Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 账单明细
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">开始日期</param>
        /// <param name="end">介绍日期</param>
        /// <param name="type">=0 ,全部记录=1扣费记录 =2 充值记录</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public APIRst GetBillDetail(DateTime start, DateTime end, int type = 0)
            APIRst        rst  = new APIRst();
            List <object> data = new List <object>();

                DataTable dt01 = null, dt02 = null;
                if (type == 0 || type == 1)
                    dt01 = bll.GetBillDetail_01(start, end);
                if (type == 0 || type == 2)
                    dt02 = bll.GetBillDetail_02(start, end);
                if (dt01 != null)
                    var res1 = from s1 in dt01.AsEnumerable()
                               select new
                        Log_id      = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(s1["Log_id"]),
                        CDate       = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(s1["CDate"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        WaterUseVal = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["WaterUseVal"]).ToString("f2"),
                        WaterPrice  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["Price"]).ToString("f2"),
                        WaterAmt    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["LastAmt"]).ToString("f2"),
                        EleUseVal   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["EleUseVal"]).ToString("f2"),
                        ElePrice    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["ElePrice"]).ToString("f2"),
                        EleUseAmt   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["EleUseAmt"]).ToString("f2"),
                        ChargAmt    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["ChargVal"]).ToString("f2"),
                        Status      = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(s1["Status"]),
                        PayTime     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(s1["PayTime"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
                        SyAmt       = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["SyAmt"]).ToString("f2"),
                if (dt02 != null)
                    var res2 = from s1 in dt02.AsEnumerable()
                               select new
                        Log_id  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(s1["Log_id"]),
                        CDate   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(s1["CDate"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        PayAmt  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["PayAmt"]).ToString("f2"),
                        SyAmt   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["SyAmt"]).ToString("f2"),
                        PayTime = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(s1["PayTime"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
                rst.data = data;
            catch (Exception ex)
                rst.rst      = false;
                rst.err.code = (int)ResultCodeDefine.Error;
                rst.err.msg  = ex.Message;
                FileLog.WriteLog("账单明细:" + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 账单
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public APIRst GetBill()
            APIRst rst = new APIRst();

                DataTable dtSource = bll.GetBill();
                var       res1     = from s1 in dtSource.AsEnumerable()
                                     select new
                    Log_id      = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(s1["Log_id"]),
                    CDate       = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(s1["CDate"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                    WaterUseVal = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["WaterUseVal"]).ToString("f2"),
                    WaterPrice  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["Price"]).ToString("f2"),
                    WaterAmt    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["LastAmt"]).ToString("f2"),
                    EleUseVal   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["EleUseVal"]).ToString("f2"),
                    ElePrice    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["ElePrice"]).ToString("f2"),
                    EleUseAmt   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["EleUseAmt"]).ToString("f2"),
                    ChargAmt    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["ChargVal"]).ToString("f2"),
                    Status      = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(s1["Status"]),
                    PayTime     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(s1["PayTime"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
                    //LastTime = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(s1["LastTime"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                rst.data = res1.ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                rst.rst      = false;
                rst.err.code = (int)ResultCodeDefine.Error;
                rst.err.msg  = ex.Message;
                FileLog.WriteLog("获取账单错误:" + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 购电记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public APIRst GetPayLog(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
            APIRst rst = new APIRst();

                DataTable dtSource = bll.GetPayLog(user.Attach.mid, startTime, endTime);
                int       total    = dtSource.Rows.Count;
                decimal   payAmt   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dtSource.Compute("sum(PayAmt)", "true"));
                var       res1     = from s1 in dtSource.AsEnumerable()
                                     select new
                    Log_id    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(s1["Log_id"]),
                    Create_dt = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(s1["Create_dt"]),
                    PayVal    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["PayVal"]),
                    PayAmt    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["PayAmt"]),
                    PayModel  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(s1["IsPay"]) != 0 ? "微信支付" : "现金支付",
                rst.data = new { row = res1.ToList(), total = total, payAmt = payAmt };
                rst.rst  = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                rst.rst      = false;
                rst.err.code = (int)ResultCodeDefine.Error;
                rst.err.msg  = ex.Message;
                FileLog.WriteLog("购电记录信息错误:" + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public long AddAlarm(v2_alarm_logVModel alarm)
            object parmas01 = new
                Ledger       = this.Ledger,
                Module_id    = alarm.Module_id,
                ModuleAddr   = alarm.ModuleAddr,
                Fun_id       = alarm.Fun_id,
                FunType      = alarm.FunType,
                FunName      = alarm.FunName,
                CollectTime  = alarm.CollectTime,
                CollectValue = alarm.CollectValue,
                ErrCode      = alarm.ErrCode,
                ErrTxt       = alarm.ErrTxt,
                Content      = alarm.Content,
                SysUid       = this.SysUid,
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();
            long          log_id = 0;

            strSql.Append("insert into v2_alarm_log(");
            strSql.Append("select now(),@Ledger,a.Co_id,@Module_id,@ModuleAddr,@Fun_id,@FunType,@FunName,@Content,@SysUid,now(),@CollectTime,@CollectValue,@ErrCode,@ErrTxt,1");
            strSql.Append(" from vp_mdinfo as a where a.Ledger=@Ledger and a.Module_id=@Module_id;");
            strSql.Append("select last_insert_id();");
            log_id = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(strSql.ToString(), parmas01));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 下发命令
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="module_id"></param>
        /// <param name="fun_id"></param>
        /// <param name="funType"></param>
        /// <param name="dataValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public long YdToGwOfAddCmd(int module_id, int fun_id, string funType, string dataValue, int isRn)
            object params01 = new
                Ledger    = this.Ledger,
                Module_id = module_id,
                Fun_id    = fun_id,
                FunType   = funType,
                DataValue = dataValue,
                IsRn      = isRn,
                SysUid    = this.SysUid,
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("insert into v2_command(");
            strSql.Append("select now(),a.Ledger,a.Co_id,a.Module_id,a.ModuleAddr,@Fun_id,@FunType,@DataValue,@SysUid,now(),0,@IsRn");
            strSql.Append(" from vp_mdinfo as a");
            strSql.Append(" where a.Ledger=@Ledger and a.Module_id=@Module_id;");
            strSql.Append("select last_insert_id();");
            object obj = SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(strSql.ToString(), params01);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// 下发命令
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmd"></param>
        /// <param name="errCode"></param>
        /// <param name="errTxt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        //public long AddCmdLog(int module_id, int fun_id, string funType, DateTime collectTime, string dataValue, string descr, int errCode, string errTxt)
        public long AddCmdLog(CommandVModel cmd, int errCode, string errTxt)
            object params01 = new
                Ledger      = this.Ledger,
                CDate       = cmd.CollectTime,
                Co_id       = cmd.Co_id,
                Module_id   = cmd.Module_id,
                ModuleAddr  = cmd.ModuleAddr,
                Fun_id      = cmd.Fun_id,
                FunType     = cmd.FunType,
                Action      = cmd.Action,
                DataValue   = cmd.DataValue,
                CollectTime = cmd.CollectTime,
                Descr       = cmd.Descr,
                ErrCode     = errCode,
                ErrTxt      = errTxt,
                Create_by   = cmd.Create_by,
                Create_dt   = cmd.Create_dt,
                IsRn        = cmd.IsRn,
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("insert into v2_command(");
            //strSql.Append(" from vp_mdinfo as a");
            //strSql.Append(" where a.Ledger=@Ledger and a.Module_id=@Module_id;");
            strSql.Append("select last_insert_id();");
            object obj = SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(strSql.ToString(), params01);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        ///  增加告警
        /// </summary>
        public long AddAlarm(int co_id, int module_id, string moduleAddr, string aType, int fun_id, string content, int errCode, string errTxt, string collectValue, DateTime collectTime)
            object parmas01 = new { CDate      = collectTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo),
                                    Ledger     = this.Ledger,
                                    Co_id      = co_id,
                                    Module_id  = module_id,
                                    ModuleAddr = moduleAddr,
                                    AType      = aType,
                                    Fun_id     = fun_id, };
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("select Log_id");
            strSql.Append(" from v2_alarm_log");
            strSql.Append(" where CDate=@CDate");
            strSql.Append(" and Ledger=@Ledger and Co_id=@Co_id and Module_id=@Module_id and ModuleAddr=@ModuleAddr and AType=@AType and Fun_id=@Fun_id");
            strSql.Append(" order by Log_id desc limit 1");
            object obj    = SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(strSql.ToString(), parmas01);
            long   log_id = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(obj);
            object parmas02 = new
                Log_id       = log_id,
                CDate        = collectTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo),
                Ledger       = this.Ledger,
                Co_id        = co_id,
                Module_id    = module_id,
                ModuleAddr   = moduleAddr,
                AType        = aType,
                Fun_id       = fun_id,
                Content      = content,
                CollectTime  = collectTime,
                CollectValue = collectValue,
                ErrCode      = errCode,
                ErrTxt       = errTxt,

            if (log_id == 0)
                strSql.Append("insert into v2_alarm_log(");
                strSql.Append(" values (");
                strSql.Append("select last_insert_id();");
                log_id = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(strSql.ToString(), parmas02));
                strSql.Append("update v2_alarm_log set ErrCode=@ErrCode,ErrTxt=@ErrTxt,CollectTime=@CollectTime,CollectValue=@CollectValue,Total=Total+1 where Log_id=@Log_id");
                SQLHelper.Execute(strSql.ToString(), parmas02);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public int AddAlarmOnCollect(int co_id, int module_id, string moduleAddr, string aType, int fun_id, string content, int errCode, string errTxt, DateTime collectTime)
            object params01 = new
                CDate       = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo),
                Ledger      = this.Ledger,
                Co_id       = co_id,
                Module_id   = module_id,
                ModuleAddr  = moduleAddr,
                AType       = aType,
                CollectTime = collectTime
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("select Log_id from v2_alarm_log");
            strSql.Append(" where CDate>=@CDate and Ledger=@Ledger and Co_id=@Co_id and Module_id=@Module_id and ModuleAddr=@ModuleAddr and AType=@AType and CollectTime=@CollectTime order by Log_id  limit 1");//CDate=@CDate and
            object obj      = SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(strSql.ToString(), params01);
            long   log_id   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(obj);
            object params02 = new
                Log_id      = log_id,
                CDate       = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo),
                Ledger      = this.Ledger,
                Co_id       = co_id,
                Module_id   = module_id,
                ModuleAddr  = moduleAddr,
                AType       = aType,
                CollectTime = collectTime,
                Fun_id      = fun_id,
                Content     = content,
                ErrCode     = errCode,
                ErrTxt      = errTxt,

            if (log_id == 0)
                strSql.Append("insert into v2_alarm_log(");
                strSql.Append(" values (");
                return(SQLHelper.Execute(strSql.ToString(), params02));
                strSql.Append("update v2_alarm_log set Content=@Content,ErrCode=@ErrCode,ErrTxt=@ErrTxt where Log_id=@Log_id");
                return(SQLHelper.Execute(strSql.ToString(), params02));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public long GetYdPayListResult(string out_trade_no)
            object params01 = new
                Ledger   = Ledger,
                Trade_no = out_trade_no,
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("select Log_id from v4_pay_log where Ledger=@Ledger and Trade_no=@Trade_no and ifnull(Trade_no,'')<>'' and ErrCode<>1");
            object obj = SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(strSql.ToString(), params01);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// 增加设备充值命令到数据库中
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="module_id"></param>
        /// <param name="moduleAddr"></param>
        /// <param name="payVal"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public long AddPayCommmand(int module_id, string moduleAddr, decimal payVal, V0Fun funType)
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("insert into v2_command(");
            strSql.Append("select now(),a.Ledger,a.Co_id,a.Module_id,a.ModuleAddr,ifnull(b.Fun_id,0),@FunType,@DataValue,@SysUid,now(),0");
            strSql.Append(" from vp_mdinfo as a left join v0_fun as b on a.Ledger=b.Ledger and a.Mm_id=b.Mm_id and b.FunType=@FunType");
            strSql.Append(" where a.Ledger=@Ledger and a.Module_id=@Module_id and a.ModuleAddr=@ModuleAddr;");
            strSql.Append("select last_insert_id();");
            object obj = SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(strSql.ToString(), new { Ledger = this.Ledger, Module_id = module_id, ModuleAddr = moduleAddr, DataValue = Math.Abs(payVal).ToString(), FunType = funType.ToString(), SysUid = this.SysUid });

Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// 增加记录log
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pay"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool YdDbMidAddPayLog(v4_pay_logVModel pay, DateTime endatatime, long recno)
            object params01 = new
                Ledger       = this.Ledger,
                CDate        = DateTime.Now,
                Co_id        = pay.Co_id,
                Module_id    = pay.Module_id,
                ModuleAddr   = pay.ModuleAddr,
                Fun_id       = pay.Fun_id,
                PayVal       = pay.PayVal,
                PayAmt       = pay.PayAmt,
                PayType      = pay.PayType,
                IsWrong      = pay.IsWrong,
                IsPay        = pay.IsPay,
                Trade_no     = pay.Trade_no,
                PayStartTime = pay.PayStartTime,
                PayEndTime   = pay.PayEndTime,
                IsCharg      = pay.IsCharg,
                Price        = pay.Price,
                ErrCode      = pay.ErrCode,
                ErrTxt       = pay.ErrTxt,
                SysUid       = this.SysUid,
                Month        = endatatime,
                Recno        = recno,
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("insert into v4_pay_log(");
            strSql.Append(" values (");
            strSql.Append("select last_insert_id();");
            object obj = SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(strSql.ToString(), params01);

            pay.Log_id = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(obj);
            if (pay.Log_id > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// 汇出Excel(充值缴费--打印小票)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public APIRst GetYdPrePayInMdExcel(int Co_id, string PayAmt, int IsPay)
            long Room_id = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(Co_id);              //房间id

            PayAmt = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(PayAmt).ToString("f2"); //缴费金额
            //int IsPay = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(Request["IsPay"]);//缴费方式:=0现金充值,=10微信充值
            APIRst rst = new APIRst();

                DataTable dtSource = bll.GetPayList(Room_id, PayAmt, IsPay);
                //string path = GetYdPayLogOnExport(dtSource);
                //return Json(new { rst = true, msg = "", data = path }, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet);
                int total = dtSource.Rows.Count;
                var res1  = from s1 in dtSource.AsEnumerable()
                            select new
                    CoStrcName = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["CoStrcName"]),
                    CoName     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["CoName"]),
                    Multiply   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["Multiply"]),
                    IsPayS     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["IsPayS"]),
                    payTypeS   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["payTypeS"]),
                    PayVal     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["PayVal"]).ToString("f2"),
                    PayAmt     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["PayAmt"]).ToString("f2"),
                    Price      = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(s1["Price"]).ToString("f3"),
                    strAmt     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["strAmt"]),
                    Create_by  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["Create_by"]),
                    Create_dt  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["Create_dt"]),
                rst.data = res1.ToList();
                //return Json(new { rst = true, msg = "", data = new { total = total, rows = res1.ToList() } }, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet);
            catch (Exception ex)
                rst.rst      = false;
                rst.err.code = (int)ResultCodeDefine.Error;
                rst.err.msg  = ex.Message;
                FileLog.WriteLog("GetYdPrePayInMdExcel:" + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public APIRst GetYdAlarmOfCmdList(string strcName, string coName, string startTime, string endTime)
            APIRst rst = new APIRst();

                DataTable dtSource = bll.GetYdAlarmOfCmdList(strcName, coName, CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(startTime), CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(endTime));
                int       total    = dtSource.Rows.Count;
                var       res1     = from s1 in dtSource.AsEnumerable()
                                     select new
                    RowId      = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(s1["RowId"]),
                    Log_id     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(s1["Log_id"]),
                    Co_id      = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(s1["Co_id"]),
                    CoStrcName = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["CoStrcName"]),
                    CoName     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["CoName"]),
                    Module_id  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(s1["Module_id"]),
                    ModuleName = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["ModuleName"]),
                    ModuleAddr = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["ModuleAddr"]),
                    FunType    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["FunType"]),
                    FunTypeS   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["FunTypeS"]),
                    ErrTxt     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["ErrTxt"]),
                    DataValue  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["DataValue"]),
                    Create_by  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(s1["Create_by"]),
                    Create_dt  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(s1["Create_dt"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
                object obj = new { total = total, rows = res1.ToList() };
                rst.data = obj;
            catch (Exception ex)
                rst.rst      = false;
                rst.err.code = (int)ResultCodeDefine.Error;
                rst.err.msg  = ex.Message;
                FileLog.WriteLog("获取远程控制内容错误(GetYdAlarmOfCmdList)", ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static void UpV4_pay_charg(int ledger)
            YDS6000.BLL.DataProcess.PayEstBLL bll = new YDS6000.BLL.DataProcess.PayEstBLL(ledger, Config.Uid);
            DataTable dtSource = bll.GetV4_pay_charg();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dtSource.Rows)
                long     log_id    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(dr["Log_id"]);
                int      co_id     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(dr["Co_id"]);
                decimal  firstVal  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["FirstVal"]);
                decimal  lastVal   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["LastVal"]);
                decimal  price     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["Price"]);
                decimal  chargVal  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["ChargVal"]);
                decimal  useAmt    = Math.Round((lastVal - firstVal) * price, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + chargVal;
                DateTime firstTime = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(dr["FirstTime"]);
                DateTime lastTime  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(dr["LastTime"]);
                if (DateTime.Now < lastTime)
                bll.UpV4_pay_charg(log_id, co_id, useAmt);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void Pay(string out_trade_no)
            DataTable dtSource = new YDS6000.BLL.IFSMgr.Monitor.MonitorBLL(this.ledger, this.uid).GetYdPayListResult(out_trade_no);
            int       cnt      = dtSource.Rows.Count;

            if (cnt == 0)
                FileLog.WriteLog("微信支付回调数据库信息未找到,商户单号:", out_trade_no);
            int  ledger    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(dtSource.Rows[0]["Ledger"]);
            long log_id    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(dtSource.Rows[0]["Log_id"]);
            int  module_id = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(dtSource.Rows[0]["Module_id"]);
            int  uid       = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(dtSource.Rows[0]["Create_by"]);
            int  co_id     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(dtSource.Rows[0]["Co_id"]);

            this.ledger = ledger;
            this.uid    = uid;
            gwBll       = new YdToGw(ledger, uid);
            if (log_id == 0)
                FileLog.WriteLog("微信支付回调数据库ID号未找到,商户单号:", out_trade_no);
                if (module_id != 0)
                    Notify(log_id, module_id);
                if (co_id != 0)
                    NotifyForPay(log_id, co_id);

                //FileLog.WriteLog("微信支付回调数商户单号:", out_trade_no + "数据库ID号:" + log_id);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// 首页获取首页最新告警
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public APIRst GetAlarmFisrt()
            APIRst rst = new APIRst();

                object    obj      = new { id = 0, Content = 0 };
                DataTable dtSource = bll.GetAlarmFisrt();
                if (dtSource.Rows.Count > 0)
                    obj = new { id = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(dtSource.Rows[0]["Log_id"]), Content = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(dtSource.Rows[0]["Content"]) + ",地点:" + CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(dtSource.Rows[0]["MeterName"]) + ",当前值:" + CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(dtSource.Rows[0]["CollectValue"]) }
                rst.data = obj;
            catch (Exception ex)
                rst.rst      = false;
                rst.err.code = (int)ResultCodeDefine.Error;
                rst.err.msg  = ex.Message;
                FileLog.WriteLog("首页获取首页最新告警:" + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取分项统计
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="co_id">支路ID号</param>
        /// <param name="time">时间</param>
        /// <param name="dataType">类型 日=day月=month年year</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetEnergyHisdata(int co_id, DateTime start, DateTime end, string moduleName, string funType)
            DateTime  dtFirst = new DateTime(start.Year, start.Month, start.Day, 0, 0, 0);
            DateTime  dtLast  = new DateTime(end.Year, end.Month, end.Day, 23, 59, 59);
            DataTable dtRst   = new DataTable();

            dtRst.Columns.Add("TagTime", typeof(System.DateTime));
            dtRst.Columns.Add("Module_id", typeof(System.Int32));
            dtRst.Columns.Add("Fun_id", typeof(System.Int32));
            dtRst.Columns.Add("ModuleAddr", typeof(System.String));
            dtRst.Columns.Add("ModuleName", typeof(System.String));
            dtRst.Columns.Add("MeterNo", typeof(System.String));
            dtRst.Columns.Add("LastVal", typeof(System.Decimal));
            dtRst.Columns.Add("FunName", typeof(System.String));
            dtRst.Columns.Add("CoName", typeof(System.String));
            dtRst.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRst.Columns["TagTime"], dtRst.Columns["Module_id"], dtRst.Columns["Fun_id"] };
            DataTable dtSource = dal.GetEnergyHisdata(co_id, moduleName, funType);

            dtSource.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtSource.Columns["Module_id"], dtSource.Columns["Fun_id"] };
            StringBuilder splitMdQuery = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder splitTyQuery = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dtSource.Rows)
                if (!System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", ",", splitMdQuery.ToString(), ","), string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", ",", CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(dr["Module_id"]), ",")))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(splitMdQuery.ToString()))
                if (!System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", ",", splitTyQuery.ToString(), ","), string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", ",", CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(dr["FunType"]), ",")))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(splitTyQuery.ToString()))
            DateTime ucStart = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1));
            long     ucUnit  = 10000000;

            #region 获取历史数据
            DataTable dtUse = WholeBLL.GetCoreQueryData(this.Ledger, splitMdQuery.ToString(), dtFirst, dtLast, "hour", splitTyQuery.ToString());
            foreach (DataRow dr in dtUse.Rows)
                DataRow curDr = dtSource.Rows.Find(new object[] { dr["Module_id"], dr["Fun_id"] });
                if (curDr == null)
                int     scale    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(curDr["Scale"]);
                decimal multiply = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(curDr["Multiply"]);
                DateTime tagtime  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(dr["TagTime"]);
                decimal  firstVal = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["FirstVal"]);
                decimal  lastVal  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["LastVal"]);
                //int interval = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(dr["Interval"]);
                string dataCfg = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(dr["DataCfg"]);
                dataCfg = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataCfg) ? "0:0" : dataCfg;
                foreach (string s in dataCfg.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                    string[] val = s.Split(new char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (val.Length != 2)
                    long    ticks = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(val[0]);
                    decimal value = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(val[1]);
                    if (CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(curDr["FunType"]).Equals(V0Fun.E.ToString()) || CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(curDr["FunType"]).Equals(V0Fun.EAnt.ToString()) || CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(curDr["IsChrg"]) == 1)
                        value = value + firstVal;
                    long ts = ticks + ((tagtime - ucStart).Ticks / 10000);

                    TimeSpan toNow    = new TimeSpan(ticks * ucUnit + ((tagtime - ucStart).Ticks));
                    DateTime tickTime = ucStart.Add(toNow); //tagtime.AddTicks(ticks);
                    DataRow  addDr    = dtRst.Rows.Find(new object[] { tickTime, dr["Module_id"], dr["Fun_id"] });
                    if (addDr == null)
                        addDr               = dtRst.NewRow();
                        addDr["TagTime"]    = tickTime;
                        addDr["Module_id"]  = dr["Module_id"];
                        addDr["Fun_id"]     = dr["Fun_id"];
                        addDr["ModuleAddr"] = curDr["ModuleAddr"];
                        addDr["ModuleName"] = curDr["ModuleName"];
                        addDr["FunName"]    = curDr["FunName"];
                        addDr["CoName"]     = curDr["CoName"];
                        addDr["MeterNo"]    = curDr["MeterNo"];
                    addDr["LastVal"] = value.ToString("f" + scale);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private bool YdDbMidRun()
            DataTable dtSource = bll.GetDk_buy();

            if (dtSource == null)

            foreach (DataRow dr in dtSource.Rows)
                long     recno      = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(dr["recno"]);
                int      co_id      = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(dr["FJID"]);
                decimal  payAmt     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["tranamt"]) / 100;
                DateTime endatatime = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(dr["endatatime"]);

                if (co_id == 0)
                if (payAmt == 0)
                DataTable dtPay = bll.GetPayInfo(co_id);
                if (dtPay.Rows.Count == 0)
                    FileLog.WriteLog("中间库的房间ID:" + co_id + "没有表信息存在");
                if (dtPay.Rows.Count > 1)
                    FileLog.WriteLog("中间库的房间ID:" + co_id + "存在多个表");
                decimal price = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dtPay.Rows[0]["Price"]);
                if (price == 0)
                    FileLog.WriteLog("中间库的房间ID:" + co_id + "单价不能为零");
                v4_pay_logVModel pay = new v4_pay_logVModel();
                pay.Co_id        = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(dtPay.Rows[0]["Co_id"]);
                pay.Module_id    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(dtPay.Rows[0]["Module_id"]);
                pay.ModuleAddr   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(dtPay.Rows[0]["ModuleAddr"]);; // CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(Request["ModuleAddr"]);
                pay.Fun_id       = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(dtPay.Rows[0]["Fun_id"]);
                pay.PayAmt       = payAmt;
                pay.PayVal       = Math.Round(pay.PayAmt / price, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                pay.PayType      = 1;
                pay.IsWrong      = 0;
                pay.IsPay        = 30;
                pay.PayStartTime = DateTime.Now;
                pay.PayEndTime   = DateTime.Now;
                pay.Price        = price;
                bll.YdDbMidAddPayLog(pay, endatatime, recno);
                string msg        = "";
                long   cmd_log_id = 0;
                bll.PayVal(pay.Log_id, recno, 1, "", out msg, out cmd_log_id);
                if (cmd_log_id != 0)//立刻发送命令到网关
                    CommandVModel cmd = bll.GetYdToGwOfSendCmd(cmd_log_id);
                DataTable dtMM = bll.GetYdPostPayInMdOnList(pay.Module_id);
                decimal   chrgVal = 0, useVal = 0, rdVal = 0, syZsVal = 0;
                if (dtMM.Rows.Count > 0)
                    chrgVal = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dtMM.Rows[0]["ChrgVal"]);
                    useVal  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dtMM.Rows[0]["UseVal"]);
                    rdVal   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dtMM.Rows[0]["RdVal"]);
                    syZsVal = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dtMM.Rows[0]["SyZsVal"]);

                YDS6000.BLL.Exp.Syscont.ParameterBLL sysBll = new YDS6000.BLL.Exp.Syscont.ParameterBLL(0, 1);
                var dt = sysBll.GetAlarmCfg();
                if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    decimal odValue  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["CfValue"]);
                    int     isClosed = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Rule"]);
                    if (isClosed == 1)
                        if (rdVal <= odValue)
                            this.YdBatchControlOfSsr(pay.Module_id, "Ssr", "1", 30);
                            this.YdBatchControlOfSsr(pay.Module_id, "Ssr", "0", 30);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新 设备采集状况表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn1"></param>
        /// <param name="trans"></param>
        /// <param name="Co_id"></param>
        /// <param name="Module_id"></param>
        /// <param name="ModuleAddr"></param>
        /// <param name="PayVal"></param>
        private long YdPrePayInMdOnChangeV2Info(IDbConnection conn1, IDbTransaction trans, int Co_id, int Module_id, string ModuleAddr, decimal PayVal, int payType)
            object params01 = new
                Ledger     = this.Ledger,
                Co_id      = Co_id,
                Module_id  = Module_id,
                ModuleAddr = ModuleAddr,
                FunType    = (payType == 1 ? V0Fun.Pay.ToString() : V0Fun.Refund.ToString()),
                SysUid     = this.SysUid,
                Fun_id     = 0,
                PayVal     = (decimal)0,
                DataValue  = (decimal)0,
                DebtTime   = DBNull.Value,
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();
            DataTable     dt = new DataTable();
            decimal       chrgVal = 0, rdVal = 0, multiply = 0;
            DateTime?     debtTime = null;
            int           fun_id = 0, isCharg = 0;

            strSql.Append("select vf.Fun_id,b.ChrgVal,b.RdVal,b.DebtTime,a.Multiply,a.IsCharg");
            //strSql.Append(" from vp_mdinfo as a left join vp_v2info as b on a.Ledger=b.Ledger and a.Co_id=b.Co_id and a.Module_id=b.Module_id and a.ModuleAddr=b.ModuleAddr and b.FunType='E'");
            strSql.Append(" from vp_mdinfo as a inner join v0_fun as vf on a.Ledger=vf.Ledger and a.Mm_id=vf.Mm_id and vf.FunType='E'");
            strSql.Append(" left join vp_v2info as b on a.Ledger=b.Ledger and a.Co_id=b.Co_id and a.Module_id=b.Module_id and a.ModuleAddr=b.ModuleAddr and vf.Fun_id=b.Fun_id");

            strSql.Append(" where a.Ledger=@Ledger and a.Module_id=@Module_id");
            dt = SQLHelper.Query(strSql.ToString(), params01);
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                fun_id   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(dr["Fun_id"]);
                chrgVal  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["ChrgVal"]);
                rdVal    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["RdVal"]);
                multiply = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["Multiply"]);
                isCharg  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(dr["IsCharg"]);
                if (CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(dr["DebtTime"]).Year != 1900)
                    debtTime = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(dr["DebtTime"]);
            if (multiply == 0)
                throw new Exception("倍率不能为零");

            decimal dataValue = PayVal / multiply;
            decimal payVal    = payType == 1 ? dataValue : 0 - dataValue;

            if (rdVal + payVal < 0)
                debtTime = debtTime == null ? DateTime.Now : debtTime;/*这里可能需要修改,有逻辑错误*/
                debtTime = null;
            params01 = new
                Ledger     = this.Ledger,
                Co_id      = Co_id,
                Module_id  = Module_id,
                ModuleAddr = ModuleAddr,
                FunType    = (payType == 1 ? V0Fun.Pay.ToString() : V0Fun.Refund.ToString()),
                SysUid     = this.SysUid,
                Fun_id     = fun_id,
                PayVal     = payVal,
                DataValue  = dataValue,
                DebtTime   = debtTime,
            strSql.Append("INSERT INTO v2_info (Ledger, Co_id, Module_id, ModuleAddr, Fun_id, YT_id, BeginVal, FirstVal, LastVal, MinVal, MaxVal, FirstTime, LastTime, MinTime ,MaxTime,");
            strSql.Append("Val1st,Val2nd,Val3rd,val4th,E4Time,ChrgVal,RdVal,MRdVal,DebtTime,Create_by, Create_dt, Update_by, Update_dt)");
            strSql.Append("VALUES (@Ledger, @Co_id, @Module_id, @ModuleAddr, @Fun_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '1900-01-01', '1900-01-01', '1900-01-01', '1900-01-01', ");
            strSql.Append("0, 0, 0, 0, null , case when @PayVal <=0 then 0 else @PayVal end,  @PayVal  , @PayVal ,null, @SysUid, NOW(), @SysUid, NOW())");
            strSql.Append("ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ChrgVal=case when ChrgVal+@PayVal<=0 then 0 else ChrgVal+@PayVal end,RdVal= RdVal+@PayVal,DebtTime=@DebtTime");
            conn1.Execute(strSql.ToString(), params01, trans);
            long cmd_log_id = 0;

            if (isCharg == 1)
                strSql.Append("insert into v2_command(");
                strSql.Append("select now(),a.Ledger,@Co_id,a.Module_id,@ModuleAddr,ifnull(b.Fun_id,0),@FunType,@DataValue,@SysUid,now(),0");
                strSql.Append(" from vp_mdinfo as a left join v0_fun as b on a.Ledger=b.Ledger and a.Mm_id=b.Mm_id and b.FunType=@FunType");
                strSql.Append(" where a.Ledger=@Ledger and a.Module_id=@Module_id;");
                strSql.Append("select last_insert_id();");
                object obj = conn1.ExecuteScalar(strSql.ToString(), params01, trans);
                cmd_log_id = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(obj);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public int ToLeadCharg(ref DataTable dtSource)
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("select Co_id,CoName from v1_cust where Ledger=@Ledger");
            DataTable dtCo = SQLHelper.Query(strSql.ToString(), new { Ledger = this.Ledger });

            //dtCo.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtCo.Columns["Co_id"] };
            foreach (DataRow dr in dtSource.Rows)
                dr["ErrCode"] = 1;
                dr["ErrTxt"]  = "";
                DataRow[] co = dtCo.Select("CoName='" + CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(dr["CoName"]) + "'");
                if (co.Count() != 1)
                    dr["ErrCode"] = -1;
                    dr["ErrTxt"]  = "房间号有错误";
                int      co_id     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(co[0]["Co_id"]);
                decimal  firstVal  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["FirstVal"]);
                decimal  lastVal   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["LastVal"]);
                decimal  chargVal  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["ChargVal"]);
                decimal  price     = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["Price"]);
                DateTime firstTime = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(dr["FirstTime"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                DateTime lastTime  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDateTime(dr["LastTime"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                if (firstVal < 0)
                    dr["ErrCode"] = -1;
                    dr["ErrTxt"]  = "上期计数小于零";
                if (lastVal < 0)
                    dr["ErrCode"] = -1;
                    dr["ErrTxt"]  = "本期计数小于零";
                if (firstVal > lastVal)
                    dr["ErrCode"] = -1;
                    dr["ErrTxt"]  = "上期计数大于本期计数";
                if (price <= 0)
                    dr["ErrCode"] = -1;
                    dr["ErrTxt"]  = "水费单价小于零";
                if (chargVal <= 0)
                    dr["ErrCode"] = -1;
                    dr["ErrTxt"]  = "物业费小于零";
                if (firstTime.Year <= 2000)
                    dr["ErrCode"] = -1;
                    dr["ErrTxt"]  = "上期时间有异常";

                if (lastTime.Year <= 2000)
                    dr["ErrCode"] = -1;
                    dr["ErrTxt"]  = "本期时间有异常";
                if (firstTime > lastTime)
                    dr["ErrCode"] = -1;
                    dr["ErrTxt"]  = "上期时间大于本期时间";
                if (CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(dr["Code"]) < 0)
                strSql.Append("select RdAmt from v1_custinfo where Ledger=@Ledger and Co_id=@Co_id");
                object  obj   = SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(strSql.ToString(), new { Ledger = this.Ledger, Co_id = co_id });
                decimal syAmt = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(obj);
                strSql.Append("select Log_id from v4_pay_charg where CDate=@CDate and Ledger=@Ledger and Co_id=@Co_id order by Log_id desc limit 1");
                obj = SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(strSql.ToString(), new { CDate = lastTime, Ledger = this.Ledger, Co_id = co_id });
                long log_id = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(obj);
                object param = new
                    Log_id    = log_id,
                    Ledger    = this.Ledger,
                    Co_id     = co_id,
                    FirstVal  = firstVal,
                    LastVal   = lastVal,
                    FirstTime = firstTime,
                    LastTime  = lastTime,
                    Price     = price,
                    ChargVal  = chargVal,
                    SysUid    = this.SysUid,
                    SyAmt     = syAmt
                if (log_id == 0)
                    strSql.Append("insert into v4_pay_charg(CDate,Ledger,Co_id,FirstVal,LastVal,FirstTime,LastTime,Price,ChargVal,Cretae_by,Create_dt,Update_by,Update_dt,SyAmt)");
                    return(SQLHelper.Execute(strSql.ToString(), param));
                    strSql.Append("update v4_pay_charg set CDate=@LastTime,FirstVal=@FirstVal,LastVal=@LastVal,FirstTime=@FirstTime,LastTime=@LastTime,Price=@Price,ChargVal=@ChargVal,Update_by=@SysUid,Update_dt=now() where Log_id=@Log_id");
                    return(SQLHelper.Execute(strSql.ToString(), param));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        // 回调
        public APIRst YdPrepPayInMdRecallPay(int pId, int pMid, string pTrade_no)
            long     log_id       = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToLong(pId);
            int      module_id    = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(pMid);
            string   out_trade_no = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToString(pTrade_no);
            APIRst   rst          = new APIRst();
            string   msg          = "";
            string   status       = "";
            bool     result       = false;
            bool     pass         = true;
            bool     upSb         = true;
            bool     upDb         = false;
            DateTime dtNow        = DateTime.Now;
            long     cmd_log_id   = 0;

            #region 检查支付结果并更新数据库
            object row   = "";
            object osObj = new { upSb = false, upDb = false, msg = "" };
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(out_trade_no))
                    result = bll.YdPrePayInMdOnRecallPay(log_id, 1, "", out msg, out cmd_log_id);
                    lock (ObjLock)
                        pass = new WxPayAPI.WxPay().GetResult(out_trade_no, out status);
                        if (pass == true)
                            result = bll.YdPrePayInMdOnRecallPay(log_id, 1, "", out msg, out cmd_log_id);
                if (result == true)
                    string msg2 = "";
                    if (cmd_log_id != 0) //立刻发送命令到网关
                    {                    /*充值命令*/
                        upSb = false;
                        upSb = new YdToGw(user.Ledger, user.Uid).YdToGwAgain(cmd_log_id, out upDb, out msg2);
                        upDb = true;/*是否下发命令网关*/
                    //#region 发送命令到网关(这款用于河北工业大学的SB设备,特殊定制化)
                    //DataTable cmdPay = bll.GetGwPayData(module_id);
                    //foreach (DataRow dr in cmdPay.Rows)
                    //    decimal sbRdVal = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["RdVal"]);
                    //    decimal sbSyZsVal = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dr["SyZsVal"]);

                    //    CommandVModel cmd = ModelHandler<CommandVModel>.FillModel(dr);
                    //    cmd.Fun_id = 0;
                    //    cmd.FunType = "PaySb1";
                    //    cmd.FunName = "充电";
                    //    cmd.DataValue = (sbRdVal - sbSyZsVal).ToString("f2");
                    //    cmd.Descr = "充电";
                    //    cmd.IsUI = true;
                    //    cmd.IsNDb = true;
                    //    new YdToGw(user.Ledger, user.Uid).SendCmd(cmd);
                    //    //
                    //    cmd = ModelHandler<CommandVModel>.FillModel(dr);
                    //    cmd.Fun_id = 0;
                    //    cmd.FunType = "PaySb2";
                    //    cmd.FunName = "增电";
                    //    cmd.DataValue = sbSyZsVal.ToString("f2");
                    //    cmd.Descr = "增电";
                    //    cmd.IsUI = true;
                    //    cmd.IsNDb = true;
                    //    new YdToGw(user.Ledger, user.Uid).SendCmd(cmd);

                    //#region 发送短信
                    v4_pay_logVModel vpay = bll.GetV4_pay_log(log_id);

                    osObj = new { upSb = upSb, upDb = upDb, msg = msg2 };
                    decimal   chrgVal = 0, useVal = 0, rdVal = 0, syZsVal = 0;
                    DataTable dtSource = bll.GetYdPostPayInMdOnList(module_id);
                    if (dtSource.Rows.Count > 0)
                        chrgVal = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dtSource.Rows[0]["ChrgVal"]);
                        useVal  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dtSource.Rows[0]["UseVal"]);
                        rdVal   = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dtSource.Rows[0]["RdVal"]);
                        syZsVal = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dtSource.Rows[0]["SyZsVal"]);
                    row = new { ChrgVal = chrgVal.ToString("f2"), UseVal = useVal.ToString("f2"), RdVal = rdVal.ToString("f2"), SyVal = (rdVal - syZsVal).ToString("f2"), SyZsVal = syZsVal.ToString("f2") };

                    YDS6000.BLL.Exp.Syscont.ParameterBLL sysBll = new YDS6000.BLL.Exp.Syscont.ParameterBLL(user.Ledger, user.Uid);
                    var dt = sysBll.GetAlarmCfg();
                    if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        decimal odValue  = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["CfValue"]);
                        int     isClosed = CommFunc.ConvertDBNullToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Rule"]);
                        if (isClosed == 1)
                            if (rdVal <= odValue)
                                if (!YdBatchControlOfSsr("Ssr", "1", module_id.ToString()))
                                    FileLog.WriteLog("拉闸失败(YdPrepPayInMdRecallPay)", "拉闸失败");
                                if (vpay.PayType == (int)PayType.pay)
                                    if (!YdBatchControlOfSsr("Ssr", "0", module_id.ToString()))
                                        FileLog.WriteLog("合闸失败(YdPrepPayInMdRecallPay)", "合闸失败");
                object obj = new { pass = pass, row = row, osObj = osObj };
                rst.rst     = result;
                rst.data    = obj;
                rst.err.msg = msg;
            catch (Exception ex)
                rst.rst      = false;
                rst.err.code = (int)ResultCodeDefine.Error;
                rst.err.msg  = ex.Message;
                FileLog.WriteLog("预付费错误(YdPrepPayInMdRecallPay)", ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);