public ucToolEmpSum() { InitializeComponent(); luProject.Properties.DataSource = Project.AccessibleList().Select(p => new { Project = p.Name, Code = p.Code, MatchId = p.MatchId, DisplayName = p.DisplayName }); luLemNumber.Properties.DataSource = LemHeader.GetAllLemNumber().Select(x => new { LemNum = x }); Func <string, string, int, GridColumn> CreateColumn = new Func <string, string, int, GridColumn>((field, caption, visibleIndex) => { GridColumn column = gvSummary.Columns.AddVisible(field, caption); column.VisibleIndex = visibleIndex; return(column); }); int visionIndex = 0; new List <string> { ColName.EmpNum, ColName.EmployeeName, ColName.WorkClass, ColName.Project }.ForEach( x => gvSummary.Columns[x].VisibleIndex = visionIndex++ ); foreach (var timecode in TimeCode.SubList(EnumValueType.Hours)) { tableLabour.Columns.Add(ColName.BillRateI(timecode), Type.GetType("System.Decimal")); var rateCol = CreateColumn(ColName.BillRateI(timecode), $"{timecode.Desc} Bill Rate", visionIndex++); rateCol.DisplayFormat.FormatType = FormatType.Numeric; rateCol.DisplayFormat.FormatString = "c2"; rateCol.OptionsColumn.AllowEdit = false; tableLabour.Columns.Add(ColName.EnterValueI(timecode), Type.GetType("System.Decimal")); var hourCol = CreateColumn(ColName.EnterValueI(timecode), $"{timecode.Desc} Hours", visionIndex++); hourCol.DisplayFormat.FormatType = FormatType.Numeric; hourCol.DisplayFormat.FormatString = "n2"; hourCol.OptionsColumn.AllowEdit = false; hourCol.Summary.AddRange(new DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridSummaryItem[] { new DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridColumnSummaryItem(DevExpress.Data.SummaryItemType.Sum, hourCol.FieldName, "{0:n2}") }); } foreach (var timecode in TimeCode.SubList(TimeCode.EnumValueType.Dollars)) { tableLabour.Columns.Add(ColName.EnterValueI(timecode), Type.GetType("System.Decimal")); var amountCol = CreateColumn(ColName.EnterValueI(timecode), timecode.Desc, visionIndex++); amountCol.DisplayFormat.FormatType = FormatType.Numeric; amountCol.DisplayFormat.FormatString = "c2"; amountCol.OptionsColumn.AllowEdit = false; amountCol.Summary.AddRange(new DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridSummaryItem[] { new DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridColumnSummaryItem(DevExpress.Data.SummaryItemType.Sum, amountCol.FieldName, "{0:c2}") }); } gvSummary.Columns[ColName.TotalHours].VisibleIndex = visionIndex++; gvSummary.Columns[ColName.BillAmount].VisibleIndex = visionIndex++; gvSummary.BestFitColumns(true); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a List of ProfileColumn instances from the passed enumerable column names /// </summary> /// <param name="ColNames">an enumerable of column names</param> /// <returns>The List</returns> public static List <ProfileColumn> MakeColList(IEnumerable <string> ColNames) { List <ProfileColumn> ColList = new List <ProfileColumn>(); foreach (string ColName in ColNames) { ColList.Add(new ProfileColumn(ColName.Trim())); } return(ColList); }
/// <summary> /// 内部方法:根据数据表行记录构建实体类型 /// </summary> /// <param name="TabInfo"></param> /// <param name="dr"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static T Generate <T>(T ModelObj, TableDefinition TabInfo, DataRow dr) { int DefineColsCount = TabInfo.ORMColList.Count; int ResultColsCount = dr.ColumnNames.Count; if (DefineColsCount > ResultColsCount) { foreach (string ColumnName in dr.ColumnNames) { TabInfo.ORM_TypePropDic[ColumnName.ToUpper()].SetValue(ModelObj, dr[ColumnName]); } } else { foreach (string ColName in TabInfo.ORMColList) { if (dr.ColumnNames.Contains(ColName)) { if (dr[ColName] != DBNull.Value) { var ColVal = dr[ColName]; PropertyInfo Prop = TabInfo.ORM_TypePropDic[ColName.ToUpper()]; if (Prop.PropertyType == typeof(int)) { Prop.SetValue(ModelObj, Convert.ToInt32(ColVal)); } else if (Prop.PropertyType == typeof(long)) { Prop.SetValue(ModelObj, Convert.ToInt64(ColVal)); } else if (Prop.PropertyType == typeof(decimal)) { Prop.SetValue(ModelObj, Convert.ToDecimal(ColVal)); } else if (Prop.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime)) { Prop.SetValue(ModelObj, Convert.ToDateTime(ColVal)); } else if (Prop.PropertyType == typeof(string)) { Prop.SetValue(ModelObj, Convert.ToString(ColVal)); } else { Prop.SetValue(ModelObj, ColVal); } } } } } return(ModelObj); }
public static DataTable ReadExcel(ExcelPackage Excel) { //Console.Write("Enter The Ecel File Path:"); /*string ExcelPath=Console.ReadLine();*/ var WorkSheet = Excel.Workbook.Worksheets[0]; int rowCount = WorkSheet.Dimension.End.Row; int colCount = WorkSheet.Dimension.End.Column; DataTable Dt = new DataTable(); DataRow row; for (int i = 1; i <= rowCount; i++) { row = Dt.NewRow(); for (int j = 1; j <= colCount; j++) { string ColName; if (i == 1) { ColName = WorkSheet.Cells[i, j].Value.ToString(); if (ColName.StartsWith("Title")) { TitleColumns.Add(ColName); } DataColumn column = new DataColumn(ColName); Dt.Columns.Add(column); } else { ColName = WorkSheet.Cells[1, j].Value.ToString(); /* if (WorkSheet.Cells[i, j].Value != null) * row[ColName] = WorkSheet.Cells[i, j].Value.ToString();*/ string val = WorkSheet.Cells[i, j].Value.ToString().TrimStart('\\'); val = val.Replace(OldTeamProject, ProjectName); row[ColName] = val; } } if (i != 1) { Dt.Rows.Add(row); } } return(Dt); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hashCode = 17; // we *know* we are using this in a dictionary, so pre-compute this hashCode = hashCode * 23 + Id.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (Fid == null ? 0 : Fid.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (EnableDate == null ? 0 : EnableDate.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (DisableDate == null ? 0 : DisableDate.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + Dr.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + Ts.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (CreateBy == null ? 0 : CreateBy.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (CreateDate == null ? 0 : CreateDate.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (CreateName == null ? 0 : CreateName.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (UpdateBy == null ? 0 : UpdateBy.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (UpdateDate == null ? 0 : UpdateDate.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (UpdateName == null ? 0 : UpdateName.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (TableName == null ? 0 : TableName.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (ColName == null ? 0 : ColName.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (ColComment == null ? 0 : ColComment.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (ColDefault == null ? 0 : ColDefault.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (ColType == null ? 0 : ColType.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + ColProperty.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + ColLength.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + DisplayWidth.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + ColOrder.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + ColPrecision.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + NullAble.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + ShowAble.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + IsDefaultCol.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (CtrlType == null ? 0 : CtrlType.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (RefTable == null ? 0 : RefTable.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (RefID == null ? 0 : RefID.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (RefCode == null ? 0 : RefCode.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (RefName == null ? 0 : RefName.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (RefCondition == null ? 0 : RefCondition.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (RefCols == null ? 0 : RefCols.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (RefType == null ? 0 : RefType.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (MainTable == null ? 0 : RefType.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (MainTableCol == null ? 0 : MainTableCol.GetHashCode()); hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (CalculationExpr == null ? 0 : CalculationExpr.GetHashCode()); return(hashCode); }
/// <summary> /// Narrows each header in the passed Dictionary to match the width of the dictionary entry. Replaces /// the dictionary with a new dictionary. /// </summary> /// <param name="Cols">A dictionary in which each key is a column name and each value /// is the max width of that column</param> public static void NarrowHeaders(Dictionary <string, ColHeader> Cols) { // first, narrow the headers. This could create dups foreach (string ColName in Cols.Keys) { Cols[ColName].TruncatedColName = ColName.Left(Cols[ColName].FieldWidth); } int Safety = 10000; // now try to shorten string[] TruncatedColNames = GetTruncatedColNames(Cols); while (new HashSet <string>(TruncatedColNames).Count != TruncatedColNames.Length) { foreach (string ColName in Cols.Keys) { List <string> Dups; if ((Dups = GetDups(Cols, ColName)).Count != 0) { MakeUnique(Cols, ColName, Dups); } } if (--Safety < 0) { throw new ExportException("Failed to narrow column headers"); } TruncatedColNames = GetTruncatedColNames(Cols); } //Dictionary<string, ColHeader> NewCols = new Dictionary<string, ColHeader>(); //foreach (string ColName in Cols.Keys) //{ // Cols[ColName].TruncatedColName = // //NewCols.Add(ColHeader, new ColHeader(ColHeader.Length); //} //Cols = NewCols; }
static void ExtractAllMenu2() { HtmlDocument document = new HtmlWeb().Load(""); string xPath = "//*[@id='mainContent']/div[3]/div/ul/li[*]"; var nodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(xPath).ToArray(); var teamPlayers = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); string result = string.Empty; foreach (HtmlNode node in nodes) { var playerInfo = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string output = "0" + node.InnerText.Trim().Replace("View Player", string.Empty); result = string.Empty; Regex regex = new Regex(@"\b[\S]*[\s]{0,1}[\S]*[\s]{0,1}[\S]*[\s]{0,1}[\S]*\b"); Match m = regex.Match(output); int count = 0; while (m.Success) { result = m.Value; if (result != "" && result != "Nationality" && result != "Appearances" && result != "Clean sheets" && result != "Goals" && result != "Assists") { ColName colStr = (ColName)count; if (count <= 4) { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } else { switch (playerInfo["POSITION"]) { case "Goalkeeper": if (count == 6 || count == 7) { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), string.Empty); colStr = (ColName)(++count); playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } else { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } break; case "Defender": if (count == 7) { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), string.Empty); colStr = (ColName)(++count); playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } else { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } break; case "Midfielder": if (count == 5) { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), string.Empty); colStr = (ColName)(++count); playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } else { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } break; case "Forward": if (count == 5) { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), string.Empty); colStr = (ColName)(++count); playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } else { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } break; } } count++; } m = m.NextMatch(); } teamPlayers.Add(playerInfo); } foreach (var item in teamPlayers) { foreach (var item2 in item) { Console.WriteLine(item2.Key + " : " + item2.Value); } Console.WriteLine(); } Console.ReadLine(); //return teamPlayers; }
public void SetData(List <LemHeader> headerList) { tableLabour.Clear(); var table = LemHeader.GetCostCodeSummary(headerList.Select(x => x.Id).ToList()); var list = table.Select().Select(r => new { EmpNum = Convert.ToInt32(r["EmpNum"]), WorkClassCode = Convert.ToString(r["WorkClassCode"]), Billable = Convert.ToBoolean(r["Billable"]), ProjectId = Convert.ToInt32(r["ProjectId"]), ChangeOrderId = ConvertEx.ToNullable <int>(r["ChangeOrderId"]), Level1Id = ConvertEx.ToNullable <int>(r["Level1Id"]), Level2Id = ConvertEx.ToNullable <int>(r["Level2Id"]), Level3Id = ConvertEx.ToNullable <int>(r["Level3Id"]), Level4Id = ConvertEx.ToNullable <int>(r["Level4Id"]), TimeCodeId = Convert.ToInt32(r["TimeCodeId"]), SumWorkHour = ConvertEx.ToNullable <decimal>(r["SumWorkHour"]), SumAmount = ConvertEx.ToNullable <decimal>(r["SumAmount"]), }); var groupList = list.ToLookup(x => new { x.EmpNum, x.WorkClassCode, x.Billable, x.ProjectId, x.ChangeOrderId, x.Level1Id, x.Level2Id, x.Level3Id, x.Level4Id, EmpName = Employee.GetEmployee(x.EmpNum)?.DisplayName, WorkClass = WorkClass.GetWorkClass(x.WorkClassCode).DisplayName, Project = Project.GetProject(x.ProjectId), ChangeOrder = ChangeOrder.GetChangeOrder(x.ProjectId, x.ChangeOrderId)?.DisplayName, Level1 = LevelOneCode.GetLevelCode(x.Level1Id)?.DisplayName, Level2 = LevelTwoCode.GetLevelCode(x.Level2Id)?.DisplayName, Level3 = LevelThreeCode.GetLevelCode(x.Level3Id)?.DisplayName, Level4 = LevelFourCode.GetLevelCode(x.Level4Id)?.DisplayName }).OrderBy(x => x.Key.Level1).ThenBy(x => x.Key.Level2).ThenBy(x => x.Key.Level3).ThenBy(x => x.Key.Level4).ThenBy(x => x.Key.EmpName).ThenBy(x => x.Key.Project).ThenBy(x => x.Key.ChangeOrder).ThenBy(x => x.Key.WorkClass).ThenBy(x => x.Key.Billable).ToList(); groupList.ForEach(g => { DataRow row = tableLabour.Rows.Add( g.Key.EmpNum, g.Key.EmpName, g.Key.WorkClass, g.Key.Project, g.Key.ChangeOrder, g.Key.Level1, g.Key.Level2, g.Key.Level3, g.Key.Level4, g.Key.Billable, null, null); decimal?billRate; decimal totalHours = 0; decimal billAmounts = 0; foreach (var timecode in TimeCode.ListForCompany()) { if (timecode.ValueType == EnumValueType.Hours) { billRate = ProjectWorkClass.GetBillRate(g.Key.ProjectId, timecode.MatchId, g.Key.WorkClassCode); row[ColName.BillRateI(timecode)] = (object)billRate ?? DBNull.Value; decimal hours = g.Where(x => x.TimeCodeId == timecode.MatchId).Sum(x => x.SumWorkHour) ?? 0; row[ColName.EnterValueI(timecode)] = hours != 0 ? (object)hours : DBNull.Value; totalHours += hours; billAmounts += (billRate ?? 0) * hours; } else { decimal amount = g.Where(x => x.TimeCodeId == timecode.MatchId).Sum(x => x.SumAmount) ?? 0; row[ColName.EnterValueI(timecode)] = amount != 0 ? (object)amount : DBNull.Value; billAmounts += amount; } row[ColName.TotalHours] = totalHours != 0 ? (object)totalHours : DBNull.Value; row[ColName.BillAmount] = billAmounts != 0 ? (object)billAmounts : DBNull.Value; } }); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return((DBName != null ? DBName.GetHashCode() : 0) + (ColName != null ? ColName.GetHashCode() : 0) + (this.NodeInfo != null ? NodeInfo.GetHashCode() : 0)); }
public DataTable CreateTableReportSub_QCNghe(DataTable dtDiem, DataTable dtThanhPhanDiem, int ColStart, int IDKQHT_ThanhPhanTBHS) { DataTable dtReport = new DataTable(); dtReport.Columns.Add("MaSinhVien", typeof(string)); dtReport.Columns.Add("HoVa", typeof(string)); dtReport.Columns.Add("Ten", typeof(string)); for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { dtReport.Columns.Add("DK_" + i.ToString(), typeof(double)); //dtReport.Columns.Add("HS2_" + i.ToString(), typeof(double)); } for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { dtReport.Columns.Add("THI_" + i.ToString(), typeof(double)); dtReport.Columns.Add("TK_" + i.ToString(), typeof(double)); } dtReport.Columns.Add("TBHS", typeof(double)); dtReport.Columns.Add("SoTietHocLai", typeof(int)); //dtReport.Columns.Add("CoLyDo", typeof(int)); //dtReport.Columns.Add("KhongLyDo", typeof(int)); dtReport.Columns.Add("GhiChu", typeof(string)); //Thực hiện đưa điểm từ bảng điểm vào bảng report DataRow drNew; string ColName; foreach (DataRow dr in dtDiem.Rows) { drNew = dtReport.NewRow(); drNew["MaSinhVien"] = dr["MaSinhVien"]; drNew["HoVa"] = dr["HoVa"]; drNew["Ten"] = dr["TenSV"]; drNew["SoTietHocLai"] = dr["SoTietHocLai"]; //drNew["CoLyDo"] = dr["CoLyDo"]; //drNew["KhongLyDo"] = dr["KhongLyDo"]; for (int i = ColStart; i < dtDiem.Columns.Count; i++) { ColName = dtDiem.Columns[i].ColumnName; if (ColName.IndexOf('_') > 0 && ColName.IndexOf("IDKQHT_XepLoai") < 0) { string[] arrStr = ColName.Split('_'); if (int.Parse(arrStr[1]) <= 4) { if (arrStr[0] == "DiemTK") { drNew[ColName] = dr[ColName]; } else if (arrStr[0] == IDKQHT_ThanhPhanTBHS.ToString()) { if ("" + dr[ColName] != "") { drNew["TBHS"] = dr[ColName]; } } else { DataRow[] arrDr = dtThanhPhanDiem.Select("KQHT_ThanhPhanDiemID = " + arrStr[0]); if (arrDr.Length > 0) { drNew[arrDr[0]["KyHieu"].ToString() + "_" + arrStr[1]] = dr[ColName]; } } } } } dtReport.Rows.Add(drNew); } return(dtReport); }
/// <summary> /// 通过Sql文的Where条件和列名称来获取Query条件 /// </summary> /// <param name="SqlContent">Where条件</param> /// <param name="ColumnNameLst">列名称</param> /// <returns></returns> private static List <DataFilter.QueryConditionInputItem> SetQueryCondition(String SqlContent, List <String> ColumnNameLst) { List <DataFilter.QueryConditionInputItem> Conditionlst = new List <DataFilter.QueryConditionInputItem>(); // (a=1 or b="A") AND c="3" => ( a = 1 or b = "A" ) and c = "3" //1. 除了引号里面的文字,全部小写 String[] KeyWord = new String[] { "(", ")", "=", "or", "and", ">", ">=", "<", "<=", "<>" }; foreach (String Keyitem in KeyWord) { SqlContent = SqlContent.Replace(Keyitem, " " + Keyitem + " "); } while (SqlContent.Contains(" ")) { SqlContent = SqlContent.Replace(" ", " "); } SqlContent = SqlContent.Trim(); //从左到右 ( a = 1 or // b = "A" ) and // c = "3" String[] Token = SqlContent.Split(" ".ToCharArray()); DataFilter.QueryConditionInputItem mQueryConditionInputItem = new DataFilter.QueryConditionInputItem(); mQueryConditionInputItem.StartMark = String.Empty; mQueryConditionInputItem.EndMark = String.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < Token.Length; i++) { String strToken = Token[i].Replace(" ", " "); switch (strToken) { case "(": mQueryConditionInputItem.StartMark = "("; break; case "=": mQueryConditionInputItem.Compare = DataFilter.CompareEnum.EQ; break; case ">": mQueryConditionInputItem.Compare = DataFilter.CompareEnum.GT; break; case "<": mQueryConditionInputItem.Compare = DataFilter.CompareEnum.LT; break; case ">=": mQueryConditionInputItem.Compare = DataFilter.CompareEnum.GTE; break; case "<=": mQueryConditionInputItem.Compare = DataFilter.CompareEnum.LTE; break; case "<>": mQueryConditionInputItem.Compare = DataFilter.CompareEnum.NE; break; case "or": mQueryConditionInputItem.EndMark = EndMark_OR; Conditionlst.Add(mQueryConditionInputItem); mQueryConditionInputItem = new DataFilter.QueryConditionInputItem(); mQueryConditionInputItem.StartMark = String.Empty; mQueryConditionInputItem.EndMark = String.Empty; break; case "and": mQueryConditionInputItem.EndMark = EndMark_AND; Conditionlst.Add(mQueryConditionInputItem); mQueryConditionInputItem = new DataFilter.QueryConditionInputItem(); mQueryConditionInputItem.StartMark = String.Empty; mQueryConditionInputItem.EndMark = String.Empty; break; case ")": mQueryConditionInputItem.EndMark = ")"; if (i == Token.Length - 1) { mQueryConditionInputItem.EndMark = EndMark_T; } else { if (Token[i + 1] == "or") { mQueryConditionInputItem.EndMark = EndMark_OR_T; i++; } else { if (Token[i + 1] == "and") { mQueryConditionInputItem.EndMark = EndMark_AND_T; i++; } } } Conditionlst.Add(mQueryConditionInputItem); mQueryConditionInputItem = new DataFilter.QueryConditionInputItem(); mQueryConditionInputItem.StartMark = String.Empty; mQueryConditionInputItem.EndMark = String.Empty; break; default: if (mQueryConditionInputItem.ColName == null) { foreach (String ColName in ColumnNameLst) { if (ColName.ToLower() == strToken.ToLower()) { //小写的复原 mQueryConditionInputItem.ColName = ColName; break; } } } else { //类型设置 if (strToken.StartsWith("\"") & strToken.EndsWith("\"")) { mQueryConditionInputItem.Value = new BsonValueEx(new BsonString(strToken.Replace("\"", ""))); } else { mQueryConditionInputItem.Value = new BsonValueEx(new BsonInt32(Convert.ToInt16(strToken))); } } break; } } if (Token[Token.Length - 1] != ")") { Conditionlst.Add(mQueryConditionInputItem); } return(Conditionlst); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { LoggingIdentity other = obj as LoggingIdentity; if (other != null) { if (DBName != null && DBName.Equals(other.DBName) && ColName != null && ColName.Equals(other.ColName) && BucketID == other.BucketID) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return((DBName != null ? DBName.GetHashCode() : 0) + (ColName != null ? ColName.GetHashCode() : 0) + BucketID.GetHashCode()); }
public static List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetActress(string bUrl) { HtmlDocument document = new HtmlWeb().Load(_FURL + bUrl); string xPath = "//*[@id='mainContent']/div[3]/div/ul/li[*]"; var nodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(xPath).ToArray(); var teamPlayers = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); string result = string.Empty; foreach (HtmlNode node in nodes) { var playerInfo = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string output = "0" + node.InnerText.Trim().Replace("View Player", string.Empty); result = string.Empty; Regex regex = new Regex(@"\b[\S]*[\s]{0,1}[\S]*[\s]{0,1}[\S]*[\s]{0,1}[\S]*\b"); Match m = regex.Match(output); int count = 0; while (m.Success) { result = m.Value; if (result != "" && result != "Nationality" && result != "Appearances" && result != "Clean sheets" && result != "Goals" && result != "Assists") { ColName colStr = (ColName)count; if (count == 0) { result = String.Format($"{Convert.ToInt32(result):D2}"); } if (count <= 4) { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } else { switch (playerInfo["POSITION"]) { case "Goalkeeper": if (count == 6 || count == 7) { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), string.Empty); colStr = (ColName)(++count); playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } else { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } break; case "Defender": if (count == 7) { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), string.Empty); colStr = (ColName)(++count); playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } else { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } break; case "Midfielder": if (count == 5) { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), string.Empty); colStr = (ColName)(++count); playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } else { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } break; case "Forward": if (count == 5) { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), string.Empty); colStr = (ColName)(++count); playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } else { playerInfo.Add(colStr.ToString(), result); } break; } } count++; } m = m.NextMatch(); } teamPlayers.Add(playerInfo); } return(teamPlayers); }