Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void GenerateButton()
        if (GridPrefab.Equals(null))
            ColorizeLog.MoeenLog("prefab can not be null", ColorizeLog.Colors.DarkRed);
        if (StartPoint.Equals(null) || EndPoint.Equals(null))
            ColorizeLog.MoeenLog("end point and start point cant be null", ColorizeLog.Colors.DarkRed);
        if (StartPoint.position.x - GridSize.x > EndPoint.position.x ||
            StartPoint.position.y - GridSize.y > EndPoint.position.y
            ColorizeLog.MoeenLog("bad positions for start and end point", ColorizeLog.Colors.DarkRed);
        if (GridSize.x < GridMinSize || GridSize.y < GridMinSize)
            ColorizeLog.MoeenLog("grid size can not be so little. please update GridSize in inspector", ColorizeLog.Colors.DarkRed);


Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void Move(Cell start, Cell destination)
     if (!start || !destination)
         ColorizeLog.MoeenLog("start or end cant be null", ColorizeLog.Colors.DarkRed); return;
     MyPath           = Astar.FindPathActual(start, destination);
     CurrentState     = MovementState;
     CurrentMoveIndex = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public static List <Cell> FindPathActual(Cell start, Cell target)
        //Typical A* algorythm from here and on
        if (!start || !target)
            ColorizeLog.MoeenLog("start or end cant be null", ColorizeLog.Colors.DarkRed); return(new List <Cell>());
        List <Cell> foundPath = new List <Cell>();

        //We need two lists, one for the nodes we need to check and one for the nodes we've already checked
        List <Cell>    openSet   = new List <Cell>();
        HashSet <Cell> closedSet = new HashSet <Cell>();

        //We start adding to the open set

        while (openSet.Count > 0)
            Cell currentNode = openSet[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < openSet.Count; i++)
                //We check the costs for the current node
                //You can have more opt. here but that's not important now
                if (openSet[i].F < currentNode.F ||
                    (openSet[i].F == currentNode.F &&
                     openSet[i].H < currentNode.H))
                    //and then we assign a new current node
                    if (!currentNode.Equals(openSet[i]))
                        currentNode = openSet[i];

            //we remove the current node from the open set and add to the closed set

            //if the current node is the target node
            if (currentNode.Equals(target))
                //that means we reached our destination, so we are ready to retrace our path
                foundPath = RetracePath(start, currentNode);

            //if we haven't reached our target, then we need to start looking the neighbours
            foreach (Cell neighbour in currentNode.neighbors)
                if (!neighbour)
                if (!closedSet.Contains(neighbour))
                    //we create a new movement cost for our neighbours
                    float newMovementCostToNeighbour = currentNode.G + Vector3.Distance(currentNode.Position, neighbour.Position);

                    //and if it's lower than the neighbour's cost
                    if (newMovementCostToNeighbour < neighbour.G || !openSet.Contains(neighbour))
                        //we calculate the new costs
                        neighbour.G = newMovementCostToNeighbour;
                        neighbour.H = Vector3.Distance(neighbour.Position, target.Position);
                        //Assign the parent node
                        neighbour.parentNode = currentNode;
                        //And add the neighbour node to the open set
                        if (!openSet.Contains(neighbour))

        //we return the path at the end