Ejemplo n.º 1
        public byte[] GetLightBytes()
            byte[] data = new byte[16];

                if (_lightIntensity > 1)
                    _lightIntensity = 1;

                // Alpha channel in color is intensity
                Color4 tmpColor = new Color4(_lightColorR, _lightColorG, _lightColorB, _lightIntensity);

                tmpColor.GetBytes().CopyTo(data, 0);
                Utils.FloatToBytes(_lightRadius).CopyTo(data, 4);
                Utils.FloatToBytes(_lightCutoff).CopyTo(data, 8);
                Utils.FloatToBytes(_lightFalloff).CopyTo(data, 12);
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_log.Warn("Error GetLightBytes: " + ex.ToString());

        public byte[] GetLightBytes()
            byte[] data = new byte[16];

            // Alpha channel in color is intensity
            Color4 tmpColor = new Color4(_lightColorR, _lightColorG, _lightColorB, _lightIntensity);

            tmpColor.GetBytes().CopyTo(data, 0);
            Utils.FloatToBytes(_lightRadius).CopyTo(data, 4);
            Utils.FloatToBytes(_lightCutoff).CopyTo(data, 8);
            Utils.FloatToBytes(_lightFalloff).CopyTo(data, 12);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a particle swirl around a target position using a <seealso cref="ViewerEffectPacket"/> packet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="globalOffset">global offset</param>
        /// <param name="color">A <see cref="Color4"/> object containing the combined red, green, blue and alpha 
        /// color values of particle beam</param>
        /// <param name="duration">a float representing the duration the parcicle beam will last</param>
        /// <param name="effectID">A Unique ID for the beam</param>
        public void SphereEffect(Vector3d globalOffset, Color4 color, float duration, UUID effectID)
            ViewerEffectPacket effect = new ViewerEffectPacket();

            effect.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Self.AgentID;
            effect.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Self.SessionID;

            effect.Effect = new ViewerEffectPacket.EffectBlock[1];
            effect.Effect[0] = new ViewerEffectPacket.EffectBlock();
            effect.Effect[0].AgentID = Client.Self.AgentID;
            effect.Effect[0].Color = color.GetBytes();
            effect.Effect[0].Duration = duration;
            effect.Effect[0].ID = effectID;
            effect.Effect[0].Type = (byte)EffectType.Sphere;

            byte[] typeData = new byte[56];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(UUID.Zero.GetBytes(), 0, typeData, 0, 16);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(UUID.Zero.GetBytes(), 0, typeData, 16, 16);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(globalOffset.GetBytes(), 0, typeData, 32, 24);

            effect.Effect[0].TypeData = typeData;

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public byte[] GetLightBytes()
            byte[] data = new byte[16];

            // Alpha channel in color is intensity
            Color4 tmpColor = new Color4(_lightColorR,_lightColorG,_lightColorB,_lightIntensity);

            tmpColor.GetBytes().CopyTo(data, 0);
            Utils.FloatToBytes(_lightRadius).CopyTo(data, 4);
            Utils.FloatToBytes(_lightCutoff).CopyTo(data, 8);
            Utils.FloatToBytes(_lightFalloff).CopyTo(data, 12);

            return data;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public byte[] ExtraParamsToBytes()
//            m_log.DebugFormat("[EXTRAPARAMS]: Called ExtraParamsToBytes()");

            const byte FlexiEP      = 0x10;
            const byte LightEP      = 0x20;
            const byte SculptEP     = 0x30;
            const byte ProjectionEP = 0x40;

            int TotalBytesLength = 1; // ExtraParamsNum

            uint ExtraParamsNum = 0;

            if (_flexiEntry)
                TotalBytesLength += 16 + 2 + 4;// data

            if (_lightEntry)
                TotalBytesLength += 16 + 2 + 4; // data

            if (_sculptEntry)
                TotalBytesLength += 17 + 2 + 4;// data

            if (_projectionEntry)
                TotalBytesLength += 28 + 2 + 4; // data

            byte[] returnBytes = new byte[TotalBytesLength];

            returnBytes[0] = (byte)ExtraParamsNum;

            if (ExtraParamsNum == 0)

            int i = 1;

            if (_flexiEntry)
                returnBytes[i] = FlexiEP; // 2 bytes id code
                i += 2;
                returnBytes[i] = 16;      // 4 bytes size
                i += 4;

                // Softness is packed in the upper bits of tension and drag
                returnBytes[i]     = (byte)((_flexiSoftness & 2) << 6);
                returnBytes[i + 1] = (byte)((_flexiSoftness & 1) << 7);

                returnBytes[i++] |= (byte)((byte)(_flexiTension * 10.01f) & 0x7F);
                returnBytes[i++] |= (byte)((byte)(_flexiDrag * 10.01f) & 0x7F);
                returnBytes[i++]  = (byte)((_flexiGravity + 10.0f) * 10.01f);
                returnBytes[i++]  = (byte)(_flexiWind * 10.01f);
                Utils.FloatToBytes(_flexiForceX, returnBytes, i);
                Utils.FloatToBytes(_flexiForceY, returnBytes, i + 4);
                Utils.FloatToBytes(_flexiForceZ, returnBytes, i + 8);
                i += 12;

            if (_lightEntry)
                returnBytes[i] = LightEP;
                i += 2;
                returnBytes[i] = 16;
                i += 4;

                // Alpha channel in color is intensity
                Color4 tmpColor = new Color4(_lightColorR, _lightColorG, _lightColorB, _lightIntensity);
                tmpColor.GetBytes().CopyTo(returnBytes, i);
                Utils.FloatToBytes(_lightRadius, returnBytes, i + 4);
                Utils.FloatToBytes(_lightCutoff, returnBytes, i + 8);
                Utils.FloatToBytes(_lightFalloff, returnBytes, i + 12);
                i += 16;

            if (_sculptEntry)
                returnBytes[i] = SculptEP;
                i += 2;
                returnBytes[i] = 17;
                i += 4;

                _sculptTexture.GetBytes().CopyTo(returnBytes, i);
                i += 16;
                returnBytes[i++] = _sculptType;

            if (_projectionEntry)
                returnBytes[i] = ProjectionEP;
                i += 2;
                returnBytes[i] = 28;
                i += 4;

                _projectionTextureID.GetBytes().CopyTo(returnBytes, i);
                Utils.FloatToBytes(_projectionFOV).CopyTo(returnBytes, i + 16);
                Utils.FloatToBytes(_projectionFocus).CopyTo(returnBytes, i + 20);
                Utils.FloatToBytes(_projectionAmb).CopyTo(returnBytes, i + 24);

Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 public void PackColor(Color4 data)
     byte[] bytes = data.GetBytes();
     PackBitArray(bytes, 32);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a particle beam between an avatar and an primitive
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceAvatar"><seealso cref="Guid"/> of sources avatar</param>
        /// <param name="targetObject"><seealso cref="Guid"/> of the target</param>
        /// <param name="globalOffset"><seealso cref="Vector3d"/>global offset</param>
        /// <param name="color"><seealso cref="Color4"/>Color values of beam</param>
        /// <param name="duration">a float representing the duration the beam will last</param>
        /// <param name="effectID"><seealso cref="Guid"/> of the Effect</param>
        public void BeamEffect(Guid sourceAvatar, Guid targetObject, Vector3d globalOffset, Color4 color,
            float duration, Guid effectID)
            ViewerEffectPacket effect = new ViewerEffectPacket();

            effect.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Self.AgentID;
            effect.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Self.SessionID;

            effect.Effect = new ViewerEffectPacket.EffectBlock[1];
            effect.Effect[0] = new ViewerEffectPacket.EffectBlock();
            effect.Effect[0].AgentID = Client.Self.AgentID;
            effect.Effect[0].Color = color.GetBytes();
            effect.Effect[0].Duration = duration;
            effect.Effect[0].ID = effectID;
            effect.Effect[0].Type = (byte)EffectType.Beam;

            byte[] typeData = new byte[56];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(sourceAvatar.GetBytes(), 0, typeData, 0, 16);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(targetObject.GetBytes(), 0, typeData, 16, 16);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(globalOffset.GetBytes(), 0, typeData, 32, 24);

            effect.Effect[0].TypeData = typeData;
