public void ParseComObjects(RegistryKey SearchKey, RegistryView View)
            if (SearchKey == null)
            List <ComObject> comObjects = new List <ComObject>();

                Parallel.ForEach(SearchKey.GetSubKeyNames(), (SubKeyName) =>
                        RegistryKey CurrentKey = SearchKey.OpenSubKey(SubKeyName);

                        var RegObj = RegistryWalker.RegistryKeyToRegistryObject(CurrentKey, View);

                        if (RegObj != null)
                            ComObject comObject = new ComObject(RegObj);

                            foreach (string ComDetails in CurrentKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                                var ComKey = CurrentKey.OpenSubKey(ComDetails);
                                var obj    = RegistryWalker.RegistryKeyToRegistryObject(ComKey, View);
                                if (obj != null)

                            //Get the information from the InProcServer32 Subkey (for 32 bit)
                            string?BinaryPath32       = null;
                            var InProcServer32SubKeys = comObject.Subkeys.Where(x => x.Key.Contains("InprocServer32"));
                            if (InProcServer32SubKeys.Any() && InProcServer32SubKeys.First().Values?.TryGetValue("", out BinaryPath32) is bool successful)
                                if (BinaryPath32 != null && successful)
                                    // Clean up cases where some extra spaces are thrown into the start (breaks our permission checker)
                                    BinaryPath32 = BinaryPath32.Trim();
                                    // Clean up cases where the binary is quoted (also breaks permission checker)
                                    if (BinaryPath32.StartsWith("\"") && BinaryPath32.EndsWith("\""))
                                        BinaryPath32 = BinaryPath32.AsSpan().Slice(1, BinaryPath32.Length - 2).ToString();
                                    // Unqualified binary name probably comes from Windows\System32
                                    if (!BinaryPath32.Contains("\\") && !BinaryPath32.Contains("%"))
                                        BinaryPath32 = Path.Combine(Environment.SystemDirectory, BinaryPath32.Trim());

                                    comObject.x86_Binary     = FileSystemCollector.FilePathToFileSystemObject(BinaryPath32.Trim(), true);
                                    comObject.x86_BinaryName = BinaryPath32;
                            // And the InProcServer64 for 64 bit
                            string?BinaryPath64       = null;
                            var InProcServer64SubKeys = comObject.Subkeys.Where(x => x.Key.Contains("InprocServer64"));
                            if (InProcServer64SubKeys.Any() && InProcServer64SubKeys.First().Values?.TryGetValue("", out BinaryPath64) is bool successful64)
                                if (BinaryPath64 != null && successful64)
                                    // Clean up cases where some extra spaces are thrown into the start (breaks our permission checker)
                                    BinaryPath64 = BinaryPath64.Trim();
                                    // Clean up cases where the binary is quoted (also breaks permission checker)
                                    if (BinaryPath64.StartsWith("\"") && BinaryPath64.EndsWith("\""))
                                        BinaryPath64 = BinaryPath64.Substring(1, BinaryPath64.Length - 2);
                                    // Unqualified binary name probably comes from Windows\System32
                                    if (!BinaryPath64.Contains("\\") && !BinaryPath64.Contains("%"))
                                        BinaryPath64 = Path.Combine(Environment.SystemDirectory, BinaryPath64.Trim());
                                    comObject.x64_Binary     = FileSystemCollector.FilePathToFileSystemObject(BinaryPath64.Trim(), true);
                                    comObject.x64_BinaryName = BinaryPath64;

                    catch (Exception e) when(
                        e is System.Security.SecurityException ||
                        e is ObjectDisposedException ||
                        e is UnauthorizedAccessException ||
                        e is IOException)
                        Log.Debug($"Couldn't parse {SubKeyName}");
            catch (Exception e) when(
                e is System.Security.SecurityException ||
                e is ObjectDisposedException ||
                e is UnauthorizedAccessException ||
                e is IOException)
                Log.Debug($"Failing parsing com objects {SearchKey.Name} {e.GetType().ToString()} {e.Message}");

            foreach (var comObject in comObjects)
                DatabaseManager.Write(comObject, RunId);