Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void MQJsonImportAndPatch(IExperimentFace face, List <string> filePath)
            Rom n0 = new ORom(filePath[0], ORom.Build.N0);
            Rom mq = new ORom(filePath[1], ORom.Build.MQU);

            List <Scene_MQJson> scenes = Load_Scene_MQJson();

            foreach (var scene in scenes)
                if (!MQRandoScenes.Contains(scene.Id))

                var n0_scene = SceneRoomReader.InitializeScene(n0, scene.Id);
                var mq_scene = SceneRoomReader.InitializeScene(mq, scene.Id);

                CollisionMesh n0_mesh = ((CollisionCommand)n0_scene.Header[HeaderCommands.Collision]).Mesh;
                CollisionMesh mq_mesh = ((CollisionCommand)mq_scene.Header[HeaderCommands.Collision]).Mesh;

                var delta = new Col_MQJson(n0_mesh, mq_mesh);
                scene.ColDelta = delta;
            MemoryStream s  = SerializeScenes(scenes);
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s);

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void CompleteBBox(CollisionMesh ent2)
     ent2.BoundingBox = ent2.Collisions
                        .Where(collision => collision.BoundingBox != BoundingBoxInt16.Invalid)
                        .Select(x => x.BoundingBox)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Animates the camera from its current position towards the desired offset
        /// behind the chased object. The camera's animation is controlled by a simple
        /// physical spring attached to the camera and anchored to the desired position.
        /// </summary>
        public void Update(float elapsedTime, CollisionMesh collision)

            // Calculate spring force
            Vector3 stretch = position - desiredPosition;
            Vector3 force   = -stiffness * stretch - damping * velocity;

            // Apply acceleration
            Vector3 acceleration = force / mass;

            velocity += acceleration * elapsedTime;

            // Apply velocity
            position         += velocity * elapsedTime;
            collisionPosition = position;

            // test camera for collision with world
            if (collision != null)
                float   collisionDistance;
                Vector3 collisionPoint, collisionNormal;
                if (collision.PointIntersect(lookAt, position, out collisionDistance,
                                             out collisionPoint, out collisionNormal))
                    Vector3 dir = Vector3.Normalize(collisionPoint - lookAt);
                    collisionPosition = collisionPoint - 10 * dir;

Ejemplo n.º 4
 public override void ButtonClicked(Vector2 position)
     _mouseClicked.X = Convert.ToInt32(position.X);
     _mouseClicked.Y = Convert.ToInt32(position.Y);
     if (CollisionMesh.Contains(_mouseClicked))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void CompleteBBox(CollisionMesh ent2)
     ent2.BoundingBox = Enumerable.Range(
         ent2.CollisionEnd - ent2.CollisionStart
                        .Select(index => coct.CollisionList[index].BoundingBoxIndex)
                        .Where(co6Index => co6Index != -1)
                        .Select(co6Index => coct.BoundingBoxList[co6Index])
Ejemplo n.º 6
            public Col_MQJson(CollisionMesh n0, CollisionMesh mq)
                IsLarger = (n0.GetFileSize() < mq.GetFileSize());

                for (int i = 0; i < mq.PolyList.Count; i++)
                    var n0poly = n0.PolyList[i];
                    var mqpoly = mq.PolyList[i];

                    if (!n0poly.Equals(mqpoly))
                        Polys.Add(new ColPoly_MQJson(i, mqpoly.Type, mqpoly.VertexFlagsA));

                for (int i = 0; i < mq.PolyTypeList.Count; i++)
                    var mqpolytype = mq.PolyTypeList[i];

                    if (!(i < n0.PolyTypeList.Count) ||
                        PolyTypes.Add(new ColMat_MQJson(i, mqpolytype.HighWord, mqpolytype.LowWord));

                for (int i = 0; i < mq.CameraDataList.Count; i++)
                    var           mqcam = mq.CameraDataList[i];
                    ColCam_MQJson cam   = null;
                    if (mqcam.PositionAddress == 0)
                        cam = new ColCam_MQJson(mqcam.CameraS, mqcam.NumCameras, -1);
                        for (int j = 0; j < n0.CameraDataList.Count; j++)
                            var n0cam = n0.CameraDataList[j];
                            if (n0cam.IsPositionListIdentical(mqcam))
                                cam = new ColCam_MQJson(mqcam.CameraS, mqcam.NumCameras, j);
                    if (cam == null)
                        throw new Exception("BLERG");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public DebugRenderMesh(GraphicsDevice device, CollisionMesh cm)
            VertexPositionColor[] vertices = new VertexPositionColor[cm.Vertices.Length];
                int[] indices = new int[cm.Indices.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                    vertices[i] = new VertexPositionColor(cm.Vertices[i], Color.LightGray);
                cm.Indices.CopyTo(indices, 0);

                vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(device, typeof(VertexPositionColor), vertices.Length, BufferUsage.None);

                indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(device, IndexElementSize.ThirtyTwoBits, indices.Length, BufferUsage.None);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        static int Main(string[] args)

            var lvls = TestBench.LoadAndTrackLVLs(new List <string>(args));

            for (int i = 0; i < lvls.Count; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Level {0}'s collision meshes: ", i);

                var level = lvls[i];

                Model[] models = level.GetModels();
                foreach (Model model in models)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\tModel: " + model.name);
                    CollisionMesh mesh = model.GetCollisionMesh();

                    if (mesh == null)

                    Console.WriteLine("\t\tCollision mask flags: {0}", mesh.maskFlags);
                    Console.WriteLine("\t\tNum collision indices:   {0}", mesh.GetIndices().Length);
                    Console.WriteLine("\t\tNum collision verticies: {0}", mesh.GetVertices <Vector3>().Length);

                    CollisionPrimitive[] prims = model.GetPrimitivesMasked(16);

                    Console.WriteLine("\t\t{0} Primitives: ", prims.Length);

                    foreach (var prim in prims)
                        Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tName: {0} Parent: {1}", prim.name, prim.parentName);


Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="coll"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="meta">The meta.</param>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public coll(ref Meta meta)
            BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(meta.MS);
            BR.BaseStream.Position = 28;
            int tempc = BR.ReadInt32();
            int tempr = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;
            for (int xxx = 0; xxx < tempc; xxx++)
                BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (xxx * 12);
                string index1string = meta.Map.Strings.Name[BR.ReadUInt16()];
                BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (xxx * 12) + 4;
                int tempcxx = BR.ReadInt32();
                int temprxx = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;
                for (int xx = 0; xx < tempcxx; xx++)
                    BR.BaseStream.Position = temprxx + (xx * 20);
                    string index2string = meta.Map.Strings.Name[BR.ReadUInt16()];
                    BR.BaseStream.Position = temprxx + (xx * 20) + 4;
                    int tempcx = BR.ReadInt32();
                    int temprx = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;

                    // Meshes = new CollisionMesh[tempc];
                    for (int x = 0; x < tempcx; x++)
                        CollisionMesh cm = new CollisionMesh();
                        cm.index1 = xxx;
                        cm.index1string = index1string;
                        cm.index2 = xx;
                        cm.index2string = index2string;
                        if (ConditionStrings.IndexOf(cm.index2string) == -1)

                        cm.index3 = x;

                        BR.BaseStream.Position = temprx + (x * 68) + 52;
                        int tempc2 = BR.ReadInt32();
                        int tempr2 = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;

                        cm.Faces = new ushort[tempc2 * 3];
                        for (int y = 0; y < tempc2; y++)
                            BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr2 + (y * 12);
                            cm.Faces[y * 3] = BR.ReadUInt16();
                            cm.Faces[(y * 3) + 1] = BR.ReadUInt16();
                            cm.Faces[(y * 3) + 2] = cm.Faces[(y * 3) + 1]; // BR.ReadUInt16();

                        // ***** Test Code ****//
                        BR.BaseStream.Position = temprx + (x * 68) + 12;
                        tempc2 = BR.ReadInt32();
                        tempr2 = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;
                        cm.Normals = new Vector4[tempc2];
                        for (int y = 0; y < tempc2; y++)
                            BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr2 + (y * 16) + 0;
                            cm.Normals[y].X = BR.ReadSingle();
                            cm.Normals[y].Y = BR.ReadSingle();
                            cm.Normals[y].Z = BR.ReadSingle();
                            cm.Normals[y].W = BR.ReadSingle();

                        BR.BaseStream.Position = temprx + (x * 68) + 44;
                        tempc2 = BR.ReadInt32();
                        tempr2 = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;
                        cm.SurfaceData = new surfaceData[tempc2];
                        for (int y = 0; y < tempc2; y++)
                            BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr2 + (y * 8) + 0;
                            cm.SurfaceData[y] = new surfaceData();
                            cm.SurfaceData[y].Plane = BR.ReadInt16();

                        BR.BaseStream.Position = temprx + (x * 68) + 52;
                        tempc2 = BR.ReadInt32();
                        tempr2 = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;

                        int[] startEdges = new int[tempc2];
                        int[] endEdges = new int[tempc2];
                        int[] forwardEdges = new int[tempc2];
                        int[] reverseEdges = new int[tempc2];
                        int[] face1 = new int[tempc2];
                        int[] face2 = new int[tempc2];
                        for (int y = 0; y < tempc2; y++)
                            BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr2 + (y * 12) + 0;
                            startEdges[y] = BR.ReadUInt16();
                            endEdges[y] = BR.ReadUInt16();

                            BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr2 + (y * 12) + 4;
                            forwardEdges[y] = BR.ReadUInt16();
                            reverseEdges[y] = BR.ReadUInt16();

                            BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr2 + (y * 12) + 8;
                            face1[y] = BR.ReadUInt16();
                            face2[y] = BR.ReadUInt16();

                        for (int y = 0; y < forwardEdges.Length; y++)
                            int cSurface = face1[y];
                            if (cm.SurfaceData[cSurface].Vertices == null)
                                cm.SurfaceData[cSurface].Vertices = new List<int>();
                                int edge = y;
                                int nextEdge = 0;
                                    if (cSurface == face1[edge])
                                        edge = forwardEdges[edge];
                                    else if (cSurface == face2[edge])
                                        edge = reverseEdges[edge];

                                    if (cSurface == face1[edge])
                                        nextEdge = endEdges[edge];
                                    else if (cSurface == face2[edge])
                                        nextEdge = startEdges[edge];
                                while (!cm.SurfaceData[cSurface].Vertices.Contains(nextEdge));

                        for (int y = 0; y < reverseEdges.Length; y++)
                            int cSurface = face2[y];
                            if (cm.SurfaceData[cSurface].Vertices == null)
                                cm.SurfaceData[cSurface].Vertices = new List<int>();
                                int edge = y;
                                int nextEdge = 0;
                                    if (cSurface == face1[edge])
                                        edge = forwardEdges[edge];
                                    else if (cSurface == face2[edge])
                                        edge = reverseEdges[edge];

                                    if (cSurface == face1[edge])
                                        nextEdge = endEdges[edge];
                                    else if (cSurface == face2[edge])
                                        nextEdge = startEdges[edge];
                                while (!cm.SurfaceData[cSurface].Vertices.Contains(nextEdge));

                        // ***** End Test Code ****//
                        BR.BaseStream.Position = temprx + (x * 68) + 60;
                        tempc2 = BR.ReadInt32();
                        tempr2 = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;

                        // Meshes[x] = new CollisionMesh();
                        cm.Vertices = new Vector3[tempc2];
                        for (int y = 0; y < tempc2; y++)
                            BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr2 + (y * 16);
                            cm.Vertices[y].X = BR.ReadSingle();
                            cm.Vertices[y].Y = BR.ReadSingle();
                            cm.Vertices[y].Z = BR.ReadSingle();


            BR.BaseStream.Position = 36;
            tempc = BR.ReadInt32();
            tempr = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;
            for (int xxx = 0; xxx < tempc; xxx++)
                BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (20 * xxx);
                PathfindingSphere ps = new PathfindingSphere();
                ps.nodeindex = BR.ReadInt32();
                ps.position = new Vector3();
                ps.position.X = BR.ReadSingle();
                ps.position.Y = BR.ReadSingle();
                ps.position.Z = BR.ReadSingle();
                ps.radius = BR.ReadSingle();
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the player ship for given elapsed time
        /// </summary>
        public void Update(
            float elapsedTime,          // elapsed time on this frame
            CollisionMesh collision,    // level collision mesh
            EntityList entities)        // level spawn points
            if (collision == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("collision");
            if (entities == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("entities");

            // updates damage screen time (zero for no damage indication)
            damageTime = Math.Max(0.0f, damageTime - elapsedTime);

            // if player dead
            if (IsAlive == false)
                // disable engine particle system
                particleBoost.Enabled = false;

                // updates dead time (if zero, player is alive)
                deadTime = Math.Max(0.0f, deadTime - elapsedTime);

                // if player dead time expires, respawn
                if (IsAlive == true)
                    // reset player to a random spawn point

                    // add spawn animated sprite in front of player
                    Vector3 Pos = movement.position + 10 * movement.rotation.Forward;
                                              Pos, 140, 80, 30, DrawMode.Additive, playerIndex);

                    // play spawn sound

                    // reset energy, shield and boost
                    energy       = 1.0f;
                    shield       = 1.0f;
                    boost        = 1.0f;
                    missileCount = 3;


            // hold position before movement
            Vector3 lastPostion = movement.position;

            // update movement

            // test for collision with level
            Vector3 collisionPosition;

            if (collision.BoxMove(box, lastPostion, movement.position,
                                  1.0f, 0.0f, 3, out collisionPosition))
                // update to valid position after collision
                movement.position = collisionPosition;

                // compute new velocity after collision
                Vector3 newVelocity =
                    (collisionPosition - lastPostion) * (1.0f / elapsedTime);

                // if collision sound enabled
                if (collisionSound)
                    // test collision angle to play collision sound
                    Vector3 WorldVel = movement.WorldVelocity;
                    float   dot      = Vector3.Dot(
                        Vector3.Normalize(WorldVel), Vector3.Normalize(newVelocity));
                    if (dot < 0.7071f)
                        // play collision sound

                        // set rumble intensity
                        dot = 1 - 0.5f * (dot + 1);
                        gameManager.SetVibration(playerIndex, dot * 0.5f);

                        // disable collision sounds until ship stops colliding
                        collisionSound = false;

                // set new velocity after collision
                movement.WorldVelocity = newVelocity;
                // clear of collisions, re-enable collision sounds
                collisionSound = true;

            // update player transform
            transform             = movement.rotation;
            transform.Translation = movement.position;

            // compute inverse transform
            transformInverse = Matrix.Invert(transform);

            // get normalized player velocity
            float velocityFactor = movement.VelocityFactor;

            // update bobbing
            bobbingTime += elapsedTime;
            float bobbingFactor = 1.0f - velocityFactor;
            float time          = GameOptions.ShipBobbingSpeed * bobbingTime %
                                  (2 * MathHelper.TwoPi);
            float distance = bobbingFactor * GameOptions.ShipBobbingRange;

            bobbing.M41        = distance * (float)Math.Sin(time * 0.5f);
            bobbing.M42        = distance * (float)Math.Sin(time);
            bobbingInverse.M41 = -bobbing.M41;
            bobbingInverse.M42 = -bobbing.M42;

            // compute transform with bobbing
            Matrix bobbingTransform = bobbing * transform;

            // update particle system position
            particleBoost.Enabled = true;
            particleBoost.SetTransform(boostTransform * bobbingTransform);

            // if shield active
            if (shieldUse)
                // update shield position
                animatedSpriteShield.Position = bobbingTransform.Translation +
                                                10f * bobbingTransform.Forward;

                // update shiled charge
                shield -= elapsedTime / GameOptions.ShieldUse;

                // if shield charge depleted
                if (shield < 0)
                    // disable shield
                    shieldUse = false;
                    shield    = 0;

                    // kill shield animated sprite
                    animatedSpriteShield = null;
                // change shield
                shield = Math.Min(1.0f,
                                  shield + elapsedTime / GameOptions.ShieldRecharge);

            // if boost active
            if (boostUse)
                // increase ship maximum velocity
                movement.maxVelocity = GameOptions.MovementVelocityBoost;
                // apply impulse force forward
                AddImpulseForce(transform.Forward * GameOptions.BoostForce);

                // set particle system velocity scale
                particleBoost.VelocityScale = Math.Min(1.0f,
                                                       particleBoost.VelocityScale + 4.0f * elapsedTime);

                // update shield charge
                boost -= elapsedTime / GameOptions.BoostUse;

                // if  boost depleated
                if (boost < 0)
                    // disable boost
                    boostUse = false;
                    boost    = 0;
                // slowly returns ship maximum velocity to normal levels
                if (movement.maxVelocity > GameOptions.MovementVelocity)
                    movement.maxVelocity -= GameOptions.BoostSlowdown * elapsedTime;

                // slowly returns particle system velocity scale to normal levels
                particleBoost.VelocityScale = Math.Max(0.1f,
                                                       particleBoost.VelocityScale - 2.0f * elapsedTime);

                // charge boost
                boost = Math.Min(1.0f,
                                 boost + elapsedTime / GameOptions.BoostRecharge);

            // charge blaster
            blaster = Math.Min(1.0f,
                               blaster + elapsedTime / GameOptions.BlasterChargeTime);

            // charge missile
            missile = Math.Min(1.0f,
                               missile + elapsedTime / GameOptions.MissileChargeTime);

            // update chase camera
            chaseCamera.ChasePosition  = transform.Translation;
            chaseCamera.ChaseDirection = transform.Forward;
            chaseCamera.Up             = transform.Up;
            chaseCamera.Update(elapsedTime, collision);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public CollisionMesh Complete(CollisionMesh it)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public Map()
     //Rooms = new List<Room>();
     Objects      = new MapObjectContainer();
     MapCollision = new CollisionMesh();
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="coll"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="meta">The meta.</param>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public coll(ref Meta meta)
            BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(meta.MS);

            BR.BaseStream.Position = 28;
            int tempc = BR.ReadInt32();
            int tempr = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;

            for (int xxx = 0; xxx < tempc; xxx++)
                BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (xxx * 12);
                string index1string = meta.Map.Strings.Name[BR.ReadUInt16()];
                BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (xxx * 12) + 4;
                int tempcxx = BR.ReadInt32();
                int temprxx = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;
                for (int xx = 0; xx < tempcxx; xx++)
                    BR.BaseStream.Position = temprxx + (xx * 20);
                    string index2string = meta.Map.Strings.Name[BR.ReadUInt16()];
                    BR.BaseStream.Position = temprxx + (xx * 20) + 4;
                    int tempcx = BR.ReadInt32();
                    int temprx = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;

                    // Meshes = new CollisionMesh[tempc];
                    for (int x = 0; x < tempcx; x++)
                        CollisionMesh cm = new CollisionMesh();
                        cm.index1       = xxx;
                        cm.index1string = index1string;
                        cm.index2       = xx;
                        cm.index2string = index2string;
                        if (ConditionStrings.IndexOf(cm.index2string) == -1)

                        cm.index3 = x;

                        BR.BaseStream.Position = temprx + (x * 68) + 52;
                        int tempc2 = BR.ReadInt32();
                        int tempr2 = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;

                        cm.Faces = new ushort[tempc2 * 3];
                        for (int y = 0; y < tempc2; y++)
                            BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr2 + (y * 12);
                            cm.Faces[y * 3]        = BR.ReadUInt16();
                            cm.Faces[(y * 3) + 1]  = BR.ReadUInt16();
                            cm.Faces[(y * 3) + 2]  = cm.Faces[(y * 3) + 1]; // BR.ReadUInt16();

                        // ***** Test Code ****//
                        BR.BaseStream.Position = temprx + (x * 68) + 12;
                        tempc2     = BR.ReadInt32();
                        tempr2     = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;
                        cm.Normals = new Vector4[tempc2];
                        for (int y = 0; y < tempc2; y++)
                            BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr2 + (y * 16) + 0;
                            cm.Normals[y].X        = BR.ReadSingle();
                            cm.Normals[y].Y        = BR.ReadSingle();
                            cm.Normals[y].Z        = BR.ReadSingle();
                            cm.Normals[y].W        = BR.ReadSingle();

                        BR.BaseStream.Position = temprx + (x * 68) + 44;
                        tempc2         = BR.ReadInt32();
                        tempr2         = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;
                        cm.SurfaceData = new surfaceData[tempc2];
                        for (int y = 0; y < tempc2; y++)
                            BR.BaseStream.Position  = tempr2 + (y * 8) + 0;
                            cm.SurfaceData[y]       = new surfaceData();
                            cm.SurfaceData[y].Plane = BR.ReadInt16();

                        BR.BaseStream.Position = temprx + (x * 68) + 52;
                        tempc2 = BR.ReadInt32();
                        tempr2 = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;

                        int[] startEdges   = new int[tempc2];
                        int[] endEdges     = new int[tempc2];
                        int[] forwardEdges = new int[tempc2];
                        int[] reverseEdges = new int[tempc2];
                        int[] face1        = new int[tempc2];
                        int[] face2        = new int[tempc2];
                        for (int y = 0; y < tempc2; y++)
                            BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr2 + (y * 12) + 0;
                            startEdges[y]          = BR.ReadUInt16();
                            endEdges[y]            = BR.ReadUInt16();

                            BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr2 + (y * 12) + 4;
                            forwardEdges[y]        = BR.ReadUInt16();
                            reverseEdges[y]        = BR.ReadUInt16();

                            BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr2 + (y * 12) + 8;
                            face1[y] = BR.ReadUInt16();
                            face2[y] = BR.ReadUInt16();

                        for (int y = 0; y < forwardEdges.Length; y++)
                            int cSurface = face1[y];
                            if (cm.SurfaceData[cSurface].Vertices == null)
                                cm.SurfaceData[cSurface].Vertices = new List <int>();
                                int edge     = y;
                                int nextEdge = 0;
                                    if (cSurface == face1[edge])
                                        edge = forwardEdges[edge];
                                    else if (cSurface == face2[edge])
                                        edge = reverseEdges[edge];

                                    if (cSurface == face1[edge])
                                        nextEdge = endEdges[edge];
                                    else if (cSurface == face2[edge])
                                        nextEdge = startEdges[edge];
                                }while (!cm.SurfaceData[cSurface].Vertices.Contains(nextEdge));

                        for (int y = 0; y < reverseEdges.Length; y++)
                            int cSurface = face2[y];
                            if (cm.SurfaceData[cSurface].Vertices == null)
                                cm.SurfaceData[cSurface].Vertices = new List <int>();
                                int edge     = y;
                                int nextEdge = 0;
                                    if (cSurface == face1[edge])
                                        edge = forwardEdges[edge];
                                    else if (cSurface == face2[edge])
                                        edge = reverseEdges[edge];

                                    if (cSurface == face1[edge])
                                        nextEdge = endEdges[edge];
                                    else if (cSurface == face2[edge])
                                        nextEdge = startEdges[edge];
                                }while (!cm.SurfaceData[cSurface].Vertices.Contains(nextEdge));

                        // ***** End Test Code ****//
                        BR.BaseStream.Position = temprx + (x * 68) + 60;
                        tempc2 = BR.ReadInt32();
                        tempr2 = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;

                        // Meshes[x] = new CollisionMesh();
                        cm.Vertices = new Vector3[tempc2];
                        for (int y = 0; y < tempc2; y++)
                            BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr2 + (y * 16);
                            cm.Vertices[y].X       = BR.ReadSingle();
                            cm.Vertices[y].Y       = BR.ReadSingle();
                            cm.Vertices[y].Z       = BR.ReadSingle();


            BR.BaseStream.Position = 36;
            tempc = BR.ReadInt32();
            tempr = BR.ReadInt32() - meta.magic - meta.offset;
            for (int xxx = 0; xxx < tempc; xxx++)
                BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (20 * xxx);
                PathfindingSphere ps = new PathfindingSphere();
                ps.nodeindex  = BR.ReadInt32();
                ps.position   = new Vector3();
                ps.position.X = BR.ReadSingle();
                ps.position.Y = BR.ReadSingle();
                ps.position.Z = BR.ReadSingle();
                ps.radius     = BR.ReadSingle();
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void PerMeshClipRendering(IEnumerable <BigMesh> bigMeshes)
            var meshList = new List <CollisionMesh>();

            var helper = new BuildHelper(coct);

            foreach (var mesh in bigMeshes.Where(it => !it.matDef.noclip))
                var collisionMesh = new CollisionMesh
                    Collisions = new List <Collision>()

                var vifPacketIndices = new List <ushort>(mesh.vifPacketIndices);

                foreach (var set in TriangleStripsToTriangleFans(mesh.triangleStripList))
                    var quad = set.Count == 4;

                    var v1 = mesh.vertexList[set[0]];
                    var v2 = mesh.vertexList[set[1]];
                    var v3 = mesh.vertexList[set[2]];
                    var v4 = quad ? mesh.vertexList[set[3]] : Vector3.Zero;

                                                     new Collision
                        Vertex1      = helper.AllocateVertex(v1.X, -v1.Y, -v1.Z), // why -Y and -Z ?
                        Vertex2      = helper.AllocateVertex(v2.X, -v2.Y, -v2.Z),
                        Vertex3      = helper.AllocateVertex(v3.X, -v3.Y, -v3.Z),
                        Vertex4      = Convert.ToInt16(quad ? helper.AllocateVertex(v4.X, -v4.Y, -v4.Z) : -1),
                        SurfaceFlags = new SurfaceFlags()
                            Flags = mesh.matDef.surfaceFlags
                                                     inflate: 1



                new CollisionMeshGroup
                Meshes = meshList

            // Entry2 index is tightly coupled to vifPacketRenderingGroup's index.
            // Thus do not add Entry2 unplanned.

Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static void CompareCollision(IExperimentFace face, List <string> filePath)
            Rom n0 = new ORom(filePath[0], ORom.Build.N0);
            Rom mq = new ORom(filePath[1], ORom.Build.MQU);

            StringBuilder sb_n0 = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sb_mq = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (int id in MQRandoScenes)
                var n0_scene = SceneRoomReader.InitializeScene(n0, id);
                var mq_scene = SceneRoomReader.InitializeScene(mq, id);

                CollisionMesh n0_mesh = ((CollisionCommand)n0_scene.Header[HeaderCommands.Collision]).Mesh;
                CollisionMesh mq_mesh = ((CollisionCommand)mq_scene.Header[HeaderCommands.Collision]).Mesh;

                sb_n0.AppendLine($"Scene {id}");
                sb_mq.AppendLine($"Scene {id}");



                //PrintList(sb_n0, n0_mesh.CameraDataList);
                //PrintList(sb_n0, mq_mesh.CameraDataList);

                //PrintList(sb_n0, n0_mesh.WaterBoxList);
                //PrintList(sb_n0, mq_mesh.WaterBoxList);

                //for (int i = 0; i < n0_mesh.VertexList.Count; i++)
                //    var vertN0 = n0_mesh.VertexList[i];
                //    var vertMQ = mq_mesh.VertexList[i];

                //    if (vertN0 != vertMQ)
                //    {
                //        sb_n0.AppendLine($"{i:X4}: {vertN0}");
                //        sb_mq.AppendLine($"{i:X4}: {vertMQ}");
                //    }

                //for (int i = 0; i < n0_mesh.Polys; i++)
                //    var n0poly = n0_mesh.PolyList[i];
                //    var mqpoly = mq_mesh.PolyList[i];
                //    if (!n0poly.Equals(mqpoly))
                //    {
                //        if (n0poly.VertexFlagsC != mqpoly.VertexFlagsC
                //            || n0poly.VertexFlagsB != mqpoly.VertexFlagsB)
                //        {
                //            sb_n0.AppendLine($"{i:X4}: {n0poly}");
                //            sb_mq.AppendLine($"{i:X4}: {mqpoly}");
                //        }
                //    }

            string result = sb_n0.ToString()
                            + $"{Environment.NewLine}~SPLIT{Environment.NewLine}"
                            + sb_mq.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 16
 public static BoundingBox FromCollisionMesh(CollisionMesh m, float padding = 0)
 => FromVertexPositions(m.CollisionVertices, padding);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public ConvexMeshPoints(CollisionMesh m)
     loadedformat = forsavingformat = ElementType.CollisionMesh;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void Initialize(System.IO.BinaryReader br)
     Mesh = new CollisionMesh(0, CollisionHeaderAddress);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public CollisionMesh CompleteAndAdd(CollisionMesh it)
Ejemplo n.º 20
            private WalkResult Walk(BSP bsp)
                var pair = bsp.Split();

                if (pair.Length == 2)
                    var collisionMesh = new CollisionMesh
                        Collisions = new List <Collision>()

                    var vifPacketIndices = new List <ushort>();

                    foreach (var point in pair[0].Points)
                        var mesh = point.bigMesh;


                        foreach (var set in TriangleStripsToTriangleFans(mesh.triangleStripList))
                            var quad = set.Count == 4;

                            var v1 = mesh.vertexList[set[0]];
                            var v2 = mesh.vertexList[set[1]];
                            var v3 = mesh.vertexList[set[2]];
                            var v4 = quad ? mesh.vertexList[set[3]] : Vector3.Zero;

                                                             new Collision
                                Vertex1      = helper.AllocateVertex(v1.X, -v1.Y, -v1.Z), // why -Y and -Z ?
                                Vertex2      = helper.AllocateVertex(v2.X, -v2.Y, -v2.Z),
                                Vertex3      = helper.AllocateVertex(v3.X, -v3.Y, -v3.Z),
                                Vertex4      = Convert.ToInt16(quad ? helper.AllocateVertex(v4.X, -v4.Y, -v4.Z) : -1),
                                SurfaceFlags = new SurfaceFlags()
                                    Flags = mesh.matDef.surfaceFlags
                                                             inflate: 1




                    return(new WalkResult
                        mesh = collisionMesh,