Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Color RampedColourByIntensityRange(Color aMaxIntensity, long aValue, long aMin, long aMax)
            // Calculate the difference between the maximum and minimum. This tells us how many different
            // "intensity" values we have to work with.
            long valueSpan = (aMax - aMin);

            // Get the brightness of the baseline colour and then scale it based upon the number of different
            // value intensities we must cope with.
            float brightness         = aMaxIntensity.GetBrightness();
            float brightnessPerValue = (brightness / (float)valueSpan);

            // Ramp the cell colour based upon the index
            float percentage = brightness - (brightnessPerValue * (aValue - aMin));

            Color ret = ColourUtils.Darken(aMaxIntensity, percentage);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void PopupShow()
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "PopupBase - POPUP SHOW NOW - Visible: " + Visible + ", iShowPos[ " + iShowPos.X + ", " + iShowPos.Y + " ]" );

            if (!Visible)
                // Should we colourise the form header & footer
                // based upon the mouse co-ordinates at the time of
                // the asynch display?
                if (ColourFromHoverCoordinate)
                    using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(1, 1))
                        using (Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                            Color c = SymbianUtils.Graphics.ScreenUtils.ColorAtPixel(iHoverPos);
                            ColourTitle = c;

                            // Make the border slightly darker
                            ColourBorder = ColourUtils.Darken(ColourTitle);

                // Get the screen size
                Rectangle rect = Screen.GetWorkingArea(this);

                // Make sure that the popup is displayed within the screen bounds.
                Point pos = iShowPos;
                if (iShowPos.X + this.Width > rect.Right)
                    pos.X = rect.Width - this.Width;
                if (iShowPos.Y + this.Height > rect.Bottom)
                    pos.Y = rect.Bottom - this.Height;

                // Now make the form visible and topmost.
                ShowWindow(this.Handle, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE);
                SetWindowPos(this.Handle, HWND_TOP_MOST, pos.X, pos.Y, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE);
                Location = pos;
        public Color CellColour(HeapCell aCell)
            Color fillColour = Color.LightGray;

            if (aCell.Type == HeapCell.TType.EAllocated)
                // Get the cell colour that is associated with the cell symbol object type. This
                // makes oldest cells very light and youngest cells very dark. We really want
                // it the other way around...
                float maxBrightness = KRampBaselineColour.GetBrightness();
                float allocationNumberPercentage = ((float)aCell.AllocationNumber / (float)iHighestCellAllocationNumber);
                float targetBrightness           = allocationNumberPercentage * maxBrightness;
                float amountToDarkenBy           = maxBrightness - targetBrightness;
                fillColour = ColourUtils.Darken(KRampBaselineColour, amountToDarkenBy);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static Color RampedColourByBoxNumber(Color aBaseline, int aBoxCount, uint aCellBaseAddress, uint aAddress)
            float cellAddressOffset = (float)((aAddress - aCellBaseAddress) / 4);

            Color dark  = ColourUtils.Darken(aBaseline, 0.30f);
            Color light = ColourUtils.Lighten(aBaseline, 0.30f);

            // This is the baseline brightness for the colour
            float brightnessBaseline = light.GetBrightness() - dark.GetBrightness();

            // This is how much brightness we can apply to each box.
            float brightnessPerBox = (brightnessBaseline / aBoxCount);

            // This is the brightness of the target box
            float brightnessPercentage = brightnessPerBox * cellAddressOffset;

            Color ret = ColourUtils.Lighten(aBaseline, brightnessPercentage);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public virtual void PrepareContent(HeapCellArrayWithStatistics aCells, HeapStatistics aStats)
            // Set title and border colour
            HeapCell firstCell = aCells[0];

            ColourTitle  = HeapCtrlLib.Renderers.Utilities.HeapCellRendererColour.ColourByCellType(firstCell);
            ColourBorder = ColourUtils.Darken(ColourTitle);

            // Get stats
            long  lengthPayload           = aCells.Statistics.SizeTotalPayload;
            long  lengthHeader            = aCells.Statistics.SizeTotalHeader;
            float lengthsAsHeapPercentage = aStats.CellLengthAsHeapPercentage(lengthHeader + lengthPayload);

            // Header length
            iLbl_Title_Length_Header.Text = "H: [" + lengthHeader.ToString("d6") + "]";

            // Payload length
            iLbl_Title_Length_Payload.Text = "P: [" + lengthPayload.ToString("d8") + "]";

            // Set cell allocation number (for allocated cells) or then
            // the cell index for free cells.
            string heapSpecificPrefix = "H: ";

            if (aCells.Count == 1)
                float lengthsAsTypePercentage = aStats.CellLengthAsTypePercentage(firstCell);
                string typeSpecificPrefix = "A: ";
                if (firstCell.Type == HeapCell.TType.EFree)
                    typeSpecificPrefix = "F: ";
                if (HeapCell.IsDebugAllocator)
                    switch (firstCell.Type)
                    case HeapCell.TType.EAllocated:
                        iLbl_Footer.Text = "Alloc #: [" + firstCell.AllocationNumber.ToString("d6") + " / " + aStats.StatsAllocated.CellAllocationNumberLargest.AllocationNumber.ToString("d6") + "]";

                    case HeapCell.TType.EFree:
                        iLbl_Footer.Text = "Free cell #: [" + firstCell.AllocationNumber.ToString("d4") + " / " + aStats.StatsFree.TypeCount.ToString("d4") + "]";
                    iLbl_Footer.Text = "[ " + firstCell.Address.ToString("x8") + " ]";
                iLbl_Footer_Percentage_OfType.Text = typeSpecificPrefix + "[" + lengthsAsTypePercentage.ToString("#00.00") + "%]";
                heapSpecificPrefix = "Of Heap: ";
                iLbl_Footer.Text   = string.Empty;
                iLbl_Footer_Percentage_OfType.Visible = false;
            iLbl_Footer_Percentage_OfTotal.Text = heapSpecificPrefix + "[" + lengthsAsHeapPercentage.ToString("#00.00") + "%]";
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void PaintContentBorder(Graphics aGraphics, HeapCellMetaData aMetaData, HeapCell aCell, uint aAddress, Point aPosition, Size aBoxSize, Size aPaddingSize)
            SymRect rect = new SymRect(aPosition, aBoxSize + aPaddingSize);

            // Right and bottom get darker borders
            Color rightAndBottomColour = ColourUtils.Darken(aMetaData.CellBoxColor, 0.15f);

            using (Pen rightAndBottomPen = new Pen(rightAndBottomColour))
                if (aMetaData.Borders[THeapCellBorderType.ERight])     // Draw right-hand outline
                    Point start = rect.TopRight;
                    Point end   = rect.BottomRight;
                    start.Offset(-1, 0);
                    end.Offset(-1, 0);
                    aGraphics.DrawLine(rightAndBottomPen, start, end);
                if (aMetaData.Borders[THeapCellBorderType.EBottom])     // Draw bottom-side outline
                    Point start = rect.BottomLeft;
                    Point end   = rect.BottomRight;
                    start.Offset(0, -1);
                    end.Offset(0, -1);
                    aGraphics.DrawLine(rightAndBottomPen, start, end);

            // Left and Top get lighter borders
            Color leftAndTopColour = ColourUtils.Lighten(aMetaData.CellBoxColor, 0.15f);

            using (Pen leftAndTopPen = new Pen(leftAndTopColour))
                if (aMetaData.Borders[THeapCellBorderType.ELeft])     // Draw left-hand outline
                    Point start = rect.TopLeft;
                    Point end   = rect.BottomLeft;
                    start.Offset(1, 0);
                    end.Offset(1, 0);
                    aGraphics.DrawLine(leftAndTopPen, start, end);
                if (aMetaData.Borders[THeapCellBorderType.ETop])     // Draw top-side outline
                    Point start = rect.TopLeft;
                    Point end   = rect.TopRight;
                    start.Offset(0, 1);
                    end.Offset(0, 1);
                    aGraphics.DrawLine(leftAndTopPen, start, end);

            // Now draw black border which will cover any over-spill from above.
            if (aMetaData.Borders[THeapCellBorderType.ELeft])     // Draw left-hand outline
                aGraphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, rect.TopLeft, rect.BottomLeft);
            if (aMetaData.Borders[THeapCellBorderType.ERight])     // Draw right-hand outline
                aGraphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, rect.TopRight, rect.BottomRight);
            if (aMetaData.Borders[THeapCellBorderType.ETop])     // Draw top-side outline
                aGraphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, rect.TopLeft, rect.TopRight);
            if (aMetaData.Borders[THeapCellBorderType.EBottom])     // Draw bottom-side outline
                aGraphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, rect.BottomLeft, rect.BottomRight);