Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected void RadGrid1_NeedDataSource(object source, Telerik.Web.UI.GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e)
            aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();

            if (_compWod == null)
                _compWod = new CompetitionWOD()
                    Id = -1
            if (_compWod != null)
                if (_compType == 2 && ddlTeamPool.Visible)
                {   // team event..
                    long teamPoolKey = Convert.ToInt64(ddlTeamPool.SelectedValue);
                    IQueryable <CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool> compPoolQuery = entities.CompetitionRegistrations.Where(r => r.CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool.FirstOrDefault(tp => tp.CompetitionTeamPool.Id == teamPoolKey) != null).Select(r => r.CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool.FirstOrDefault(tp => tp.CompetitionTeamPool.Id == teamPoolKey));
                    // compAthleteQuery = compAthleteQuery.Where(a => a.UserSetting != null);  // select captins to eliminate team duplicates..
                    compPoolQuery       = compPoolQuery.OrderBy(a => a.OverallRank);
                    RadGrid1.DataSource = compPoolQuery.Select(a =>
                        Id          = a.CompetitionRegistration.CompetitionAthletes.FirstOrDefault().Id,
                        AthleteName = a.CompetitionRegistration.TeamName,
                        Sex         = "",
                        Rank        = a.OverallRank,
                        Score       = a.OverallScore,
                        WodScore    = (a.CompetitionRegistration.CompetitionAthletes.FirstOrDefault().CompetitionWODResults.FirstOrDefault(w => w.CompetitionWOD.Id == _compWod.Id) != null ? a.CompetitionRegistration.CompetitionAthletes.FirstOrDefault().CompetitionWODResults.FirstOrDefault(w => w.CompetitionWOD.Id == _compWod.Id).Score : -1)
                    IQueryable <CompetitionAthlete> compAthleteQuery = entities.CompetitionAthletes.Where(a => a.CompetitionRegistration.CompetitionCategory.Id == _compType && a.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey).OrderBy(a => a.OverallRank);
                    compAthleteQuery    = compAthleteQuery.OrderBy(a => a.OverallRank);
                    RadGrid1.DataSource = compAthleteQuery.Select(a =>
                        Id          = a.Id,
                        AthleteName = a.AthleteName,
                        Sex         = a.Sex,
                        Rank        = a.OverallRank,
                        Score       = a.OverallScore,
                        WodScore    = (a.CompetitionWODResults.FirstOrDefault(w => w.CompetitionWOD.Id == _compWod.Id) != null ? a.CompetitionWODResults.FirstOrDefault(w => w.CompetitionWOD.Id == _compWod.Id).Score : -1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void bBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();
            IQueryable <CompetitionWOD> compWodsQuery = entities.CompetitionWODs.Include("WOD.WODType").OrderBy(w => w.Order).Where(w => w.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey && w.CompetitionCategory.Id == _compType);
            CompetitionWOD back        = null;
            long           teamPoolKey = 0;

            if (Request["tp"] != null)
                teamPoolKey   = Convert.ToInt64(Request["tp"]);
                compWodsQuery = compWodsQuery.Where(w => w.CompetitionTeamPool.Id == teamPoolKey);
            CompetitionWOD[] compWods = compWodsQuery.ToArray();

            if (_compWod == null)
                back = compWods[compWods.Count() - 1];
                foreach (CompetitionWOD cw in compWods)
                    if (cw.Id == _compWod.Id)
                    back = cw;
            if (back != null)
                Response.Redirect(ResolveUrl("~/Community/CompetitionScoringAdmin") + "?c=" + CompetitionKey + "&w=" + back.Id + "&t=" + _compType + "&tp=" + teamPoolKey, true);
                Response.Redirect(ResolveUrl("~/Community/CompetitionScoringAdmin") + "?c=" + CompetitionKey + "&w=-2" + "&t=" + _compType + "&tp=" + teamPoolKey, true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected void bAjaxPostback_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         Affine.Data.Managers.IDataManager dataMan = Affine.Data.Managers.LINQ.DataManager.Instance;
         aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();
         switch (hiddenAjaxAction.Value)
             case "AddWOD":
                 long wodKey = Convert.ToInt64(hiddenAjaxValue.Value);
                 int compType = Convert.ToInt32(hiddenAjaxValue2.Value);
                 long poolKey = 0;
                 if (compType == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.CompetitionCategory.TEAM)
                     poolKey = Convert.ToInt32(hiddenAjaxValue3.Value);
                 WOD wod = entities.WODs.Include("WODType").FirstOrDefault(w => w.Id == wodKey);
                 Competition comp = entities.Competitions.Include("CompetitionWODs").FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == CompetitionKey);
                 if (wod != null && comp != null)
                     CompetitionWOD compWod = new CompetitionWOD()
                         WOD = wod,
                         Order = comp.CompetitionWODs.Count,
                         Competition = comp,
                         CompetitionCategory= entities.CompetitionCategories.FirstOrDefault( c => c.Id == compType ),
                         CompetitionTeamPool = entities.CompetitionTeamPools.FirstOrDefault( tp => tp.Id == poolKey )
                     RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(" Aqufit.Windows.WorkoutFinder.close(); Aqufit.Page.Actions.refreshGrid("+compType+"); ");
             case "DeleteWOD":
                 long compWodKey = Convert.ToInt64(hiddenAjaxValue.Value);
                 CompetitionWOD compW = entities.CompetitionWODs.Include("CompetitionCategory").FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == compWodKey && c.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey);
                 if (compW != null)
                     RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(" Aqufit.Page.Actions.refreshGrid(" + compW.CompetitionCategory.Id + "); ");
                     // rebuild the order of the workouts now..
                     CompetitionWOD[] orderList = entities.CompetitionWODs.Where(c => c.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey).OrderBy( c => c.Order ).ToArray();
                     int order = 0;
                     foreach (CompetitionWOD cw in orderList)
                         cw.Order = (order++);
             case "AddTeamPool":
                 string name = Convert.ToString(hiddenAjaxValue.Value);
                 CompetitionTeamPool pool = new CompetitionTeamPool()
                     Name = name,
                     Competition = entities.Competitions.FirstOrDefault( c => c.Id == CompetitionKey)
                 RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(" Aqufit.Windows.TeamPoolWin.close(); Aqufit.Page.Actions.refreshTeamPoolGrid(); ");
             case "LoadTeamPool":
                 long tpKey = Convert.ToInt64(hiddenAjaxValue.Value);
                 string[] teamKeyArray = entities.CompetitionRegistrations.Where(r => r.CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool
                                                                          .FirstOrDefault(c => c.CompetitionTeamPool.Id == tpKey) != null)
                                                                          .Select( r => r.Id ).Cast<string>().ToArray();
                 string jsTeamArray = "[]";
                 if (teamKeyArray.Length > 0)
                     jsTeamArray = "[" + teamKeyArray.Aggregate((i, j) => "" + i + "," + j) + "]";
                 RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("Aqufit.Windows.TeamPoolManagerWin.loadData(" + jsTeamArray + "); ");
             case "SaveTeamPool":
                 long tPoolKey = Convert.ToInt64(hiddenAjaxValue.Value);
                 CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool[] clearArray = entities.CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool.Where(c => c.CompetitionTeamPool.Id == tPoolKey).ToArray();
                 foreach (CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool clear in clearArray)
                 CompetitionTeamPool tpool = entities.CompetitionTeamPools.FirstOrDefault(tp => tp.Id == tPoolKey);
                 foreach (RadListBoxItem item in RadListBoxPoolDest.Items)
                     long rId = Convert.ToInt64(item.Value);
                     CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool c2t = new CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool()
                         CompetitionTeamPool = tpool,
                         CompetitionRegistration = entities.CompetitionRegistrations.FirstOrDefault( r => r.Id == rId )
                 RadListBoxTeamSource.DataSource = entities.CompetitionRegistrations.Where(r => r.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey && r.CompetitionCategory.Id == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.CompetitionCategory.TEAM).Select(r => new { Name = r.TeamName, Value = r.Id }).ToArray();
                 RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(" Aqufit.Windows.TeamPoolManagerWin.close(); Aqufit.Page.Actions.refreshTeamPoolGrid(); ");
     catch (Exception ex)
         RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("Aqufit.Page.Actions.ShowFail('ERROR: There was a problem with the action (" + ex.StackTrace.Replace("'","").Replace("\r","").Replace("\n","") + ")');");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Page_Load runs when the control is loaded
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <history>
        /// </history>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected void Page_Load(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            base.Page_Load(sender, e);
                aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();

                if (!Page.IsPostBack && !Page.IsCallback)
                    baseUrl = ResolveUrl("~/");
                    ServiceReference service = new ServiceReference("~/DesktopModules/ATI_Base/resources/services/StreamService.asmx");
                    service.InlineScript = true;
                    if (Request["a"] != null)
                        ddlCompSelector.Visible         = false;
                        scrollPanel.Attributes["class"] = "scrollPanel";

                if (Settings["ModuleMode"] != null && string.Compare(Convert.ToString(Settings["ModuleMode"]), "admin", true) == 0)
                    bool isAdmin = false;
                    if (Request["c"] != null)
                        // TODO: make sure they are a group admin to the comp..
                        CompetitionKey = Convert.ToInt64(Request["c"]);
                        Competition comp = entities.Competitions.Include("Group").FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == CompetitionKey);
                        if (comp != null)
                            UserFriends admin = entities.UserFriends.FirstOrDefault(f => f.SrcUserSettingKey == UserSettings.Id && f.DestUserSettingKey == comp.Group.Id && f.Relationship <= (int)Affine.Utils.ConstsUtil.Relationships.GROUP_ADMIN);
                            if (admin != null)
                                isAdmin = true;
                    if (!isAdmin)
                        Response.Redirect(ResolveUrl("~/") + UserSettings.UserName);
                    if (Request["t"] != null)
                        _compType = Convert.ToInt64(Request["t"]);
                    if (Request["s"] != null)
                        _compSex = Convert.ToChar(Request["s"]);

                    if (!Page.IsPostBack && !Page.IsCallback)
                        ddlCompetitionType.DataSource     = entities.CompetitionCategories.Select(c => new { Name = c.Category, Value = c.Id }).ToArray();
                        ddlCompetitionType.DataValueField = "Value";
                        ddlCompetitionType.DataTextField  = "Name";
                        ddlCompetitionType.Items.FindByValue("" + _compType).Selected = true;

                        if (_compType == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.CompetitionCategory.TEAM)
                            ddlTeamPool.Visible        = true;
                            ddlTeamPool.DataSource     = entities.CompetitionTeamPools.Where(tp => tp.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey).Select(tp => new { Name = tp.Name, Value = tp.Id }).ToArray();
                            ddlTeamPool.DataValueField = "Value";
                            ddlTeamPool.DataTextField  = "Name";
                            if (Request["tp"] != null)
                                ddlTeamPool.Items.FindByValue(Request["tp"]).Selected = true;
                            ddlTeamPool.Visible = false;

                        panelAdmin.Visible     = true;
                        panelLiveScore.Visible = false;
                        // ok so at this point we know that they are an admin for the comp...
                        // now lets find what workout they are scoring
                        IQueryable <CompetitionWOD> compWodQuery = entities.CompetitionWODs.OrderBy(w => w.Order).Where(w => w.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey && w.CompetitionCategory.Id == _compType);
                        if (_compType == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.CompetitionCategory.TEAM)
                            long teamPoolKey = Convert.ToInt64(ddlTeamPool.SelectedValue);
                            compWodQuery = compWodQuery.Where(w => w.CompetitionTeamPool.Id == teamPoolKey);
                        CompetitionWOD compWod = compWodQuery.Where(c => c.CompetitionWODResults.Count() > 0).Select(w => w).ToArray().Reverse().FirstOrDefault();
                        if (compWod == null)
                            compWod = compWodQuery.FirstOrDefault();
                        if (Request["w"] != null)
                            long cwId = Convert.ToInt64(Request["w"]);
                            if (cwId == -1)
                            {   // this is now a final scoring..
                                bAdvance.Visible       = false;
                                litWodName.Text        = "Final Score<span style=\"padding-right: 150px;\">&nbsp;</span>";
                                hiddenCompWodKey.Value = "-1";
                            else if (cwId == -2)
                            {   // allow this to fall through and setup first wod..
                                bBack.Visible = false;
                                cwId          = compWod.Id;
                            compWod = entities.CompetitionWODs.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Id == cwId);

                        if (compWod == null)
                        {   // TODO: send a message that they need to setup some workouts..
                        hiddenCompWodKey.Value = "" + compWod.Id;
                    long comWodKey = Convert.ToInt64(hiddenCompWodKey.Value);
                    _compWod = entities.CompetitionWODs.Include("WOD").Include("WOD.WODType").FirstOrDefault(w => w.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey && w.Id == comWodKey);
                    if (_compWod != null)
                        litWodName.Text = "" + _compWod.WOD.Name;
                {   // Live Score board...
                    if (!Page.IsPostBack && !Page.IsCallback)
                        if (Request["c"] != null)
                            CompetitionKey = Convert.ToInt64(Request["c"]);
                        hiddenAjaxCompCategoryKey.Value = "" + (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.CompetitionCategory.IND_MALE;
                        hiddenTeamPoolKey.Value         = "0";

                        CompetitionTeamPool[] teamPools = entities.CompetitionTeamPools.Where(p => p.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey).ToArray();
                        ddlCompSelector.Items.Add(new ListItem()
                            Text  = "Individual - Mens",
                            Value = "{cat:1, tp:0}"
                        ddlCompSelector.Items.Add(new ListItem()
                            Text  = "Individual - Womens",
                            Value = "{cat:3, tp:0}"
                        int ind = 0;
                        foreach (CompetitionTeamPool team in teamPools)
                            ddlCompSelector.Items.Add(new ListItem()
                                Text  = "Team - " + team.Name,
                                Value = "{cat:2, tp:" + (ind++) + "}"
            catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load
                Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected void bAdvance_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();
            IQueryable <CompetitionWOD>     compWodQuery = entities.CompetitionWODs.Include("WOD.WODType").OrderBy(w => w.Order).Where(w => w.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey && w.CompetitionCategory.Id == _compType);
            IQueryable <CompetitionAthlete> athleteQuery = entities.CompetitionAthletes.Where(a => a.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey && a.CompetitionRegistration.CompetitionCategory.Id == _compType);
            long teamPool = 0;

            if (_compType == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.CompetitionCategory.TEAM)
                teamPool = Convert.ToInt64(ddlTeamPool.SelectedValue);
                // TODO: here is this super lame "captin" check again with a.UserSetting != null
                athleteQuery = athleteQuery.Where(a => a.UserSetting != null && a.CompetitionRegistration.CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool.FirstOrDefault(tp => tp.CompetitionTeamPool.Id == teamPool) != null);
                compWodQuery = compWodQuery.Where(w => w.CompetitionTeamPool.Id == teamPool);
            CompetitionWOD[]     compWods = compWodQuery.ToArray();
            CompetitionAthlete[] athletes = athleteQuery.ToArray();
            foreach (CompetitionAthlete athlete in athletes)
                athlete.OverallScore = 0;
                athlete.OverallRank  = 0;
            CompetitionWOD next      = null;
            double         lastScore = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < compWods.Length; i++)
                CompetitionWOD cwod = compWods[i];
                IQueryable <CompetitionWODResult> resultQuery = entities.CompetitionWODResults.Include("CompetitionAthlete").Where(w => w.CompetitionWOD.Id == cwod.Id);
                if (cwod.WOD.WODType.Id == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WodType.TIMED)
                    resultQuery = resultQuery.OrderBy(w => w.Score);
                    resultQuery = resultQuery.OrderByDescending(w => w.Score);
                int score = 1;
                int inc   = 1;
                foreach (CompetitionWODResult res in resultQuery)
                    if (res.Score != lastScore)
                        score    = inc;
                        res.Rank = score;
                        res.CompetitionAthlete.OverallScore += score;
                        res.Rank = score;
                        res.CompetitionAthlete.OverallScore += score;
                    lastScore = res.Score;

                // TODO: will need to add the POINTS to this as well
                CompetitionAthlete[] dnf = athletes.Except(resultQuery.Select(w => w.CompetitionAthlete).ToArray()).ToArray();
                foreach (CompetitionAthlete athlete in dnf)
                    athlete.OverallScore += score;
                if (cwod.Id == _compWod.Id)
                    if ((i + 1) < compWods.Length)
                        next = compWods[i + 1];
            IQueryable <CompetitionAthlete> athleteRankerQuery = entities.CompetitionAthletes.Where(a => a.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey && a.CompetitionRegistration.CompetitionCategory.Id == _compType).OrderBy(a => a.OverallScore);
            double lastRank = 0;
            int    rank     = 1;
            int    count    = 1;
            IDictionary <long, CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool> hash = new Dictionary <long, CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool>();

            if (_compType == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.CompetitionCategory.TEAM)
                // TODO: this a.UserSetting != null (sux) .. it is the way of determining the captin on the team.. and thus a single team element.
                athleteRankerQuery = athleteRankerQuery.Where(a => a.CompetitionRegistration.CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool.FirstOrDefault(tp => tp.CompetitionTeamPool.Id == teamPool) != null && a.UserSetting != null);
                CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool[] teamArray = entities.CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool.Include("CompetitionRegistration.CompetitionAthletes").Where(r2t => r2t.CompetitionTeamPool.Id == teamPool).ToArray();
                foreach (CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool team in teamArray)
                    hash.Add(new KeyValuePair <long, CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool>(team.CompetitionRegistration.CompetitionAthletes.First().Id, team));
            CompetitionAthlete[] athleteRanker = athleteRankerQuery.ToArray();
            foreach (CompetitionAthlete athlete in athleteRanker)
                if (lastRank != athlete.OverallScore)
                    rank = count;
                    athlete.OverallRank = rank++;
                    athlete.OverallRank = rank - 1;
                lastRank = athlete.OverallScore;
                if (hash.ContainsKey(athlete.Id))
                    hash[athlete.Id].OverallRank  = athlete.OverallRank;
                    hash[athlete.Id].OverallScore = athlete.OverallScore;
            if (next != null)
                Response.Redirect(ResolveUrl("~/Community/CompetitionScoringAdmin") + "?c=" + CompetitionKey + "&w=" + next.Id + "&t=" + _compType + "&tp=" + teamPool, true);
                Response.Redirect(ResolveUrl("~/Community/CompetitionScoringAdmin") + "?c=" + CompetitionKey + "&w=-1" + "&t=" + _compType + "&tp=" + teamPool, true);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected void bAjaxPostback_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Affine.Data.Managers.IDataManager dataMan = Affine.Data.Managers.LINQ.DataManager.Instance;
                aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();
                switch (hiddenAjaxAction.Value)
                case "updateAthleteScore":
                    CompetitionWODResult res = null;
                        long compAthlete = Convert.ToInt64(hiddenAjaxValue.Value);

                        long compWodKey            = Convert.ToInt64(hiddenCompWodKey.Value);
                        CompetitionAthlete athlete = entities.CompetitionAthletes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == compAthlete && a.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey);
                        CompetitionWOD     compWod = entities.CompetitionWODs.Include("WOD").Include("WOD.WODType").FirstOrDefault(w => w.Id == compWodKey && w.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey && w.CompetitionCategory.Id == _compType);
                        // check if we have a score yet..
                        if (athlete != null && compWod != null)
                            res = entities.CompetitionWODResults.FirstOrDefault(r => r.CompetitionAthlete.Id == compAthlete && r.CompetitionWOD.Id == compWodKey);
                            double score = 0;

                            if (compWod.WOD.WODType.Id == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WodType.TIMED)
                                string[] ts      = hiddenAjaxValue2.Value.Split(':');
                                double   seconds = 0.0;
                                if (ts.Length == 3)
                                    seconds = Convert.ToDouble(ts[0]) * 60 * 60 + Convert.ToDouble(ts[1]) * 60 + Convert.ToDouble(ts[2]);
                                else if (ts.Length == 2)
                                    seconds = Convert.ToDouble(ts[0]) * 60 + Convert.ToDouble(ts[1]);
                                else if (ts.Length == 1)
                                    seconds = Convert.ToDouble(ts[0]);
                                    seconds = Convert.ToDouble(hiddenAjaxValue2.Value);
                                score = Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.unitsToSystemDefualt(seconds, UnitsUtil.MeasureUnit.UNIT_SEC);     // TODO: switch between units..
                            else if (compWod.WOD.WODType.Id == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WodType.MAX_WEIGHT)
                                score = Convert.ToDouble(hiddenAjaxValue2.Value);
                                score = Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.unitsToSystemDefualt(score, UnitsUtil.MeasureUnit.UNIT_LBS);     // TODO: switch between units..
                                score = Convert.ToDouble(hiddenAjaxValue2.Value);
                            if (res == null)
                                res = new CompetitionWODResult()
                                    CompetitionWOD     = compWod,
                                    CompetitionAthlete = athlete,
                                    WOD = compWod.WOD
                            res.Score = score;
                    catch (Exception) {
                        if (res != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("Aqufit.Page.Actions.ShowFail('ERROR: There was a problem with the action (" + ex.StackTrace.Replace("'", "").Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "") + ")');");
 protected void RadGrid1_NeedDataSource(object source, Telerik.Web.UI.GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e)
     aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();
     if (_compWod == null)
         _compWod = new CompetitionWOD()
             Id = -1
     if (_compWod != null)
         if (_compType == 2  && ddlTeamPool.Visible)
         {   // team event..
             long teamPoolKey = Convert.ToInt64(ddlTeamPool.SelectedValue);
             IQueryable<CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool> compPoolQuery = entities.CompetitionRegistrations.Where(r => r.CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool.FirstOrDefault(tp => tp.CompetitionTeamPool.Id == teamPoolKey) != null).Select(r => r.CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool.FirstOrDefault(tp => tp.CompetitionTeamPool.Id == teamPoolKey));
            // compAthleteQuery = compAthleteQuery.Where(a => a.UserSetting != null);  // select captins to eliminate team duplicates..
             compPoolQuery = compPoolQuery.OrderBy(a => a.OverallRank);
             RadGrid1.DataSource = compPoolQuery.Select(a =>
                         Id = a.CompetitionRegistration.CompetitionAthletes.FirstOrDefault().Id,
                         AthleteName = a.CompetitionRegistration.TeamName,
                         Sex = "",
                         Rank = a.OverallRank,
                         Score = a.OverallScore,
                         WodScore = (a.CompetitionRegistration.CompetitionAthletes.FirstOrDefault().CompetitionWODResults.FirstOrDefault(w => w.CompetitionWOD.Id == _compWod.Id) != null ? a.CompetitionRegistration.CompetitionAthletes.FirstOrDefault().CompetitionWODResults.FirstOrDefault(w => w.CompetitionWOD.Id == _compWod.Id).Score : -1)
             IQueryable<CompetitionAthlete> compAthleteQuery = entities.CompetitionAthletes.Where(a => a.CompetitionRegistration.CompetitionCategory.Id == _compType && a.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey ).OrderBy(a => a.OverallRank);
             compAthleteQuery = compAthleteQuery.OrderBy(a => a.OverallRank);
             RadGrid1.DataSource = compAthleteQuery.Select(a =>
                         Id = a.Id,
                         AthleteName = a.AthleteName,
                         Sex = a.Sex,
                         Rank = a.OverallRank,
                         Score = a.OverallScore,
                         WodScore = (a.CompetitionWODResults.FirstOrDefault(w => w.CompetitionWOD.Id == _compWod.Id) != null ? a.CompetitionWODResults.FirstOrDefault(w => w.CompetitionWOD.Id == _compWod.Id).Score : -1)
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Page_Load runs when the control is loaded
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <history>
        /// </history>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected void Page_Load(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            base.Page_Load(sender, e);
                aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();

                if (!Page.IsPostBack && !Page.IsCallback)
                    baseUrl = ResolveUrl("~/");
                    ServiceReference service = new ServiceReference("~/DesktopModules/ATI_Base/resources/services/StreamService.asmx");
                    service.InlineScript = true;
                    if (Request["a"] != null)
                        ddlCompSelector.Visible = false;
                        scrollPanel.Attributes["class"] = "scrollPanel";

                if (Settings["ModuleMode"] != null && string.Compare(Convert.ToString( Settings["ModuleMode"]), "admin", true) == 0)

                    bool isAdmin = false;
                    if (Request["c"] != null)
                        // TODO: make sure they are a group admin to the comp..
                        CompetitionKey = Convert.ToInt64(Request["c"]);
                        Competition comp = entities.Competitions.Include("Group").FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == CompetitionKey);
                        if (comp != null)
                            UserFriends admin = entities.UserFriends.FirstOrDefault(f => f.SrcUserSettingKey == UserSettings.Id && f.DestUserSettingKey == comp.Group.Id && f.Relationship <= (int)Affine.Utils.ConstsUtil.Relationships.GROUP_ADMIN);
                            if (admin != null)
                                isAdmin = true;
                    if (!isAdmin)
                        Response.Redirect(ResolveUrl("~/") + UserSettings.UserName);
                    if (Request["t"] != null)
                        _compType = Convert.ToInt64(Request["t"]);
                    if (Request["s"] != null)
                        _compSex = Convert.ToChar(Request["s"]);

                    if (!Page.IsPostBack && !Page.IsCallback)
                        ddlCompetitionType.DataSource = entities.CompetitionCategories.Select(c => new { Name = c.Category, Value = c.Id }).ToArray();
                        ddlCompetitionType.DataValueField = "Value";
                        ddlCompetitionType.DataTextField = "Name";
                        ddlCompetitionType.Items.FindByValue("" + _compType).Selected = true;

                        if (_compType == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.CompetitionCategory.TEAM)
                            ddlTeamPool.Visible = true;
                            ddlTeamPool.DataSource = entities.CompetitionTeamPools.Where(tp => tp.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey).Select(tp => new { Name = tp.Name, Value = tp.Id }).ToArray();
                            ddlTeamPool.DataValueField = "Value";
                            ddlTeamPool.DataTextField = "Name";
                            if (Request["tp"] != null)
                                ddlTeamPool.Items.FindByValue(Request["tp"]).Selected = true;
                            ddlTeamPool.Visible = false;

                        panelAdmin.Visible = true;
                        panelLiveScore.Visible = false;
                        // ok so at this point we know that they are an admin for the comp...
                        // now lets find what workout they are scoring
                        IQueryable<CompetitionWOD> compWodQuery = entities.CompetitionWODs.OrderBy(w => w.Order).Where(w => w.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey && w.CompetitionCategory.Id == _compType);
                        if (_compType == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.CompetitionCategory.TEAM)
                            long teamPoolKey = Convert.ToInt64( ddlTeamPool.SelectedValue );
                            compWodQuery = compWodQuery.Where(w => w.CompetitionTeamPool.Id == teamPoolKey);
                        CompetitionWOD compWod = compWodQuery.Where(c => c.CompetitionWODResults.Count() > 0).Select( w => w).ToArray().Reverse().FirstOrDefault();
                        if (compWod == null)
                            compWod = compWodQuery.FirstOrDefault();
                        if (Request["w"] != null)
                            long cwId = Convert.ToInt64(Request["w"]);
                            if (cwId == -1)
                            {   // this is now a final scoring..
                                bAdvance.Visible = false;
                                litWodName.Text = "Final Score<span style=\"padding-right: 150px;\">&nbsp;</span>";
                                hiddenCompWodKey.Value = "-1";
                            else if (cwId == -2)
                            {   // allow this to fall through and setup first wod..
                                bBack.Visible = false;
                                cwId = compWod.Id;
                            compWod = entities.CompetitionWODs.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Id == cwId);

                        if (compWod == null)
                        {   // TODO: send a message that they need to setup some workouts..

                        hiddenCompWodKey.Value = "" + compWod.Id;
                    long comWodKey = Convert.ToInt64(hiddenCompWodKey.Value);
                    _compWod = entities.CompetitionWODs.Include("WOD").Include("WOD.WODType").FirstOrDefault(w => w.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey && w.Id == comWodKey );
                    if (_compWod != null)
                        litWodName.Text = "" + _compWod.WOD.Name;
                {   // Live Score board...
                    if (!Page.IsPostBack && !Page.IsCallback)
                        if (Request["c"] != null)
                            CompetitionKey = Convert.ToInt64(Request["c"]);
                        hiddenAjaxCompCategoryKey.Value = "" + (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.CompetitionCategory.IND_MALE;
                        hiddenTeamPoolKey.Value = "0";

                        CompetitionTeamPool[] teamPools = entities.CompetitionTeamPools.Where(p => p.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey).ToArray();
                        ddlCompSelector.Items.Add(new ListItem()
                            Text = "Individual - Mens",
                            Value = "{cat:1, tp:0}"
                        ddlCompSelector.Items.Add(new ListItem()
                            Text = "Individual - Womens",
                            Value = "{cat:3, tp:0}"
                        int ind = 0;
                        foreach (CompetitionTeamPool team in teamPools)
                            ddlCompSelector.Items.Add(new ListItem()
                                Text = "Team - " + team.Name,
                                Value = "{cat:2, tp:" + (ind++) + "}"


            catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load
                Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected void bAjaxPostback_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Affine.Data.Managers.IDataManager dataMan = Affine.Data.Managers.LINQ.DataManager.Instance;
                aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();
                switch (hiddenAjaxAction.Value)
                case "AddWOD":
                    long wodKey   = Convert.ToInt64(hiddenAjaxValue.Value);
                    int  compType = Convert.ToInt32(hiddenAjaxValue2.Value);
                    long poolKey  = 0;
                    if (compType == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.CompetitionCategory.TEAM)
                        poolKey = Convert.ToInt32(hiddenAjaxValue3.Value);
                    WOD         wod  = entities.WODs.Include("WODType").FirstOrDefault(w => w.Id == wodKey);
                    Competition comp = entities.Competitions.Include("CompetitionWODs").FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == CompetitionKey);
                    if (wod != null && comp != null)
                        CompetitionWOD compWod = new CompetitionWOD()
                            WOD                 = wod,
                            Order               = comp.CompetitionWODs.Count,
                            Competition         = comp,
                            CompetitionCategory = entities.CompetitionCategories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == compType),
                            CompetitionTeamPool = entities.CompetitionTeamPools.FirstOrDefault(tp => tp.Id == poolKey)
                        RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(" Aqufit.Windows.WorkoutFinder.close(); Aqufit.Page.Actions.refreshGrid(" + compType + "); ");

                case "DeleteWOD":
                    long           compWodKey = Convert.ToInt64(hiddenAjaxValue.Value);
                    CompetitionWOD compW      = entities.CompetitionWODs.Include("CompetitionCategory").FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == compWodKey && c.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey);
                    if (compW != null)
                        RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(" Aqufit.Page.Actions.refreshGrid(" + compW.CompetitionCategory.Id + "); ");
                        // rebuild the order of the workouts now..
                        CompetitionWOD[] orderList = entities.CompetitionWODs.Where(c => c.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey).OrderBy(c => c.Order).ToArray();
                        int order = 0;
                        foreach (CompetitionWOD cw in orderList)
                            cw.Order = (order++);

                case "AddTeamPool":
                    string name = Convert.ToString(hiddenAjaxValue.Value);
                    CompetitionTeamPool pool = new CompetitionTeamPool()
                        Name        = name,
                        Competition = entities.Competitions.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == CompetitionKey)
                    RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(" Aqufit.Windows.TeamPoolWin.close(); Aqufit.Page.Actions.refreshTeamPoolGrid(); ");

                case "LoadTeamPool":
                    long     tpKey        = Convert.ToInt64(hiddenAjaxValue.Value);
                    string[] teamKeyArray = entities.CompetitionRegistrations.Where(r => r.CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool
                                                                                    .FirstOrDefault(c => c.CompetitionTeamPool.Id == tpKey) != null)
                                            .Select(r => r.Id).Cast <string>().ToArray();
                    string jsTeamArray = "[]";
                    if (teamKeyArray.Length > 0)
                        jsTeamArray = "[" + teamKeyArray.Aggregate((i, j) => "" + i + "," + j) + "]";
                    RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("Aqufit.Windows.TeamPoolManagerWin.loadData(" + jsTeamArray + "); ");

                case "SaveTeamPool":
                    long tPoolKey = Convert.ToInt64(hiddenAjaxValue.Value);
                    CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool[] clearArray = entities.CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool.Where(c => c.CompetitionTeamPool.Id == tPoolKey).ToArray();
                    foreach (CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool clear in clearArray)
                    CompetitionTeamPool tpool = entities.CompetitionTeamPools.FirstOrDefault(tp => tp.Id == tPoolKey);
                    foreach (RadListBoxItem item in RadListBoxPoolDest.Items)
                        long rId = Convert.ToInt64(item.Value);
                        CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool c2t = new CompetitionRegistration2TeamPool()
                            CompetitionTeamPool     = tpool,
                            CompetitionRegistration = entities.CompetitionRegistrations.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == rId)
                    RadListBoxTeamSource.DataSource = entities.CompetitionRegistrations.Where(r => r.Competition.Id == CompetitionKey && r.CompetitionCategory.Id == (int)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.CompetitionCategory.TEAM).Select(r => new { Name = r.TeamName, Value = r.Id }).ToArray();
                    RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(" Aqufit.Windows.TeamPoolManagerWin.close(); Aqufit.Page.Actions.refreshTeamPoolGrid(); ");
            catch (Exception ex)
                RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("Aqufit.Page.Actions.ShowFail('ERROR: There was a problem with the action (" + ex.StackTrace.Replace("'", "").Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "") + ")');");