public static extern HBitmap CreateDIBitmap
     HDC hdc,                // handle to DC
     IntPtr lpbmih,          // bitmap data
     int fdwInit,            // initialization option
     IntPtr lpbInit,         // initialization data
     IntPtr lpbmi,           // color-format data
     ColorUseOptions fuUsage // color-data usage
 public static extern int SetDIBits
     HDC hdc,                   // handle to DC
     HBitmap hbmp,              // handle to bitmap
     uint uStartScan,           // starting scan line
     uint cScanLines,           // number of scan lines
     IntPtr lpvBits,            // array of bitmap bits
     BITMAPINFO lpbmi,          // bitmap data
     ColorUseOptions fuColorUse // type of color indexes to use