Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: Core.cs Proyecto: pizyumi/CREA
            public TestWindow(Program.Logger _logger)
                StackPanel sp1 = null;
                StackPanel sp2 = null;

                EventHandler<Program.LogData> _LoggerLogAdded = (sender, e) => ((Action)(() =>
                    TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
                    tb.Text = e.Text;
                    tb.Foreground = e.Kind == Program.LogData.LogKind.error ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.White;
                    tb.Margin = new Thickness(0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 10.0);


                Loaded += (sender, e) =>
                    Grid grid = new Grid();
                    grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());
                    grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());
                    grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition() { Height = GridLength.Auto });
                    grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());

                    ScrollViewer sv1 = new ScrollViewer();
                    sv1.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto;
                    sv1.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto;
                    sv1.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 0);
                    sv1.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0);

                    sp1 = new StackPanel();
                    sp1.Background = Brushes.Black;

                    ScrollViewer sv2 = new ScrollViewer();
                    sv2.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto;
                    sv2.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto;
                    sv2.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 1);
                    sv2.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0);

                    sp2 = new StackPanel();
                    sp2.Background = Brushes.Black;

                    sv1.Content = sp1;
                    sv2.Content = sp2;

                    TextBox tb = new TextBox();
                    tb.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 2);
                    tb.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0);


                    Content = grid;

                    Console.SetOut(new TextBlockStreamWriter(sp1));

                    _logger.LogAdded += _LoggerLogAdded;

                    //SimulationWindow sw = new SimulationWindow();

                    this.StartTask(string.Empty, string.Empty, () =>

                        //string testPrivateRsaParameters;
                        //using (RSACryptoServiceProvider rsacsp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048))
                        //    testPrivateRsaParameters = rsacsp.ToXmlString(true);

                        //RealInboundChennel ric = new RealInboundChennel(7777, RsaKeySize.rsa2048, 100);
                        //ric.Accepted += (sender2, e2) =>
                        //    this.StartTask("", "", () =>
                        //    {
                        //        e2.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(true));

                        //        bool b = BitConverter.ToBoolean(e2.ReadBytes(), 0);

                        //        SessionChannel sc = e2.NewSession();
                        //        sc.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(true));
                        //        sc.Close();

                        //        //e2.Close();
                        //    });

                        //    //e2.Close();

                        //    //Console.WriteLine("");

                        //AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);
                        //SocketChannel socketc = null;

                        //RealOutboundChannel roc = new RealOutboundChannel(IPAddress.Loopback, 7777, RsaKeySize.rsa2048, testPrivateRsaParameters);
                        //roc.Connected += (sender2, e2) =>
                        //    socketc = e2;
                        //    socketc.Sessioned += (sender3, e3) =>
                        //    {
                        //        bool b3 = BitConverter.ToBoolean(e3.ReadBytes(), 0);

                        //        Console.WriteLine("");
                        //    };

                        //    are.Set();

                        //    //e2.Close();

                        //    //Console.WriteLine("connected");


                        //bool b2 = BitConverter.ToBoolean(socketc.ReadBytes(), 0);



                        //CirculatedInteger ci = new CirculatedInteger(5);



                        Secp256k1KeyPair<Sha256Hash> secp256k1KeyPair = new Secp256k1KeyPair<Sha256Hash>(true);

                        Sha256Ripemd160Hash address = new Sha256Ripemd160Hash(secp256k1KeyPair.pubKey.pubKey);

                        TransactionInput ti1 = new TransactionInput();
                        ti1.LoadVersion1(0, 0, 0);

                        TransactionOutput to1 = new TransactionOutput();
                        to1.LoadVersion0(address, new Creacoin(50m));

                        CoinbaseTransaction ct1 = new CoinbaseTransaction();
                        ct1.LoadVersion0(new TransactionOutput[] { to1 });

                        byte[] ctBytes1 = ct1.ToBinary();

                        CoinbaseTransaction ct2 = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary<CoinbaseTransaction>(ctBytes1);

                        TransferTransaction tt1 = new TransferTransaction();
                        tt1.LoadVersion1(new TransactionInput[] { ti1 }, new TransactionOutput[] { to1 });
                        tt1.Sign(new TransactionOutput[] { to1 }, new DSAPRIVKEYBASE[] { secp256k1KeyPair.privKey });

                        byte[] ttBytes1 = tt1.ToBinary();

                        TransferTransaction tt2 = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary<TransferTransaction>(ttBytes1);

                        ResTransactions rt1 = new ResTransactions(new Transaction[] { ct1, tt1 });

                        byte[] rtBytes1 = rt1.ToBinary();

                        ResTransactions rt2 = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary<ResTransactions>(rtBytes1);

                        byte[] test1 = SHAREDDATA.ToBinary<Transaction>(ct2);

                        CoinbaseTransaction ct3 = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary<Transaction>(test1) as CoinbaseTransaction;

                        byte[] test2 = SHAREDDATA.ToBinary<Transaction>(tt2);

                        TransferTransaction tt3 = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary<Transaction>(test2) as TransferTransaction;

                        //string pathBase = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

                        //New.BlockManagerDB bmdb = new New.BlockManagerDB(pathBase);
                        //New.BlockDB blkdb = new New.BlockDB(pathBase);
                        //New.BlockFilePointersDB bfpdb = new New.BlockFilePointersDB(pathBase);

                        //New.BlockManager bm = new New.BlockManager(bmdb, blkdb, bfpdb);

                        //New.TestBlock block1 = new New.TestBlock(1);




                        //bool isFirst = true;
                        //int portNumber = 0;
                        //CreaNode cnlt = null;
                        //tb.KeyDown += (sender2, e2) =>
                        //    if (e2.Key != Key.Enter)
                        //        return;

                        //    if (isFirst)
                        //    {
                        //        portNumber = int.Parse(tb.Text);

                        //        FirstNodeInfosDatabase fnidb = new FirstNodeInfosDatabase(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location));

                        //        cnlt = new CreaNode((ushort)portNumber, 0, "test", fnidb);
                        //        cnlt.Start();

                        //        cnlt.ReceivedNewChat += (sender3, e3) =>
                        //        {
                        //            this.ConsoleWriteLine(e3.Message);
                        //        };

                        //        isFirst = false;

                        //        return;
                        //    }

                        //    Chat chat = new Chat();
                        //    chat.LoadVersion0(portNumber.ToString(), tb.Text);
                        //    chat.Sign(secp256k1KeyPair.privKey);

                        //    cnlt.DiffuseNewChat(chat);

                Closed += (sender, e) =>
                    _logger.LogAdded -= _LoggerLogAdded;

                    string fileText = string.Empty;
                    foreach (var child in sp1.Children)
                        fileText += (child as TextBlock).Text + Environment.NewLine;

                    File.AppendAllText(Path.Combine(new FileInfo(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location).DirectoryName, "LogTest.txt"), fileText);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Test10()
            Ecdsa256KeyPair keypair1 = new Ecdsa256KeyPair(true);
            Ecdsa256KeyPair keypair2 = new Ecdsa256KeyPair(true);
            Ecdsa256KeyPair keypair3 = new Ecdsa256KeyPair(true);

            Sha256Ripemd160Hash address1 = new Sha256Ripemd160Hash(keypair1.pubKey.pubKey);
            CurrencyUnit amount1 = new Creacoin(50.0m);
            Sha256Ripemd160Hash address2 = new Sha256Ripemd160Hash(keypair2.pubKey.pubKey);
            CurrencyUnit amount2 = new Creacoin(25.0m);
            Sha256Ripemd160Hash address3 = new Sha256Ripemd160Hash(keypair3.pubKey.pubKey);
            CurrencyUnit amount3 = new Yumina(0.01m);

            TransactionOutput txOut1 = new TransactionOutput();
            txOut1.LoadVersion0(address1, amount1);
            TransactionOutput txOut2 = new TransactionOutput();
            txOut2.LoadVersion0(address2, amount2);
            TransactionOutput txOut3 = new TransactionOutput();
            txOut3.LoadVersion0(address3, amount3);

            if (txOut1.Address != address1)
                throw new Exception("test10_1");
            if (txOut1.Amount != amount1)
                throw new Exception("test10_2");

            byte[] txOutBytes = txOut1.ToBinary();

            if (txOutBytes.Length != 29)
                throw new Exception("test10_3");

            TransactionOutput txOutRestore = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary<TransactionOutput>(txOutBytes, 0);

            if (!txOut1.Address.Equals(txOutRestore.Address))
                throw new Exception("test10_4");
            if (txOut1.Amount.rawAmount != txOutRestore.Amount.rawAmount)
                throw new Exception("test10_5");

            TransactionInput txIn1 = new TransactionInput();
            txIn1.LoadVersion0(0, 0, 0, keypair1.pubKey);
            TransactionInput txIn2 = new TransactionInput();
            txIn2.LoadVersion0(1, 0, 0, keypair2.pubKey);
            TransactionInput txIn3 = new TransactionInput();
            txIn3.LoadVersion0(2, 0, 0, keypair3.pubKey);

            if (txIn1.PrevTxBlockIndex != 0)
                throw new Exception("test10_6");
            if (txIn1.PrevTxIndex != 0)
                throw new Exception("test10_7");
            if (txIn1.PrevTxOutputIndex != 0)
                throw new Exception("test10_8");
            if (txIn1.SenderPubKey != keypair1.pubKey)
                throw new Exception("test10_9");

            TransactionOutput[] txOuts = new TransactionOutput[] { txOut1, txOut2, txOut3 };

            CoinbaseTransaction cTx = new CoinbaseTransaction();

            if (cTx.TxOutputs != txOuts)
                throw new Exception("test10_10");
            if (cTx.TxInputs.Length != 0)
                throw new Exception("test10_11");

            byte[] cTxBytes = cTx.ToBinary();

            if (cTxBytes.Length != 97)
                throw new Exception("test10_12");

            CoinbaseTransaction cTxRestore = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary<CoinbaseTransaction>(cTxBytes);

            if (!cTx.Id.Equals(cTxRestore.Id))
                throw new Exception("test10_13");

            if (cTx.Verify())
                throw new Exception("test10_14");
            if (cTx.VerifyNotExistDustTxOutput())
                throw new Exception("test10_15");
            if (!cTx.VerifyNumberOfTxInputs())
                throw new Exception("test10_16");
            if (!cTx.VerifyNumberOfTxOutputs())
                throw new Exception("test10_17");

            TransactionOutput[] txOuts2 = new TransactionOutput[11];
            for (int i = 0; i < txOuts2.Length; i++)
                txOuts2[i] = txOut1;

            CoinbaseTransaction cTx2 = new CoinbaseTransaction();

            if (cTx2.Verify())
                throw new Exception("test10_18");
            if (!cTx2.VerifyNotExistDustTxOutput())
                throw new Exception("test10_19");
            if (!cTx2.VerifyNumberOfTxInputs())
                throw new Exception("test10_20");
            if (cTx2.VerifyNumberOfTxOutputs())
                throw new Exception("test10_21");

            TransactionOutput[] txOuts3 = new TransactionOutput[] { txOut1, txOut2 };

            CoinbaseTransaction cTx3 = new CoinbaseTransaction();

            if (!cTx3.Verify())
                throw new Exception("test10_22");
            if (!cTx3.VerifyNotExistDustTxOutput())
                throw new Exception("test10_23");
            if (!cTx3.VerifyNumberOfTxInputs())
                throw new Exception("test10_24");
            if (!cTx3.VerifyNumberOfTxOutputs())
                throw new Exception("test10_25");

            TransactionInput[] txIns = new TransactionInput[] { txIn1, txIn2, txIn3 };

            TransferTransaction tTx1 = new TransferTransaction();
            tTx1.LoadVersion0(txIns, txOuts);
            tTx1.Sign(txOuts, new DSAPRIVKEYBASE[] { keypair1.privKey, keypair2.privKey, keypair3.privKey });

            if (tTx1.TxInputs != txIns)
                throw new Exception("test10_26");
            if (tTx1.TxOutputs != txOuts)
                throw new Exception("test10_27");

            byte[] txInBytes = txIn1.ToBinary();

            if (txInBytes.Length != 153)
                throw new Exception("test10_28");

            TransactionInput txInRestore = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary<TransactionInput>(txInBytes, 0);

            if (txIn1.PrevTxBlockIndex != txInRestore.PrevTxBlockIndex)
                throw new Exception("test10_29");
            if (txIn1.PrevTxIndex != txInRestore.PrevTxIndex)
                throw new Exception("test10_30");
            if (txIn1.PrevTxOutputIndex != txInRestore.PrevTxOutputIndex)
                throw new Exception("test10_31");
            if (!txIn1.SenderPubKey.pubKey.BytesEquals(txInRestore.SenderPubKey.pubKey))
                throw new Exception("test10_32");
            if (!txIn1.SenderSignature.signature.BytesEquals(txInRestore.SenderSignature.signature))
                throw new Exception("test10_33");

            byte[] tTxBytes = tTx1.ToBinary();

            if (tTxBytes.Length != 557)
                throw new Exception("test10_34");

            TransferTransaction tTxRestore = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary<TransferTransaction>(tTxBytes);

            if (!tTx1.Id.Equals(tTxRestore.Id))
                throw new Exception("test10_35");

            if (tTx1.Verify(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_36");
            if (tTx1.VerifyNotExistDustTxOutput())
                throw new Exception("test10_37");
            if (!tTx1.VerifyNumberOfTxInputs())
                throw new Exception("test10_38");
            if (!tTx1.VerifyNumberOfTxOutputs())
                throw new Exception("test10_39");
            if (!tTx1.VerifySignature(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_40");
            if (!tTx1.VerifyPubKey(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_41");
            if (!tTx1.VerifyAmount(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_42");
            if (tTx1.GetFee(txOuts).rawAmount != 0)
                throw new Exception("test10_43");

            TransactionOutput[] txOuts4 = new TransactionOutput[] { txOut2, txOut1, txOut3 };

            if (tTx1.Verify(txOuts4))
                throw new Exception("test10_44");
            if (tTx1.VerifySignature(txOuts4))
                throw new Exception("test10_45");
            if (tTx1.VerifyPubKey(txOuts4))
                throw new Exception("test10_46");

            byte temp2 = tTx1.TxInputs[0].SenderSignature.signature[0];

            tTx1.TxInputs[0].SenderSignature.signature[0] = 0;

            if (tTx1.Verify(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_47");
            if (tTx1.VerifySignature(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_48");
            if (!tTx1.VerifyPubKey(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_49");

            tTx1.TxInputs[0].SenderSignature.signature[0] = temp2;

            TransferTransaction tTx2 = new TransferTransaction();
            tTx2.LoadVersion0(txIns, txOuts);
            tTx2.Sign(txOuts, new DSAPRIVKEYBASE[] { keypair2.privKey, keypair1.privKey, keypair3.privKey });

            if (tTx2.Verify(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_50");
            if (tTx2.VerifySignature(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_51");
            if (!tTx2.VerifyPubKey(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_52");

            TransferTransaction tTx3 = new TransferTransaction();
            tTx3.LoadVersion0(txIns, txOuts);
            tTx3.Sign(txOuts, new DSAPRIVKEYBASE[] { keypair1.privKey, keypair2.privKey, keypair3.privKey });

            byte temp = tTx3.TxInputs[0].SenderPubKey.pubKey[0];

            tTx3.TxInputs[0].SenderPubKey.pubKey[0] = 0;

            if (tTx3.Verify(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_50");
            if (tTx3.VerifySignature(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_51");
            if (tTx3.VerifyPubKey(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_52");

            tTx3.TxInputs[0].SenderPubKey.pubKey[0] = temp;

            TransferTransaction tTx4 = new TransferTransaction();
            tTx4.LoadVersion0(txIns, txOuts2);
            tTx4.Sign(txOuts, new DSAPRIVKEYBASE[] { keypair1.privKey, keypair2.privKey, keypair3.privKey });

            if (tTx4.Verify(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_53");
            if (!tTx4.VerifyNotExistDustTxOutput())
                throw new Exception("test10_54");
            if (!tTx4.VerifyNumberOfTxInputs())
                throw new Exception("test10_55");
            if (tTx4.VerifyNumberOfTxOutputs())
                throw new Exception("test10_56");
            if (!tTx4.VerifySignature(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_57");
            if (!tTx4.VerifyPubKey(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_58");
            if (tTx4.VerifyAmount(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_59");
            if (tTx4.GetFee(txOuts).rawAmount != -47499990000)
                throw new Exception("test10_60");

            TransferTransaction tTx5 = new TransferTransaction();
            tTx5.LoadVersion0(txIns, txOuts3);
            tTx5.Sign(txOuts, new DSAPRIVKEYBASE[] { keypair1.privKey, keypair2.privKey, keypair3.privKey });

            if (!tTx5.Verify(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_61");
            if (!tTx5.VerifyNotExistDustTxOutput())
                throw new Exception("test10_62");
            if (!tTx5.VerifyNumberOfTxInputs())
                throw new Exception("test10_63");
            if (!tTx5.VerifyNumberOfTxOutputs())
                throw new Exception("test10_64");
            if (!tTx5.VerifySignature(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_65");
            if (!tTx5.VerifyPubKey(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_66");
            if (!tTx5.VerifyAmount(txOuts))
                throw new Exception("test10_67");
            if (tTx5.GetFee(txOuts).rawAmount != 10000)
                throw new Exception("test10_68");

            TransactionInput[] txIns2 = new TransactionInput[101];
            for (int i = 0; i < txIns2.Length; i++)
                txIns2[i] = txIn1;

            TransactionOutput[] txOuts5 = new TransactionOutput[txIns2.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < txOuts5.Length; i++)
                txOuts5[i] = txOut1;

            Ecdsa256PrivKey[] privKeys = new Ecdsa256PrivKey[txIns2.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < privKeys.Length; i++)
                privKeys[i] = keypair1.privKey;

            TransferTransaction tTx6 = new TransferTransaction();
            tTx6.LoadVersion0(txIns2, txOuts3);
            tTx6.Sign(txOuts5, privKeys);

            if (tTx6.Verify(txOuts5))
                throw new Exception("test10_61");
            if (!tTx6.VerifyNotExistDustTxOutput())
                throw new Exception("test10_62");
            if (tTx6.VerifyNumberOfTxInputs())
                throw new Exception("test10_63");
            if (!tTx6.VerifyNumberOfTxOutputs())
                throw new Exception("test10_64");
            if (!tTx6.VerifySignature(txOuts5))
                throw new Exception("test10_65");
            if (!tTx6.VerifyPubKey(txOuts5))
                throw new Exception("test10_66");
            if (!tTx6.VerifyAmount(txOuts5))
                throw new Exception("test10_67");
            if (tTx6.GetFee(txOuts5).rawAmount != 497500000000)
                throw new Exception("test10_68");

            byte[] cTxBytes2 = SHAREDDATA.ToBinary<Transaction>(cTx);

            if (cTxBytes2.Length != 117)
                throw new Exception("test10_69");

            CoinbaseTransaction cTxRestore2 = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary<Transaction>(cTxBytes2) as CoinbaseTransaction;

            if (!cTx.Id.Equals(cTxRestore2.Id))
                throw new Exception("test10_70");

            byte[] tTxBytes2 = SHAREDDATA.ToBinary<Transaction>(tTx6);

            if (tTxBytes2.Length != 15445)
                throw new Exception("test10_71");

            TransferTransaction tTxRestore2 = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary<Transaction>(tTxBytes2) as TransferTransaction;

            if (!tTx6.Id.Equals(tTxRestore2.Id))
                throw new Exception("test10_72");

            Sha256Sha256Hash ctxid = new Sha256Sha256Hash(cTxBytes);

            if (!ctxid.Equals(cTx.Id))
                throw new Exception("test10_73");

            Sha256Sha256Hash ttxid = new Sha256Sha256Hash(tTx6.ToBinary());

            if (!ttxid.Equals(tTx6.Id))
                throw new Exception("test10_74");

Ejemplo n.º 3
        static public void GetBlock(int block_number, List <string> listAddresses)
            string   url1      = "{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\",\"method\": \"getblocks\",\"params\": {\"searchLength\": 1,\"filters\": [{\"index\": ";
            string   url3      = "}]},\"id\": 1}";
            string   jsonBlock = String.Concat(url1, block_number, url3);
            string   response  = TalkToNode(jsonBlock);
            VbkBlock items     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VbkBlock>(response);
            Result   result    = items.Result;

            if (result.Blocks != null)
                Block[] blockArr = result.Blocks;
                Block   block    = blockArr[0];
                RegularTransaction[] regularTransactions = block.RegularTransactions;
                if (block.RegularTransactions != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < regularTransactions.Length; i++)
                        RegularTransaction RegularTransaction = regularTransactions[i];
                        Signed             signed             = RegularTransaction.Signed;
                        if (RegularTransaction.Signed != null)
                            Transaction transaction = signed.Transaction;
                            // save the source address from the regular transaction
                            Output[] Txoutputs = transaction.Outputs;
                            if (transaction.Outputs != null)
                                for (int j = 0; j < Txoutputs.Length; j++)
                                    Output output = Txoutputs[j];
                                    // save the output addresses from the regular transaction
                        SignedMultisig signedMultisig = RegularTransaction.SignedMultisig;
                        if (RegularTransaction.SignedMultisig != null)
                            Transaction transaction1 = signedMultisig.Transaction;
                            // save the source address from the multisig transaction
                            Output[] Txoutputs1 = transaction1.Outputs;
                            if (transaction1.Outputs != null)
                                for (int j = 0; j < Txoutputs1.Length; j++)
                                    Output output = Txoutputs1[j];
                                    // save the output addresses from the multisig transaction
                BlockContentMetapackage BlockContentMetapackage = block.BlockContentMetapackage;
                CoinbaseTransaction     CoinbaseTransaction     = BlockContentMetapackage.CoinbaseTransaction;
                Output[] PowOutputs = CoinbaseTransaction.PowOutputs;
                if (CoinbaseTransaction.PowOutputs != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < PowOutputs.Length; i++)
                        Output output = PowOutputs[i];
                        // save the addresses from the PoW reward
                Output[] PopOutputs = CoinbaseTransaction.PopOutputs;
                if (CoinbaseTransaction.PopOutputs != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < PopOutputs.Length; i++)
                        Output output = PopOutputs[i];
                        // save the addresses from the PoP reward
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public BlockContext CreateNextValidBlock()

            if (currentBIndex == 0)
                Block blk = new GenesisBlock();


                Dictionary<Sha256Ripemd160Hash, List<TransactionOutputContext>> unspentTxOutsDictClone2 = new Dictionary<Sha256Ripemd160Hash, List<TransactionOutputContext>>();
                Dictionary<Sha256Ripemd160Hash, List<TransactionOutputContext>> spentTxOutsDictClone2 = new Dictionary<Sha256Ripemd160Hash, List<TransactionOutputContext>>();

                for (int i = 0; i < keyPairs.Length; i++)
                    unspentTxOutsDictClone2.Add(addresses[i], new List<TransactionOutputContext>());
                    foreach (var toc in unspentTxOutsDict[addresses[i]])
                    spentTxOutsDictClone2.Add(addresses[i], new List<TransactionOutputContext>());
                    foreach (var toc in spentTxOutsDict[addresses[i]])

                return new BlockContext(blk, new TransactionOutput[][] { }, 0, unspentTxOutsDictClone2, spentTxOutsDictClone2);

            int numOfSpendTxs = maxNumOfSpendTxs.RandomNum() + 1;
            int[] numOfSpendTxOutss = new int[numOfSpendTxs];
            for (int i = 0; i < numOfSpendTxOutss.Length; i++)
                numOfSpendTxOutss[i] = maxNumOfSpendTxOuts.RandomNum() + 1;

            TransactionOutputContext[][] spendTxOutss = new TransactionOutputContext[numOfSpendTxs][];
            for (int i = 0; i < spendTxOutss.Length; i++)
                if (unspentTxOuts.Count == 0)

                spendTxOutss[i] = new TransactionOutputContext[numOfSpendTxOutss[i]];

                for (int j = 0; j < spendTxOutss[i].Length; j++)
                    int index = unspentTxOuts.Count.RandomNum();

                    spendTxOutss[i][j] = unspentTxOuts[index];



                    if (unspentTxOuts.Count == 0)

            long fee = 0;
            List<TransferTransaction> transferTxs = new List<TransferTransaction>();
            List<TransactionOutput[]> prevTxOutsList = new List<TransactionOutput[]>();
            for (int i = 0; i < spendTxOutss.Length; i++)
                if (spendTxOutss[i] == null)

                long sumRawAmount = 0;

                List<TransactionInput> txInputsList = new List<TransactionInput>();
                for (int j = 0; j < spendTxOutss[i].Length; j++)
                    if (spendTxOutss[i][j] == null)


                    sumRawAmount += spendTxOutss[i][j].amount.rawAmount;

                TransactionInput[] txIns = txInputsList.ToArray();

                int num = sumRawAmount > 1000000 ? (int)Math.Ceiling(((avgIORatio - 1) * 2) * 1.RandomDouble() * txIns.Length) : 1;

                TransactionOutputContext[] txOutsCon = new TransactionOutputContext[num];
                TransactionOutput[] txOuts = new TransactionOutput[num];
                for (int j = 0; j < txOutsCon.Length; j++)
                    long outAmount = 0;
                    if (sumRawAmount > 1000000)
                        long sumRawAmountDivided = sumRawAmount / 1000000;

                        int subtract = ((int)sumRawAmountDivided / 2).RandomNum() + 1;

                        outAmount = (long)subtract * 1000000;
                        outAmount = sumRawAmount;

                    sumRawAmount -= outAmount;

                    int index = numOfKeyPairs.RandomNum();

                    txOutsCon[j] = new TransactionOutputContext(currentBIndex, i + 1, j, new CurrencyUnit(outAmount), addresses[index], keyPairs[index]);
                    txOuts[j] = txOutsCon[j].GenerateTrasactionOutput();

                fee += sumRawAmount;

                for (int j = 0; j < txOutsCon.Length; j++)


                TransactionOutput[] prevTxOuts = new TransactionOutput[txIns.Length];
                Ecdsa256PrivKey[] privKeys = new Ecdsa256PrivKey[txIns.Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < prevTxOuts.Length; j++)
                    prevTxOuts[j] = spendTxOutss[i][j].GenerateTrasactionOutput();
                    privKeys[j] = spendTxOutss[i][j].keyPair.privKey;

                TransferTransaction tTx = new TransferTransaction();
                tTx.LoadVersion0(txIns, txOuts);
                tTx.Sign(prevTxOuts, privKeys);


            long rewardAndFee = TransactionalBlock.GetRewardToMiner(currentBIndex, 0).rawAmount + fee;

            TransactionOutputContext[] coinbaseTxOutsCon = new TransactionOutputContext[numOfCoinbaseTxOuts];
            TransactionOutput[] coinbaseTxOuts = new TransactionOutput[numOfCoinbaseTxOuts];
            for (int i = 0; i < coinbaseTxOutsCon.Length; i++)
                long outAmount2 = 0;
                if (i != coinbaseTxOutsCon.Length - 1)
                    long rewardAndFeeDevided = rewardAndFee / 1000000;

                    int subtract2 = ((int)rewardAndFeeDevided / 2).RandomNum() + 1;

                    outAmount2 = (long)subtract2 * 1000000;

                    rewardAndFee -= outAmount2;
                    outAmount2 = rewardAndFee;

                int index = numOfKeyPairs.RandomNum();

                coinbaseTxOutsCon[i] = new TransactionOutputContext(currentBIndex, 0, i, new CurrencyUnit(outAmount2), addresses[index], keyPairs[index]);
                coinbaseTxOuts[i] = coinbaseTxOutsCon[i].GenerateTrasactionOutput();

            CoinbaseTransaction coinbaseTx = new CoinbaseTransaction();

            for (int i = 0; i < coinbaseTxOutsCon.Length; i++)


            prevTxOutsList.Insert(0, new TransactionOutput[] { });

            Difficulty<Creahash> diff = new Difficulty<Creahash>(HASHBASE.FromHash<Creahash>(new byte[] { 0, 127, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 }));
            byte[] nonce = new byte[10] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };

            BlockHeader bh = new BlockHeader();
            bh.LoadVersion0(currentBIndex, blks[blks.Count - 1].Id, DateTime.Now, diff, nonce);

            NormalBlock nblk = new NormalBlock();
            nblk.LoadVersion0(bh, coinbaseTx, transferTxs.ToArray());


            Dictionary<Sha256Ripemd160Hash, List<TransactionOutputContext>> unspentTxOutsDictClone = new Dictionary<Sha256Ripemd160Hash, List<TransactionOutputContext>>();
            Dictionary<Sha256Ripemd160Hash, List<TransactionOutputContext>> spentTxOutsDictClone = new Dictionary<Sha256Ripemd160Hash, List<TransactionOutputContext>>();

            for (int i = 0; i < keyPairs.Length; i++)
                unspentTxOutsDictClone.Add(addresses[i], new List<TransactionOutputContext>());
                foreach (var toc in unspentTxOutsDict[addresses[i]])
                spentTxOutsDictClone.Add(addresses[i], new List<TransactionOutputContext>());
                foreach (var toc in spentTxOutsDict[addresses[i]])

            BlockContext blkCon = new BlockContext(nblk, prevTxOutsList.ToArray(), fee, unspentTxOutsDictClone, spentTxOutsDictClone);

            return blkCon;
Ejemplo n.º 5
            public TestWindow(Program.Logger _logger)
                StackPanel sp1 = null;
                StackPanel sp2 = null;

                EventHandler <Program.LogData> _LoggerLogAdded = (sender, e) => ((Action)(() =>
                    TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
                    tb.Text = e.Text;
                    tb.Foreground = e.Kind == Program.LogData.LogKind.error ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.White;
                    tb.Margin = new Thickness(0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 10.0);


                Loaded += (sender, e) =>
                    Grid grid = new Grid();
                    grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());
                    grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());
                    grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition()
                        Height = GridLength.Auto
                    grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());

                    ScrollViewer sv1 = new ScrollViewer();
                    sv1.VerticalScrollBarVisibility   = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto;
                    sv1.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto;
                    sv1.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 0);
                    sv1.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0);

                    sp1            = new StackPanel();
                    sp1.Background = Brushes.Black;

                    ScrollViewer sv2 = new ScrollViewer();
                    sv2.VerticalScrollBarVisibility   = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto;
                    sv2.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto;
                    sv2.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 1);
                    sv2.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0);

                    sp2            = new StackPanel();
                    sp2.Background = Brushes.Black;

                    sv1.Content = sp1;
                    sv2.Content = sp2;

                    TextBox tb = new TextBox();
                    tb.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 2);
                    tb.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0);


                    Content = grid;

                    Console.SetOut(new TextBlockStreamWriter(sp1));

                    _logger.LogAdded += _LoggerLogAdded;

                    //SimulationWindow sw = new SimulationWindow();

                    this.StartTask(string.Empty, string.Empty, () =>
                        //string testPrivateRsaParameters;
                        //using (RSACryptoServiceProvider rsacsp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048))
                        //    testPrivateRsaParameters = rsacsp.ToXmlString(true);

                        //RealInboundChennel ric = new RealInboundChennel(7777, RsaKeySize.rsa2048, 100);
                        //ric.Accepted += (sender2, e2) =>
                        //    this.StartTask("", "", () =>
                        //    {
                        //        e2.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(true));

                        //        bool b = BitConverter.ToBoolean(e2.ReadBytes(), 0);

                        //        SessionChannel sc = e2.NewSession();
                        //        sc.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(true));
                        //        sc.Close();

                        //        //e2.Close();
                        //    });

                        //    //e2.Close();

                        //    //Console.WriteLine("");

                        //AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);
                        //SocketChannel socketc = null;

                        //RealOutboundChannel roc = new RealOutboundChannel(IPAddress.Loopback, 7777, RsaKeySize.rsa2048, testPrivateRsaParameters);
                        //roc.Connected += (sender2, e2) =>
                        //    socketc = e2;
                        //    socketc.Sessioned += (sender3, e3) =>
                        //    {
                        //        bool b3 = BitConverter.ToBoolean(e3.ReadBytes(), 0);

                        //        Console.WriteLine("");
                        //    };

                        //    are.Set();

                        //    //e2.Close();

                        //    //Console.WriteLine("connected");


                        //bool b2 = BitConverter.ToBoolean(socketc.ReadBytes(), 0);



                        //CirculatedInteger ci = new CirculatedInteger(5);



                        Secp256k1KeyPair <Sha256Hash> secp256k1KeyPair = new Secp256k1KeyPair <Sha256Hash>(true);

                        Sha256Ripemd160Hash address = new Sha256Ripemd160Hash(secp256k1KeyPair.pubKey.pubKey);

                        TransactionInput ti1 = new TransactionInput();
                        ti1.LoadVersion1(0, 0, 0);

                        TransactionOutput to1 = new TransactionOutput();
                        to1.LoadVersion0(address, new Creacoin(50m));

                        CoinbaseTransaction ct1 = new CoinbaseTransaction();
                        ct1.LoadVersion0(new TransactionOutput[] { to1 });

                        byte[] ctBytes1 = ct1.ToBinary();

                        CoinbaseTransaction ct2 = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary <CoinbaseTransaction>(ctBytes1);

                        TransferTransaction tt1 = new TransferTransaction();
                        tt1.LoadVersion1(new TransactionInput[] { ti1 }, new TransactionOutput[] { to1 });
                        tt1.Sign(new TransactionOutput[] { to1 }, new DSAPRIVKEYBASE[] { secp256k1KeyPair.privKey });

                        byte[] ttBytes1 = tt1.ToBinary();

                        TransferTransaction tt2 = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary <TransferTransaction>(ttBytes1);

                        ResTransactions rt1 = new ResTransactions(new Transaction[] { ct1, tt1 });

                        byte[] rtBytes1 = rt1.ToBinary();

                        ResTransactions rt2 = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary <ResTransactions>(rtBytes1);

                        byte[] test1 = SHAREDDATA.ToBinary <Transaction>(ct2);

                        CoinbaseTransaction ct3 = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary <Transaction>(test1) as CoinbaseTransaction;

                        byte[] test2 = SHAREDDATA.ToBinary <Transaction>(tt2);

                        TransferTransaction tt3 = SHAREDDATA.FromBinary <Transaction>(test2) as TransferTransaction;

                        //string pathBase = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

                        //New.BlockManagerDB bmdb = new New.BlockManagerDB(pathBase);
                        //New.BlockDB blkdb = new New.BlockDB(pathBase);
                        //New.BlockFilePointersDB bfpdb = new New.BlockFilePointersDB(pathBase);

                        //New.BlockManager bm = new New.BlockManager(bmdb, blkdb, bfpdb);

                        //New.TestBlock block1 = new New.TestBlock(1);




                        //bool isFirst = true;
                        //int portNumber = 0;
                        //CreaNode cnlt = null;
                        //tb.KeyDown += (sender2, e2) =>
                        //    if (e2.Key != Key.Enter)
                        //        return;

                        //    if (isFirst)
                        //    {
                        //        portNumber = int.Parse(tb.Text);

                        //        FirstNodeInfosDatabase fnidb = new FirstNodeInfosDatabase(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location));

                        //        cnlt = new CreaNode((ushort)portNumber, 0, "test", fnidb);
                        //        cnlt.Start();

                        //        cnlt.ReceivedNewChat += (sender3, e3) =>
                        //        {
                        //            this.ConsoleWriteLine(e3.Message);
                        //        };

                        //        isFirst = false;

                        //        return;
                        //    }

                        //    Chat chat = new Chat();
                        //    chat.LoadVersion0(portNumber.ToString(), tb.Text);
                        //    chat.Sign(secp256k1KeyPair.privKey);

                        //    cnlt.DiffuseNewChat(chat);

                Closed += (sender, e) =>
                    _logger.LogAdded -= _LoggerLogAdded;

                    string fileText = string.Empty;
                    foreach (var child in sp1.Children)
                        fileText += (child as TextBlock).Text + Environment.NewLine;

                    File.AppendAllText(Path.Combine(new FileInfo(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location).DirectoryName, "LogTest.txt"), fileText);