public void Update(ViewController view, Combat.Tree tree)
     this.tree = tree;
     this.view = view;
     tree.Parent.Traverse(tree.Parent, UpdateForce);
 public void Render(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ViewController view, Combat.Tree tree)
     _spriteBatch = spriteBatch;
     base.Render(spriteBatch, view);
     tree.Parent.Traverse(tree.Parent, RenderForce);
     if (currentlySelectedForce != null)
         spriteBatch.DrawString(Assets.ARJULIAN, $"{currentlySelectedForce.Name}", new Vector2(0, 5), Color.White);
     if (isResizing)
         spriteBatch.DrawString(Assets.ARJULIAN, $"Is resizing", new Vector2(0, 5), Color.White);
 public ForceOrganizerState(GameManager gameManager, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, ContentManager contentManager) : base(gameManager, graphicsDevice, contentManager)
     this.gameManager    = gameManager;
     this.graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice;
     SpriteBatch         = new SpriteBatch(graphicsDevice);
     viewController      = new MenuViewController();  = GameManager.window.ClientBounds.Width; = GameManager.window.ClientBounds.Height;
     viewController.viewPortWidth  = GameManager.window.ClientBounds.Width;
     viewController.viewPortHeight = GameManager.window.ClientBounds.Height;; // I'm not questioning why this works. I, Cato Sicarius, approve of this action, because I, Cato Sicarius, am the most well versed Captain when it comes to the Codex Astartes!
     screen           = new ForceOrganizerScreen(0, "spr_rock_bg_0", new MapFrameAlign(0, 0, 0, 0), false);
     screen.primitive = new PrimitiveBuddy.Primitive(graphicsDevice, SpriteBatch);
     tree             = new Combat.Tree();
     tree.Parent      = new Force("HQ", 400, 20);
     tree.Parent.AddChildren(new Force("Deathwing Inner Circle", 200, 100).AddChildren(new Force("1st Coy. 'Deathwing'", 200, 280)), new Force("Ravenwing Inner Circle", 600, 100).AddChildren(new Force("2nd Coy. 'Ravenwing'", 600, 280)));