[{0}] CSharp compile errors ({1}): {2}", scriptName, CompilationResult.Errors.Count, CompilationResult.GetErrorsLog()));



Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void PrintMethod(CompiledMethod cmethod, ITextOutput output, DecompilationOptions options)
            if ((cmethod != null) && (cmethod.RLBody != null))
                var body        = cmethod.RLBody;
                var basicBlocks = BasicBlock.Find(body);

                foreach (var block in basicBlocks)
                    output.Write(string.Format("D_{0:X4}:", block.Entry.Index));
                    foreach (var ins in block.Instructions)
                        if (ShowHasSeqPoint)
                            if (ins.SequencePoint != null)
                                output.Write(ins.SequencePoint.IsSpecial ? "!" : "~");


                if (body.Exceptions.Any())
                    output.Write("Exception handlers:");
                    foreach (var handler in body.Exceptions)
                        output.Write(string.Format("{0:x4}-{1:x4}", handler.TryStart.Index, handler.TryEnd.Index));
                        foreach (var c in handler.Catches)
                            output.Write(string.Format("{0} => {1:x4}", c.Type, c.Instruction.Index));
                        if (handler.CatchAll != null)
                            output.Write(string.Format("{0} => {1:x4}", "<any>", handler.CatchAll.Index));
                output.Write("Method not found in dex");
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Safe version of
 /// <see cref="Evaluator.Compile(string)"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input"></param>
 /// <param name="result"></param>
 /// <param name="timeout"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool TryCompile(string input, out CompiledMethod result, int timeout)
                () => Evaluator.Compile(input),
                out result));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies that the method has disassembly equal to <paramref name="expected"/>.
        /// Both the actual and expected strings are trimmed and linefeed normalized.
        /// </summary>
        protected void AssertDisassembly(CompiledMethod compiledMethod, string expected)
            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            MethodDisassembler.Disassemble(compiledMethod, builder);

            Assert.That(builder.ToString().Trim().Replace("\r\n", "\n"),
                        Is.EqualTo(expected.Trim().Replace("\r\n", "\n")));
Ejemplo n.º 14
    public void TestCompiled(int milliseconds)
        CompilerSettings cts = new CompilerSettings();

        cts.Unsafe = true;
        CompilerContext ctx = new CompilerContext(cts, new ConsoleReportPrinter());
        Evaluator       ev  = new Evaluator(ctx);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // A compiled expression will be simple sealed as a function.
        // THis method is parameterless.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch();


        const string evClassDef =
            public class EVTest
                public int Add(int a, int b)
                    return a + b;

        const string evExpression = @"new EVTest();";

        // Notice this is not C# itself, it is an REPL style C#.
        // This command will "import" this class to ev's execution context.

        // Looks like holding the returning object...
        CompiledMethod res = ev.Compile(evExpression);

        // This will obviously not cause memory leak...
        while (st.ElapsedMilliseconds <= milliseconds)
            object evtest = null;
            res.Invoke(ref evtest);
            int ans = (int)evtest.GetType().InvokeMember("Add", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, evtest, new object[] { 1, 2 });
            Debug.Assert(ans == 1 + 2);

        // 64MB memory limitation.
        const int bytesLimit = 1 << 26;

        using (var proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess())
            Debug.Assert(Process.GetCurrentProcess().PrivateMemorySize64 <= bytesLimit);

        Console.WriteLine("Test.Compile Finished.");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void DumpMethod_does_not_dump_non_matching_method()
            var writer = new StringWriter();
            var logger = new DebugLogger(writer, "Namespace::");
            var method = new CompiledMethod("other::method");


            Assert.That(writer.ToString(), Is.Empty);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private static bool TryCompileCall(FunctionCallSyntax call, CompiledMethod method, BasicBlockBuilder builder,
                                           IDiagnosticSink diagnostics, INameResolver nameResolver, out Temporary value)
            value = default;

            // Get the callee
            var matchingMethods = nameResolver.ResolveMethod(call.Function.Name);

            if (matchingMethods.Count == 0)
                diagnostics.Add(DiagnosticCode.MethodNotFound, call.Function.Position, call.Function.Name);
            else if (matchingMethods.Count > 1)
                // TODO: Test this case
                throw new NotImplementedException("Multiple matching methods");
            var declaration = matchingMethods[0];

            // Assert that there is the right number of parameters
            if (call.Parameters.Count != declaration.ParameterTypes.Count)
                diagnostics.Add(DiagnosticCode.ParameterCountMismatch, call.Position,
                                actual: call.Parameters.Count.ToString(), expected: declaration.ParameterTypes.Count.ToString());

            // Evaluate the parameters, verifying their types
            var parameterIndices = new int[declaration.ParameterTypes.Count];

            for (var i = 0; i < parameterIndices.Length; i++)
                var paramIndex = TryCompileExpression(call.Parameters[i], declaration.ParameterTypes[i],
                                                      method, builder, nameResolver, diagnostics);

                // If the compilation of the expression failed for some reason, the diagnostic is already logged
                if (paramIndex == -1)
                parameterIndices[i] = paramIndex;

            // Emit a call operation
            var callType = declaration is ImportedMethodDeclaration ? MethodCallType.Imported : MethodCallType.Native;

            var callInfoIndex = method.AddCallInfo(declaration.BodyIndex, parameterIndices, declaration.FullName, callType);
            var resultIndex   = method.AddLocal(declaration.ReturnType, LocalFlags.None);

            builder.AppendInstruction(Opcode.Call, callInfoIndex, 0, resultIndex);

            value = Temporary.FromLocal(declaration.ReturnType, resultIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void DumpMethod_dumps_matching_method_without_body()
            var writer = new StringWriter();
            var logger = new DebugLogger(writer, "*");
            var method = new CompiledMethod("Namespace::Method");


            Assert.That(writer.ToString(), Does.Contain("; Namespace::Method"));
            Assert.That(writer.ToString(), Does.Contain("; (Method has no body)"));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a compiled method info for the given method.
        /// Create if needed.
        /// </summary>
        internal CompiledMethod GetOrCreateCompileMethod(XMethodDefinition method)
            CompiledMethod result;

            if (!xMethodMap.TryGetValue(method, out result))
                result = new CompiledMethod(method);
                xMethodMap.Add(method, result);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        ///   Compiles the input string and returns a delegate that represents the compiled code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   Compiles the input string as a C# expression or
        ///   statement, unlike the Evaluate method, the
        ///   resulting delegate can be invoked multiple times
        ///   without incurring in the compilation overhead.
        ///   If the return value of this function is null,
        ///   this indicates that the parsing was complete.
        ///   If the return value is a string it indicates
        ///   that the input string was partial and that the
        ///   invoking code should provide more code before
        ///   the code can be successfully compiled.
        ///   If you know that you will always get full expressions or
        ///   statements and do not care about partial input, you can use
        ///   the other Compile overload.
        ///   On success, in addition to returning null, the
        ///   compiled parameter will be set to the delegate
        ///   that can be invoked to execute the code.
        /// </remarks>
        public string Compile(string input, out CompiledMethod compiled)
            if (input == null || input.Length == 0)
                compiled = null;

            lock (evaluator_lock){
                if (!inited)

                bool         partial_input;
                CSharpParser parser = ParseString(ParseMode.Silent, input, out partial_input);

                // Terse mode, try to provide the trailing semicolon automatically.
                if (parser == null && Terse && partial_input)
                    bool ignore;

                    // check if the source would compile with a block, if so, we should not
                    // add the semicolon.
                    var needs_block = ParseString(ParseMode.Silent, input + "{}", out ignore) != null;
                    if (!needs_block)
                        parser = ParseString(ParseMode.Silent, input + ";", out ignore);
                if (parser == null)
                    compiled = null;
                    if (partial_input)

                    ParseString(ParseMode.ReportErrors, input, out partial_input);

                Class parser_result = parser.InteractiveResult;
                compiled = CompileBlock(parser_result, parser.undo, ctx.Report);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the type information and disassembled basic blocks of the method to the output string builder.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Disassemble(CompiledMethod method, StringBuilder outputBuilder)
            // Write the types and initial values of locals
            for (var i = 0; i < method.Values.Count; i++)
                var local = method.Values[i];
                var flags = local.Flags.HasFlag(LocalFlags.Parameter) ? " param" : string.Empty;
                outputBuilder.AppendLine($"; #{i,-3} {local.Type.TypeName}{flags}");

            // Then write the basic block graph
            DisassembleBody(method, outputBuilder);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void CreateLocal_succeeds_for_int32()
            var method = new CompiledMethod("Test::Method");

            Assert.That(method.AddLocal(SimpleType.Int32, LocalFlags.None), Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(method.AddLocal(SimpleType.Int32, LocalFlags.Parameter), Is.EqualTo(1));

            Assert.That(method.Values, Has.Exactly(2).Items);
            Assert.That(method.Values[0].Type, Is.EqualTo(SimpleType.Int32));
            Assert.That(method.Values[0].Flags, Is.EqualTo(LocalFlags.None));
            Assert.That(method.Values[1].Type, Is.EqualTo(SimpleType.Int32));
            Assert.That(method.Values[1].Flags, Is.EqualTo(LocalFlags.Parameter));
        protected override bool InternalAddMethod(IDefinitionInstallerContext installer, SmalltalkClass cls)
            CompiledMethod method = this.Factory.CreateMethod(this, installer, cls, CompiledMethod.MethodType.Instance);

            if (method == null)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(this.Selector.Value == method.Selector.Value);
            cls.InstanceBehavior[method.Selector] = method;
            this.CompiledCode = method;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private static LowBlock ConvertBlock(BasicBlock highBlock, CompiledMethod highMethod,
                                             LowMethod <X64Register> methodInProgress, bool isFirstBlock, int paramCount,
                                             out bool containsCalls)
            var lowBlock = new LowBlock
                Phis         = highBlock.Phis,
                Predecessors = highBlock.Predecessors

            // Initialize the list of successors
            if (highBlock.AlternativeSuccessor >= 0)
                lowBlock.Successors = new[] { highBlock.AlternativeSuccessor, highBlock.DefaultSuccessor };
            else if (highBlock.DefaultSuccessor >= 0)
                lowBlock.Successors = new[] { highBlock.DefaultSuccessor };
                lowBlock.Successors = Array.Empty <int>();

            // At the start of the first block, we must copy parameters from fixed-location temps to freely assigned locals
            if (isFirstBlock)
                // This assumes that the first paramCount locals are the parameters
                for (var i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
                        new LowLocal <X64Register>(highMethod.Values[i].Type, GetLocationForParameter(i)));
                    var tempIndex = methodInProgress.Locals.Count - 1;

                    lowBlock.Instructions.Add(new LowInstruction(LowOp.Move, i, tempIndex, 0, 0));

            // Convert the instructions
            containsCalls = false;
            var returns = false;

            ConvertInstructions(highBlock, highMethod, lowBlock, methodInProgress, ref containsCalls, ref returns);

            if (!returns)
                lowBlock.Instructions.Add(new LowInstruction(LowOp.Jump, highBlock.DefaultSuccessor, 0, 0, 0));

Ejemplo n.º 24
        private static void FallbackFormatting(ITextOutput output, CompiledMethod cmethod)
            var body = cmethod.DexMethod.Body;

            var targetInstructions = body.Instructions.Select(x => x.Operand).OfType <Instruction>().ToList();

            targetInstructions.AddRange(body.Exceptions.Select(x => x.TryStart));
            targetInstructions.AddRange(body.Exceptions.Select(x => x.TryEnd));
            targetInstructions.AddRange(body.Exceptions.SelectMany(x => x.Catches, (h, y) => y.Instruction));
            targetInstructions.AddRange(body.Exceptions.Select(x => x.CatchAll));

            foreach (var ins in body.Instructions)
                if (targetInstructions.Contains(ins) || (ins.Offset == 0))
                    output.Write(string.Format("D_{0:X4}:", ins.Offset));

            if (body.Exceptions.Any())
                output.Write("Exception handlers:");
                foreach (var handler in body.Exceptions)
                    output.Write(string.Format("{0:x4}-{1:x4}", handler.TryStart.Offset, handler.TryEnd.Offset));
                    foreach (var c in handler.Catches)
                        output.Write(string.Format("{0} => {1:x4}", c.Type, c.Instruction.Offset));
                    if (handler.CatchAll != null)
                        output.Write(string.Format("{0} => {1:x4}", "<any>", handler.CatchAll.Offset));
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Emits native code for the given method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method">A compiled method in SSA form.</param>
        /// <param name="methodIndex">The compiler internal index for the method.</param>
        /// <param name="isEntryPoint">If true, this method is marked as the executable entry point.</param>
        /// <param name="dumpWriter">An optional text writer for debug dumping of the current method.</param>
        public void EmitMethod(CompiledMethod method, int methodIndex, bool isEntryPoint, TextWriter?dumpWriter)

            _peWriter.StartNewMethod(methodIndex, method.FullName);
            if (isEntryPoint)
                // TODO: Emit a compiler-generated entry point that calls the user-defined entry point

            // Lower the IR to a low-level form
            var loweredMethod = LoweringX64.Lower(method);

            // TODO: Does the LIR need some other optimization (block merging, etc.) before peephole?
            // Perform peephole optimization
            PeepholeOptimizer <X64Register> .Optimize(loweredMethod);

            // Debug log the lowering
            if (dumpWriter is object)
                DebugLogBeforeAllocation(loweredMethod, method.FullName, dumpWriter);

            // Allocate registers for locals (with special casing for parameters)
            var(allocatedMethod, allocationInfo) = X64RegisterAllocator.Allocate(loweredMethod);

            if (dumpWriter is object)
                DebugLogAfterAllocation(allocatedMethod, allocationInfo, dumpWriter);

            // Emit the lowered IR
            for (var i = 0; i < allocatedMethod.Blocks.Count; i++)
                _peWriter.Emitter.StartBlock(i, out var position);
                EmitBlock(i, allocatedMethod, allocationInfo, method);

            // Apply fixups
            foreach (var fixup in _fixupsForMethod)
                _peWriter.Emitter.ApplyFixup(fixup, _blockPositions[fixup.Tag]);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private static void ParseLocal(string line, CompiledMethod method)
            var lineParts = line.Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // Get the local index by removing the preceding #, and validate it
            var localIndex = int.Parse(lineParts[1].AsSpan(1));

            Assert.That(localIndex, Is.EqualTo(method.Values.Count), "Local indices must be specified in order.");

            // Get the type and initial value
            var type    = ResolveType(lineParts[2]);
            var isParam = lineParts.Length >= 4 && lineParts[3] == "param";

            method.AddLocal(type, isParam ? LocalFlags.Parameter : LocalFlags.None);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void Constant_comparison_compiled_successfully(string expressionString, bool expectedValue)
            var expressionSyntax = ParseExpression(expressionString);
            var method           = new CompiledMethod("Test::Method");
            var builder          = new BasicBlockGraphBuilder().GetInitialBlockBuilder();
            var diagnostics      = new TestingDiagnosticSink();
            var nameResolver     = new TestingResolver(new ScopedVariableMap());

            var localIndex = ExpressionCompiler.TryCompileExpression(expressionSyntax,
                                                                     SimpleType.Bool, method, builder, nameResolver, diagnostics);

            Assert.That(diagnostics.Diagnostics, Is.Empty);
            Assert.That(localIndex, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(method.Values[localIndex].Type, Is.EqualTo(SimpleType.Bool));
            AssertSingleLoad(builder, localIndex, expectedValue);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void Integer_literal_that_is_too_large_fails()
            var position     = new TextPosition(10, 3, 4);
            var syntax       = new IntegerLiteralSyntax((ulong)int.MaxValue + 1, position);
            var method       = new CompiledMethod("Test::Method");
            var builder      = new BasicBlockGraphBuilder().GetInitialBlockBuilder();
            var nameResolver = new TestingResolver(new ScopedVariableMap());
            var diagnostics  = new TestingDiagnosticSink();

            var localIndex = ExpressionCompiler.TryCompileExpression(
                syntax, SimpleType.Int32, method, builder, nameResolver, diagnostics);

            Assert.That(localIndex, Is.EqualTo(-1));
            diagnostics.AssertDiagnosticAt(DiagnosticCode.TypeMismatch, position)
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public HybInstance Invoke(HybInstance _this, HybInstance[] args, bool hasRefOrOut = false)
            if (IsCompiled)
                Console.WriteLine($"Invoke {CompiledMethod.Name}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Invoke ");

            if (Type == InvokeType.ReflectionInvoke)
                if (CompiledMethod.GetParameters().Length > args.Length)
                    args = ExpandArgs(args, CompiledMethod);

                var unwrappedArgs = args.Unwrap();
                var ret           = CompiledMethod.Invoke(_this?.InnerObject, unwrappedArgs);

                if (hasRefOrOut)
                    for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                        args[i] = HybInstance.Object(unwrappedArgs[i]);

            else if (Type == InvokeType.FuncInvoke)
                return(Runner.RunWrappedFunc(_this, FuncMethod, args));
            else if (Type == InvokeType.Interpret)
                var ps = InterpretMethod.ParameterList.Parameters;
                //if (args.Length != ps.Count)
                //throw new SemanticViolationException($"Parameters.Count does not match");

                           _this as HybInstance, MethodInfo, args));

            throw new NotImplementedException($"Unknown type: {Type}");
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public void DisassembleBody_single_basic_block_with_only_return()
            var graphBuilder = new BasicBlockGraphBuilder();

            graphBuilder.GetInitialBlockBuilder().AppendInstruction(Opcode.Return, 2, 0, 0);
            var method = new CompiledMethod("Test::Method")
                Body = graphBuilder.Build()

            const string expected = "BB_0:\n    Return #2\n\n";

            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            MethodDisassembler.DisassembleBody(method, builder);
            Assert.That(builder.ToString().Replace("\r\n", "\n"), Is.EqualTo(expected));
Ejemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        ///   Compiles the input string and returns a delegate that represents the compiled code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   Compiles the input string as a C# expression or
        ///   statement, unlike the Evaluate method, the
        ///   resulting delegate can be invoked multiple times
        ///   without incurring in the compilation overhead.
        ///   If the return value of this function is null,
        ///   this indicates that the parsing was complete.
        ///   If the return value is a string it indicates
        ///   that the input string was partial and that the
        ///   invoking code should provide more code before
        ///   the code can be successfully compiled.
        ///   If you know that you will always get full expressions or
        ///   statements and do not care about partial input, you can use
        ///   the other Compile overload.
        ///   On success, in addition to returning null, the
        ///   compiled parameter will be set to the delegate
        ///   that can be invoked to execute the code.
        /// </remarks>
        static public string Compile(string input, out CompiledMethod compiled)
            if (input == null || input.Length == 0)
                compiled = null;

            lock (evaluator_lock){
                if (!inited)

                bool         partial_input;
                CSharpParser parser = ParseString(true, input, out partial_input);
                if (parser == null)
                    compiled = null;
                    if (partial_input)

                    ParseString(false, input, out partial_input);

                object parser_result = parser.InteractiveResult;

                if (!(parser_result is Class))
                    int errors = Report.Errors;

                    if (errors == Report.Errors)
                        parser.CurrentNamespace.Extract(using_alias_list, using_list);

                compiled = CompileBlock(parser_result as Class, parser.undo);

Ejemplo n.º 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a method body for the given method.
        /// </summary>
        internal static MethodBody TranslateToRL(AssemblyCompiler compiler, DexTargetPackage targetPackage, MethodSource source, MethodDefinition dmethod, bool generateSetNextInstructionCode, out CompiledMethod compiledMethod)
                if ((source.Method != null) && (source.Method.Name == "test6"))

                // Create Ast
                var optimizedAst = CreateOptimizedAst(compiler, source, generateSetNextInstructionCode);

                // Generate RL code
                var rlBody = new MethodBody(source);
                var rlGenerator = new AstCompilerVisitor(compiler, source, targetPackage, dmethod, rlBody);
                optimizedAst.Accept(rlGenerator, null);

                // Should we add return_void?
                if (source.ReturnsVoid)
                    var instructions = rlBody.Instructions;
                    if ((instructions.Count == 0) || (instructions.Last().Code != RCode.Return_void && instructions.Last().Code != RCode.Throw))
                        instructions.Add(new RL.Instruction(RCode.Return_void) { SequencePoint = source.GetLastSourceLine() });

                // Record results
                compiledMethod = targetPackage.Record(source, rlBody, rlGenerator.Frame);

                return rlBody;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Forward exception with more information
                var msg = string.Format("Error while compiling {0} in {1}: {2}", source.FullName, source.DeclaringTypeFullName, ex.Message);
                throw new CompilerException(msg, ex);
Ejemplo n.º 33
		/// <summary>
		///   Compiles the input string and returns a delegate that represents the compiled code.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///   Compiles the input string as a C# expression or
		///   statement, unlike the Evaluate method, the
		///   resulting delegate can be invoked multiple times
		///   without incurring in the compilation overhead.
		///   If the return value of this function is null,
		///   this indicates that the parsing was complete.
		///   If the return value is a string it indicates
		///   that the input string was partial and that the
		///   invoking code should provide more code before
		///   the code can be successfully compiled.
		///   If you know that you will always get full expressions or
		///   statements and do not care about partial input, you can use
		///   the other Compile overload. 
		///   On success, in addition to returning null, the
		///   compiled parameter will be set to the delegate
		///   that can be invoked to execute the code.
		/// </remarks>
		public string Compile (string input, out CompiledMethod compiled)
			if (input == null || input.Length == 0){
				compiled = null;
				return null;

			lock (evaluator_lock){
				if (!inited) {
					Init ();
					ParseStartupFiles ();
				} else {
					ctx.Report.Printer.Reset ();

				bool partial_input;
				CSharpParser parser = ParseString (ParseMode.Silent, input, out partial_input);
				if (parser == null && Terse && partial_input){
					bool ignore;
					parser = ParseString (ParseMode.Silent, input + ";", out ignore);
				if (parser == null){
					compiled = null;
					if (partial_input)
						return input;
					ParseString (ParseMode.ReportErrors, input, out partial_input);
					return null;
				Class parser_result = parser.InteractiveResult;
				compiled = CompileBlock (parser_result, parser.undo, ctx.Report);
				return null;
Ejemplo n.º 34
		/// <summary>
		///   Compiles the input string and returns a delegate that represents the compiled code.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///   Compiles the input string as a C# expression or
		///   statement, unlike the Evaluate method, the
		///   resulting delegate can be invoked multiple times
		///   without incurring in the compilation overhead.
		///   If the return value of this function is null,
		///   this indicates that the parsing was complete.
		///   If the return value is a string it indicates
		///   that the input string was partial and that the
		///   invoking code should provide more code before
		///   the code can be successfully compiled.
		///   If you know that you will always get full expressions or
		///   statements and do not care about partial input, you can use
		///   the other Compile overload. 
		///   On success, in addition to returning null, the
		///   compiled parameter will be set to the delegate
		///   that can be invoked to execute the code.
		/// </remarks>
		public string Compile (string input, out CompiledMethod compiled)
			if (input == null || input.Length == 0){
				compiled = null;
				return null;

			lock (evaluator_lock){
				if (!inited) {
					Init ();
					ParseStartupFiles ();
				} else {
					ctx.Report.Printer.Reset ();

				bool partial_input;
				CSharpParser parser = ParseString (ParseMode.Silent, input, out partial_input);

				// Terse mode, try to provide the trailing semicolon automatically.
				if (parser == null && Terse && partial_input){
					bool ignore;

					// check if the source would compile with a block, if so, we should not
					// add the semicolon.
					var needs_block = ParseString (ParseMode.Silent, input + "{}", out ignore) != null;
					if (!needs_block)
						parser = ParseString (ParseMode.Silent, input + ";", out ignore);
				if (parser == null){
					compiled = null;
					if (partial_input)
						return input;
					ParseString (ParseMode.ReportErrors, input, out partial_input);
					return null;
				Class parser_result = parser.InteractiveResult;
				compiled = CompileBlock (parser_result, parser.undo, ctx.Report);
				return null;
Ejemplo n.º 35
		/// <summary>
		///   Compiles the input string and returns a delegate that represents the compiled code.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///   Compiles the input string as a C# expression or
		///   statement, unlike the Evaluate method, the
		///   resulting delegate can be invoked multiple times
		///   without incurring in the compilation overhead.
		///   If the return value of this function is null,
		///   this indicates that the parsing was complete.
		///   If the return value is a string it indicates
		///   that the input string was partial and that the
		///   invoking code should provide more code before
		///   the code can be successfully compiled.
		///   If you know that you will always get full expressions or
		///   statements and do not care about partial input, you can use
		///   the other Compile overload. 
		///   On success, in addition to returning null, the
		///   compiled parameter will be set to the delegate
		///   that can be invoked to execute the code.
	        /// </remarks>
		static public string Compile (string input, out CompiledMethod compiled)
			if (input == null || input.Length == 0){
				compiled = null;
				return null;
			lock (evaluator_lock){
				if (!inited)
					Init ();
				bool partial_input;
				CSharpParser parser = ParseString (ParseMode.Silent, input, out partial_input);
				if (parser == null){
					compiled = null;
					if (partial_input)
						return input;
					ParseString (ParseMode.ReportErrors, input, out partial_input);
					return null;
				object parser_result = parser.InteractiveResult;
				if (!(parser_result is Class)){
					int errors = ctx.Report.Errors;
					NamespaceEntry.VerifyAllUsing ();
					if (errors == ctx.Report.Errors)
						parser.CurrentNamespace.Extract (using_alias_list, using_list);

				compiled = CompileBlock (parser_result as Class, parser.undo, ctx.Report);
			return null;
Ejemplo n.º 36
		/// <summary>
		///   Compiles the input string and returns a delegate that represents the compiled code.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///   Compiles the input string as a C# expression or
		///   statement, unlike the Evaluate method, the
		///   resulting delegate can be invoked multiple times
		///   without incurring in the compilation overhead.
		///   If the return value of this function is null,
		///   this indicates that the parsing was complete.
		///   If the return value is a string it indicates
		///   that the input string was partial and that the
		///   invoking code should provide more code before
		///   the code can be successfully compiled.
		///   If you know that you will always get full expressions or
		///   statements and do not care about partial input, you can use
		///   the other Compile overload. 
		///   On success, in addition to returning null, the
		///   compiled parameter will be set to the delegate
		///   that can be invoked to execute the code.
	        /// </remarks>
		static public string Compile (string input, out CompiledMethod compiled)
			if (input == null || input.Length == 0){
				compiled = null;
				return null;

			lock (evaluator_lock){
				if (!inited)
					Init ();
					ctx.Report.Printer.Reset ();

			//	RootContext.ToplevelTypes = new ModuleContainer (ctx);

				bool partial_input;
				CSharpParser parser = ParseString (ParseMode.Silent, input, out partial_input);
				if (parser == null){
					compiled = null;
					if (partial_input)
						return input;
					ParseString (ParseMode.ReportErrors, input, out partial_input);
					return null;
				throw new NotSupportedException ();
				Class parser_result = parser.InteractiveResult;
				compiled = CompileBlock (parser_result, parser.undo, ctx.Report);
				return null;
Ejemplo n.º 37
Archivo: eval.cs Proyecto: nekresh/mono
		/// <summary>
		///   Compiles the input string and returns a delegate that represents the compiled code.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///   Compiles the input string as a C# expression or
		///   statement, unlike the Evaluate method, the
		///   resulting delegate can be invoked multiple times
		///   without incurring in the compilation overhead.
		///   If the return value of this function is null,
		///   this indicates that the parsing was complete.
		///   If the return value is a string it indicates
		///   that the input string was partial and that the
		///   invoking code should provide more code before
		///   the code can be successfully compiled.
		///   If you know that you will always get full expressions or
		///   statements and do not care about partial input, you can use
		///   the other Compile overload. 
		///   On success, in addition to returning null, the
		///   compiled parameter will be set to the delegate
		///   that can be invoked to execute the code.
	        /// </remarks>
		static public string Compile (string input, out CompiledMethod compiled)
			if (input == null || input.Length == 0){
				compiled = null;
				return null;

			lock (evaluator_lock){
				if (!inited)
					Init ();
					ctx.Report.Printer.Reset ();

			//	RootContext.ToplevelTypes = new ModuleContainer (ctx);

				bool partial_input;
				CSharpParser parser = ParseString (ParseMode.Silent, input, out partial_input);
				if (parser == null){
					compiled = null;
					if (partial_input)
						return input;
					ParseString (ParseMode.ReportErrors, input, out partial_input);
					return null;
				object parser_result = parser.InteractiveResult;
				if (!(parser_result is Class)){
					int errors = ctx.Report.Errors;

					NamespaceEntry.VerifyAllUsing ();
					if (errors == ctx.Report.Errors)
						parser.CurrentNamespace.Extract (using_alias_list, using_list);
						NamespaceEntry.Reset ();

				throw new NotSupportedException ();
				compiled = CompileBlock (parser_result as Class, parser.undo, ctx.Report);
				return null;
Ejemplo n.º 38
 public static void BindKey(int code, string js_down, string js_up)
     CompiledMethod down = new CompiledMethod(Program._engine, js_down);
     CompiledMethod up = new CompiledMethod(Program._engine, js_up);
     _boundKeys[code] = new Tuple<CompiledMethod, CompiledMethod>(down, up);
Ejemplo n.º 39
 /// <summary>
 /// Default ctor
 /// </summary>
 public DebugInfoBuilder(CompiledMethod compiledMethod)
     this.compiledMethod = compiledMethod;
Ejemplo n.º 40
 public CompExe(CompiledMethod method)
     _method = method;
Ejemplo n.º 41
        public static MethodEntry RecordMapping(TypeEntry typeEntry, XMethodDefinition xMethod, MethodDefinition method, DexLib.MethodDefinition dmethod, CompiledMethod compiledMethod)
            var scopeId = xMethod.ScopeId;

            StringBuilder netSignature = new StringBuilder();

            var entry = new MethodEntry(method.OriginalName, netSignature.ToString(), dmethod.Name, dmethod.Prototype.ToSignature(), dmethod.MapFileId,


            if (compiledMethod != null)

            return entry;
 public static string Compile(string input, out CompiledMethod compiled)
     return Evaluator.fetch.Compile(input, out compiled);