Ejemplo n.º 1
 public ImageSetterManipulator() : base(new CodedImage {
     Size = new Size(1, 1)
     SourceImage.Pixels[0] = ColorBytes.ToArgb(0, 255, 255, 255);
Ejemplo n.º 2
            internal static ColorBytes BlendNormal(ColorBytes src, ColorBytes dst, byte opacity)
                if (dst.A == 0)
                    // Destination is invisible, only blend source
                    src.A = MultiplyU8(src.A, opacity);
                else if (src.A == 0)
                    // Source color is invisible, only provide destination.

                src.A = MultiplyU8(src.A, opacity);

                var Ra = (byte)(src.A + dst.A - MultiplyU8(dst.A, src.A));
                var Rr = (byte)(dst.R + (src.R - dst.R) * src.A / Ra);
                var Rg = (byte)(dst.G + (src.G - dst.G) * src.A / Ra);
                var Rb = (byte)(dst.B + (src.B - dst.B) * src.A / Ra);

                return(new ColorBytes(Rr, Rg, Rb, Ra));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected void PaintCharacterLeftToRight(CharacterBitmap characterBitmap, int[] imagePixels, Size imageSize, Point atPoint, Rectangle clipRect, int fontRgb = 0)
            var imageX = atPoint.X + characterBitmap.OffsetX;
            var imageY = atPoint.Y + characterBitmap.OffsetY;

            var bitmapLeft = imageX < clipRect.Left ? clipRect.Left - imageX : 0;
            var bitmapTop  = imageY < clipRect.Top ? clipRect.Top - imageY : 0;

            var localClipRect = new Rectangle(
                Math.Min(clipRect.RightExclusive - imageX, characterBitmap.Width - bitmapLeft),
                Math.Min(clipRect.BottomExclusive - imageY, characterBitmap.Height - bitmapTop));

            if (localClipRect.Height > 0 && localClipRect.Width > 0)
                for (int y = localClipRect.Top, bitmapRow = localClipRect.Top * characterBitmap.Width, imageRow = (localClipRect.Top + imageY) * imageSize.Width;
                     y < localClipRect.BottomExclusive;
                     y++, bitmapRow += characterBitmap.Width, imageRow += imageSize.Width)
                    for (int x = localClipRect.Left, bitmapIndex = bitmapRow + localClipRect.Left, imageIndex = imageRow + localClipRect.Left + imageX;
                         x < localClipRect.RightExclusive;
                         x++, bitmapIndex++, imageIndex++)
                        imagePixels[imageIndex] = ColorBytes.ComposeTwoColors(imagePixels[imageIndex], fontRgb, characterBitmap.Bitmap[bitmapIndex]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
            internal static ColorBytes BlendAddition(ColorBytes src, ColorBytes dst, byte opacity)
                src.R = (byte)Calc.Min(dst.R + src.R, 0xFF);
                src.G = (byte)Calc.Min(dst.G + src.G, 0xFF);
                src.B = (byte)Calc.Min(dst.B + src.B, 0xFF);

                return(BlendNormal(src, dst, opacity));
Ejemplo n.º 5
            internal static ColorBytes BlendSubtract(ColorBytes src, ColorBytes dst, byte opacity)
                src.R = (byte)Calc.Max(dst.R - src.R, 0);
                src.G = (byte)Calc.Max(dst.G - src.G, 0);
                src.B = (byte)Calc.Max(dst.B - src.B, 0);

                return(BlendNormal(src, dst, opacity));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void TestComposeTwoColors()
            Assert.AreEqual(0x00000000, ColorBytes.ComposeTwoColors(0x003377ff, 0x00000000, 255));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x003377ff, ColorBytes.ComposeTwoColors(0x00000000, 0x003377ff, 255));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x003377ff, ColorBytes.ComposeTwoColors(0x003377ff, 0x00000000, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x00000000, ColorBytes.ComposeTwoColors(0x00000000, 0x003377ff, 0));

            Assert.AreEqual(0x11662266, ColorBytes.ComposeTwoColors(0x11880088, 0x22008800, 63));
            Assert.AreEqual(0x11662266, ColorBytes.ComposeTwoColors(0x11880088, 0x22008800, 64));             // Same due to rounding
Ejemplo n.º 7
        int GetShadeColor(int color)
            const int coeff = 32;

            var r = AdjustComponent(color.Red(), coeff);
            var g = AdjustComponent(color.Green(), coeff);
            var b = AdjustComponent(color.Blue(), coeff);

            return(ColorBytes.ToArgb(color.Alpha(), r, g, b));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void ShadeImage(IndexedImage image, int argb, IndexedImage maskImage = null)
            Debug.Assert(maskImage == null || maskImage.Size.Equals(image.Size), "maskImage should have same size as image");

            for (int i = 0; i < image.Pixels.Length; i++)
                var shadeArgb = maskImage != null?ColorBytes.ShadeColor(argb, maskImage.Pixels[i]) : argb;

                image.Pixels[i] = ColorBytes.ShadeColor(image.Pixels[i], shadeArgb);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public byte GetValue(ColorBytes color)
     switch (color)
         case ColorBytes.Red:
             return Convert.ToByte(RedSlider.CurrentValue);
         case ColorBytes.Blue:
             return Convert.ToByte(BlueSlider.CurrentValue);
         case ColorBytes.Green:
             return Convert.ToByte(GreenSlider.CurrentValue);
     return 255;
Ejemplo n.º 10
            public byte GetValue(ColorBytes color)
                switch (color)
                case ColorBytes.Red:

                case ColorBytes.Blue:

                case ColorBytes.Green:
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes sizes of one pixel's line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldArray">Old array with pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="newArray">New array with pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="oldStartIndex">Start index in old array.</param>
        /// <param name="newStartIndex">Start index in new array.</param>
        /// <param name="oldOneStep">Distance between points in old array.</param>
        /// <param name="newOneStep">Distance between points in new array.</param>
        private void ResampleLine(int[] oldArray, int[] newArray, int oldStartIndex, int newStartIndex, int oldOneStep, int newOneStep)
            // By all pixels in new array
            // weightedValues.Length == new length
            for (int i = 0, newIndexPart = newStartIndex; i < weightedValues.Length; i++, newIndexPart += newOneStep)
                // Initialize new color components 0.5 is for smoother truncating (instead of Math.Round)
                int b, g, r, a;
                b = g = r = a = 0;

                WeightedValue[] weightedValuesList = weightedValues[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < weightedValuesList.Length; j++)
                    // Get index and weight of old element
                    int weight   = weightedValuesList[j].Weight;
                    int oldIndex = oldStartIndex + weightedValuesList[j].Index * oldOneStep;
                    if (oldIndex < 0)
                        oldIndex = 0;
                    if (oldIndex >= oldArray.Length)
                        oldIndex = oldArray.Length - 1;

                    // Update color components
                    int argb = oldArray[oldIndex];
                    b += weight * argb.Blue();
                    g += weight * argb.Green();
                    r += weight * argb.Red();
                    a += weight * argb.Alpha();

                // Calculate index of pixel in new array
                int newIndex = newIndexPart;
                if (newIndex < 0)
                    newIndex = 0;
                if (newIndex >= newArray.Length)
                    newIndex = oldArray.Length - 1;

                // Save new color
                newArray[newIndex] = ColorBytes.ToArgb(GetNormalizedValue(a), GetNormalizedValue(r), GetNormalizedValue(g), GetNormalizedValue(b));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        void PaintCharacterRotated(CharacterBitmap characterBitmap, int[] imagePixels, Size imageSize, Point atPoint, Rectangle clipRect, TextDirection direction, int fontRgb)
            int imageX, imageY, imageStepDX, imageStepDY, imageNextRowDX, imageNextRowDY;

            switch (direction)
            case TextDirection.VerticalUpward:
                imageX         = atPoint.X + characterBitmap.OffsetY;
                imageY         = atPoint.Y - characterBitmap.OffsetX;
                imageStepDX    = 0;
                imageStepDY    = -1;
                imageNextRowDX = 1;
                imageNextRowDY = 0;

            case TextDirection.VerticalDownward:
                imageX         = atPoint.X - characterBitmap.OffsetY;
                imageY         = atPoint.Y + characterBitmap.OffsetX;
                imageStepDX    = 0;
                imageStepDY    = 1;
                imageNextRowDX = -1;
                imageNextRowDY = 0;

            case TextDirection.LeftToRight:
                PaintCharacterLeftToRight(characterBitmap, imagePixels, imageSize, atPoint, clipRect, fontRgb);
            var imageIndexStep = imageStepDY * imageSize.Width + imageStepDX;

            for (int y = 0, bitmapRow = 0;
                 y < characterBitmap.Height;
                 y++, bitmapRow += characterBitmap.Width, imageX += imageNextRowDX, imageY += imageNextRowDY)
                for (int x = 0, bitmapIndex = bitmapRow, iX = imageX, iY = imageY, imageIndex = imageY * imageSize.Width + imageX;
                     x < characterBitmap.Width;
                     x++, bitmapIndex++, iX += imageStepDX, iY += imageStepDY, imageIndex += imageIndexStep)
                    if (iX >= clipRect.Left && iX < clipRect.RightExclusive && iY >= clipRect.Top && iY < clipRect.BottomExclusive)
                        imagePixels[imageIndex] = ColorBytes.ComposeTwoColors(imagePixels[imageIndex], fontRgb, characterBitmap.Bitmap[bitmapIndex]);
Ejemplo n.º 13
            private ColorBytes BlendColor(ColorBytes src, ColorBytes dst, byte opacity, BlendMode blend)
                switch (blend)

                case BlendMode.Normal:
                    return(BlendNormal(src, dst, opacity));

                case BlendMode.Addition:
                    return(BlendAddition(src, dst, opacity));

                case BlendMode.Subtract:
                    return(BlendSubtract(src, dst, opacity));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void CopyDataToPixelArray(byte[] data, ColorBytes[] pixels)
            if (pixels.Length * (_colorDepth / 8) != data.Length)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Pixel storage and data length don't match...?");

            if (_colorDepth == 32)
                // RGBA
                for (var i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
                    var R = data[i * 4 + 0];
                    var G = data[i * 4 + 1];
                    var B = data[i * 4 + 2];
                    var A = data[i * 4 + 3];

                    pixels[i] = new ColorBytes(R, G, B, A);
            else if (_colorDepth == 16)
                // Grayscale + Alpha
                for (var i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
                    var G = data[i * 2 + 0];
                    var A = data[i * 2 + 1];

                    pixels[i] = new ColorBytes(G, G, G, A);
                // Indexed
                for (var i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
                    var color = Palette[data[i]];
                    pixels[i] = color;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private ColorBytes[] ReadPaletteChunk()
            var size    = ReadDWord();
            var palette = new ColorBytes[size];

            var from = ReadDWord();
            var to   = ReadDWord();

            ReadBytes(8); // spec, for future use

            DebugPrint($"  Reading New Palette: {size} from {from} to {to}");

            // For the colors in the range
            for (var i = from; i <= to; i++)
                var flags = (PaletteEntryFlags)ReadWord();

                var R = ReadByte();
                var G = ReadByte();
                var B = ReadByte();
                var A = ReadByte();

                palette[i] = new ColorBytes(R, G, B, A);

                if (flags.HasFlag(PaletteEntryFlags.HasName))
                    var name = ReadString();
                    DebugPrint($"    Color {i}: {palette[i]} ({name})");
                    DebugPrint($"    Color {i}: {palette[i]}");

            // We have loaded the new palette, set a flag so we can ignore the old palette format
            _isNewPalette = true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public VisualSymbolsController(ImageSymbolsController controller, Size imageBoxSize = default(Size))
            : base(controller.Manipulator, imageBoxSize)
            using (SuspendUpdateVisualImage())
                Controller      = controller;
                CellSize        = 32;
                HighlightedCell = new Point(-1, -1);

                PlainBackground               = ColorBytes.ToArgb(0, 255, 255, 255);
                PlainFontColor                = ColorBytes.ToArgb(0, 0, 0, 0);
                SelectedBackground            = ColorBytes.ToArgb(0, 255, 127, 80);
                SelectedFontColor             = PlainFontColor;
                HighlightedPlainBackground    = ColorBytes.ToArgb(0, 0, 149, 237);
                HighlightedPlainFontColor     = ColorBytes.ToArgb(0, 255, 255, 255);
                HighlightedSelectedBackground = ColorBytes.ToArgb(0, 0, 128, 255);
                HighlightedSelectedFontColor  = HighlightedPlainFontColor;

Ejemplo n.º 17
 static void ColorCursorImage(IndexedImage image, int argb)
     int[] pixels;
     using (image.LockPixels(out pixels))
         Parallel.For(0, pixels.Length,
                      index =>
             var pixelArgb = pixels[index];
             var a         = pixelArgb.Alpha();
             if (a != 0)                             // Skip transparent
                 var r = pixelArgb.Red();
                 var g = pixelArgb.Green();
                 var b = pixelArgb.Blue();
                 if (Math.Abs(r - g) + Math.Abs(g - b) + Math.Abs(b - r) <= 12)                                 // Close to grey colors
                     pixels[index] = ColorBytes.ShadeColor(pixelArgb, argb);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private ColorBytes[] ReadOldPaletteChunk(int depth)
            var packetCount = ReadWord();
            var palette     = new ColorBytes[256];

            // For each packet
            for (var p = 0; p < packetCount; p++)
                var offset = ReadByte();
                var count  = ReadByte();

                // For each color
                for (var c = 0; c < count; c++)
                    var r = (byte)(ReadByte() / (float)depth * 0xFF);
                    var g = (byte)(ReadByte() / (float)depth * 0xFF);
                    var b = (byte)(ReadByte() / (float)depth * 0xFF);
                    palette[offset + c] = new ColorBytes(r, g, b);

            // Have new palette, return that instead.
            return(_isNewPalette && Palette != null ? Palette : palette);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public void TestComponentsComposition()
     Assert.AreEqual(0x12345678, ColorBytes.ToArgb(0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78));