Ejemplo n.º 1
        public List <ExpressBagNumberReport> GetBagNumberReportObj(int bagId, int userId)
            List <ExpressBagNumberReport> list      = new List <ExpressBagNumberReport>();
            ExpressBagNumberReport        reportObj = new ExpressBagNumberReport();

            var bag = dbContext.ExpressBags.Find(bagId);

            if (bag != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bag.BagNumber))
                    var arr = bag.BagNumber.Split('-');
                    if (arr.Count() > 0 && arr.Count() == 3)
                        reportObj.Hub      = arr[0];
                        reportObj.Carrier  = arr[1];
                        reportObj.BagCount = arr[1] + "/" + arr[2];
                    var manifest = dbContext.ExpressManifests.Find(bag.ManifestId);
                    if (manifest != null)
                        reportObj.TradelaneShipmentId = manifest.TradelaneShipmentId.HasValue ? manifest.TradelaneShipmentId.Value : 0;
                    reportObj.Ref = CommonConversion.GetNewFrayteNumber();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public FrayteResult CreateWarehouseLocation(string LocationName, string countryCode)
            FrayteResult result = new FrayteResult();

            Location location = new Location();

            location.WarehouseId  = 1;
            location.LocationName = LocationName;
            location.CountryId    = 228;

            location.Barcode = CommonConversion.GetNewFrayteNumber() + "|" + countryCode + "|" + location.LocationId;

            BarcodeSettings settings = new BarcodeSettings();
            string          data     = location.Barcode;
            string          type     = "Code128";
            short           fontSize = 8;
            string          font     = "SimSun";

            settings.Data2D = data;
            settings.Data   = data;
            settings.Type   = (BarCodeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(BarCodeType), type);

            if (fontSize != 0 && fontSize.ToString().Length > 0 && Int16.TryParse(fontSize.ToString(), out fontSize))
                if (font != null && font.Length > 0)
                    settings.TextFont = new System.Drawing.Font(font, fontSize, FontStyle.Bold);
            short barHeight = 15;

            if (barHeight != 0 && barHeight.ToString().Length > 0 && Int16.TryParse(barHeight.ToString(), out barHeight))
                settings.BarHeight = barHeight;

            BarCodeGenerator generator = new BarCodeGenerator(settings);
            Image            barcode   = generator.GenerateImage();

            // Path where we will have barcode
            string filePathToSave = AppSettings.LabelFolder + "Waerehouse/";

            filePathToSave = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(filePathToSave + location.LocationId);

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(filePathToSave))
            barcode.Save(filePathToSave + "/" + location.LocationName + ".Png");
            result.Status = true;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public List <ExpressReportBagLabel> GetBagLabelReportObj(int bagId, int userId)
            List <ExpressReportBagLabel> list = new List <ExpressReportBagLabel>();

                var    user  = dbContext.Users.Find(userId);
                string refNO = CommonConversion.GetNewFrayteNumber();

                var bag = dbContext.ExpressBags.Find(bagId);

                if (bag != null)
                    var sdf = (from r in dbContext.Expresses
                               join ed in dbContext.ExpressDetails on r.ExpressId equals ed.ExpressId
                               where r.BagId == bagId
                               select ed).ToList();

                    var hub = (from r in dbContext.Expresses
                               join h in dbContext.HubCarrierServices on r.HubCarrierServiceId equals h.HubCarrierServiceId
                               join hc in dbContext.HubCarriers on h.HubCarrierId equals hc.HubCarrierId
                               join hb in dbContext.Hubs on hc.HubId equals hb.HubId
                               join hu in dbContext.HubUsers on hb.HubId equals hu.HubId
                               join u in dbContext.Users on hu.UserId equals u.UserId
                               where r.BagId == bagId
                               select new
                        Code = hb.Code,
                        NotifyParty = u.CompanyName

                    ExpressReportBagLabel reportObj = new ExpressReportBagLabel();
                    reportObj.Ref              = refNO;
                    reportObj.Hub              = hub != null ? hub.Code : "";
                    reportObj.Destination      = hub != null ? hub.Code : "";
                    reportObj.ServiceType      = bag.Courier;
                    reportObj.DestinationAgent = hub != null ? hub.NotifyParty : "";
                    reportObj.TotalQty         = sdf.Count;
                    reportObj.BagWeight        = sdf != null?sdf.Sum(p => p.CartonQty *p.Weight) : 0;

                    reportObj.BagBarCode = bag.BagBarCode;

                    var userInfo = (from r in dbContext.Users
                                    join tz in dbContext.Timezones on r.TimezoneId equals tz.TimezoneId
                                    where r.UserId == userId
                                    select tz

                    var UserTimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(userInfo.Name);

                    DateTime date = UtilityRepository.UtcDateToOtherTimezone(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow.TimeOfDay, UserTimeZoneInfo).Item1;
                    string   time = UtilityRepository.GetFormattedTimeFromString(UtilityRepository.UtcDateToOtherTimezone(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow.TimeOfDay, UserTimeZoneInfo).Item2);

                    // Append the created by time zone in time
                    reportObj.DateTime = date.ToString("dd-MMM-yy") + " " + time + " " + userInfo.OffsetShort;

            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public List <ExpressReportDriverManifest> GetDriverManifestReportObj(int tradelaneShipmentId, int userId)
            List <ExpressReportDriverManifest> list = new List <ExpressReportDriverManifest>();

                var    user           = dbContext.Users.Find(userId);
                string refNO          = CommonConversion.GetNewFrayteNumber();
                var    customerDetail = (from r in dbContext.Users
                                         join s in dbContext.TradelaneShipments on r.UserId equals s.CustomerId
                                         where s.TradelaneShipmentId == tradelaneShipmentId
                                         select new
                    CustomerName = r.CompanyName

                var Result         = dbContext.ExpressManifests.Where(a => a.TradelaneShipmentId == tradelaneShipmentId).FirstOrDefault();
                var ShipmentDetail = new TradelaneBookingRepository().GetTradelaneBookingDetails(tradelaneShipmentId, "");
                var hub            = (from r in dbContext.ExpressManifests
                                      join h in dbContext.Hubs on r.HubId equals h.HubId
                                      where r.TradelaneShipmentId == tradelaneShipmentId
                                      select h

                ExpressReportDriverManifest reportObj = new ExpressReportDriverManifest();
                reportObj.Ref                = refNO;
                reportObj.Barcode            = Result.BarCode;
                reportObj.DriverManifestName = "Destination Manifest-" + Result.BarCode + " (" + ShipmentDetail.ShipmentHandlerMethod.DisplayName + ")"; //       EMPM.ExportManifestName = "Origin Manifest-" + Result.BarCode + " (" + ShipmentDetail.ShipmentHandlerMethod.DisplayName + ")";
                reportObj.Hub                = hub.Code;
                reportObj.MAWB               = ShipmentDetail.AirlinePreference.AilineCode + " " + ShipmentDetail.MAWB.Substring(0, 4) + " " + ShipmentDetail.MAWB.Substring(4, 4);
                reportObj.PrintedBy          = user.ContactName;

                var userInfo = (from r in dbContext.Users
                                join tz in dbContext.Timezones on r.TimezoneId equals tz.TimezoneId
                                where r.UserId == userId
                                select tz

                var UserTimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(userInfo.Name);

                //UtilityRepository.UtcDateToOtherTimezone(shipment.CreatedOnUtc, shipment.CreatedOnUtc.TimeOfDay, UserTimeZoneInfo);

                DateTime date = UtilityRepository.UtcDateToOtherTimezone(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow.TimeOfDay, UserTimeZoneInfo).Item1;
                string   time = UtilityRepository.GetFormattedTimeFromString(UtilityRepository.UtcDateToOtherTimezone(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow.TimeOfDay, UserTimeZoneInfo).Item2);

                // Append the created by time zone in time
                reportObj.PrintedDateTime = date.ToString("dd-MMM-yy") + " " + time + " " + userInfo.OffsetShort;
                //reportObj.PuickUpAddress = UtilityRepository.ConcatinateAddress(ShipmentDetail.ShipFrom, "");

                if (hub != null)
                    TradelBookingAdress address = new TradelBookingAdress();

                    address.Address     = hub.Address;
                    address.Address2    = hub.Address2;
                    address.City        = hub.City;
                    address.State       = hub.State;
                    address.PostCode    = hub.PostCode;
                    address.Country     = new FrayteCountryCode();
                    address.Phone       = hub.TelephoneNo;
                    address.CompanyName = hub.Name;
                    var country = dbContext.Countries.Where(p => p.CountryId == hub.CountryId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (country != null)
                        address.Country.CountryId = country.CountryId;
                        address.Country.Code      = country.CountryCode;
                        address.Country.Code2     = country.CountryCode2;
                        address.Country.Name      = country.CountryName;
                    reportObj.PuickUpAddress = UtilityRepository.ConcatinateAddress(address, "");
                //reportObj.PuickUpAddress = UtilityRepository.ConcatinateAddress(ShipmentDetail.ShipTo, "");

                reportObj.MAWBChargeableWeight = ShipmentDetail.HAWBPackages.Sum(p => p.TotalWeight * p.TotalCartons);
                reportObj.MAWBGrossWeight      = ShipmentDetail.HAWBPackages.Sum(p => p.TotalWeight * p.TotalCartons);

                if (ShipmentDetail.ShipmentHandlerMethod.ShipmentHandlerMethodId == 5)
                    var shipmentAllocation = dbContext.TradelaneShipmentAllocations.Where(p => p.TradelaneShipmentId == tradelaneShipmentId && p.LegNum == "Leg2").OrderByDescending(p => p.TradelaneShipmentAllocationId).FirstOrDefault();

                    reportObj.FlightNumber = shipmentAllocation.FlightNumber;
                    var Airline = dbContext.Airlines.Find(shipmentAllocation.AirlineId);
                    if (Airline != null)
                        reportObj.Airline = Airline.AirLineName + " - " + Airline.CarrierCode3;
                    var timezone = dbContext.Timezones.Find(shipmentAllocation.TimezoneId);
                    if (timezone != null)
                        var TimeZoneInfor = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(userInfo.Name);
                        //UtilityRepository.UtcDateToOtherTimezone(shipment.CreatedOnUtc, shipment.CreatedOnUtc.TimeOfDay, UserTimeZoneInfo);
                        DateTime date1 = UtilityRepository.UtcDateToOtherTimezone(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow.TimeOfDay, TimeZoneInfor).Item1;
                        string   time1 = UtilityRepository.GetFormattedTimeFromString(UtilityRepository.UtcDateToOtherTimezone(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow.TimeOfDay, TimeZoneInfor).Item2);
                        // Append the created by time zone in time
                        reportObj.ETA         = date1.ToString("dd-MMM-yy") + " " + time1;
                        reportObj.ETATimeZone = "(" + timezone.OffsetShort + ")";
                    var shipmentAllocation = dbContext.TradelaneShipmentAllocations.Where(p => p.TradelaneShipmentId == tradelaneShipmentId).OrderByDescending(p => p.TradelaneShipmentAllocationId).FirstOrDefault();
                    reportObj.FlightNumber = shipmentAllocation.FlightNumber;
                    var Airline = dbContext.Airlines.Find(shipmentAllocation.AirlineId);
                    if (Airline != null)
                        reportObj.Airline = Airline.AirLineName + " - " + Airline.CarrierCode3;
                    var timezone = dbContext.Timezones.Find(shipmentAllocation.TimezoneId);
                    if (timezone != null)
                        var TimeZoneInfor = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(userInfo.Name);
                        //UtilityRepository.UtcDateToOtherTimezone(shipment.CreatedOnUtc, shipment.CreatedOnUtc.TimeOfDay, UserTimeZoneInfo);
                        DateTime date1 = UtilityRepository.UtcDateToOtherTimezone(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow.TimeOfDay, TimeZoneInfor).Item1;
                        string   time1 = UtilityRepository.GetFormattedTimeFromString(UtilityRepository.UtcDateToOtherTimezone(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow.TimeOfDay, TimeZoneInfor).Item2);
                        // Append the created by time zone in time
                        reportObj.ETA         = date1.ToString("dd-MMM-yy") + " " + time1;
                        reportObj.ETATimeZone = "(" + timezone.OffsetShort + ")";
                reportObj.CarrierBags = new List <ExpressReportDriverManifestBagDetail>();
                ExpressReportDriverManifestBagDetail mn;

                var detail = (from r in dbContext.ExpressManifests
                              join b in dbContext.ExpressBags on r.ExpressManifestId equals b.ManifestId
                              where r.TradelaneShipmentId == tradelaneShipmentId
                              select b).GroupBy(group => group.Courier).Select(p => new
                    key  = p.Key,
                    data = p.Select(q => new
                        Id = q.DriverManifestId,
                        DriverManifestNumber = dbContext.ExpressDriverManifests.Where(a => a.ExpressDriverManifestId == q.DriverManifestId).FirstOrDefault().DriverManifestBarCode,
                        Carrier      = q.Courier,
                        BagBarCode   = q.BagBarCode,
                        BagId        = q.BagId,
                        BagNumber    = q.BagNumber,
                        HubCarrierId = q.HubCarrierId

                if (detail.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var item in detail)
                        int hubCarrierId = item.data[0].HubCarrierId.HasValue ? item.data[0].HubCarrierId.Value : 0;

                        var hubCarrier = dbContext.HubCarriers.Where(p => p.HubCarrierId == hubCarrierId).FirstOrDefault();
                        mn            = new ExpressReportDriverManifestBagDetail();
                        mn.Carrier    = item.key;
                        mn.CutOffTime = hubCarrier.CutOffTime;
                        mn.NoOfBags   = item.data.Count;

                        decimal totalWeight = 0.00M;
                        int     totalPieces = 0;
                        foreach (var item1 in item.data)
                            var ship = (from r in dbContext.Expresses
                                        join d in dbContext.ExpressDetails on r.ExpressId equals d.ExpressId
                                        where r.BagId == item1.BagId
                                        select d

                            totalPieces += ship.Count;
                            totalWeight  = ship.Sum(p => p.Weight * p.CartonQty);
                        mn.TotalPieces = totalPieces;
                        mn.TotalWeight = totalWeight;
                    reportObj.CarrierManifests = new List <ExpressReportDriverCarrierManifest>();
                    ExpressReportDriverCarrierManifest cm;
                    foreach (var item in detail)
                        cm = new ExpressReportDriverCarrierManifest();
                        int hubCarrierId = item.data[0].HubCarrierId.HasValue ? item.data[0].HubCarrierId.Value : 0;
                        cm.CarrierManifestBarcoede = item.data.FirstOrDefault().DriverManifestNumber;
                        cm.CarrierManifest         = item.key + " - (" + item.data.FirstOrDefault().DriverManifestNumber + ")" + " Destination Manifest";
                        cm.CarrierBagDetails       = new List <ExpressReportCarrierBagDetail>();
                        ExpressReportCarrierBagDetail d;
                        var hubCarrier = dbContext.HubCarriers.Where(p => p.HubCarrierId == hubCarrierId).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (hubCarrier != null)
                            TradelBookingAdress address = new TradelBookingAdress();

                            address.Address     = hubCarrier.Address;
                            address.Address2    = hubCarrier.Address2;
                            address.City        = hubCarrier.City;
                            address.State       = hubCarrier.State;
                            address.PostCode    = hubCarrier.PostCode;
                            address.Country     = new FrayteCountryCode();
                            address.Phone       = hubCarrier.TelephoneNo;
                            address.CompanyName = hubCarrier.CompanyName;
                            var country = dbContext.Countries.Where(p => p.CountryId == hubCarrier.CountryId).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (country != null)
                                address.Country.CountryId = country.CountryId;
                                address.Country.Code      = country.CountryCode;
                                address.Country.Code2     = country.CountryCode2;
                                address.Country.Name      = country.CountryName;
                            cm.DropOffAddress = UtilityRepository.ConcatinateAddress(address, "");

                        foreach (var item1 in item.data)
                            d = new ExpressReportCarrierBagDetail();

                            d.BagNumber = item1.BagNumber;

                            var sdf = (from r in dbContext.Expresses
                                       join ed in dbContext.ExpressDetails on r.ExpressId equals ed.ExpressId
                                       where r.BagId == item1.BagId
                                       select ed
                            d.TotalPieces      = sdf.Count;
                            d.ExporterName     = customerDetail.CustomerName;
                            d.TotalWeight      = sdf.Sum(p => p.CartonQty * p.Weight);
                            d.Carrier          = item.key;
                            d.BagId            = item1.BagId;
                            d.TermAndCondition = hubCarrier.TermAndCondition;
            catch (Exception ex)