Ejemplo n.º 1
        async Task TestCreateTag(CommitID cmid)
            var db = getDataContext();

            ICommitRepository cmrepo = new CommitRepository(db);
            ITagRepository    tgrepo = new TagRepository(db);

            Console.WriteLine("Get commit by tag 'v1.0'");
            var cm = await cmrepo.GetCommitByTagName("v1.0");

            if (cm != null)
                Console.WriteLine("v1.0 was {0}", cm.Item2.ID);
#if false
                Console.WriteLine("Deleting Tag by ID {0}", cm.Item1.ID);
                await tgrepo.DeleteTag(cm.Item1.ID).Wait();
                Console.WriteLine("Deleting Tag by name 'v1.0'");
                await tgrepo.DeleteTagByName("v1.0");

            Tag tg = new Tag.Builder("v1.0", cmid, "James Dunne <*****@*****.**>", DateTimeOffset.Now, "Tagged for version 1.0");

            await tgrepo.PersistTag(tg);

            var tgByName = await cmrepo.GetCommitByTagName("v1.0");

            Debug.Assert(tgByName.Item2.ID == cmid);

        public StringBuilder WriteTo(StringBuilder sb)
            if (Parents != null && Parents.Length > 0)
                // Sort parent CommitIDs in order:
                CommitID[] parents = new CommitID[Parents.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < parents.Length; ++i)
                    parents[i] = Parents[i];
                Array.Sort(parents, new CommitID.Comparer());

                for (int i = 0; i < parents.Length; ++i)
                    sb.AppendFormat("parent {0}\n", parents[i]);

            sb.AppendFormat("tree {0}\n", TreeID);
            sb.AppendFormat("committer {0}\n", Committer);

            // NOTE: date parsing will result in an inexact DateTimeOffset from what was created with, but it
            // is close enough because the SHA-1 hash is calculated using the DateTimeOffset.ToString(), so
            // only the ToString() representations of the DateTimeOffsets need to match.
            sb.AppendFormat("date {0}\n\n", DateCommitted.ToString());
            sb.AppendFormat(Message ?? String.Empty);

            return sb;
        private async Task <Errorable <Commit[]> > getCommitsRecursively(CommitID id, int depthLevel, int depthMaximum)
            // Get the current commit:
            var eroot = await getCommit(id).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

            if (eroot.HasErrors)

            var root    = eroot.Value;
            var rootArr = new Commit[1] {

            // We have no parents:
            if (root.Parents.Length == 0)

            // This is the last depth level:
            if (depthLevel >= depthMaximum)

            // Recurse up the commit parents:
            Task <Errorable <Commit[]> >[] tasks = new Task <Errorable <Commit[]> > [root.Parents.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < root.Parents.Length; ++i)
                tasks[i] = getCommitsRecursively(root.Parents[i], depthLevel + 1, depthMaximum);

            // Await all the tree retrievals:
            var allCommits = await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

            // Roll up all the errors:
            ErrorContainer errors =
                    from ecms in allCommits
                    where ecms.HasErrors
                    select ecms.Errors
                ).Aggregate(new ErrorContainer(), (acc, err) => acc + err);

            if (errors.HasAny)

            // Flatten out the tree arrays:
            var flattened =
                from ecms in allCommits
                from cm in ecms.Value
                select cm;

            // Return the final array:
            return(rootArr.Concat(flattened).ToArray(allCommits.Sum(ca => ca.Value.Length) + 1));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal FileInfo getPathByID(CommitID id)
            DirectoryInfo objDir = getObjectsDirectory();
            string        idStr  = id.ToString();

            string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(objDir.FullName, idStr.Substring(0, 2), idStr.Substring(2));

            return(new FileInfo(path));
        internal static Errorable <Tuple <Tag, Commit> > retrieve(ConsistencyError errorIfNotExist, SqlCommand cmd, SqlDataReader dr)
            // If no result, return null:
            if (!dr.Read())

            TagID tgid = (TagID)dr.GetSqlBinary(0).Value;

            Tag.Builder tgb = new Tag.Builder(
                pName:          (TagName)dr.GetSqlString(1).Value,
                pCommitID:      (CommitID)dr.GetSqlBinary(2).Value,
                pTagger:        dr.GetSqlString(3).Value,
                pDateTagged:    dr.GetDateTimeOffset(4),
                pMessage:       dr.GetSqlString(5).Value

            Tag tg = tgb;

            if (tg.ID != tgid)
                return(new ComputedTagIDMismatchError(tg.ID, tgid));

            const int offs = 6;
            CommitID  id   = (CommitID)dr.GetSqlBinary(0 + offs).Value;

            Commit.Builder cmb = new Commit.Builder(
                pParents: new System.Collections.Generic.List <CommitID>(2),
                pTreeID: (TreeID)dr.GetSqlBinary(1 + offs).Value,
                pCommitter: dr.GetSqlString(2 + offs).Value,
                pDateCommitted: dr.GetDateTimeOffset(3 + offs),
                pMessage: dr.GetSqlString(4 + offs).Value

            // Read the parent commit ids from the second result:
            if (dr.NextResult())
                while (dr.Read())
                cmb.Parents.Sort(new CommitID.Comparer());

            Commit cm = cmb;

            if (cm.ID != id)
                return(new ComputedCommitIDMismatchError(cm.ID, id));

            return(new Tuple <Tag, Commit>(tg, cm));
 public Task <Errorable <CommitID> > ResolvePartialID(CommitID.Partial id)
     FileInfo[] fis = system.getPathsByPartialID(id);
     if (fis.Length == 1)
         return(Task.FromResult(CommitID.TryParse(id.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + fis[0].Name)));
     if (fis.Length == 0)
         return(Task.FromResult((Errorable <CommitID>) new CommitIDPartialNoResolutionError(id)));
     return(Task.FromResult((Errorable <CommitID>) new CommitIDPartialAmbiguousResolutionError(id, fis.SelectAsArray(f => CommitID.TryParse(id.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + f.Name).Value))));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public Builder(
     CommitID pID
     , TreeID pTreeID
     , string pCommitter
     , DateTimeOffset pDateCommitted
     , string pMessage
     this.ID            = pID;
     this.TreeID        = pTreeID;
     this.Committer     = pCommitter;
     this.DateCommitted = pDateCommitted;
     this.Message       = pMessage;
        public async Task <Errorable <CommitTree> > GetCommitTree(CommitID id, int depth = 10)
            var eall = await getCommitsRecursively(id, 1, depth).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

            if (eall.HasErrors)

            var all = eall.Value;

            // Return them (all[0] is the root):
            return(new CommitTree(all[0].ID, new ImmutableContainer <CommitID, ICommit>(cm => cm.ID, all)));
        private void deleteCommit(CommitID id)
            FileInfo fi = system.getPathByID(id);

            lock (FileSystem.SystemLock)
                if (!fi.Exists)

Ejemplo n.º 10
        async Task Create3DeepCommit()
            // Create a 3-depth commit tree up from HEAD:
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                TreeID rootid = await TestPersistTree();


                CommitID cmid = await TestCreateCommit(rootid, i);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        private CommitTreeResponse toJSON(CommitID id, ImmutableContainer<CommitID, ICommit> commits)
            ICommit cm;
            if (!commits.TryGetValue(id, out cm)) return null;

            return new CommitTreeResponse()
                id = cm.ID.ToString(),
                treeid = cm.TreeID.ToString(),
                committer = cm.Committer.ToString(),
                date_committed = JSONTranslateExtensions.FromDate(cm.DateCommitted),
                parents_retrieved = cm.IsComplete,
                message = cm.Message,
                parents = cm.Parents.SelectAsArray(cmid => toJSON(cmid, commits))
Ejemplo n.º 12
        static void RecursivePrint(CommitID cmID, ImmutableContainer <CommitID, ICommit> commits, int depth = 1)
            ICommit cm = commits[cmID];

            if (cm.IsComplete)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}c {1}:  ({2})", new string(' ', (depth - 1) * 2), cm.ID.ToString(firstLength: 7), String.Join(",", cm.Parents.Select(id => id.ToString(firstLength: 7))));
                foreach (CommitID parentID in cm.Parents)
                    RecursivePrint(parentID, commits, depth + 1);
                Console.WriteLine("{0}p  {1}:  ?", new string(' ', (depth - 1) * 2), cm.ID.ToString(firstLength: 7));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public Errorable <Tuple <Ref, Commit> > retrieve(SqlCommand cmd, SqlDataReader dr)
            // If no result, return null:
            if (!dr.Read())
                return(new RefNameDoesNotExistError(this._refName));

            Ref.Builder rfb = new Ref.Builder(
                pName:      (RefName)dr.GetSqlString(0).Value,
                pCommitID:  (CommitID)dr.GetSqlBinary(1).Value

            Ref rf = rfb;

            const int offs = 2;

            CommitID id = (CommitID)dr.GetSqlBinary(0 + offs).Value;

            Commit.Builder cmb = new Commit.Builder(
                pParents:       new System.Collections.Generic.List <CommitID>(2),
                pTreeID:        (TreeID)dr.GetSqlBinary(1 + offs).Value,
                pCommitter:     dr.GetSqlString(2 + offs).Value,
                pDateCommitted: dr.GetDateTimeOffset(3 + offs),
                pMessage:       dr.GetSqlString(4 + offs).Value

            // Read the parent commit ids from the second result:
            if (dr.NextResult())
                while (dr.Read())
                cmb.Parents.Sort(new CommitID.Comparer());

            Commit cm = cmb;

            if (cm.ID != id)
                return(new ComputedCommitIDMismatchError(cm.ID, id));

            return(new Tuple <Ref, Commit>(rf, cm));
        private async Task <Errorable <Ref> > getRefByName(RefName refName)
            FileInfo fiTracker = system.getRefPathByRefName(refName);

            if (!fiTracker.Exists)
                return(new RefNameDoesNotExistError(refName));

            byte[] buf;
            int    nr = 0;

            using (var fs = new FileStream(fiTracker.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 16384, true))
                // TODO: implement an async buffered Stream:
                buf = new byte[16384];
                nr  = await fs.ReadAsync(buf, 0, 16384).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

                if (nr >= 16384)
                    // My, what a large tag you have!
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

            // Parse the CommitID:
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buf, 0, nr, false))
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8))
                    string line = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null)
                        return(new RefNameDoesNotExistError(refName));

                    var ecid = CommitID.TryParse(line);
                    if (ecid.HasErrors)

                    return((Ref) new Ref.Builder(refName, ecid.Value));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private Errorable <Commit> retrieve(SqlCommand cmd, SqlDataReader dr)
            // If no result, return null:
            if (!dr.Read())
                return(new CommitIDRecordDoesNotExistError(this._id));

            CommitID id = (CommitID)dr.GetSqlBinary(0).Value;

            Commit.Builder b = new Commit.Builder(
                pParents:       new System.Collections.Generic.List <CommitID>(10),
                pTreeID:        (TreeID)dr.GetSqlBinary(1).Value,
                pCommitter:     dr.GetSqlString(2).Value,
                pDateCommitted: dr.GetDateTimeOffset(3),
                pMessage:       dr.GetSqlString(4).Value

            // Read the parent commit ids from the second result:
            if (dr.NextResult())
                while (dr.Read())
                b.Parents.Sort(new CommitID.Comparer());

            Commit cm = b;

            if (cm.ID != id)
                throw new ComputedCommitIDMismatchError(cm.ID, id);

        public async Task <Errorable <CommitID> > DeleteCommit(CommitID id)
            await Task.Run(() => deleteCommit(id)).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

        internal FileInfo[] getPathsByPartialID(CommitID.Partial partial)
            DirectoryInfo objDir = getObjectsDirectory();
            string idStr = partial.ToString();

            string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(objDir.FullName, idStr.Substring(0, 2));
            var di = new DirectoryInfo(path);
            if (!di.Exists) return new FileInfo[0];

            return di.GetFiles(idStr.Substring(2) + "*");
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public ComputedCommitIDMismatchError(CommitID computedID, CommitID expectedID) : base("Computed CommitID {0} does not match expected CommitID {1}", computedID, expectedID)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 internal void RemoveFossils(int memberIndex, CommitID threshold, bool includeThreshold)
     members[memberIndex].RemoveFossils(threshold, includeThreshold);
 public Builder(Ref imm)
     this.Name = imm.Name;
     this.CommitID = imm.CommitID;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public CommitIDRecordDoesNotExistError(CommitID commitID) : base("A commit with CommitID {0} does not exist", commitID)
        private async Task<Errorable<Commit>> getCommit(CommitID id)
            FileInfo fi = system.getPathByID(id);
            if (!fi.Exists) return null;

            byte[] buf;
            int nr = 0;
            using (var fs = new FileStream(fi.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 16384, true))
                // TODO: implement an async buffered Stream:
                buf = new byte[16384];
                nr = await fs.ReadAsync(buf, 0, 16384).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
                if (nr >= 16384)
                    // My, what a large commit you have!
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

            Commit.Builder cb = new Commit.Builder()
                Parents = new List<CommitID>()

            // Parse the Commit:
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buf, 0, nr, false))
            using (var sr = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8))
                string line;

                // Read the list of parent CommitIDs:
                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (!line.StartsWith("parent ")) break;

                    string parent_commitid = line.Substring("parent ".Length);
                    var ecid = CommitID.TryParse(parent_commitid);
                    if (ecid.HasErrors) return ecid.Errors;

                // Set TreeID:
                if (line == null || !line.StartsWith("tree ")) return new CommitParseExpectedTreeError();
                var etrid = TreeID.TryParse(line.Substring("tree ".Length));
                if (etrid.HasErrors) return etrid.Errors;
                cb.TreeID = etrid.Value;

                // Set Committer:
                line = sr.ReadLine();
                if (line == null || !line.StartsWith("committer ")) return new CommitParseExpectedCommitterError();
                cb.Committer = line.Substring("committer ".Length);

                // Set DateCommitted:
                line = sr.ReadLine();
                if (line == null || !line.StartsWith("date ")) return new CommitParseExpectedDateError();

                // NOTE: date parsing will result in an inexact DateTimeOffset from what was created with, but it
                // is close enough because the SHA-1 hash is calculated using the DateTimeOffset.ToString(), so
                // only the ToString() representations of the DateTimeOffsets need to match.
                DateTimeOffset tmpDate;
                if (!DateTimeOffset.TryParse(line.Substring("date ".Length), out tmpDate))
                    return new CommitParseBadDateFormatError();
                cb.DateCommitted = tmpDate;

                // Skip empty line:
                line = sr.ReadLine();
                if (line == null || line.Length != 0) return new CommitParseExpectedBlankLineError();

                // Set Message:
                cb.Message = sr.ReadToEnd();

            // Create the immutable Commit from the Builder:
            Commit cm = cb;
            // Validate the computed CommitID:
            if (cm.ID != id) return new ComputedCommitIDMismatchError(cm.ID, id);

            return cm;
 public Builder(
     TagName pName
    ,CommitID pCommitID
    ,string pTagger
    ,DateTimeOffset pDateTagged
    ,string pMessage
     this.Name = pName;
     this.CommitID = pCommitID;
     this.Tagger = pTagger;
     this.DateTagged = pDateTagged;
     this.Message = pMessage;
        internal FileInfo getPathByID(CommitID id)
            DirectoryInfo objDir = getObjectsDirectory();
            string idStr = id.ToString();

            string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(objDir.FullName, idStr.Substring(0, 2), idStr.Substring(2));
            return new FileInfo(path);
 public Task <Errorable <CommitTree> > GetCommitTree(CommitID id, int depth = 10)
     return(db.ExecuteListQueryAsync(new QueryCommitsRecursively(id, depth)));
 public CommitIDPartialNoResolutionError(CommitID.Partial id) : base("Partial CommitID {0} does not resolve to a CommitID", id) { }
 public ComputedCommitIDMismatchError(CommitID computedID, CommitID expectedID) : base("Computed CommitID {0} does not match expected CommitID {1}", computedID, expectedID) { }
 public CommitRecordAlreadyExistsError(CommitID id) : base("A commit with CommitID {0} already exists", id) { }
 public CommitIDRecordDoesNotExistError(CommitID commitID) : base("A commit with CommitID {0} does not exist", commitID) { }
 public CommitIDPartialAmbiguousResolutionError(CommitID.Partial id, params CommitID[] ids) : base("Partial CommitID {0} resolves to multiple CommitID", id, ids) { }
 public Task<Errorable<CommitID>> ResolvePartialID(CommitID.Partial id)
     FileInfo[] fis = system.getPathsByPartialID(id);
     if (fis.Length == 1) return Task.FromResult(CommitID.TryParse(id.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + fis[0].Name));
     if (fis.Length == 0) return Task.FromResult((Errorable<CommitID>)new CommitIDPartialNoResolutionError(id));
     return Task.FromResult((Errorable<CommitID>)new CommitIDPartialAmbiguousResolutionError(id, fis.SelectAsArray(f => CommitID.TryParse(id.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + f.Name).Value)));
 public Task <Errorable <Commit> > GetCommit(CommitID id)
     return(db.ExecuteSingleQueryAsync(new QueryCommit(id)));
 public Builder(
     CommitID pID
    ,TreeID pTreeID
    ,string pCommitter
    ,DateTimeOffset pDateCommitted
    ,string pMessage
     this.ID = pID;
     this.TreeID = pTreeID;
     this.Committer = pCommitter;
     this.DateCommitted = pDateCommitted;
     this.Message = pMessage;
 public Task <Errorable <CommitID> > DeleteCommit(CommitID id)
     return(db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(new DestroyCommit(id)));
 public Ref(Builder b)
     this.Name = b.Name;
     this.CommitID = b.CommitID;
 public Task<Errorable<CommitID>> DeleteCommit(CommitID id)
     return db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(new DestroyCommit(id));
 public Builder(
     RefName pName
    ,CommitID pCommitID
     this.Name = pName;
     this.CommitID = pCommitID;
 public Task<Errorable<CommitTree>> GetCommitTree(CommitID id, int depth = 10)
     return db.ExecuteListQueryAsync(new QueryCommitsRecursively(id, depth));
Ejemplo n.º 39
 public CommitRecordAlreadyExistsError(CommitID id) : base("A commit with CommitID {0} already exists", id)
        private async Task <Errorable <Commit> > getCommit(CommitID id)
            FileInfo fi = system.getPathByID(id);

            if (!fi.Exists)

            byte[] buf;
            int    nr = 0;

            using (var fs = new FileStream(fi.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 16384, true))
                // TODO: implement an async buffered Stream:
                buf = new byte[16384];
                nr  = await fs.ReadAsync(buf, 0, 16384).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

                if (nr >= 16384)
                    // My, what a large commit you have!
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

            Commit.Builder cb = new Commit.Builder()
                Parents = new List <CommitID>()

            // Parse the Commit:
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buf, 0, nr, false))
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8))
                    string line;

                    // Read the list of parent CommitIDs:
                    while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (!line.StartsWith("parent "))

                        string parent_commitid = line.Substring("parent ".Length);
                        var    ecid            = CommitID.TryParse(parent_commitid);
                        if (ecid.HasErrors)

                    // Set TreeID:
                    if (line == null || !line.StartsWith("tree "))
                        return(new CommitParseExpectedTreeError());
                    var etrid = TreeID.TryParse(line.Substring("tree ".Length));
                    if (etrid.HasErrors)
                    cb.TreeID = etrid.Value;

                    // Set Committer:
                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null || !line.StartsWith("committer "))
                        return(new CommitParseExpectedCommitterError());
                    cb.Committer = line.Substring("committer ".Length);

                    // Set DateCommitted:
                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null || !line.StartsWith("date "))
                        return(new CommitParseExpectedDateError());

                    // NOTE: date parsing will result in an inexact DateTimeOffset from what was created with, but it
                    // is close enough because the SHA-1 hash is calculated using the DateTimeOffset.ToString(), so
                    // only the ToString() representations of the DateTimeOffsets need to match.
                    DateTimeOffset tmpDate;
                    if (!DateTimeOffset.TryParse(line.Substring("date ".Length), out tmpDate))
                        return(new CommitParseBadDateFormatError());
                    cb.DateCommitted = tmpDate;

                    // Skip empty line:
                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null || line.Length != 0)
                        return(new CommitParseExpectedBlankLineError());

                    // Set Message:
                    cb.Message = sr.ReadToEnd();

            // Create the immutable Commit from the Builder:
            Commit cm = cb;

            // Validate the computed CommitID:
            if (cm.ID != id)
                return(new ComputedCommitIDMismatchError(cm.ID, id));

 public Task <Errorable <Commit> > GetCommit(CommitID id)
        public async Task<Errorable<CommitID>> DeleteCommit(CommitID id)
            await Task.Run(() => deleteCommit(id)).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

            return id;
Ejemplo n.º 43
            public void Commit(Node hub, CommitID commitID)
                TestAttachment attach = (TestAttachment)hub.Attachment;

 public Task<Errorable<Commit>> GetCommit(CommitID id)
     return getCommit(id);
Ejemplo n.º 45
 public QueryCommit(CommitID id)
     this._id = id;
        private async Task<Errorable<Commit[]>> getCommitsRecursively(CommitID id, int depthLevel, int depthMaximum)
            // Get the current commit:
            var eroot = await getCommit(id).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
            if (eroot.HasErrors) return eroot.Errors;

            var root = eroot.Value;
            var rootArr = new Commit[1] { root };

            // We have no parents:
            if (root.Parents.Length == 0)
                return rootArr;

            // This is the last depth level:
            if (depthLevel >= depthMaximum)
                return rootArr;

            // Recurse up the commit parents:
            Task<Errorable<Commit[]>>[] tasks = new Task<Errorable<Commit[]>>[root.Parents.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < root.Parents.Length; ++i)
                tasks[i] = getCommitsRecursively(root.Parents[i], depthLevel + 1, depthMaximum);

            // Await all the tree retrievals:
            var allCommits = await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

            // Roll up all the errors:
            ErrorContainer errors =
                    from ecms in allCommits
                    where ecms.HasErrors
                    select ecms.Errors
                ).Aggregate(new ErrorContainer(), (acc, err) => acc + err);

            if (errors.HasAny) return errors;

            // Flatten out the tree arrays:
            var flattened =
                from ecms in allCommits
                from cm in ecms.Value
                select cm;

            // Return the final array:
            return rootArr.Concat(flattened).ToArray(allCommits.Sum(ca => ca.Value.Length) + 1);
        public async Task<Errorable<CommitTree>> GetCommitTree(CommitID id, int depth = 10)
            var eall = await getCommitsRecursively(id, 1, depth).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
            if (eall.HasErrors) return eall.Errors;

            var all = eall.Value;

            // Return them (all[0] is the root):
            return new CommitTree(all[0].ID, new ImmutableContainer<CommitID, ICommit>(cm => cm.ID, all));
Ejemplo n.º 48
        private async Task <Errorable <Tag> > getTag(TagID id)
            FileInfo fi = system.getPathByID(id);

            if (!fi.Exists)
                return(new TagIDRecordDoesNotExistError(id));

            byte[] buf;
            int    nr = 0;

            using (var fs = new FileStream(fi.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 16384, true))
                // TODO: implement an async buffered Stream:
                buf = new byte[16384];
                nr  = await fs.ReadAsync(buf, 0, 16384).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

                if (nr >= 16384)
                    // My, what a large tag you have!
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

            Tag.Builder tb = new Tag.Builder();

            // Parse the Tag:
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buf, 0, nr, false))
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8))
                    string line = sr.ReadLine();

                    // Set CommitID:
                    if (line == null || !line.StartsWith("commit "))
                        return(new TagParseExpectedCommitError());
                    var ecid = CommitID.TryParse(line.Substring("commit ".Length));
                    if (ecid.HasErrors)
                    tb.CommitID = ecid.Value;

                    // Set Name:
                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null || !line.StartsWith("name "))
                        return(new TagParseExpectedNameError());
                    tb.Name = (TagName)line.Substring("name ".Length);

                    // Set Tagger:
                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null || !line.StartsWith("tagger "))
                        return(new TagParseExpectedTaggerError());
                    tb.Tagger = line.Substring("tagger ".Length);

                    // Set DateTagged:
                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null || !line.StartsWith("date "))
                        return(new TagParseExpectedDateError());

                    // NOTE: date parsing will result in an inexact DateTimeOffset from what was created with, but it
                    // is close enough because the SHA-1 hash is calculated using the DateTimeOffset.ToString(), so
                    // only the ToString() representations of the DateTimeOffsets need to match.
                    DateTimeOffset tmpDate;
                    if (!DateTimeOffset.TryParse(line.Substring("date ".Length), out tmpDate))
                        return(new TagParseBadDateFormatError());

                    tb.DateTagged = tmpDate;

                    // Skip empty line:
                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null || line.Length != 0)
                        return(new TagParseExpectedBlankLineError());

                    // Set Message:
                    tb.Message = sr.ReadToEnd();

            // Create the immutable Tag from the Builder:
            Tag tg = tb;

            // Validate the computed TagID:
            if (tg.ID != id)
                return(new ComputedTagIDMismatchError(tg.ID, id));

 public Task<Errorable<Commit>> GetCommit(CommitID id)
     return db.ExecuteSingleQueryAsync(new QueryCommit(id));
Ejemplo n.º 50
 public QueryCommitsRecursively(CommitID id, int depth = 10)
     this._id    = id;
     this._depth = depth;
 public async Task<Errorable<CommitID>> ResolvePartialID(CommitID.Partial id)
     var resolvedIDs = await db.ExecuteListQueryAsync(new ResolvePartialCommitID(id));
     if (resolvedIDs.Length == 1) return resolvedIDs[0];
     if (resolvedIDs.Length == 0) return new CommitIDPartialNoResolutionError(id);
     return new CommitIDPartialAmbiguousResolutionError(id, resolvedIDs);
        private void deleteCommit(CommitID id)
            FileInfo fi = system.getPathByID(id);
            lock (FileSystem.SystemLock)
                if (!fi.Exists) return;
