Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 发送命令并返回新增命令的id,外部捕获这个id并轮询这条命令的发送状态
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Sim">sim卡号码(11位数字,everdigm的sim卡号码后面带三个0,如89001435000)</param>
        /// <param name="Content">命令内容</param>
        /// <param name="sender">命令发送者的ID</param>
        /// <returns>命令记录的id,后续通过这个id查询命令状态</returns>
        private static int SendSMSCommand(TB_Terminal terminal, string Content, int sender)
            string simno = terminal.Sim;

            // 判断Unitel的卡号,前面两位是89,且长度是8位数字
            simno = simno[0] == '8' && simno[1] == '9' ? simno.Substring(0, 8) : simno;
            string ret = SMSUtility.SendSMS(simno, Content);

            using (var bll = new CommandBLL())
                // 查看发送成功与否的状态
                CommandStatus cs = ret.Equals("SUCCESS") ? CommandStatus.SentBySMS : CommandStatus.SentFail;

                // 新建一个命令发送类实体
                TB_Command ct = bll.GetObject();
                simno             = (simno[0] == '8' && simno[1] == '9' && simno.Length < 11) ? (simno + "000") : simno;
                ct.DestinationNo  = simno;
                ct.Status         = (byte)cs;
                ct.Content        = Content;
                ct.ActualSendTime = DateTime.Now;
                ct.Terminal       = terminal.id;
                ct.SendUser       = (0 == sender ? (int?)null : sender);

                var id = bll.Add(ct).id;
                // 保存终端的命令发送条数

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void handleBB0F(string sender, byte terminalType)
            // 170020140FBB10FFFF0890014950000101089001495000
            string cmd = "170020" + Utility.GetHex(terminalType) + "0FBB10FFFF0" + sender + "00001010" + sender + "000";

            var TerminalInstance = new TerminalBLL();
            var terminal         = TerminalInstance.Find(f => f.Sim.Equals(sender));

            var CommandInstance = new CommandBLL();
            var obj             = CommandInstance.GetObject();

            //var simno = (simno[0] == '8' && simno[1] == '9' && simno.Length < 11) ? (simno + "000") : simno;
            obj.DestinationNo = sender + "000";
            obj.Status        = (byte)CommandStatus.Waiting;
            obj.Content       = cmd;
            //obj.ActualSendTime = DateTime.Now;
            obj.Terminal = null == terminal ? (int?)null : terminal.id;
            obj.SendUser = (int?)null;
            obj          = CommandInstance.Add(obj);


            // 保存SMS发送流量
            //saveTerminalFlow(null == terminal ? -1 : terminal.id, sender);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 处理查询命令的请求
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleCommandRequest()
            using (var bll = new CommandBLL())
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd))
                    var ret = "[]";
                    var obj = bll.Find(f => f.ScheduleTime >= DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-60) &&
                                       f.Status <= (byte)CommandStatus.WaitingForSMS &&
                                       f.TB_Terminal.OnlineStyle == (byte)LinkType.SATELLITE);
                    var command = new Command(obj);
                    ret = JsonConverter.ToJson(command);

                    // 更新命令发送状态
                    bll.Update(f => f.id == int.Parse(cmd), act =>
                        act.Status         = (byte)CommandStatus.SentBySAT;
                        act.ActualSendTime = DateTime.Now;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// 更新铱星方式发送命令的状态
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj"></param>
 /// <param name="status"></param>
 private void UpdateIridiumCommand(TB_Command obj, CommandStatus status, CommandBLL bll)
     bll.Update(f => f.id == obj.id, act =>
         act.Status         = (byte)status;
         act.ActualSendTime = DateTime.Now;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// 处理铱星终端接收命令的状态
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 private void HandleIridiumMTModelReceiveStatus(IridiumData data)
     using (var bll = new CommandBLL())
         bll.Update(f => f.TB_Terminal.TB_Satellite.CardNo.Equals(data.IMEI) && f.IridiumMTMSN == data.MTMSN && f.Status == (byte)CommandStatus.SentBySAT, act =>
             act.Status = (byte)CommandStatus.SentToDestBySAT;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据CC00的返回时间更新之前的0xBB0F命令发送状态为成功返回状态
 /// </summary>
 private void Handle0xBB0FStatus()
     using (var bll = new CommandBLL())
         bll.Update(f => f.ScheduleTime >= DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-10) &&
                    f.Status == (byte)CommandStatus.SentBySMS && f.Command == "0xBB0F", act =>
             act.Status = (byte)CommandStatus.Returned;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// 更新命令的发送状态
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj"></param>
 private void UpdateGsmCommand(TB_Command obj, CommandStatus status, CommandBLL bll)
     bll.Update(f => f.id == obj.id, act =>
         act.Status = (byte)status;
         if (status == CommandStatus.SentByTCP)
             act.ActualSendTime = DateTime.Now;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// 处理铱星命令发送状态
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 private void HandleIridiumMTServerSendStatus(IridiumData data)
     using (var bll = new CommandBLL())
         bll.Update(f => f.TB_Terminal.TB_Satellite.CardNo.Equals(data.IMEI) && f.Status == (byte)CommandStatus.SatelliteHandled && f.ActualSendTime == null, action =>
             // 更新等待铱星处理的终端的命令为已发送状态
             action.Status         = (byte)CommandStatus.SentBySAT;
             action.IridiumMTMSN   = data.MTMSN;
             action.ActualSendTime = DateTime.Now;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// 清理超时的命令为发送失败状态
 /// </summary>
 private void ClearTimedoutCommands(CommandBLL bll)
     // 更新GSM状态下的命令超时的记录
     bll.Update(f => f.ScheduleTime <= DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-5) && GsmStatus.Contains(f.Status.Value), act =>
         act.Status = (byte)CommandStatus.Timedout;
     // 更新卫星发送下的超时命令记录,超过80分钟没有回复的,当作超时
     bll.Update(f => IridiumStatus.Skip(2).Contains(f.Status.Value) &&
                f.ScheduleTime <= DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-IRIDIUM_MT_TIMEOUT), act =>
         act.Status = (byte)CommandStatus.Timedout;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// 处理1小时内已被卫星模块接收了的命令为正常返回状态
 /// </summary>
 private void HandleIridiumCommandResponseed(IridiumData data)
     // 更新之前发送到网关或终端已读取的命令为发送成功  2015/11/27 12:38
     using (var bll = new CommandBLL())
         bll.Update(f => f.TB_Terminal.TB_Satellite.CardNo.Equals(data.IMEI) &&
                    f.Command == "0x1000" &&
                    (f.Status == (byte)CommandStatus.SentToDestBySAT || f.Status == (byte)CommandStatus.SentBySAT) &&
                    f.ActualSendTime > DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-60), act =>
             act.Status = (byte)CommandStatus.Returned;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// 处理查询命令发送状态的请求
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string HandleQueryCommandStatusRequest()
            string ret = "";

            using (var bll = new CommandBLL())
                var cmd = bll.Find(f => f.id == ParseInt(data));
                if (null == cmd)
                    ret = ResponseMessage(-1, "No such command record exists.");
                    byte          status = cmd.Status.Value;
                    CommandStatus state  = (CommandStatus)status;
                    if (state == CommandStatus.Returned)
                        using (var dbll = new DataBLL())
                            var list = dbll.FindList <TB_HISTORIES>(f =>
                                                                    f.command_id.Equals(cmd.Command) && f.terminal_id.Equals(cmd.DestinationNo) &&
                                                                    f.receive_time > cmd.ActualSendTime, "receive_time", true);
                            var data = list.FirstOrDefault();
                            var desc = CommandUtility.GetCommandStatus(state);
                            if (null != data)
                                desc += GetCommandData(data);
                            ret = ResponseMessage(status, desc);
                        ret = ResponseMessage(status, CommandUtility.GetCommandStatus(state));
                        if (cmd.Command == "0x4000" && (state == CommandStatus.SentBySMS || state == CommandStatus.SentByTCP))
                            // 将重置终端连接的命令状态改成不需要回复的状态
                            bll.Update(f => f.id == cmd.id, act =>
                                act.Status = (byte)CommandStatus.NotNeedReturn;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// 处理EE00命令
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <param name="equipment"></param>
        /// <param name="terminal"></param>
        private void Handle0xEE00(TX300 obj, TB_Equipment equipment, TB_Terminal terminal)
            _0xEE00 xee00 = new _0xEE00();

            xee00.Content = obj.MsgContent;
            // 更新终端发送命令的结果
            if (null != equipment && xee00.ErrorCommand.Equals("0x6007"))
                // 更新锁车状态
                using (var bll = new EquipmentBLL())
                    bll.Update(f => f.id == equipment.id, act =>
                        act.LockStatus = xee00.ErrorParamenter;
            // 更新命令的发送状态
            using (var bll = new CommandBLL())
                bll.Update(f => f.DestinationNo == obj.TerminalID &&
                           f.Command == xee00.ErrorCommand &&
                           f.ScheduleTime >= DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-3) &&
                           f.Status >= (byte)CommandStatus.SentByTCP &&
                           f.Status <= (byte)CommandStatus.SentToDest, act =>
                    byte b = 0x10;
                    switch (xee00.Error)
                    case 0x20:
                        b = (byte)CommandStatus.EposFail;

                    case 0x30:
                        b = (byte)CommandStatus.EngNotStart;

                        b = (byte)CommandStatus.NoFunction;
                    act.Status = b;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// 检测需要用铱星方式发送的命令
        /// </summary>
        public void CheckIridiumCommand()
            if (null == _server)

            using (var bll = new CommandBLL())
                var list = bll.FindList(f => f.ScheduleTime >= DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-30) &&
                                        f.Status == (byte)CommandStatus.WaitingForSatellite && f.ActualSendTime == (DateTime?)null).ToList();
                if (null != list && list.Count > 0)
                    HandleIridiumCommand(list.First(), bll);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// 处理GSM命令回复状态
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tx300"></param>
        private void HandleGsmCommandResponsed(TX300 tx300)
            using (var bll = new CommandBLL())
                // 查找定期时间内发送的相同命令记录,直取最后一条命令
                var cmd = bll.FindList <TB_Command>(f => f.DestinationNo.Equals(tx300.TerminalID) &&
                                                    f.Command.Equals("0x" + CustomConvert.IntToDigit(tx300.CommandID, CustomConvert.HEX, 4)) &&
                                                    f.ScheduleTime >= DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(tx300.ProtocolType == Protocol.ProtocolTypes.SATELLITE ? -60 : -3),
                                                    "ScheduleTime", true).FirstOrDefault();

                if (null != cmd)
                    bll.Update(f => f.id == cmd.id, act =>
                        act.Status = (byte)CommandStatus.Returned;
                //bll.Update(f => f.DestinationNo == tx300.TerminalID &&
                //    f.Command == "0x" + CustomConvert.IntToDigit(tx300.CommandID, CustomConvert.HEX, 4) &&
                //    f.ScheduleTime >= DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-3) //&&
                //    //GsmStatus.Skip(2).Contains(f.Status.Value),
                //    , act => { act.Status = (byte)CommandStatus.Returned; });
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private void HandleIridiumCommand(TB_Command obj, CommandBLL bll)
     if (null != OnIridiumSend)
         IridiumDataEvent e = new IridiumDataEvent();
         e.Data = new IridiumData()
             Payload = CustomConvert.GetBytes(obj.Content),
             IMEI    = obj.TB_Terminal.TB_Satellite.CardNo,
             MTMSN   = GetIridiumMTMSN()
         e.Data.Payload[2] = ProtocolTypes.SATELLITE;
         OnIridiumSend(this, e);
         // 更新命令发送状态
         bll.Update(f => f.id == obj.id, act =>
             act.Status = (byte)CommandStatus.SatelliteHandled;
         if (obj.TB_Terminal.Satellite != (int?)null)
             HandleIridiumMTFlow(obj.TB_Terminal.Satellite.Value, obj.Content.Length / 2);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询命令历史记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="security">是否查询保安命令</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string HandleCommandHistoryRequest(bool security)
            var ret = "[]";

                var id = ParseInt(Utility.Decrypt(data));
                using (var ebll = new EquipmentBLL())
                    var obj = ebll.Find(f => f.id == id && f.Deleted == false);
                    if (null != obj)
                        // 终端不为空时才查询
                        if ((int?)null != obj.Terminal)
                            var start = DateTime.Parse(GetParamenter("start") + " 00:00:00");
                            var end   = DateTime.Parse(GetParamenter("end") + " 23:59:59");
                            var sim   = obj.TB_Terminal.Sim;
                            if (sim[0] == '8' && sim[1] == '9' && sim.Length < 11)
                                sim += "000";
                            // 查询的命令
                            //string _command = "";
                            Command command = null;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd))
                                command = CommandUtility.GetCommand(cmd);
                                //_command = command.Code;
                            using (var bll = new CommandBLL())
                                var list = bll.FindList <TB_Command>(f => f.DestinationNo.Equals(sim) &&
                                                                     f.ScheduleTime >= start && f.ScheduleTime <= end && f.Command != "0xBB0F", "ScheduleTime", true);
                                if (security)
                                    list = list.Where(w => w.Command == "0x6007" || w.Command == "0x4000" || w.Command == "0x3000" || w.Command == "0xDD02");
                                    list = list.Where(w => w.Command != "0x6007" && w.Command != "0x4000" && w.Command != "0x3000" && w.Command != "0xDD02");
                                //    (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_command) ? f.u_sms_command.IndexOf("0x") >= 0 : f.u_sms_command.IndexOf(_command) >= 0),
                                //    "u_sms_schedule_time", true);
                                if (null != command)
                                    list = list.Where(w => w.Command.IndexOf(command.Code) >= 0);
                                    if (security && command.Code.Equals("6007"))
                                        list = list.Where(w => w.Content.Substring(w.Content.Length - 2) == command.Param);
                                    else if (security && command.Code.Equals("3000"))
                                        list = list.Where(w => w.Content.Substring(w.Content.Length - 4, 2) == command.Param);
                                    else if (security && command.Code.Equals("4000"))
                                        list = list.Where(w => w.Content.Substring(w.Content.Length - 4, 2) == command.Param);
                                if (list.Count() > 0)
                                    // 将command_id替换
                                    //List<Command> commands = CommandUtility.GetCommand();
                                    foreach (var record in list)
                                        string param = "";
                                        if (record.Command == "0x6007")
                                            param = record.Content.Substring(record.Content.Length - 2);
                                        if (record.Command == "0x3000")
                                            param = record.Content.Substring(record.Content.Length - 4, 2);
                                        if (record.Command == "0x4000")
                                            param = record.Content.Substring(record.Content.Length - 4, 2);
                                        if (record.Command == "0xDD02")
                                            param = record.Content.Substring(record.Content.Length - 8, 2);
                                        Command _cmd   = CommandUtility.GetCommand(record.Command.Replace("0x", ""), param);
                                        var     func   = (EquipmentFunctional)obj.Functional;
                                        var     called = (func == EquipmentFunctional.Mechanical || func == EquipmentFunctional.Electric) ? "Equipment" : "Loader";
                                        record.Command = (null == _cmd ? "" : _cmd.Title.Replace("Equipment", called).Replace("Loader", called));
                                        // 加入命令发送者  2015/09/18 10:36
                                        record.Content = (int?)null == record.SendUser ? "Server" : record.TB_Account.Name;
                                ret = JsonConverter.ToJson(list);
                            ret = ResponseMessage(-1, "No terminal bond with this equipment.");
                        ret = ResponseMessage(-1, "Equipment is not exist.");
            catch (Exception e)
            { ret = ResponseMessage(-1, "Handle History request error:" + e.Message); }
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// 发送命令
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Sim"></param>
        /// <param name="code"></param>
        /// <param name="sms"></param>
        /// <param name="sender">发送者的ID,一般为当前登陆者的ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int SendCommand(TB_Terminal terminal, string code, bool sms, int sender, string extra = "")
            Command cmd     = GetCommand(code);
            string  content = cmd.Content;

            if (cmd.Code.Equals("6007"))
                // 保安命令
                // DX 的保安命令需要增加一个日期
                content += DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmm") + cmd.Param;
                // DX 的保安命令长度不一样
                content = "1700" + content.Substring(4);
            else if (cmd.Code.Equals("3000"))
                // 装载机的锁车、解锁命令
                content = content.Substring(0, content.Length - 4) + cmd.Param + "00";
            else if (cmd.Code.Equals("600B"))
                uint   time = uint.Parse(extra);
                byte[] tm   = BitConverter.GetBytes(time);
                string t    = tm[0].ToString("X2") + tm[1].ToString("X2") + tm[2].ToString("X2") + tm[3].ToString("X2");
                content = content.Substring(0, content.Length - 8) + t;
            else if (cmd.Code.Equals("DD02"))
                content = content.Substring(0, content.Length - 8) + cmd.Param + "000000";
            else if (cmd.Code.Equals("4000"))
                content = content.Substring(0, content.Length - 4) + cmd.Param + "00";
            string sim = terminal.Sim;

            sim     = (sim[0] == '8' && sim[1] == '9' && sim.Length < 11) ? (sim + "000") : sim;
            content = content.Replace(SIMNO, sim);
            // 终端类型更改,电子式的挖掘机和装载机一个类型,普通DX挖掘机一个类型
            byte ttype = terminal.Type.Value;

            ttype = (ttype == TerminalTypes.DXE || ttype == TerminalTypes.LD) ? TerminalTypes.LD : TerminalTypes.DX;
            var type = CustomConvert.IntToDigit(ttype, CustomConvert.HEX, 2);

            content = content.Substring(0, 6) + type + content.Substring(8);

            // 终端不是卫星方式连接且需要SMS方式发送时,发送SMS命令
            //if (terminal.OnlineStyle != (byte)LinkType.SATELLITE && sms)
            //    return SendSMSCommand(terminal, content, sender);
            using (var bll = new CommandBLL())
                var command = bll.GetObject();
                command.DestinationNo = sim;
                // 终端是卫星方式连接则使用卫星方式发送命令
                command.Status = (terminal.OnlineStyle == (byte)LinkType.SATELLITE ?
                                  (byte)CommandStatus.WaitingForSatellite :
                                  // SMS发送时值为 re-sending
                                  (byte)(sms ? CommandStatus.WaitingForSMS : CommandStatus.Waiting));
                command.Content  = content;
                command.SendUser = (0 == sender ? (int?)null : sender);
                command.Terminal = terminal.id;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// 处理接收到的数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        private void HandleReceivedData(AsyncUserDataBuffer data)
            int index = 0, len = data.Buffer.Length;

            while (index < len)
                byte[] temp = new byte[len - index];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(data.Buffer, index, temp, 0, len - index);
                TX300 x300 = new TX300();
                x300.Content = temp;
                temp         = null;
                // 保存历史记录
                //SaveTX300History(x300, data.ReceiveTime);
                // 更新设备状态
                HandleTX300Status(x300, data);
                // 处理命令回复
                if (x300.CommandID != 0xBB0F)
                    // 不要处理0xBB0F的命令返回数据
                // 是否需要返回包
                bool isNeedResponse = false;
                // SMS消息不需要返回包
                if (x300.ProtocolType > Protocol.ProtocolTypes.SMS)
                    if (x300.CommandID == 0xCC00 || x300.CommandID == 0xBB0F)
                        isNeedResponse = true;
                    isNeedResponse = true;
                if (null != _server && isNeedResponse)
                    if (x300.CommandID == 0xCC00)
                        byte[] cc00 = Get0xCC00(x300);
                        var    ret  = 0;
                        if (data.PackageType == AsyncDataPackageType.TCP)
                            ret = _server.Send(data.SocketHandle, cc00);
                            ret = _server.Send(Port, IP, cc00);
                        if (1 != ret)
                            ShowUnhandledMessage(format("{0}Cannot send data to ip:{1}({2}): {3} [{4}]",
                                                        Now, IP, Port, CustomConvert.GetHex(cc00), data.PackageType));
                        cc00 = null;
                    else if (x300.CommandID == 0xBB0F)
                        byte smsType = byte.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMS_SUBMIT_TYPE"]);
                        // 0xBB0F命令需要服务器发送时
                        // 2600200A0FBB1001000000000000000101383938363030363631353039313130303136343302
                        if (smsType == SMSUtility.SUBMIT_BY_DB)
                            string sender = x300.TerminalID;
                            // 170020140FBB10FFFF0139535986930101089001495000
                            string cmd = "170020" + CustomConvert.GetHex(x300.TerminalType) + "0FBB10FFFF0" + sender + "01010" + sender;
                            using (var bll = new TerminalBLL())
                                var terminal = bll.Find(f => f.Sim.Equals(sender));
                                using (var cbll = new CommandBLL())
                                    var obj = cbll.GetObject();
                                    obj.DestinationNo = sender;
                                    obj.Status        = (byte)CommandStatus.Waiting;
                                    obj.Content       = cmd;
                                    obj.Terminal      = null == terminal ? (int?)null : terminal.id;
                                    obj.SendUser      = null;
                                    obj = cbll.Add(obj);
                        // 返回回执
                        TX300Resp resp = new TX300Resp();
                        resp.CommandID  = x300.CommandID;
                        resp.PackageID  = x300.PackageID;
                        resp.SequenceID = x300.SequenceID;
                        resp.Status     = 0;
                        var ret = 0;
                        if (data.PackageType == AsyncDataPackageType.TCP)
                            ret = _server.Send(data.SocketHandle, resp.Content);
                            ret = _server.Send(Port, IP, resp.Content);
                        if (1 != ret)
                            ShowUnhandledMessage(format("{0}Cannot send data to {1}:{2}: {3} [{4}]", Now, IP, Port, CustomConvert.GetHex(resp.Content), data.PackageType));
                index += x300.TotalLength;
                x300   = null;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// 检索是否有TCP在线终端的命令待发送。
        /// 条件:
        /// 1、预定发送时间在30s以内
        /// 2、命令的状态为等待发送状态(等待发送或等待重发)
        /// 3、终端为TCP链接状态的
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void CheckGSMCommand()
            if (null == _server)
            var bll = new CommandBLL();

                // 取出当前30s内的新命令
                var list = bll.FindList(f => f.ScheduleTime >= DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-30) &&
                                        GsmStatus.Take(2).Contains(f.Status.Value) &&
                                        f.TB_Terminal.OnlineStyle != (byte)LinkType.SATELLITE).ToList();
                foreach (var cmd in list)
                    var sim = cmd.DestinationNo;
                    if (sim[0] == '8' || sim[0] == '9')
                        sim = sim.Substring(0, 8);
                    // 0==链接不存在1=发送成功2=网络处理错误3=强制SMS发送
                    byte          ret = 0;
                    CommandStatus cs  = (CommandStatus)cmd.Status;
                    // 所有GSM命令都强制SMS方式发送
                    if (cs == CommandStatus.WaitingForSMS)
                        // 强制SMS发送的
                        ret = 3;
                        if (cmd.TB_Terminal.OnlineStyle == (byte)LinkType.TCP)
                            // 0==链接不存在1=发送成功2=网络处理错误
                            ret = _server.Send(cmd.TB_Terminal.Socket.Value, CustomConvert.GetBytes(cmd.Content));
                    if (ret != 1)
                        // 非强制SMS发送时,先保存一下命令的发送状态为等待SMS发送状态
                        if (ret < 3)
                            UpdateGsmCommand(cmd, CommandStatus.WaitingForSMS, bll);
                            ShowUnhandledMessage(Now + "Send Command(TCP: Fail, force this command to SMS): " + cmd.Content);
                            // url直链方式发送短信时,直接可以发送
                            byte type = byte.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMS_SUBMIT_TYPE"]);
                            if (type == SMSUtility.SUBMIT_BY_URL)
                                // TCP链接丢失,重新用SMS方式发送
                                bool b = CommandUtility.SendSMSCommand(cmd);
                                if (b)
                                    SaveTerminalData((int?)null == cmd.Terminal ? -1 : cmd.Terminal.Value, sim, AsyncDataPackageType.SMS, 1, false, DateTime.Now);
                                ShowUnhandledMessage(Now + "Send Command(SMS: " + (b ? "Success" : "Fail") + "): " + cmd.Content);
                        // 保存TCP方式的命令发送结果
                        SaveTerminalData((int?)null == cmd.Terminal ? -1 : cmd.Terminal.Value, sim, AsyncDataPackageType.TCP, cmd.Content.Length / 2, false, DateTime.Now);
                        ShowUnhandledMessage(Now + "Send command(" + (1 == ret ? CommandStatus.SentByTCP : CommandStatus.TCPNetworkError) + "): " + cmd.Content);
                        UpdateGsmCommand(cmd, (1 == ret ? CommandStatus.SentByTCP : CommandStatus.TCPNetworkError), bll);
                // 待发送的命令发送完之后,清理超时的命令
            finally { bll.Close(); }