Ejemplo n.º 1
        // dynamic features
        public override TCODConsole GetUpdatedConsole()
            const int left         = 2;
            int       hoveredItemY = -1;
            Entity    hoveredItem  = null;
            int       width        = console.getWidth() - (left + 3);
            Vector2   mLoc         = ScreenToConsoleCoord(engine.mouseData.CellX, engine.mouseData.CellY);


            // devider line is a horizontal line that can be drawn across the console
            string deviderLine = CharConstants.E_TJOINT + "";

            for (int i = 1; i < console.getWidth() - 1; i++)
                deviderLine += CharConstants.HORZ_LINE;
            deviderLine += CharConstants.W_TJOINT;

            // inventory weight: TODO
            DrawText(left, 2, " weight: X/X", Constants.COL_FRIENDLY);

            // equipped area -------------------------------------------------------------
            int equiptopY = equipSection.starty;

            DrawText(0, equiptopY, deviderLine, TCODColor.white);
            DrawText(left, equiptopY, " equipped ", Constants.COL_NORMAL);

            if (equipment.weapon != null)
                EGetScreenName getName    = (EGetScreenName)equipment.weapon.FireEvent(new EGetScreenName());
                string         weaponName = getName.text;

                // the weapon is being hovered over
                if (mLoc.y == equiptopY + 3 &&
                    mLoc.x >= left && mLoc.x < weaponName.Length + 1 + left)
                    DrawRect(left, equiptopY + 3, width, Constants.COL_FRIENDLY);
                    hoveredItem  = equipment.weapon;
                    hoveredItemY = equiptopY + 3;

                    // was clicked, start dragging it
                    if (engine.mouseData.LeftButtonPressed)
                        parent.SetDragDrop(weaponName, equipment.weapon, OnDragDroppedEquippedItem);

                        parent.rangeIndicator.range = CombatEngine.GetThrowRange(player, equipment.weapon);
                        draggingItem = true;

                DrawText(left, equiptopY + 2, "weapon: ", Constants.COL_NORMAL);
                DrawText(left, equiptopY + 3, " " + weaponName, TCODColor.white);

            // pack adrea (general unequipped items) -------------------------------------
            int packtopY = invSection.starty;

            DrawText(0, packtopY, deviderLine, TCODColor.white);
            DrawText(left, packtopY, " pack ", Constants.COL_NORMAL);

            int line = 1;

            foreach (Entity item in inventory.items)
                // get the screen name dynamically: TODO: maybe cache this?
                EGetScreenName getName    = (EGetScreenName)item.FireEvent(new EGetScreenName());
                string         screenName = getName.text;

                // check if the mouse is hovering on this item row
                if (mLoc.y == packtopY + line &&
                    mLoc.x >= left && mLoc.x < screenName.Length + 1 + left)
                    hoveredItem  = item;
                    hoveredItemY = packtopY + line;

                    // highlight the item that is hovered on
                    DrawRect(left, packtopY + line, width, Constants.COL_FRIENDLY);

                    // check for clicks on this item, and start dragging it
                    if (engine.mouseData.LeftButtonPressed)
                        parent.SetDragDrop(screenName, item, OnDragDroppedInvItem);

                        // set the range indicator based on how far the dragged item can be thrown, in case the player dicides to throw its
                        parent.rangeIndicator.range = CombatEngine.GetThrowRange(player, item);
                        draggingItem = true;

                DrawText(left, packtopY + line, screenName, TCODColor.white);
                DrawText(left - 1, packtopY + line, ">", Constants.COL_ATTENTION);

                line += 1;

            // if there is a hovered item, open the item details window
            if (hoveredItem != null &&
                (!itemInfoWindow.isVisible || hoveredItem != itemInfoWindow.targetItem))
                // move the window to the correct position, and open it for the new item
                itemInfoWindow.origin.y = hoveredItemY;
                itemInfoWindow.origin.x = origin.x - itemInfoWindow.console.getWidth();
            else if (hoveredItem == null && itemInfoWindow.isVisible)

            // tell the parent to draw the range indicator if the user is looking like they will drop the dragged item
            if (draggingItem)
                if (!ScreenCoordInConsole(new Vector2(engine.mouseData.CellX, engine.mouseData.CellY)))
                    parent.rangeIndicator.active = true;
                    parent.rangeIndicator.active = false;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public bool Event_ThrowItem(ComponentEvent e)
            AreaMap map        = Engine.instance.world.currentMap;
            var     throwEvent = ((EThrowItem)e);
            string  itemType   = throwEvent.itemName;

            // try to find the item on the entity to throw it
            var consumeItemEvent = (EConsumeItem)owner.FireEvent(new EConsumeItem()
                itemName = itemType

            if (!consumeItemEvent.hasItem)

            // This enttiy did have the item to throw
            Entity projectile = consumeItemEvent.consumedItem;

            // Get the thrwoer strength and item weight, in order to calc both damage and max throw distance
            var getStrength = (EGetAttributeLevel)owner.FireEvent(new EGetAttributeLevel()
                target = "strength"
            int   strength = getStrength.level;
            float strRatio = (strength / 100.0f);

            var getWeight    = (EGetWeight)owner.FireEvent(new EGetWeight());
            int thrownWeight = getWeight.weight;

            float maxDistance = CombatEngine.GetThrowRange(owner, projectile);
            int   throwDamage = (int)(strRatio * thrownWeight);

            // if the target position is farther than the max distance, select the nearest point in that direction
            Vector2 targetLoc = throwEvent.targetLocation;
            Vector2 toTarget  = targetLoc - owner.position;

            if (toTarget.Magnitude() > maxDistance)
                Vector2 dir = toTarget.Normalized();
                targetLoc = owner.position + (dir * maxDistance);

            // check where the item hits, if there is something in the way
            Vector2 hitNormal;
            Vector2 endPosition = map.CollisionPointFromTo(owner.position, targetLoc, out hitNormal);

            // find the target to hit, and apply some damage and knock them back
            Entity[] targets = map.GetAllObjectsAt(endPosition.X, endPosition.Y);
            foreach (Entity hit in targets)
                CombatInstance combat = new CombatInstance(owner, hit)
                    { "damage", throwDamage },
                    { "weapon", projectile }


            // the thrown item ends up next to the target location, or the nearest valid location
            toTarget    = Vector2.OrthoNormal(toTarget);
            endPosition = endPosition - toTarget;
            endPosition = map.GetNearestValidMove(endPosition);
            Engine.instance.world.SpawnExisting(projectile, endPosition);
