Ejemplo n.º 1
        public SetupAssistedProgressViewModel(FlutnetSetupInArg setupArguments, IScreen screen = null) : base("setup_assisted_progress", screen)
            Title = "Configuration in progress";

            Button1Visible = false;
            Button2Visible = false;
            Button3Visible = false;

            // Create the command that calls Flutnet CLI
            RunDiagnostic = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async ct =>
                CommandLineCallResult callResult = await CommandLineTools.Call <FlutnetSetupOutArg>(setupArguments, ct);

                // This is not the proper way to change property values and raise property change notifications:
                // we should return a public object and subscribe to the command observable
                // so that we can use ReactiveUI framework methods such as ToProperty, BindTo etc.

                SetupResult overallResult      = null;
                FlutnetSetupOutArg setupResult = null;

                if (callResult.Canceled)
                    // Jump to finish page and notify the user that the operation has been canceled.
                    overallResult = new SetupResult {
                        OperationCanceled = true
                else if (callResult.Failed)
                    // Jump to finish page and notify the user that an unexpected error occured.
                    overallResult = new SetupResult {
                        OperationFailed = true
                    FlutnetSetupOutArg result = (FlutnetSetupOutArg)callResult.CommandResult;
                    if (!result.Success)
                        // Jump to finish page and notify the user that an unexpected error occured.
                        overallResult = new SetupResult {
                            OperationFailed = true
                        //setupResult = result;
                        overallResult = new SetupResult {
                            OperationResult = setupResult

                if (overallResult != null)
                    await HostScreen.Router.Navigate.Execute(new SetupFinishViewModel(overallResult, this, HostScreen));
                    //await HostScreen.Router.Navigate.Execute(new SetupCheckFlutterErrorViewModel(checkResult, HostScreen));

            RunDiagnostic.IsExecuting.ToProperty(this, x => x.IsInProgress, out _isInProgress);
            RunDiagnostic.IsExecuting.BindTo(this, x => x.IsBusy);

            // Execute the command when the View is activated
            this.WhenActivated(disposables =>
        public ConfigureProjectViewModel(FlutnetAppSettings appSettings, IScreen screen = null) : base("newprj_project", screen)
            _appSettings = appSettings;

            Title = "New Project";

            Description          = "Edit project settings: you'll see a preview in the right panel.\nPressing \"Create\" will generate the project folder and all relative files.";
            IsDescriptionVisible = true;

            NextText     = "Create";
            IsFinishPage = false;

            BrowseLocation = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(BrowseLocationAsync);
            BrowseLocation.Where(t => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t)).BindTo(this, t => t.Location);

            _location = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(AppSettings.Default.Preferences.LastProjectLocation)
                ? AppSettings.Default.Preferences.LastProjectLocation
                : OperatingSystem.DefaultProjectsLocation();

            if (appSettings != null)
                string projectName = AppNameToProjectName(appSettings.AppName);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectName))
                    _projectName = projectName;
                _projectName       = DefaultProjectName;
                _solutionName      = DefaultSolutionName;
                _flutterModuleName = DefaultFlutterModuleName;

            this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.ProjectName)
            .Do(t =>
            .Select(t => ToSafeFilename(t, DefaultAppName))
            .ToProperty(this, t => t.OutputProjectName, out _outputProjectName, initialValue: ProjectName);

            this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.OutputProjectName)
            .Select(t => $"{t}.Android")
            .ToProperty(this, t => t.OutputProjectDroidName, out _outputProjectDroidName, initialValue: $"{OutputProjectName}.Android");

            this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.OutputProjectName)
            .Select(t => $"{t}.iOS")
            .ToProperty(this, t => t.OutputProjectIosName, out _outputProjectIosName, initialValue: $"{OutputProjectName}.iOS");

            this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.OutputProjectName)
            .Select(t => $"{t}.ServiceLibrary")
            .ToProperty(this, t => t.OutputProjectServiceLibName, out _outputProjectServiceLibName, initialValue: $"{OutputProjectName}.ServiceLibrary");

            this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.SolutionName)
            .Select(t => ToSafeFilename(t, DefaultSolutionName))
            .ToProperty(this, t => t.OutputSolutionName, out _outputSolutionName, initialValue: SolutionName ?? DefaultSolutionName);

            this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.FlutterModuleName)
            .ToProperty(this, t => t.OutputFlutterModuleName, out _outputFlutterModuleName, initialValue: FlutterModuleName ?? DefaultFlutterModuleName);

            this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.OutputFlutterModuleName)
            .Select(t => $"{t}_bridge")
            .ToProperty(this, t => t.OutputFlutterPackageName, out _outputFlutterPackageName, initialValue: $"{OutputFlutterModuleName}_bridge");

                t => t.ProjectName, t => t.SolutionName, t => t.FlutterModuleName,
                (prj, sln, flutter) => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prj) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sln) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(flutter))
            .BindTo(this, t => t.NextEnabled);


            // Command to check if the installed version of Flutter is supported
            CheckFlutterVersion = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async ct =>
                CommandLineCallResult callResult = await CommandLineTools.Call <FlutterInfoInArg, FlutterInfoOutArg>(ct);

                if (callResult.Canceled || callResult.Failed)
                    FlutterVersionHasIssues = true;
                    FlutterVersionNotes     = "Unable to detect installed Flutter version. Compatibility with Flutnet unknown.";

                FlutterInfoOutArg result = (FlutterInfoOutArg)callResult.CommandResult;
                if (!result.Success)
                    FlutterVersionHasIssues = true;
                    FlutterVersionNotes     = "Unable to detect installed Flutter version. Compatibility with Flutnet unknown.";

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine($"Installed Flutter version: {result.InstalledVersion}");

                switch (result.Compatibility)
                case FlutterCompatibility.Supported:
                    FlutterVersionHasIssues = false;

                case FlutterCompatibility.SupportNotGuaranteed:
                    FlutterVersionHasIssues = true;
                    sb.AppendLine("This version is NOT officially compatible with Flutnet and the resulting projects may not work or may exhibit unexpected behaviors.");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.NextSupportedVersion))
                        sb.AppendLine($"We recommend that you update Flutter to the latest supported version ({result.LatestSupportedVersion}).");
                        sb.AppendLine($"The latest supported version is {result.LatestSupportedVersion}.");

                case FlutterCompatibility.NotSupported:
                    FlutterVersionHasIssues = true;
                    NextEnabled             = false;
                    sb.AppendLine("Unfortunately this version is NOT compatible with Flutnet.");
                    sb.AppendLine($"Please update Flutter to the latest supported version ({result.LatestSupportedVersion}).");

                FlutterVersion      = result.InstalledVersion;
                FlutterVersionNotes = sb.ToString();
            CheckFlutterVersion.IsExecuting.BindTo(this, x => x.IsBusy);

            this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.IsBusy).Select(t => !t).BindTo(this, p => p.NextEnabled);

            FlutterVersionNotes = "Retrieving information about the installed version of Flutter...";
        public CreateProjectProgressViewModel(FlutnetAppSettings appSettings, FlutnetProjectSettings projectSettings, NewProjectViewModel screen = null) : base("newprj_progress", screen)
            _appSettings     = appSettings;
            _projectSettings = projectSettings;

            Title                = "New Project";
            Description          = "The project will take some time to generate.\nWait until the procedure finish.\n";
            IsDescriptionVisible = false;

            NextText     = "Finish";
            BackVisible  = false;
            IsFinishPage = true;

            OutputLines = new ObservableCollection <string>();
            // Observe any changes in the observable collection.
            // Note that the property has no public setters, so we
            // assume the collection is mutated by using the Add(),
            // Delete(), Clear() and other similar methods.
            // Convert the collection to a stream of chunks,
            // so we have IObservable<IChangeSet<TKey, TValue>>
            // type also known as the DynamicData monad.
            // Each time the collection changes, we get
            // all updated items at once.
            // Aggregate all the elements in the collection
            // into a multi-line string.
            .Select(lines => string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines))
            // Then, we convert the multi-line string to the
            // property a multi-line TextBox can bind.
            .ToProperty(this, x => x.Output, out _output, scheduler: RxApp.MainThreadScheduler);

            // Create the command that calls Flutnet CLI
            CreateProject = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async ct =>
                NewProjectInArg arguments = BuildCommandLineArg();

                CommandLineCallResult callResult = await CommandLineTools.Call <NewProjectOutArg>(arguments, ct, line =>

                // This is not the proper way to change property values and raise property change notifications:
                // we should return a public object and subscribe to the command observable
                // so that we can use ReactiveUI framework methods such as ToProperty, BindTo etc.
                if (callResult.Canceled)
                    IsCanceled = true;
                else if (callResult.Failed)
                    IsFailed = true;
                    OutArg result = callResult.CommandResult;
                    if (!result.Success)
                        IsFailed = true;
                        IsCompletedSuccessfully = true;

            CreateProject.IsExecuting.ToProperty(this, x => x.IsInProgress, out _isInProgress);
            CreateProject.IsExecuting.BindTo(this, x => x.IsBusy);

            BrowseProject = ReactiveCommand.Create(
                execute: () => Launcher.OpenFolder(Path.Combine(projectSettings.Location, projectSettings.SolutionName)),
                canExecute: this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.IsCompletedSuccessfully));

            // Execute the command when the View is activated
            Activator = new ViewModelActivator();
            this.WhenActivated(disposables =>

            this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.IsInProgress, t => !t).BindTo(this, t => t.NextEnabled);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public AboutViewModel(IScreen hostScreen) : base("about", hostScreen)
            Title                = "About";
            Description          = "";
            IsDescriptionVisible = false;

            OpenFlutnetWebsite = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => Launcher.OpenURL(FlutnetHome));

            ContactFlutnetInfo = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => Launcher.MailTo("*****@*****.**"));

            ContactFlutnetSupport = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => Launcher.MailTo("*****@*****.**"));

            DownloadNewVersion = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => Launcher.OpenURL(_newVersionUrl));

            // Create the command that calls Flutnet CLI
            // for contacting the server and checking for updates
            CheckForUpdates = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async ct =>
                CommandLineCallResult callResult = await CommandLineTools.Call <UpdateCheckInArg, UpdateCheckOutArg>(ct);

                // This is not the proper way to change property values and raise property change notifications:
                // we should return a public object and subscribe to the command observable
                // so that we can use ReactiveUI framework methods such as ToProperty, BindTo etc.
                if (callResult.Canceled || callResult.Failed)
                    IsNewVersionAvailable = false;
                    FlutnetVersionMessage = "An unexpected error occured, please retry.";
                    UpdateCheckOutArg result = (UpdateCheckOutArg)callResult.CommandResult;
                    if (!result.Success)
                        IsNewVersionAvailable = false;
                        FlutnetVersionMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
                    else if (result.UpToDate)
                        IsNewVersionAvailable = false;
                        FlutnetVersionMessage = "Your software is up to date.";
                        IsNewVersionAvailable = true;
                        FlutnetVersionMessage = $"A new version of Flutnet ({result.NewVersion}) is available.";
                        _newVersionUrl        = result.DownloadUrl;

            CheckForUpdates.IsExecuting.ToProperty(this, x => x.IsCheckingForUpdates, out _isCheckingForUpdates);
            CheckForUpdates.IsExecuting.BindTo(this, x => x.IsBusy);

            this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.CheckForUpdatesAtStartup).Skip(1).Subscribe(value =>
                AppSettings.Default.Preferences.CheckForUpdatesAtStartup = value;

            // Load user preferences when the view is activated
            this.WhenActivated((Action <IDisposable> disposables) =>
                CheckForUpdatesAtStartup = AppSettings.Default.Preferences.CheckForUpdatesAtStartup;
                CurrentFlutnetVersion    = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetProductVersion();