Ejemplo n.º 1
        public CoefficientsForm(CoefficientTypeEnum type)
            this.coefficientType = type;
            ToolTip tip = new ToolTip();

            tip.SetToolTip(buttonShiftUp, "shift all values up by .01");
            tip.SetToolTip(buttonShiftDown, "shift all values down by .01");
            switch (type)
            case CoefficientTypeEnum.Lift:
                this.labelTitle.Text       = "Lift Coefficient vs Alpha";
                this.Text                  = "Lift Coefficient";
                this.labelDescription.Text = "This graph represents the lift coefficient (Y-axis) in relation to the angle of attack or alpha (X-axis). The more efficient the wing, the higher this curve will be. " +
                                             "Usually the curve reaches a maximum between 20° and 30° (the 'stall angle') and then drops lower when the wing looses lift after a stall";

            case CoefficientTypeEnum.Drag:
                this.labelTitle.Text       = "Drag Coefficient vs Alpha";
                this.Text                  = "Drag Coefficient";
                this.labelDescription.Text = "This graph represents the drag coefficient (Y-axis) in relation to the angle of attack or alpha (X-axis). The more aerodynamic the aircraft and wing, the lower this curve will be. " +
                                             "Note that this curve descibes the drag of the entire aircraft, not just the wing.";

            case CoefficientTypeEnum.SideLift:
                this.labelTitle.Text       = "Sideways Lift Coefficient vs Beta";
                this.Text                  = "Sideways Lift Coefficient";
                this.labelDescription.Text = "This graph represents the lift coefficient (Y-axis) in relation to the sideways angle of attack or beta (X-axis). The beta angle corresponds to the yaw angle. " +
                                             "The higher this curve, the more lift the airframe generates when flying on its side.";

            case CoefficientTypeEnum.SideDrag:
                this.labelTitle.Text       = "Sideways Drag Coefficient vs Beta";
                this.Text                  = "Sideways Drag Coefficient";
                this.labelDescription.Text = "This graph represents the sideways drag coefficient (Y-axis) in relation to the sideways angle of attack or beta (X-axis). The beta angle corresponds to the yaw angle. " +
                                             "Ths higher this curve, the more drag the airframe generates when flying on its side.";

            case CoefficientTypeEnum.LiftFlaps:
                this.labelTitle.Text       = "Lift Coefficient vs Alpha with flaps";
                this.Text                  = "Lift Coefficient (flaps)";
                this.labelDescription.Text = "This graph represents the lift coefficient (Y-axis) in relation to the angle of attack or alpha (X-axis) with flaps fully extendend. The more efficient the wing, the higher this curve will be.";

            case CoefficientTypeEnum.DragFlaps:
                this.labelTitle.Text       = "Drag Coefficient vs Alpha with flaps";
                this.Text                  = "Drag Coefficient (flaps)";
                this.labelDescription.Text = "This graph represents the drag coefficient (Y-axis) in relation to the angle of attack or alpha (X-axis) with flaps fully extended. The more aerodynamic the aircraft and wing, the lower this curve will be.";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// tdLiteralD
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>ID of new row inserted to database.</returns>
        private int SetLiteralSetting(long minLength, long maxLength, CoefficientTypeEnum coefficientType,
            int equivalenceClassDBID, GaceTypeEnum gaceType, LiteralTypeEnum literalType,
            int oneParticularCategoryDBID, int booleanPartialCedentDBID, int attributeDBID)
            string equivalenceClassColumn = "EquivalenceClassID,";
            string equivalenceClassValue = "NULL,";
            if (equivalenceClassDBID != 0)
                equivalenceClassColumn = "EquivalenceClassID,";
                equivalenceClassValue = equivalenceClassDBID.ToString() + ",";

            string categoryDBID = (oneParticularCategoryDBID == 0) ? "NULL" : oneParticularCategoryDBID.ToString();

            string tableName = "tdLiteralD";
            string autoIncrementColumn = GetAutoIncrementColumnName(tableName);
            int autoIncrementValue = GetTableAutoIncrementValue(tableName, 1);
            string query = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (" + autoIncrementColumn
                + ",CedentDID,QuantityID,CategoryID,LiteralTypeID,GaceTypeID," + equivalenceClassColumn
                + "CoefficientTypeID,MinLen,MaxLen) VALUES "
                + "(" + autoIncrementValue + ","
                + booleanPartialCedentDBID + ","
                + attributeDBID + ","
                + categoryDBID + ","
                + constants.LiteralTypeEnumDictionary[literalType] + ","
                + constants.GaceTypeEnumDictionary[gaceType] + ","
                + equivalenceClassValue +
                +constants.CoefficientTypeEnumDictionary[coefficientType] + ","
                + minLength + ","
                + maxLength
                + ")";
            ExecuteInsertQuery(query, tableName);
            return autoIncrementValue;